In homage to Andrew's reviews and his "THINGS I LEARNED FROM THIS MOVIE" section and for those of us too tired, too lazy, or too short on time to write a full review. I thought (therefore I am) a thread highlighting things we learned from movies we've seen.
Things I learned from ...
1. Great White Sharks a native to the Everglades.
2. Emptying the gun powder of 3 rifle rounds into a little pile can cause a huge explosion.
3. I torn piece of shirt make a great fuse.
4. Indians need not be Indian.
5. Rubber spiders can kill.
Things I've learned from Azumi
Beware of small Japanese girls bearing swords
Japanese have high blood pressure (I'd say about 60 psi)
Elite assassins in classical Japan had a dodgy dress sense
Japanese warlords had a high turnover of henchmen
Things I learned:
If you want something done right you have to do it while yelling.
Copperhead - Sci-Fi original I saw last night:
1) Gatling guns can fire close to 60 rounds per minute (minus reloading time)
2) You can stick big metal spikes in the barrels of a Gatling gun and it will fire them just fine
3) Most hardware stores in the old West had many of these spikes on hand
4) Snakes can climb up the sides of buildings
5) If snakes are invading your town, they will all come right down the main street
6) Bank vaults are not bullet proof
7) A single bullet hole is enough to provide breathable air for a dozen people in a bank vault for 24 hours
8) Snakes are herd animals
9) Snake venom is instantly fatal
10) If you're the main bad guy and you're making your big speech about how you're going to kill everyone, and all your intended victims keep nervously looking behind you and shuffling, might wanna look over your shoulder.
Things I've learned from bad movies. It's tough to be a virgin . . .
The Beastmaster
Lair of the White Worm
The Story of Ruth
The War Lord
Wicker Man (1973)
. . . but someone has to do it.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 01, 2008, 08:06:01 PM
Things I've learned from bad movies. It's tough to be a virgin . . .
The Beastmaster
Lair of the White Worm
The Story of Ruth
The War Lord
Wicker Man (1973)
. . . but someone has to do it.
Its also tough to be a non-virgin.
I dont think Ive seen a b-slasher that didnt have a scene where some shmuck gets her/his organs poked with some cold, sharp steel after or durring a a romp in the sheets.
The Feeding.
A black guy can still die in the climactic scene where nobody else is supposed to die.
There's a type of werewolf that can change at will.
If a black guy dies all he will say is "damn."
Things I've learned from Demon Of Paradise (1987)
-- Philippines residents can easily pass as Hawaiians
-- It's ok to swim in muddy brown water
-- Amphibian sea creatures are good for pulling boats at high speed
From bad movies I learned: No matter what's going wrong in life, a case of beer, some good company and a b-flick will always make life worth living! Nothing makes me happier than sitting in the dark with a luminous flicker of gore, cheeze and sleaze!
Yeah yeah... I know that wasn't the fun format I was supposed to do but what I said is all that matters to me.
10,000 BC (2008)
1. Mastodons helped build the pyramids.
2. The plains, mountains, jungle and desert are all within a short walk of one another.
3. They had sailing ships 12,000 years ago.
4. Corn and Chili peppers grew in Mesopotamia.
5. Mew road horses 12,000 yeas ago.
6. There was no hypothermia or heat stroke in ancient times.
7. Terror birds lived in Asia. (they lived in South America)
8. Metal working is much older than I thought.
1. Chimpanzees turn into gorillas with chemical injections.
2. Old male teachers have long been after young female students.
3. Scale model cities need not be to scale.
4. Gorillas have very white, human looking eyes with pinkish flesh around them.
5. Small pocket radios, insight dancing.
6. There is aways a shelter nearby.
7. In college you learn roots on plants help them absorb water and nutrients.
8. Morphing only requires a wavy blurr.
From "Manos," The Hand of Fate, I learned:
There are worse ways to spend 68 minutes than by hammering nails through my fingers.
Things I've learned from Yoyo Girl Cop
The yoyo is mightier than the katana
Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam
My standards for enjoying a movie are very, very low.
1) In the future, prisons will be constructed on space stations orbiting the planet. I could - maybe - buy this if the prisons were impossible to escape from, but then of course the movie goes and demonstrates that they're pitifully easy to escape from.
2) These prisons will be constructed from concrete blocks
3) There will be garbage dumps on the moon.
4) Bobcats - you know, those little front end loaders - work just fine on the moon.
5) Having four guys shoot at you from ten feet away really doesn't pose that much of a threat to your life.
6) Stick a couple of air tanks on a plastic hazmat suit, and you've got a fully functional space suit.
7) A stereo amplifier, with little or no modification, can be used to boost the power of radio transmissions.
8) In the future, home theater systems will come with some REALLY cool features.
9) Magnetism is visible - it looks like lightning bolts
10) The military will store their most powerful nuclear weapons - totally unguarded - in lunar garbage dumps.
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde
There are worse things to be. For instance, you could turn into Sean Young.
Don't mess with Mother Nature - you'll grow boobs!
A man who can proudly declare he's a genius while wearing a pink neglige is confident in his manliness.
Perhaps Jim Carrey wasn't the great first choice.
Thank God Tim Daly had "Wings" to fall back on.
Thank God Sean Young fell off the radar after this movie.
When a relative warns you about toiling in your late relative's failed experiments, you best listen. But, the movie would only be fifteen minutes long. How much fun is that?
Conversely, to avoid such a shortened film, CONDUCT THE EXPERIMENT!
No animals were harmed in the making of this film...because a dumb human tested the product instead.
I'm currently working on a review for this movie, so I'll likely use all of these for it.
From The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai
- Having a call-girl as your tutor improves your school grades no end
- Noam Chomsky is strangely arousing for Japanese professors
What I learned from Eight Legged Freaks:
- Apparently, people can enter locked buildings, especially when we can clearly see the door being locked.
- Some windows make no sounds when breaking.
- Giant spiders love eating parrots, cats, ostriches, dogs, and the occasional mounted moose head.
- It's very rational to enter giant holes in the walls of your basement, especially after hearing something whimpering in it.
- Spiders bleed green goo.
- Giant spiders are strong enough to pull car doors off.
- Toxic waste seems to make your hair grow.
- Crossbows, chainsaws, sledgehammers, pitchforks, and things similar things can be found inside a mall.
- Spiders hate perfume.
- Guy in red baseball caps have better chances of survival then everyone else in a diner.
- Most importantly, I actually like movies about giant spiders attacking a small town.
Things I learned from Masters Of The Universe:
- The planet of Eternia is in fact, one room.
- You can't get shot when barechested, ever.
- Humanoid aliens can't grasp the concept of fried chicken.
- Finding weird instruments in open graves is perfectly normal.
- Lizards are afraid of skeletons.
- 80s synthersizers can open intergalatic portals.
- Harnessing the power of the universe will cover you in gold
- Dolf Lundgren can bring your parents back from the dead.
Date With an Angel (not a bad movie, but something that could only have been made in the 1980s)
Fallen angels love Wendy's french fries.
Aspirin, when taken in large doses over a period of time, is perfectly safe.
Angels always get time on Earth for good behavior when they save someone's life...though I thought she was supposed to take him to Heaven.
The doctor said the brain tumor was very serious, and Jim was going to die...and all of a sudden, he'll be around for a long time? What happened to the test audience ending?
It's quite a least Jim will never be angry at The Angel for talking too much.
Dino DiLaurentiis' company made this...are you surprised it tanked?
I'm actually a sap for movies like this with mega happy-endings, but this movie was flat out an idea that only could have worked in the mid-1980s.
Black Swarm:
It's perfectly normal to trust your child to the man (whom you just met) who created the killer wasps that are now zombie-fying the town.
