so I had very strange dream last night
the taco bell dog spoke to me saying that green beans are evil
There was a thread by Rev which stated what have you been dreaming, so I put this one here.
Quote from: El Toro Loco on October 10, 2010, 01:56:28 PM
I've been dreaming about dancing duck ninjas in tutus :question: Is my brain okay? :question: :question:
A little kid with mental problems captured a jogger, cut off his legs, put him in a red rider wagon drawn by a large dog, and told it to, "Take this man to the animal hospital!" When the man begged for help, the little kid cut off his head and said, "Shut up!" Another jogger happened by, who also had an amputated leg, and hosed down everyone on the playground with blood from his stump. A good time was had by all.
Dreamed I woke up with an embarassing girly tattoo on my hand.
I dreamed once about a gorilla playing a flute. Once he saw that I was watching him, he stopped playing, dropped the flute, and started running to attack me. Fortunately I awoke before, I assume, he would have started ripping my flesh off.
I dreamed that Ron Paul was on top of the Empire State Building throwing copies of "Atlas Shrugged" at attacking Israeli jet fighters.
I've been watching WAY too much election coverage!
I had a dream that I was doing some acting on a movie set - the flick itself seemed like a b-movie but there were some relatively big names there, one of them being Vin Diesel. Filming concludes for the day and the Vinster approaches me with a script that has written and/or is producing, it's some type of mystery/thriller and the character he wants me to play happens to be a lesbian. The weird thing is, I don't remember anything in the script other than that but I do remember reading several pages and thinking the story was actually pretty good. I don't tell him that though; I tell him, "You just want to watch me kiss a girl, don't you?" He says, "Yep." and then starts making out with me himself.
Then I woke up.
I have NO clue what any of that is supposed to signify.
Quote from: bob on January 05, 2012, 01:56:37 AM
so I had very strange dream last night
the taco bell dog spoke to me saying that green beans are evil
Well, they are. Heed the small dog's warnings.
I had a dream a few days ago where I was out in the backyard pruning the lilac bush. I noticed there was a mole tunnel on the ground, and I could see the dirt moving as if he was crawling through it right then. Being really uncoordinated in my dreams, I picked up a rock and tried to hit the moving dirt, but missed. So I went and got a mole trap. Meanwhile our neighbors (not our real neighbors, some group of guys) wanted to borrow my engine hoist out of my garage. Anyhow, I got lost trying to find the lilac bush in our yard, ended up in the neighbors yard, then went up the hill behind our house a little ways. But instead of it being a forested area, there was a great big neighborhood back there. One guy had a swimming pool. Then the alarm went off.
It's funny because I was having a dream the next morning when the alarm went off too, but this one I can remember every detail of, and the other one I can't remember at all.
Dreamed I had a huge tumor in my chest; I could see it in great pulsing detail.
I dreamed that I was in my gorilla suit and dancing atop a Mardi Gras float. :tongueout:
Someone was amazed and impressed that I wear 30 waist, 30 inseam pants, complimenting me on the perfect symmetry of my body.
had a dream last night that I got someone, presumably my girlfriend who only exists in the dream, pregnant, it's all good but then for some reason the girls mother refused to let me see the child or her from that point forward onwards
I was not happy and then I woke up
Quote from: bob on January 05, 2012, 01:56:37 AM
so I had very strange dream last night
the taco bell dog spoke to me saying that green beans are evil
I believe David Berkowitz had the same dream :buggedout:
Dreamed I was caught in a snowstorm only wearing a shirt, pair of socks and sweat pants. As much as I love snow I was a bit freaked out by the dream.
I had this dream about twenty-some years ago....I was walking down the hall, at my high school, although I'd been out of school about ten years by then. No one else seemed to be around, and the only sound was the echo of my footsteps.
All of a sudden, one of the lockers ahead of me opens, and out steps this girl, Kris, who was going with a friend of mine. She's naked, wearing only a pair of silver cat-glasses, a long string of pearls, and white opera gloves. She's carrying a liquor bottle in her right hand.
She smiles at me, holds up the bottle, and says,
Then, I woke up.
Last night I dreamed my brother buried a meat cleaver in my eyeball. I kept walking around to people, showing it to them and hoping they'd call 911, and they kept telling me it was no big deal, shake it off.
just had a very strange one...
