
Information Exchange => Movie Reviews => Topic started by: Svengoolie 3 on July 31, 2019, 03:54:11 AM

Title: Devils of darkness 1965.
Post by: Svengoolie 3 on July 31, 2019, 03:54:11 AM
Made by a small British production company thast tried to imitate hammer studios, and had a couple decent films to its name like "island of terror" and "island of the burning damned",  the former had peter cushing and the latter had him and the other half of the deadly duo,  christipher Lee.

This company made 7 films in its  brief life,  and devils of darkness  isn't a good one. A mish mash of witchcraft,  vampires,  gypsies,  a golden bat magic talisman and whatnot, it tries to be a hammer vampire movie and fails. Lee nor cushing we're in this and the actors they got in it are not in their league.

The head of the vampire cult wears a solid,  lurid red cape which looks laughable. Much of this movie tries to capture the atmosphere of a hammer movie,  which  the  company did in a couple movies,  but mostly just fails.

Dull,  unoriginal, badly acted and above all else dull, this movie is really not bad enough to be good and is just bad. And did I mention it was dull?
Title: Re: Devils of darkness 1965.
Post by: ER on August 03, 2019, 11:04:19 PM
Why do I get the impression you hit Wikipedia before you post these book reports?
Title: Re: Devils of darkness 1965.
Post by: Svengoolie 3 on August 03, 2019, 11:27:41 PM
Because nyou  have a pathetic urge to take a petty spiteful dump on my posts because you are a negging troll.

FYI I did look up the producer because it struck me they were  trying to do films like hammer and found out the production company did just that but made a couple good movies.

And yes I watched it on cable before looking it up. That only let me confirm what I suspected and made my review of a really dull little hammer wanna be film more accurate.

Title: Re: Devils of darkness 1965.
Post by: ER on August 04, 2019, 12:36:37 AM
Aww, no, Sven, I was complimenting you on the fact you did research. How could you not take that away from what I wrote? Really, man, you must disabuse yourself of this persecution complex.