If you hear a swarm of wasps buzzing from a hole in the wall, you should stick your face in there.
Blind people made blind jokes every 30 seconds or so.
You can build a huge, top secret research facility under a town without anyone noticing.
Any miscellaneous manhole cover will probably lead you to the top secret research facility - that no one knows about.
If swarms of wasps are attacking - get outdoors as soon as possible!
Once turned into a zombie, you can walk around town all day without anyone noticing.
Once you've dressed in your wasp-proof clothing, and are looking right in the wasp nest, make sure you remove the screen over your face so you can see better.
It's normal to hire someone who hasn't lived in the town for a decade to be the sheriff.
Things I've learned from Godzilla, Final Wars
Earth's last hope is a Joseph Stalin lookalike with a katana
Quote from: Dr. Whom on August 16, 2009, 06:55:30 AM
Things I've learned from Godzilla, Final Wars
Earth's last hope is a Joseph Stalin lookalike with a katana
That was Don Fry from UFC. :bouncegiggle: :twirl: :bouncegiggle:
Quote from: InformationGeek on August 11, 2008, 12:16:25 PM
What I learned from Eight Legged Freaks:
- Apparently, people can enter locked buildings, especially when we can clearly see the door being locked.
- Some windows make no sounds when breaking.
- Giant spiders love eating parrots, cats, ostriches, dogs, and the occasional mounted moose head.
- It's very rational to enter giant holes in the walls of your basement, especially after hearing something whimpering in it.
- Spiders bleed green goo.
- Giant spiders are strong enough to pull car doors off.
- Toxic waste seems to make your hair grow.
- Crossbows, chainsaws, sledgehammers, pitchforks, and things similar things can be found inside a mall.
- Spiders hate perfume.
- Guy in red baseball caps have better chances of survival then everyone else in a diner.
- Most importantly, I actually like movies about giant spiders attacking a small town.
What do you know? My first ever post on the website! I've come along way.
It Conquered the World:
-Aliens are always watching us
-Aliens abduct satellites!
-An alien's brain is its right eye :thumbup:
Presentation of your middle finger is seldom an effective defense against gunfire.
Quote from: Saucerman on July 13, 2008, 01:48:13 PM
From "Manos," The Hand of Fate, I learned:
There are worse ways to spend 68 minutes than by hammering nails through my fingers.
when a Fertilizer salesman directs a movie, it will be bad
From Lady Terminator, & The Barbarian Queen;
It DOES have teeth! :buggedout:
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"
Girls can be both sexy and ugly at the same time.
Friday the 13th part V: A New Beginning:
If you're gonna kill anyone, don't hack the fat kid into pieces with an axe. You may push his distant relative a little too far over the edge.
From watching bad movies I know that rural men living in the American South-east (Georgia, Arkansas, etc) are a bunch of gap-toothed, red-necked hicks who wear bib-coveralls and the women a bunch dim blonde's wearing cut-off jeans. And they all drive pick-up trucks with a full gun rack in the back window.
Quote from: snowman on January 06, 2011, 01:42:20 PM
From watching bad movies I know that rural men living in the American South-east (Georgia, Arkansas, etc) are a bunch of gap-toothed, red-necked hicks who wear bib-coveralls and the women a bunch dim blonde's wearing cut-off jeans. And they all drive pick-up trucks with a full gun rack in the back window.
There is some truth to that. Trust me.
From The Beast Within;
There's a reason they don't teach fishtailing in Driver's Ed.
From Xanadu-
There are just some movies that makes me bleach my eyeballs and set a firework right next to my ears.
Timestalkers (TV)
It's medically possible to find a bandanna that looks a little bit gayer than Ace Hunter's.
Quite a few movies:
Robots are just bad news.
From "Happy Birthday To Me"
Trashing your car is totally worth a $20 bet.
Every day should be Garbage Day.
Flying piranhas are serious business.
You can find Coca-Cola underground on the moon.
-Mac and Me
From just about every martial arts movie ever made:
Anybody with a hammer & hibachi can stamp out a five body katana in just a few hours.
From "Mindwarp"
The answer to having a problem with a dwindling population is to chuck people into a human sized juicer and drink their blood at whim.
From "The Descent"
It's unwise to rely on 100 year old climbing equipment left in the wall.
From almost any B movie:
What you see on the cover you may possibly not see in the film. :buggedout:
"Wolfman's Got Nards". The Monster Squad (1987)
Garlic doesn't always work on vampires. But 'holy water and garlic mix' does. The Lost Boys (1987)
If aliens ever invade Earth We're in deep, DEEP $h!t! (Most aliens vs Earth movies)
Things I've learned from most bad movies I've seen:
Sock puppets CAN kill.
Toxic waste can either change your life for better or worse.
When the old man tells you not to go somewhere, LISTEN TO HIM.
If you're in the dark and you hear a weird noise, it's never a good idea to investigate.
Never ever tell a monster to f**k off.
If one of your relatives has been acting strange lately, it's very possible that he/she is some kind of weird creature in disguise.
Most of all: the movie itself is often never as awesome as the cover suggests.
Shooting someone in the nose causes them to explode. I'm surprised Jimmy Durante didn't go out this way. *cue rimshot*
-Killer Klowns
I've learned that men with slicked-back hair are almost invariably evil.
"The Faculty" - aliens are killed by cocaine substitute because it is apparently the only "anhydrous" material available.
Muscle cars must be destroyed by the end
From "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" I learned that apparently tigers are native to southern California. The tiger was never explained. Did it escape from the zoo or the circus, or did someone's exotic pet go awol?
Logic is as unstable as water in an earthquake.
The average human cannot run to evade a potentially dangerous situation.
All I need to know about filmmaking i learned from the Toxic Avenger! haha
The office jerk will actually let a female zombie get within biting range to get a closer look at her boobies . . .
From Lady Terminator:
Women find it extremely rude when a man dies while she's trying to kill him.
Fred Olen Ray despises the concept of "pacing".
Who needs expensive CGI to create dinosaurs when you can just use your pet iguana?
Working schizophrenia into a script is a clever tool to cover up plot holes and inconsistencies. In the end nobody can say for sure what was intentional or not.
A dog is mightier than the sword
People can see events relating to their friends and family via a flashback, when they weren't even present at the time.
Trolls are apparently deadlier than aliens. :question: :lookingup:
From most movies but especially those included in Mill Creek Box Sets:
My standards for acceptable are significantly lower then most of the population.
From "The Story of Mankind"
Onlookers hated cell phone users long before it was invented.
From Harry Palmer & "The Billion Dollar Brain"
People hated Robo Phone long before it was invented.
1) If you stumble across someone else's Field of Dreams in the middle of nowhere, It's really not a good idea to whoop it up & start celebrating.
2) When delivering an illegal load of guns to your buddies, you might not want to stop for a beer, particularly not in the town where they're waiting for you, and certainly not in the very same bar used as a hangout by the guys your buddies plan to shoot up...
From Species:
You may want to think twice about having sex with a smokin' hot blonde.
Quote from: diamondwaspvenom on August 23, 2011, 06:47:22 PM
From Species:
You may want to think twice about having sex with a smokin' hot blonde.
Funny! :bouncegiggle:
Commando - if you are very big (muscular) and carry guns you will not get shot or run out of bullets when taking on a small army.
From Happy Birthday To Me - For a twenty dollar bet, trashing your car is totally worth it!
From Tomboy - For a couple of chicks who want absolutely nothing to do with you, trashing your car is totally worth it!
Control panels, computers and other electronic devices have as much current passing through them as the average arc welder, but hardly ever have fuses in case of shorts.
What I learned from Friday the 13th movies:
Zombies, dead bodies, and rotting flesh never stink. In fact, the olfactory sense doesn't exist.