I was seeing some girl who has very powerful enemies, including the owner of a club and his henchmen
they took me somewhere and the owner of the club made it clear that I was not to take her to "the club"
and I was drugged by them
Dreamed about a pack of cigarettes last night. It was calling to me. Woke up with an urge to smoke. Went back to sleep.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on March 15, 2012, 09:55:59 AM
Dreamed about a pack of cigarettes last night. It was calling to me. Woke up with an urge to smoke. Went back to sleep.
I stopped smoking fifteen years ago, after twenty-five years of smoking a pack a day. Stopped cold-turkey, never had so much as a craving....except in dreams.
I drive in my dreams, too, although I don't for real.
Well, after getting up at 5 am today and working 9+ hours, I came home and threw back a few brews. I passed out and had a few odd dreams while I was under. The first one I remember was hearing a news story that pro-wrestler Bryan Danielson had died. It was then reported as false a few moments later. But what the hell??
Then I remember seeing a graphic on screen showing the Superbowl as being Detroit Lions vs. Indianapolis Colts. I think it was actually being touted as the battle of the worst recent franchises in the NFL.
I don't quite understand any of this, but at least I got a laugh out of my next dream. I came to this forum I believe, and there was a thread titled "midget dicks". Don't ask....
Yes, I clicked on it. :-(
Quote from: alandhopewell on February 20, 2012, 03:06:26 PM
She smiles at me, holds up the bottle, and says,
Then, I woke up.
nice :cheers:
I once dreamed that time got reversed and I got regressed all the way back to the 1980s when I was child, but allowed to keep my memories of the future. Somehow, I turned up in a city in another state far away from my childhood home, so I was trying to find my way back to my parents there and see if I could live my life over again differently. At the same time, I was telling some grown-ups I met in a tourist shop, who were discussing some recent news about the Soviet Union, that communism was going to collapse in a few more years and they didn't need to worry about Reagan and the Soviets because we were going to win the Cold War.
I remember still being mildly concerned about where I could find a map and how I was going to get a ride home being just a kid and having no money to pay for anything when I woke up from that dream.
I had a dream the other night about being in a house with these two cats. Except then it turned out the cats were aliens disguised as cats, and I wasn't able to get out of the house before quarantine was slammed down to contain the aliens. After that the alien-cats started doing weird things just to mess with me -- one suddenly ballooned up to the size of a sofa, the other would start spinning its head around, etc.
I dreamt I dressed up as someone who lived in the 1920s standing on a crowded market place where a shirtless person was beating defenseless people for no particular reason.
Last night I dreamed I was on the run, and hiding from, the Dinosaur creature from the movie The Crater Lake Monster. Except in my dream the dinosaur was gigantic like Godzilla, and there was a smaller version of the creature helping me finding a better hiding place.
This all took place not too far away from our house on a big traffic island. Such a silly dream.
I dreamed that Menard and a guy I know from another online site were drug smugglers operating out of Houston. I observed their operations but didn't participate. They climbed up skyscrapers like in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL.
A few nights ago, I dreamed that a Transvestite was the President of the United States.....
I dreamed that I met Christopher Nolan....back when I was I high school, however he was well known for some reason back then -- which is impossible since I graduated in 2001
stranger yet, I met him at a fancy hotel on my way to shower after a football game
then I fell down a hole which was filled with very strange stuff related to movies like the funny side of death with the Billy doll from the Saw movies ...very very strange
I dreamed I was trying to eat a pizza but the toppings all slid off when I raised it to my mouth.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 11, 2012, 12:53:55 PM
I dreamed I was trying to eat a pizza but the toppings all slid off when I raised it to my mouth.
So are you sure that wasn't the joke pizza I sent you? :wink:
I believe I put this on another dream thread but here goes..
Crispin Glover and I were selling drugs at a convenience store, and they were disguised as oatmeal. We sold them to Helena Bonham Carter. We would conduct the sale right after I got off of work (my workplace 15 years or so ago).
When I was little I dreamed of my hamster getting struck by lightning until it died. :(
I'd have to think of some more doozies.
Dreamed I needed to take some cash out of the bank for an emergency but the teller tried to talk me out of it. Gave me a five point presentation on why I shouldn't make a withdrawal, the most important part of which was the importance of having "branded money."
Later I dreamed Rebecca Black was kidnapping old men and dressing them up like her.
I had a dream Saturday morning that was kinda strange. I had been drinking heavily and under the influence of a few other substances.
I was in the kitchen, and for some reason my mom was here at my house in the living room. She was like sorting through about 30 boxes and the whole room was a mess. I was in the kitchen looking for a Sega Genesis console for whatever reason. I heard her crying and ran in to give her a big hug. It was very strange because she had just told me the day before she was feeling a little depressed about me not being around for the holidays.
check the unsolved "what was that film?" archive
Its now 4:17am and I've been awake for about 10 minutes.