Psycho Soccer moms have man-hands; some final girls have a mustache.
Calling out someone's name is a death sentence.
Having sex, smoking dope, being handicapped, cheating, using the restroom, or making homosexual jokes equals a brutal death sentence.
Jason really hates hippies.
You do not honk the horn at Jason!
Crystal Lake construction contractors make a $h!t ton of money.
The only thing that can really kill Jason is the box office.
Paddle locks can easily be broken with a couple of whacks from a medium sized rock.
Laser beams are visible and travel at about 100 mph.
Gopher traps are some of the most deadly devices ever invented, often breaking people's legs (even if they just get you on the heel of your boot) and having the uncanny ability to catch you halfway up the calf even though they're only about four inches high.
From the 1930's up until sometime in the '60s, women were afflicted by some strange malady that caused them to immediately lose consciousness at the sight of anything scary.
If one party of motorist (good or bad) has an explosive, the opposite party conveniently has their rear windows rolled down.
Fred Williamson CANNOT die-( him, blow him up, he'll still be puffin' on that cigar, glaring at should be running.
From several movies but specifically ABRAXAS,
It is never not funny when pro wrestlers try to say big words.
From Starcrash:
There's air in space - you can break the windows out of a spaceship and you don't even get a draft.
The temperature can fall "thousands of degrees". Never mind that absolute zero is -459 Fahrenheit or -273 Celsius.
Robots are vulnerable to mind-control waves.
There's such a thing as "computer waves".
From Nosferatu
You can make a bong out of a saxophone :twirl:
Richard Lynch deserves a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Quote from: alandhopewell on December 08, 2012, 01:45:57 PM
Richard Lynch deserves a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
I second that....such an iconic villian. :wink:
From Fists of Bruce Lee:
Nothing says "you're screwed" quite like rolling up your sleeves.
Also from Fists of Bruce Lee:
You can electrocute someone else by crossing wires with your bare hands, without electrocuting yourself....
Were they not painted gold, you probably wouldn't know that set of barbeque tongs is supposed to be a roach clip.
Were it not for the oversized roach clip, you probably wouldn't know that cigarette is supposed to be a joint.
Only poor people own leather jackets.
Only poor people own Harley Davidson motorcycles.
The Time Machine (1960)
1. Everybody in the future is white.
2. In the future monsters will live underground and eat humans.
When someone says "Trust me" you should run away as quickly as possible, because they are horribly wrong and should NEVER be trusted.
The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)
1. Full moons happen every other night.
2. You can be BORN a werewolf.
Before embarking on a trek into the jungle/dive to the ocean floor/ascent to the summit of a mountain/trip to another planet/stepping on that transporter, take care of things back home as follows:
- a)Cut off relations with your mistress and family. If you have one, you are morally flawed and will die first; if you have the other, you are obligated to have children to return to and will die in the last ten minutes of the film.
- b)If you have just met the perfect girl, leave her. Now, do it, it's the only chance of survival that you have. Love is the cilantro of the monster palette.
- c)If you have a raging libido, do the rest of the team a favor and just stay home. Not only is your Golden Ticket obligated to be punched but you will take every person of the opposite gender that you interact with down with you. That's just selfish.
- d)If you know nothing of the culture or customs of the country you're bound for, don't go. Just don't. Please?
Quote from: AndyC on November 19, 2012, 07:23:08 PM
Control panels, computers and other electronic devices have as much current passing through them as the average arc welder, but hardly ever have fuses in case of shorts.
6. No fuses.
Every time there's a power surge on the Enterprise the various stations and consoles explode in a shower of sparks and throw their seatbelt-less operators over Picard's head. If we could get Giordi to stop reversing the polarity for a minute, we could get him to go shopping at the nearest Starship parts store and pick up a few fuses. And while he's shopping, he could stop at an intergalactic IKEA and pick up a few chairs for the bridge personnel. If you're going to put me in front of a fuseless exploding console all day, the least you could do is let me sit down. From Top 10 Things I Hate About Star Trek (
All fat men wear boxers.
Things I learned from Twister (1996):
A tornado will not lift your truck off the ground so long as it has a Hemi.
Cows are lighter than people.
18-wheeler gas trucks are lighter than pick-up trucks.
As long as you are tied down, a tornado will not rip your arms out of their sockets and carry you away.
This tornado was brought to you by Pepsi, the choice of a new generation!
People from Fundamentalist Christian households turn out to be serial killers, unless they're black women; then they become possessed.
If there's a dance sequence in a bad movie, everyone dances to different music, NONE of which is the music playing on the soundtrack.
The Creeping Terror - Dance Hall (
Do The Jellyfish by Neil Sedaka (
A six inch gold bar weighs a little less than a pack of cigarettes, & actually gets lighter the more of them you pile on.
If you own a a car or boat, run a boat charter business of any kind, or fly a plane, either commercial or private,
do not under any circumstances accept business from the following person or group of people:
- -Any group of naturalists or anthropologists whose team leader's background, accent, baldness or gray hair, or any other thing that marks them as different from the rest of the meat. This person is rotten to the core and has a hidden agenda to exploit either the local natives, wildlife, or resources for his/her own gains. They will get everyone killed and your boat will sink.
- -Any group of "naturalists" booking passage to the Congo via airplane. You will lose your airplane and risk being torn apart by mutant gorillas.
- -Any obvious group of international paramilitary thieves who want to use your boat to rob a cruise ship. There is guaranteed to be a monster involved and you will lose your boat.
- -Anyone who holds a grudge of any kind against marine life. You will lose your boat (and in some cases, your plane)
- -Any government body with classified cargo to transport. Everyone will die and you will lose both your plane and your boat.
- -A group of violent individuals who show an odd dislike for sunlight and require that they sleep in the trunk/cabin during the day. you will lose any mode of travel that you currently have.
It's better just to never provide transportation to anyone, open a diner instead. However,
do not do so near any of the following locations...
The Creeping Terror
A Guitar isn't really effective as a weapon against a (uh, whatever the heck it is) from outer space.
If you experience visions of the future, other people will see it projected in front of you as well. (Time Runner)
Cherry Bomb
Very large guys can take several bullets to the gut and it only slows them down. They're pretty much impervious to any sort of pain actually.
If you stab someone in the stomach in the middle of a dance floor, not only will no one notice, but the guy won't make any sound, and he'll stand there until you've walked away before falling down. And still nobody will notice.
It's quite possible for a guy with basically no firearms training to, using a pistol, shoot a gun out of another person's hands at a distance of 100'. Without really aiming or anything. Provided that he needs to explain a plot twist afterwards.
Throwing a brick of cocaine into a fan will immediately kill anyone who inhales it.
If you get beat up and have to go to the hospital, they'll allow you to stay there until all traces of bruises have completely healed.
Guys who own strip clubs are pretty much above the law because they've got incriminating pictures of just about every cop who might bother them.
Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
The iron maiden is the WORST way to go! I'd take the Pendulum any day over it.
Mariel Hemingway can breath in outer space. (Superman IV)
I can only conclude one thing: her character must've possessed kryptonian DNA.
Great White Sharks roar. (Jaws The Revenge)
Ozzymandias speaks: It is something I will never use in real life, but I learned the best way to put on a bra from the film Bad Girls Go To Hell.
Ozzymandias has spoken!!!
You can fire a sawed off shotgun, regular shotgun, rifle, sub machinegun, and a magnum over 22 with one hand and have absolutely no recoil or muzzle climb from a moving vehicle and hit your target.
You are expected to run ahead of the giant monster...directly in it's path...where it is walking.
DRESSED TO KILL (Spoiler Alert)
When putting a tail on a murder witness, It's probably not a good idea to assign a cop who looks exactly like the suspect...
Quote from: Lyedecker on May 11, 2014, 07:31:16 PM
Great White Sharks roar. (Jaws The Revenge)
That's funny - I always say the same thing when I watch Jaws The Revenge...
and Jaw's roar is very close to the random monster's roar from 80's He-Man cartoons.
Prepare to sometimes be surprised at a bad movie's entertainment value :smile:
You can jump cars over everything from bridges, buildings, canyons, and other vehicles, ride a motorcycle like a maniac, fly an aircraft like a kamikaze and not even get so much as whiplash just a few scratches.
Quote from: Flangepart on May 19, 2014, 12:53:04 PM
You are expected to run ahead of the giant monster...directly in it's path...where it is walking.
Same if someone's chasing you in a car - always remain in the center of the street, never go behind a tree or a parked car.
If you hit the back of a car on a surface street you will spin and flip in the air like a badass
From anything made before Jane Goodall was born...
Vampires & gorillas have a few things in common! :lookingup:
A seven foot long, four foot wide, six foot deep grave can be exhumed with minimal effort in about ten minutes.
Experts on vampirism who provide employment / shelter for victims of vampires NEVER suspect that said individual just might l be working for the monster.
While chemotherapy tends to cause one's scalp to go nekkid, it has absolutely no effect on one's eyebrows or other body hair.
From Age of Tomorrow:
When the military builds a billion dollar spaceship, they don't actually train anyone to fly it. If you need to use it, you take a half-hour class.
Even though aliens are impervious to sustained assault rifle fire, that doesn't mean that an axe thrown by a main character won't kill them easily.
A general who sits behind a desk all day gets to fly billion dollar spaceships into combat. 'Cause he's a general. And it only takes a half-hour to learn.
The Bowie Knife existed long before Jim Bowie was even born.
The nightmare of drug addiction is all about wanting a Twinkie at an awkward moment.
When one has a single cybernetic hand capable of superhuman strength, then the ratios of strength, leverage, foundation, etc. from the elbow to the shoulder, hips, legs, feet, etc, become totally irrelevant when needing to perform tasks such as stop a moving car, rip a solid steel door from it's hinges or bend a firearm in half using both your cybernetic and non-cybernetic hands...
There's a cliche that people never cough, sneeze, or show any signs that they are in anything less than perfect health and a corollary that says that coughing is always the sign of a fatal disease.
But I would add this: sneezing is a sign of someone with allergies. And everyone with allergies is always some wussy, nerdy guy (usually with an inhaler) who will then complain about said allergies throughout the movie (if it's a comedy/80s adventure) or until he gets killed (if it's a horror movie).
Off screen hero teleportation. We've seen this with serial killers, how they can just suddenly "appear" someplace ahead of the victim even though they've been walking at a leisurely pace compared to the victim's full speed boogie, but this also works in reverse as well. Often the heroes will be hiding somewhere, say, in a closet, when the bad guy will enter the room. We cut to the heroes looking scared, bad guy looking around, bad guy leaving, then bad guy suddenly reappearing and checking the very space the heroes are in only for us to see the heroes have somehow teleported to another hiding spot.
Quote from: Patient7 on July 01, 2008, 11:08:01 PM
The Feeding.
A black guy can still die in the climactic scene where nobody else is supposed to die.
There's a type of werewolf that can change at will.
If a black guy dies all he will say is "damn."
Don't you mean while he's dying? I don't think anyone, black or white, can say much after they're dead. :teddyr:
Female Martians need human men and dress like the vintage S & M catalogues...(DEVIL-GIRL FROM MARS)
Male Martians need human women and wear wetsuits..(MARS NEEDS WOMEN)
Martians that look like Timmy the Tooth catch colds..(WAR OF THE WORLDS)
Mars has a rat/bat/spider problem(ANGRY RED PLANET)
Some Martians have resorted to savagery(IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE)
Martians apparently do not like Santa Claus(SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS)
Mars not only has a yellow road like Oz does but a wizard in residence as well..(THE WIZARD OF MARS)
If someone (especially a woman) is being chased by a bad guy in a movie, all they have to do is get to the nearest corner, turn the corner, flatten themselves against the wall, and the bad guy will go right by them, never seeing them.
(Ever try it in real life? Don't work.)
Bela Lugosi gets run down by car without leaving his front lawn..
Dudley Manlove as the alien leader has his own desk aboard the mothership..
It's both night & day simultaneously in the graveyard where the aliens get their dead subjects..
The dead guy with the cape has to keep adjusting it even when he's attacking someone..
The aliens have drapes and use wooden tables aboard their spaceship...
Apparently the cemetery has discovered transdimensional engineering as one of their tombs that is the size of a phone booth seems to hold at least a body and several people as well..
Aliens wear tights..and female aliens look good while doing so..
The space program uses a medical center which also doubles as a storage facility..
The rather large nurse runs straight through a plate glass door and suffers not the slightest cut..
A severed human head can float for hours down a river without sinking...
The local sheriff cannot seem to distinguish between a frozen turkey leg and human body parts..
Elderly couples like to play delinquent and steal fruits from an orchard in the dark of night...
The Melting Man gets STRONGER as he melts even though he loses more and more bits of himself..
Headless bodies dont seem to distress the local police too much, in fact, no one bothers to look for the missing head..
Pornographers also moonlight as paparazzi in this area it seems..
A single shotgun blast will blow a hole in person that you can see through or cause ones guts to spill a head shot from a 243 rifle will explode a human head like a ripe watermelon.
A tin flask is an excellent alternative to a bulletproof vest.
Melting Ice will fall to the bottom of the ocean.
Barrels of liquor are highly explosive.
Quote from: Ted C on May 16, 2017, 09:01:40 AM
Barrels of liquor are highly explosive.
As are cars.
In fact, if you're ever in a car accident, you need to get away from the car as quick as possible, because it will explode.
Tentacles are never a good thing.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on May 17, 2017, 12:43:22 AM
Quote from: Ted C on May 16, 2017, 09:01:40 AM
Barrels of liquor are highly explosive.
As are cars.
In fact, if you're ever in a car accident, you need to get away from the car as quick as possible, because it will explode.
Assuming that it hasn't already done so.
Quote from: Dark Alex on May 17, 2017, 01:03:34 AM
Tentacles are never a good thing.
They are especially frightening when used as spears.
Quote from: alandhopewell on November 30, 2012, 03:58:55 PM
Fred Williamson CANNOT die- shoot him, blow him up, he'll still be puffin' on that cigar, glaring at should be running.
Unless he turns into a vampire.
Quote from: snowman on October 14, 2013, 09:40:00 AM
6. No fuses.
Every time there's a power surge on the Enterprise the various stations and consoles explode in a shower of sparks and throw their seatbelt-less operators over Picard's head. If we could get Giordi to stop reversing the polarity for a minute, we could get him to go shopping at the nearest Starship parts store and pick up a few fuses. And while he's shopping, he could stop at an intergalactic IKEA and pick up a few chairs for the bridge personnel. If you're going to put me in front of a fuseless exploding console all day, the least you could do is let me sit down.
From Top 10 Things I Hate About Star Trek (
But... but... standing workstations are supposed to be healthy...
Quote from: LilCerberus on November 22, 2014, 02:13:38 PM
The Bowie Knife existed long before Jim Bowie was even born.
Jim got his somewhere.
You can dive/get thrown through plate glass and not get a single cut!
Most psychologists are actually serial killers.
Cops are usually paired by their eating preferences, one's usually a health nut, the other less so. Health Nut will usually look at his partner's meal and say something, "Uh... how can you EAT that?"
Zombies, despite having little to no brain power to speak of, have a great sense of dramatic timing and will do things like crouch down in the back of a car and hide there for hours waiting for a potential victim.