I had two dreams in a row which just got me so frustrated with the stupidity of people that I gave up on sleeping because I can't deal with it anymore.
In the first dream I was a serial killer and I was trying to dispose of bodies. I had already hacked the up, had the in trash cans and was driving to the dump when something would go wrong. I would usually hit a bump and an arm or a leg would hang half way out. Then people would start honking and yelling at me because "something is coming out of the trashcan" and having done a "good thing" by letting me know they would simply drive away. There was one time when a hand had come out and landed on someone's car. They had honked and honked until I pulled over. Then they gave !e the hand back and asked what it was. I explained that it was a Halloween decoration, that they bought if. It clearly was a severed human hand in a plastic bag!
My second dream (maybe continued from the first) I was driving down the freeway when someone e was merging into my lane behind me. Traffic ahead of me was stopping so I applied the breaks and the person merging hit me. Now according to US traffic laws if someone hits you from behind 99% of the time it is their fault for not leaving g enough of a space cushion for reaction time. Anyway we pull over and start exchanging information when the other driver starts blaming me for stopping and making her hit me. I'm ignoring her, I check my van which is fine except for some searched paint. She has a nice sention of her bumper which has my paint on it now. Not much damage but she has a nice car and I'm sure she's going to want it to be fixed. A few minutes later a motorcycle cop shows up. The cop looks over the scene, writes the woman a ticket for following too closely can reckless driving, then he writes me a ticket for having a breaklight out. I didn't know I had a breaklight out And the van was off so I also didn't know how the cop knew I had a breaklight out. So I turn my van on and using a small baggie of popcorn seeds (its a dream) I weighed the break peddle down, and sure enough my lights were fine. I showed this to the cop and wanted the ticket voided. The cop had turned from a motorcycle cop to a metermaid and refused to void the ticket saying it was only $12 and there is something that could be wrong and I should get it repaired. At that point I just blew it, I started yelling "Of course there is something wrong! You uses to be a moto-cop now you're a metermaid who won't void a bad ticket and my minivan just became a raised F250 4x4!!"
That was when I woke up.
I would be p**sed if it was me and the cop did that. I've actually had a very similar situation happen to me back when I had my truck. I got ticketed for a tail light and there was some dumb s**t that happened involving the officer when I went in to show I had it repaired. Gotta be cautious driving on Woodward.
Just had some last night. A couple involved me starting fights just because I was angry. I picked a fight with Marshawn Lynch of the Seattle Seahawks. I just started bludgeoning him with exercise equipment. No provocation or anything. I think I gave him a few cuts and a busted nose. Somehow we both just laughed it off. I also picked a fight with a lion and a couple lionesses. They didn't want to fight either but finally scratched me out of frustration at my weird behavior. I definitely lost that battle.
Just before I woke up I dreamed I was painting the roof of a barn white, and while I did that this van pulled up and these nuns got out and started throwing butterscotch candy at me and I climbed down this rope to make them quit, and one got up right by me and tried to whisper something to me, and in my dream I knew if I listened to what she was going to tell me it was going to be really scary, so I screamed in my dream and woke up trying to scream.
I had this awkward dream with my male GED math teacher a couple of months ago. It was real dark,he had my shirt raised and was kissing my bare belly. He said something to me and then he mounted me. I then woke up. Its awkward,because he's married, has kids and I'm not interested in him that way.He's not bad looking,but still.
I dreamed I was in this plowed field looking for arrowheads (finding one right after the other too) and Margaret Thatcher came walking by me. And not zombie Margaret Thatcher, like she was when she was alive.
Quote from: ER on February 03, 2014, 12:06:21 PM
I dreamed I was in this plowed field looking for arrowheads (finding one right after the other too) and Margaret Thatcher came walking by me. And not zombie Margaret Thatcher, like she was when she was alive.
Were her nostrils sexy?
Quote from: Bushma on December 25, 2013, 07:46:52 AM
In the first dream I was a serial killer and I was trying to dispose of bodies. I had already hacked the up, had the in trash cans and was driving to the dump when something would go wrong. I would usually hit a bump and an arm or a leg would hang half way out. Then people would start honking and yelling at me because "something is coming out of the trashcan" and having done a "good thing" by letting me know they would simply drive away. There was one time when a hand had come out and landed on someone's car. They had honked and honked until I pulled over.