Slapping/hitting something on it's side will ALWAYS make it work.
When talking about someone, be sure and use vague "he/she/them" pronouns so people have to ask what the hell you're talking about.
In the military it's perfectly acceptable to answer direct questions from a superior with vague replies. Ex, "Private, report, what's going on down there?" "I think you'd better see for yourself, sir!"
Fascinating facts about gorillas:
A gorilla can be fluent in carnival lingo(MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE)
A gorilla can evolve backwards into a chimpanzee, although they are two different species(KONGA)
A gorilla is immune to atomic rays and flame(KING KONG VS GODZILLA)
Gorillas are responsible for the destruction of Earth in the future(BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES)
Gorillas prefer blondes(just about every Kong film ever made..)
Quote from: Ticonderoga 64 on May 21, 2017, 04:48:24 PM
Fascinating facts about gorillas:
A gorilla can be fluent in carnival lingo(MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE)
A gorilla can evolve backwards into a chimpanzee, although they are two different species(KONGA)
A gorilla is immune to atomic rays and flame(KING KONG VS GODZILLA)
Gorillas are responsible for the destruction of Earth in the future(BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES)
Gorillas prefer blondes(just about every Kong film ever made..)
A male gorilla can't tell a female gorilla from a man in a gorilla costume (
Trading Places)
Quote from: AoTFan on May 21, 2017, 10:53:17 AM
You can dive/get thrown through plate glass and not get a single cut!
Most psychologists are actually serial killers.
Cops are usually paired by their eating preferences, one's usually a health nut, the other less so. Health Nut will usually look at his partner's meal and say something, "Uh... how can you EAT that?"
Zombies, despite having no brain power to speak, have a great sense of dramatic timing and will do things like crouch down in the back of a car and hide their for hours waiting for a potential victim.
Also, zombies, although they're decaying corpses, don't seem to smell.
Slapping/hitting something on it's side will ALWAYS make it work.
When talking about someone, be sure and use vague "he/she/them" pronouns so people have to ask what the hell you're talking about.
In the military it's perfectly acceptable to answer direct questions from a superior with vague replies. Ex, "Private, report, what's going on down there?" "I think you'd better see for yourself, sir!"
> Also, zombies, although they're decaying corpses, don't seem to smell.<
Hence, nobody ever asks "WHAT is that smell!" before they get et.
Mutant fish always seem to want to become land hunters.
Punching out a window is easy and has no risk of injury.
Any bonehead with a paper clip, hairpin, or just some loose wires can pick a lock in under a minute.
Any bonehead can fly a plane and/or deliver a baby. Heck, it's possible to do both at once.
It's really easy to knock someone out with just one punch, and you don't have to worry about them suffering a concussion.
When being chased by a monster/killer/mutant creature, don't bother to stop and explain the situation to any passerby you happen to come across, odds are they're dogmeat anyway.
Alien planets always look suspiciously like Arizona.
Most alien females (even if they seem to be a reptilian-based species) will inexplicably have boobs and look just human enough to be hot.
A lot of places in the United States have, for some inexplicable reason, signs with Canadian spellings.
Kodak's right; backgrounds shouldn't be cluttered.
In a huge, city-wide disaster is usually still possible to drive from one place to another even if under normal circumstances it would take forever because of regular traffic.
In a zombie apocalypse 99 percent of the remaining population immediately become a***oles.
Quote from: Dark Alex on May 25, 2017, 08:50:05 AM
Punching out a window is easy and has no risk of injury.
As does being thrown thru a closed window or jumping thru a closed window.
Police constantly get prank phone calls about people being attacked by monsters, maniacs, or ghosts. That's why they never believe them.
If you have bullets and you have a gun, the two of them will work together.
You're not being taught proper martial arts unless you're being taunt by an old man with white hair and probably a mustache of beard.
The lone scientist opposed by the scientific consensus is always right. Or he's the villain. Flip a coin on that one.
One thing cops hate more than having to do their jobs, is when citizens do it for them.
Never trust a hot chick that inexplicably that wants to make out with you. Odds are good they either a) just after money, b) possessed by some demon/monster and want to kill you or c) will lead into a trap to get you mugged and/or your kidney/organs removed.
Dogs will save your life in a horror movie... unless you're in Italy. Then odds are they're just become possessed and rip your throat out.
Always inquire as to WHY the house/property is so insanely cheap BEFORE you go moving in.
Stealing s**t from dead people never ends well.
If your dog/cat/horse or other pet acts really weird and squirrely around one particular person, immediately shoot said person. Odds are they're up to no good anyway.
Running a fruit stand is one of these most dangerous business in the world, as these are often destroyed during reckless, high speed car chases.
"There's a local legend about ..." no. It's not a legend. It really happened and it's probably going to happen again. Soon.
Never ever EVER go to an old cabin in the middle of the woods for spring break/summer break/the last trip before college. If you are going, check the place out before you spend the night.
Gas is magical! Although potent enough that a single line poured on concrete will instantly turn into a snake of fire when you drop a lit cigarette on it, you can soak a room (or yourself) with it and nothing will ignite until the flame actually touches something.
BTW In reality, gas makes these things called "fumes" that can combust pretty damn easily.
Also, getting shot is no big deal! Odds are the bullet will just "go right through" and you'll be at the hospital laughing at your buddies in a few hours with NO loss of mobility or painful rehabilitation.
From just about every '60s sci-fi / fantasy ever made:
Spending days, weeks, months, or even years lost in the desert/swamp/jungle ETC. will have absolutely NO effect on a bouffant hairdo.
you can avoid being hit by bullets by running in a zig-zag pattern.
you can actually dodge bullets with cartwheels, rolling to one side, or jumping through windows.
with a little practice, you can kill or disarm someone with a knife or shuriken before they shoot you.
....and you can treat gun shot wounds and stab wounds with whiskey.
-Whiskey not only fights infection but its also an anesthesia.
-Whiskey is great for meal replacement and rehydration.
-Old army jeeps can run on whiskey, except russion jeeps, they run on vodka.
The Miz is the best action star of the modern era.
Quote from: jimpickens on July 12, 2017, 01:00:33 AM
The Miz is the best action star of the modern era.
:question: Who? :question:
From "Raiders of the Lost Shark":
- Apparently every woman in Ontario wears a bikini under her street clothes. And a surprising number of people know about and want to visit and swim in private lakes in Canada.
- Any bump to the hull of a boat will knock at least one passenger overboard.
- You need to be waist-deep in a lake to collect a water sample in a test tube.
- Local police in Canada/Ontario are exceptionally useless.
People will always get into deep trouble by not understanding something and thus fearing it. Except for a single mother and her sole child.
Dogs are somehow immune to natural disasters/alien invasions/explosions, etc.
You will not be saved by the Holy Ghost.
You will not be saved by the god Plutonium.
In the event of a zombie outbreak, either the military is going to come in and save the day, or everybody is going to be eaten.
If you are a police officer or military person (active or veteran) who regularly carries a firearm, do not under any circumstances let anyone talk you into leaving it at home "just this once".
Quote from: LilCerberus on July 12, 2017, 10:42:12 AM
Quote from: jimpickens on July 12, 2017, 01:00:33 AM
The Miz is the best action star of the modern era.
:question: Who? :question:
A pro wrestler in the WWE who stars in those awful Marine films that WWE Films churns out.
If all the "polizotteschi" movies I've been watching lately are any indication, cops in '70s Italy all had rad porn mustaches, wore turtlenecks and bell bottoms, and kicked major amounts of ass!
Indiana Jones and the temple of doom taught us you can kidnap a woman a knife point, drag her into extreme danger, subject her to absolute terror, even help people who want to lower her into lava then act like she owes you something later.
Also is you treat a woman like that she will kiss you instead of ramming her knee into your groin so hard your grandfather's jewels explode which she should have done.
Ferris bueller meets a giant mutant lizard taught us NYC cabs have headlights that can dazzle a 200' tall radioactive mutant fire breathing lizard.
Superman 4 taught us nuclear reactors have open hatches leading directly into the nuclear corp and you can send a sudden surge of electricity thru a city that makes electric lights 3x brighter without triggering current regulators, fuses, circuit breakers or destroying electronics.
Star trek into darkness taught us that no one needs starships or doctors thanks to interstellar instant teleportation and magic blood.
Land of the lost taught us a T.Rex's GI tract has breathable air all thru it and a T.Rex anusn is large enough to a large full grown man to pass thru without harm.
Mummies can do that, y'know.
Revolvers: The Crazy Person's Fidget Spinner
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on July 04, 2018, 11:22:00 PM
Also is you treat a woman like that she will kiss you instead of ramming her knee into your groin so hard your grandfather's jewels explode which she should have done.
:buggedout: :buggedout: + :teddyr: :teddyr:
The blob remake taught us a giant mindless protoplasmic monster will somehow know and be able to choose to eat it's creator instead of peolle who are somewhat closer when it has a choice.
Telling the public not to panic always incites a mass panic.
If a barrage of missiles or a giant laser can't kill a giant rubber monster, then a tiny pistol definitely can't.
Seriously, I've seen too many monster movies/shows where they'll have tanks, jets, anti-aircraft guns, laser cannons, etc. firing numerous large projectiles at the monsters only to simply bounce off. Then cut to the next scene where there are people on ground level shooting it with a god damned pistol from like at least 2000 miles away instead of just running and/or hiding like a normal person. And of course, the projectile explodes for some reason (explosive-tipped maybe?) on the monster, but still has no effect. Sometimes it's a laser pistol, but same effect really.
Quote from: Gene Worm on March 10, 2019, 12:16:45 AM
If a barrage of missiles or a giant laser can't kill a giant rubber monster, then a tiny pistol definitely can't.
Seriously, I've seen too many monster movies/shows where they'll have tanks, jets, anti-aircraft guns, laser cannons, etc. firing numerous large projectiles at the monsters only to simply bounce off. Then cut to the next scene where there are people on ground level shooting it with a god damned pistol from like at least 2000 miles away instead of just running and/or hiding like a normal person. And of course, the projectile explodes for some reason (explosive-tipped maybe?) on the monster, but still has no effect. Sometimes it's a laser pistol, but same effect really.
Weirdly, I could see someone doing that in real life. :bouncegiggle:
Various SF films have taught me that small, agile fighters cannot be shot down by mounted rapid firing computer guided guns mounted on large vessels.
The devil doll (1936)taught me all matter is made of electrons, and electrons are made of electrical charges. The right type of conductor can draw charges out of electrons, causing them to shrink along with the matter they make up.
Sharks are apparently from the planet gallifrey, as their stomachs are larger on the inside than the outside...
A wooden railing will suddenly lose it's structural integrity the moment the person leaning on it is struck by a bullet, no matter which direction that bullet comes from or where the person has been hit.....
Quote from: LilCerberus on March 23, 2019, 11:28:00 PM
A wooden railing will suddenly lose it's structural integrity the moment the person leaning on it is struck by a bullet, no matter which direction that bullet comes from or where the person has been hit.....
Good call.
From Kong: Skull Island, if you are suddenly confronted with a giant ape, don't go flying your helicopters within arm's length of it.
Quote from: Dr. Whom on April 28, 2019, 01:38:09 AM
From Kong: Skull Island, if you are suddenly confronted with a giant ape, don't go flying your helicopters within arm's length of it.
Similarly, watching the x from outer space taught me that some kamikaze pilots survived ww2 and taught japanese jet fighter pilots how to fly.
From Lady Terminator, and Mad Dog Time
For some people, handling a firearm & chewing gum, at least with your mouth closed, requires a wee bit too much concentration...
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
when Godzilla is 'burning'... you DO NOT want to be anywhere near the area!
I learned that you will get yourself trapped in a phone booth and die when a bulldozer is coming at you from 100 feet away.
After watching the MSTK episode RADAR SECRET SERVICE, I learned that you can use a radar for pretty much everything. Radar is your friend and the savior of mankind.
From White Fire that getting another woman plastic surgery to look like your dead sister and falling in love with her is not creepy.
Computers are explosive.
In an Irwin Allen production, they're highly explosive.
When an aircraft and spaceships crash lands it never dawns on the pilot to use the landing gear or to try to veer it away from the large body of water.
Quote from: jimpickens on October 20, 2020, 01:02:46 AM
When an aircraft and spaceships crash lands it never dawns on the pilot to use the landing gear or to try to veer it away from the large body of water.
If you cannot a full-sized spaceship set, make sure the script says the pilot crashes into the ocean. Same goes for airplanes, hovercars, zeppelins, etc.
Or use a plastic model bought at short notice at a toy store.
People in Transylvania speak with British accents.
From the Howling if have two rifles of the same caliber use one to bar the gate don't ask your savior who just bought a box of silver bullets to lend you some ammo just let him do all the fighting.
I've learned that some bad movies don't have all their cars explode when they crash. Just some of them. This tells me they ran out of money to pay for that good old fashioned element called "Explodium". Apparently, it can be costly if only 2 of your 40 cars that crash explode.
Everyone in a B movie has a fire poker...even if they don't have a fireplace.
Stay away from water. Even a puddle will have some lethal creature or be a portal to another dimension.
Scientists and engineers generally lack a moral code or conscience, so they will experiment with anything just to see what will happen.
Quote from: Ted C on November 02, 2020, 12:34:37 PM
Scientists and engineers generally lack a moral code or conscience, so they will experiment with anything just to see what will happen.
That is because we are soulless.
Quote from: pacman000 on October 20, 2020, 01:34:59 PM
Quote from: jimpickens on October 20, 2020, 01:02:46 AM
When an aircraft and spaceships crash lands it never dawns on the pilot to use the landing gear or to try to veer it away from the large body of water.
If you cannot a full-sized spaceship set, make sure the script says the pilot crashes into the ocean. Same goes for airplanes, hovercars, zeppelins, etc.
Also, helicopters always crash behind a hill.
Quote from: Neville on November 02, 2020, 01:21:31 PM
Quote from: pacman000 on October 20, 2020, 01:34:59 PM
Quote from: jimpickens on October 20, 2020, 01:02:46 AM
When an aircraft and spaceships crash lands it never dawns on the pilot to use the landing gear or to try to veer it away from the large body of water.
If you cannot a full-sized spaceship set, make sure the script says the pilot crashes into the ocean. Same goes for airplanes, hovercars, zeppelins, etc.
Also, helicopters always crash behind a hill.
Unless they are attacked by tomatoes.
Quote from: Neville on November 02, 2020, 01:21:31 PM
Quote from: pacman000 on October 20, 2020, 01:34:59 PM
Quote from: jimpickens on October 20, 2020, 01:02:46 AM
When an aircraft and spaceships crash lands it never dawns on the pilot to use the landing gear or to try to veer it away from the large body of water.
If you cannot a full-sized spaceship set, make sure the script says the pilot crashes into the ocean. Same goes for airplanes, hovercars, zeppelins, etc.
Also, helicopters always crash behind a hill.
And their blades don't fly off in ten different directions. They're instantly destroyed in the wreck & pose no danger to anyone.
American alligators are native to India, Africa, & Australia.
Quote from: pacman000 on November 12, 2020, 03:32:16 PM
American alligators are native to India, Africa, & Australia.