:buggedout: :buggedout: :teddyr: :teddyr:
They would have really honked if they knew what it was in the bag. :buggedout: :wink:
Dreamed I was in some sort of group home. We were all flying out somewhere in the morning but I had spent the night at a hotel across the street talking to an old friend. I returned to the home to pick up my packed bag and get my ticket from the women who supervised the place. They were chewing me out, and I was giving it right back to them. Suddenly, from behind me I heard someone say, "It's because you're an alcoholic." The speaker? Roger Ebert. I held a newspaper to the side of my head to block him from my view and told him, "No it's not, madam, I am doing what any normal human being would do to silence a blowhard such as yourself."
Way way back, I had a doozie of a dream, and to this day have no idea here it came from...
I dreamed I went to the mailbox to get the mail, and there was a newborn baby in it! I pulled him out, and in front of my eyes, he grew into a toddler of around 2. He had bright blonde hair, blue eyes, and was dressed in a little red jumpsuit with white high top sneakers.
My mother, in a stately English accent, was overjoyed, and said 'Ooh, there's a baby'!
We took him inside, and he started to walk around, and he was the talk of the day, laughing and giggling, but then he tripped, hit his head on the floor and his head broke open like an eggshell, and what looked like a giant yoke spilled out all over the floor.
"Oh my!" my mother went, and she scooped up the baby and put him in a box with a return sticker on it.
2 days later, another baby arrived, and again we were all overjoyed at him growing into an instant toddler and running around the house. This baby had brown hair and blue eyes.
Suddenly he looked up at my mother and said, "Mommy"? My mother said, "what is it, sweetie"? and then the baby started crying, and began melting...his feet turned to liquid as he slowly began to dissolve, and finally, with with just his head ans shoulders left, he bubbled away into nothing.
My mother got angry and said, "that's the second one this week!" Then she said, "Oh well, I guess they just don't make babies like they used to."
I think the fact that I was watching Monty Python before I went to bed might have something to do with this dream, sounds like something they'd do...
Dreamed I was a private detective who used a lion as a tool to interrogate suspects. One interrogation of a minor player led me to the ringleader---James Mason, who was doing laundry in my basement.
I woke up Sunday dreaming my house was overrun with rattlesnakes.
I had a dream where a couple cartoon chicks (baby birds), one wearing a frog mask, we re-enacting the Jimmy John's radio ad.
I get reoccurring area dreams over periods of 6-12 months, I could map them out but I feel like that is a path to crazy. I really want some lucid dream environments to mess around with again, they are real brain twisters. Last time I had one I managed to master spawning objects from memory.
I had a horrible one on Sunday morning: I dreamed that I was back in my old college residence and some students were larking around on the roof when one fell to his death. :buggedout: :buggedout:
Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 19, 2014, 04:00:34 PM
Dreamed I was a private detective who used a lion as a tool to interrogate suspects. One interrogation of a minor player led me to the ringleader---James Mason, who was doing laundry in my basement.
I kind of hate to tell you this, lions are always on James Mason's side. Good luck getting any police to believe you. It's James Mason all the way to the bottom.
A few nights ago I dreamed I was back at the technical school where I took a couple of years of auto mechanics way back when. Except I had signed up for some phy-ed class and I arrived late. The instructor asked me if I wanted to drop the class because I missed the first 5 minutes. Anyhow I had to undergo a physical first. They gave me a blood test and had me running on a treadmill, then they told me I had a cold and gave me something for it.
I always have dreams set in locations I haven't been to in decades.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 19, 2014, 04:00:34 PM
Dreamed I was a private detective who used a lion as a tool to interrogate suspects. One interrogation of a minor player led me to the ringleader---James Mason, who was doing laundry in my basement.
I can just hear James Mason saying: "Quilty? Quilty?" :teddyr: :wink:
Had a few recurring dreams about our old apartment we moved out from three years ago. My family lived half our lives in the old apartment, so there are lots of good and bad memories. Anyway, in my dreams the old apartment always gets a new make over. I'm there for a visit and in awe, but the situation is always awkward because the landlords are dumb primitive a***oles (in real life), so in my dreams I'm always kind of nervous they might show up since I don't have no business being there. After exploring the newly renovated apartment I leave the grounds in a sad mood.
I'm actually glad we moved but this recurring dream always makes me feel moody.