The ones we get here are called crocodiles :wink:
And movies can never get that right. :bluesad: (
U-shaped snout = Alligator
V-shaped snout = Crocodile
I-shaped snout = Gavial
It's not that hard, unless you include caimans. They look like an alligator with an extra ridge on their snout.
Back to bad movies...
Tigers are native to Africa.
Kookaburras are native to every jungle worldwide.
In zero gravity, everything & everyone move in slow motion.
You've just robbed a bank and an armored car with your clean cut biker buddies everything goes south you have a pick up full of stolen loot do you get in the gassed up truck and leave no you load up your saddlebags with cash and try to escape on your hog only to be shot by the sheriff never mind that the pickup had enough cash in the bed to buy you three hogs and in speaking of bikers it appears that fat scruffy looking old biker can pass off as a state trooper and fool the armored car guards by pulling his hat over his eyes.
I have learned in bad movies that you can tell how low the budget is by how many cars explode when they crash. If only one explodes, when more than one crashes, the budget was not all that low. You get the idea from here..right?
All scuba diving gear comes with under water two way radios, even if it's physically impossible to talk, because you have a scuba diving regulator stuck in your mouth............
Quote from: LilCerberus on November 15, 2020, 02:34:36 PM
In zero gravity, everything & everyone move in slow motion.
In zero gravity, people still walk; they just walk funnily, sliding their feet & undulating their bodies as they move.
Do not keep a snake pit in your hidden laboratory. It is an accident waiting to happen.
Same goes for shark pits, crocodile pits, lava pits, bottomless pits, etc.
Quote from: LilCerberus on November 15, 2020, 02:34:36 PM
In zero gravity, everything & everyone move in slow motion.
I just watched a YouTube video showing Richard Branson and his guests flopping around in zero G like floaty fishes in low earth orbit aboard his VSS Unity; nothing slow motion about that. Why
do they float in zero G slow motion in movies anyway?
If being stalked by a knife-wielding maniac it is important to look for other people and then immediately split up to look for more people. Presumably if you find them you would then split up again to go look for the original person you'd met but I don't think I've ever seen anyone make it that far yet.
It helps to watch a really bad movie with others. I speak from experience, I watched Gymkata in the theatre (full house). :teddyr:
Quote from: Trevor on July 14, 2021, 06:26:19 AM
It helps to watch a really bad movie with others. I speak from experience, I watched Gymkata in the theatre (full house). :teddyr:
I can only imagine the general reaction in the theater of the infamous top-down view of Cabot's junk during his handstand walk down a flight of stairs. :teddyr:
Quote from: zelmo73 on July 15, 2021, 04:40:05 AM
Quote from: Trevor on July 14, 2021, 06:26:19 AM
It helps to watch a really bad movie with others. I speak from experience, I watched Gymkata in the theatre (full house). :teddyr:
I can only imagine the general reaction in the theater of the infamous top-down view of Cabot's junk during his handstand walk down a flight of stairs. :teddyr:
Most peeps in that audience went "Ewww" to that as well as the scene where the guy in a cloak turns around showing his naked backside to everyone. :buggedout: :wink:
Quote from: Trevor on July 14, 2021, 06:26:19 AM
It helps to watch a really bad movie with others. I speak from experience, I watched Gymkata in the theatre (full house). :teddyr:
I should have added: "
Watch a really bad movie with all of YOU." I will learn things, many things. :wink:
of if you are a Roger Corman movie save money while adding Scenes from other movies. the same car crash over and over or in the Poe films and even Transylvania Twist (1990) the same shot of the castle right next to the ocean
Bigfoot does not appreciate it when you pee on him learnt this from Night of the Demon.
The classic Colt 1911 comes in ambidextrous for that two gunned vigilante, & comes with a dozen extra magazines, all of which can easily fit into a single pants pocket...
Quote from: LilCerberus on July 20, 2021, 12:00:55 PM
The classic Colt 1911 comes in ambidextrous for that two gunned vigilante, & comes with a dozen extra magazines, all of which can easily fit into a single pants pocket...
Been rewatching "Last Man Standing", right? They address this at one point... sort of. We get to see Bruce Willis in his hotel room filling magazine after magazine.
Quote from: Trevor on July 15, 2021, 05:56:32 AM
Quote from: zelmo73 on July 15, 2021, 04:40:05 AM
Quote from: Trevor on July 14, 2021, 06:26:19 AM
It helps to watch a really bad movie with others. I speak from experience, I watched Gymkata in the theatre (full house). :teddyr:
I can only imagine the general reaction in the theater of the infamous top-down view of Cabot's junk during his handstand walk down a flight of stairs. :teddyr:
Most peeps in that audience went "Ewww" to that as well as the scene where the guy in a cloak turns around showing his naked backside to everyone. :buggedout: :wink:
I'm still trying to figure out that particular scene. To think I discovered that gem by reading the reviews in this very same site.
^There was a similar scene at the beginning of Deathsport (1978) that had me muttering, "really didn't need to see that!"^
Quote from: LilCerberus on July 23, 2021, 06:22:32 PM
^There was a similar scene at the beginning of Deathsport (1978) that had me muttering, "really didn't need to see that!"^
Don't forget "Bleacher Guy" at the very end of
Teen Wolf (1985). :cheers:
If I'm in a situation where a commando team led by Megan Fox comes to save me I'll stay with the terrorist because they know what they are doing as in I won't get eaten by a lion.
Quote from: Gabriel Knight on July 23, 2021, 06:12:35 PM
Quote from: Trevor on July 15, 2021, 05:56:32 AM
Quote from: zelmo73 on July 15, 2021, 04:40:05 AM
Quote from: Trevor on July 14, 2021, 06:26:19 AM
It helps to watch a really bad movie with others. I speak from experience, I watched Gymkata in the theatre (full house). :teddyr:
I can only imagine the general reaction in the theater of the infamous top-down view of Cabot's junk during his handstand walk down a flight of stairs. :teddyr:
Most peeps in that audience went "Ewww" to that as well as the scene where the guy in a cloak turns around showing his naked backside to everyone. :buggedout: :wink:
I'm still trying to figure out that particular scene. To think I discovered that gem by reading the reviews in this very same site.
At the beginning of Kurt Thomas' training, he can barely walk up one stair, in the middle of it he gets halfway up and at the end of his training he gets all the way up and his gentlemen's sausage :buggedout: gets some air :wink:
I learned from GYMKATA that as bad as a movie idea is, its realization can be far worse. If not a winner, a weiner. :thumbup:
Well, I mentioned the situation with my cable package on another thread, & the Comet channel hasn't been playing as many movies lately unless it's some sort of emo mess set to a sci-fi back ground that would be better suited for the LifeTime network, so I've been watching a lot of westerns on GRIT!.....
That said.....
The older the movie, the bigger the hats....
All revolvers automatically eject spent cartridges (They're always shown loading them, but never unloading them)....
Hair trigger is a good thing (Believe me, you do not want that)....
A Colt of 1873 or older is far superior to a Schofield or a Merwin & Hulbert....
Injuns: They either wear shirts or pants or neither, but never both....
Quote from: Allhallowsday on July 28, 2021, 02:28:41 PM
I learned from GYMKATA that as bad as a movie idea is, its realization can be far worse. If not a winner, a weiner. :thumbup:
That's what executives at a film company realized that because of its' badness, Gymkaka is quite sought after and they released it on DVD. Odd thing: my DVD is locally sourced and it is Region 1 and the disc says Made In Mexico. :question:
The older the movie, the bigger the bats....
When scuba diving, one can still talk on an invisible radio with a regulator jammed in their mouth.....
deathsport (1978) terrible movie but the version i watched was cut as i taped it off tv years and years ago.
drinking yellow toxic waste will turn you into a zombie my source? Redneck Zombies (1990) i watched a snob video of that and holy mother of god is that movie awful.
When hunting a man-eating black leopard it makes sense to
bring extra boxes of ammo
gun oil and a cleaning kit
a good scope preferably one that is illuminated for night hunting
and it's probably not smart to invite guests unless you intend to use them for bait
A disembodied head can talk, even when there are no lungs or anything else to produce an airstream.
Quote from: Dr. Whom on September 21, 2021, 03:43:29 PM
A disembodied head can talk, even when there are no lungs or anything else to produce an airstream.
Actually, The Brain That Refused To Die
Gee, I would've thought Highlander 3, or Re-Animator.....
From Power Rangers: small US towns contain a surprising amount of gold
Stripes, Iron eagle, Fire Fox, etc.....
You can run off with an expensive piece of US military equipment & take it for a joyride without facing charges of treason, then stage an unprovoked attack on a Russian military base, run off with an expensive piece of Soviet military equipment, & make a b-line straight back to a hero's welcome in the US with absolutely no concerns about setting off world war 3, 'cause, y'know, we're, like, the good guys.......
A dog is smarter than the average thug/thief/murderer, etc. Also, a dog barking or growling works as legal testimony.
how easy it is to spot the villain disguised as someone like a police officer and the lead not know it's him until it's too late that's done so often in film to quite The Cinema Snob from an old episode from i think (2007) i've seen that in films more than i've seen my own reflection
Anyone who says can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs is about to try and kill you.
After the apocalypse, food & gasoline will be in demand, but their won't be any shortage of hairspray.
From Terminal Island: you can't look tough and chew a carrot at the same time.
If a monarch is willing to send a fully armed battalion to kill your friends and family, he may not really love you.
Never run to a car to escape. It won't start.
If you create a lifeform, don't treat it like a slave or an experiment.
If you're exploring a strange planet, & someone gets infected by something, DO NOT let them back on your space ship.
When you say about something that it won't kill you, it will.
Airplanes are an unreliable and hazardous means of conveyance. Do not approach an airplane when in a movie.
People who were and remain career mentors to you can make terrible movies too :teddyr:
[A career mentor of mine photographed Space Mutiny and The Demon :buggedout:]
Good camera work cannot save a bad movie.
Quote from: pacman000 on June 04, 2022, 02:53:14 PM
Good camera work cannot save a bad movie.
The only good thing about
The Demon is its' photography: everything else is blah and I do mean everything. The director - also someone I knew well - was very, very proud of this film and I could never understand why. :buggedout:
The Earth Dies Screaming (1964)
Survival of the Dead (2009)
After the apocalypse, even though there's no society left, greed will always be king.
When you make plans with your loved one, disaster is about to strike.
Don't get a venomous snake.
If you disobey the first rule, don't sneak your venomous snake onto a submarine. (Or onto a military base, bunker, airplane,bus, etc.)
If you disobey the 2nd rule, I can't help you. Sorry.
A slow motion punch to the face will burst out 100 oz of water from your mouth.
If you find yourself in Rome with a limo waiting for you, be cautious.
When you get in and find a South African in it, GTFO of the car. :wink:
Ancient Greeks spoke modern Italian.
Indiana Jones could survive just fine hanging off the side of a submarine.
From old westerns;
Unless it's the protagonist, most snipers are pretty bad....
You can fire a pistol sideways without any risk of an ejected round coming back down and jamming the slide.
Quote from: Alex on September 27, 2022, 01:43:55 AM
You can fire a pistol sideways without any risk of an ejected round coming back down and jamming the slide.
Dad told me once that if you fire a pistol like that, you can risk breaking a few bones in your wrist :buggedout:
From The Rocketeer: in the 30s, it was very easy to punch through the windscreen of an aircraft.
you see this in tv the show Bones i think did this where the person was being interviewed and than he somehow jumps through the interview glass even though that's impossible because the glass that normally is used is pretty tough so that doesn't happen. it just made me laugh that's all
Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954)
Running them over with your submarine is a great way to meet women...
you can apparently make a call to a car's CB radio, from a landline telephone.
Most of the so-called subsidy films made in South Africa I. 1980s were piles of 💩, made by people who didn't know which end of the camera to look through 😳
Quote from: Trevor on January 24, 2024, 01:49:02 PM
Most of the so-called subsidy films made in South Africa I. 1980s were piles of 💩, made by people who didn't know which end of the camera to look through 😳
That would make for a very conceptual movie: just 90 minutes of close up of someone's eye. It has probably already been done, though.
Quote from: Dr. Whom on January 25, 2024, 01:47:38 AM
Quote from: Trevor on January 24, 2024, 01:49:02 PM
Most of the so-called subsidy films made in South Africa I. 1980s were piles of 💩, made by people who didn't know which end of the camera to look through 😳
That would make for a very conceptual movie: just 90 minutes of close up of someone's eye. It has probably already been done, though.
Some of those movies were really terrible knockoffs of films like The Stepfather, The Karate Kid, Halloween and Star Wars 😳
99% of white evangelical Christians from the Heartland are gun-toting cultists with grievances against the government.
I wonder how woke culture would effect a remakes of '50s sci-fi....
For instance, the man does all the driving, even if it's her car....
Or the way the town doctor always has some ludes on hand, for when she's a wee bit exited.....
Or '50s style narcolepsy, & how it seems to be common among '50s women...
I mean, just for fun, I'd like to see a sci-fi movie set in the '50s that turns '50s misogyny on it's head...
In film noir, if a side character had a name that ended with a vowel, he was in the pocket of the guilty party.
From Trip to Mars: if you must rage against the heavens, don't do it atop a cliff during a thunderstorm.
Quote from: Dr. Whom on February 29, 2024, 02:32:32 AM
From Trip to Mars: if you must rage against the heavens, don't do it atop a cliff during a thunderstorm.
Which one???
Quote from: LilCerberus on February 29, 2024, 02:45:48 PM
Quote from: Dr. Whom on February 29, 2024, 02:32:32 AM
From Trip to Mars: if you must rage against the heavens, don't do it atop a cliff during a thunderstorm.
Which one???
The 1918 Danish one
^ I just watched that movie on YouTube this week!
Anyone who says you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs is about to try and shoot an underling.
Quote from: ER on February 29, 2024, 06:40:23 PM
^ I just watched that movie on YouTube this week!
The algorithm got you too, eh?
From The Lair of the White Worm
Bagpipes are irresistible to snakes
After the apocalypse, all of the roads will be well maintained, properly marked, and pot hole free.....
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 08, 2024, 01:17:41 PM
After the apocalypse, all of the roads will be well maintained, properly marked, and pot hole free.....
In FURIOSA, I did actually wonder how the Fury Road was so well maintained...
From Rogue 2020 never let a dim witted bimbo lead a rescue mission
Unknown World (1951)
Even when cut off from society for months, women never run out of hair products & make-up....
If you are in anything Korean, and out of the blue some official shows up, all smiles, telling they are there to help, RUN!
From Motorpsycho all Cajun women have Filipino features and have Hispanic accents
from The Babe Ruth Story (1948)
by talking to a kid who never walked and was paralyzed Babe Ruth magically gave him the ability to walk and move around
by saying "what's more human then a dog" is enough to have a doctor, not a veterinarian, do surgery on a dog who previously refused to for
if you receive a visit Babe Ruth and are dying child you will magically get better, especially if he hits a home run your honor
That's a good one, Bob! Yeah, everyone knows about the unfortunate "Magical Negro" trope, but we rarely acknowledge the "Magical Sports Hero" and "Magical Fat Guy" subgenres! :bouncegiggle: I'm a fat guy so I get to say that, I think.