Dreamed I was doing my old job as a golf club inspector, but from my folks' house. My dad was the boss and he was his a-hole, impatient self from long ago (thank God he's not that way anymore). He got in my face over a minor disagreement and he turned it into a mountain. I refused to back down and told him he didn't need to act that way. It only made him more angry. Then I woke up. Did I mention I'm glad he's not like that anymore?
Fairly mundane one (for me) but still quite weird: I'm stuck in some party town with active night life (I think this is related to my "panic dreams" that started after going out of the country for a holiday 4 years ago). Usually I am panicked about how to get back home and gathering all my things without losing anything (it's related to homesickness that I didn't feel while there but obviously did subconsciously, I have slightly developed it in older age for some reason). This was a variation of the party town, definitely not the same place, and I was wandering around with these huge deep cuts all over my arm trying to get medical opinions off a bunch of drunks on the street for some reason, I have a theory that this is related to a cut/rash that I noticed was itchy on my leg the other week (which is gone now, before anyone starts WebMDin' me) - I have another small bit presumably from something in the woods that I got on friday, this one is in the area that had all the injuries in my dream guess it was itching in my sleep. Another bemusing thing about this dream sequence, which involved a gunfight and many other obscure diatribes, was meeting some lady mixing records in the middle of the street and when I asked for a track ID the vinyl was on the Tommy Boy record - my brain works in mysterious ways, I don't know that label too well at all, maybe only a couple of records. I have a feeling it's A: to do with wanting to meet women with SIMILAR interests, B: I played jump around (pete rock mix) the other day on vinyl... I have it pretty sussed out HOWEVER I will be looking at the discogs page for the label today xD.
On a side not my "invented river towns" have come back, which I haven't had in dreams since yesterday night for a good 3 years. Repeated areas again.
I have been having a lot of dreams involving my ex girlfriend lately for some reason. I also have recurring dreams about my childhood dog being alive, and wondering how it could be possible. It seems like about 14 times, I'll go in my basement and he will be there, as if to say "oh you thought I was gone?"
I had a dream a few days ago that I lived next door to a pro football stadium. During the offseason I could walk through the whole place by myself; the field, locker room, lobby, everything. One time I took my mom on a tour there. Somehow there was pee absolutely everywhere. In the stands, on the field, in the locker room, everywhere. Both the players and fans (and maybe stadium staff too) had peed everywhere they possibly could. Disgusted, we left.
Dreamed that Venus Williams and Bobcat Goldwaith were dating, and the New York Post declared them "Tragedy Couple of the Year."
Godzilla took the form of a large Asian man wearing a trenchcoat and moved into my house. I couldn't get him to leave and he kept wanting to eat bagels. He'd follow me to work and constantly demand I take a break to feed him bagels.
What do dreams about labyrinths mean?
I had this dream that I was reading the news on my computer, & I found out they were making The Flying Nun into a feature film...
I dreamed I was working at an old job I had from the 90s, for a boss from an old job I had from the 2000s, with somebody from my same workplace of today.
I dreamed Christian Bale Batman and Tom Hardy Bane were playing hide-and-seek in a large house. Batman hid inside a bed with a hinged mattress. Bane shoved the mattress into some sort of industrial looking location. Batman had to take off his mask and sneak around, avoiding the employees there, until he could get outside and drive a bulldozer back to Wayne Manor.
Dreamed a friend of mine got busted for selling fake water. :question:
Had a dream recently where I lived someplace where they had cluster mailboxes. I went to pick up my mail and I stopped to chat with Angelina Jolie, who was there picking up hers. She was wearing gray sweats, no makeup, and hair pulled backed in a ponytail. She was really nice.
Dreamed I was riding on a CN train across Canada and they reinstated the CN Bus national service as an alternative to privatized bus services....and I was excited to see CN buses return....Basically the whole country was moving towards doing away with privatized industry and moving back in time to certain services being public (phone, bus, train, etc.)
I had this one two days ago. I was beating the holy hell out of people while classical music was playing in the I was Alex DeLarge? :question:
Quote from: bob on November 20, 2014, 03:36:56 PM
I had this one two days ago. I was beating the holy hell out of people while classical music was playing in the I was Alex DeLarge? :question:
Yup. :teddyr: :teddyr:
Quote from: Trevor on November 21, 2014, 12:30:34 AM
Quote from: bob on November 20, 2014, 03:36:56 PM
I had this one two days ago. I was beating the holy hell out of people while classical music was playing in the I was Alex DeLarge? :question:
Yup. :teddyr: :teddyr:
Depends . . . ?! Upon the classical music playing in the background. If it was Rossini's "William Tell Overture," then you were either the Lone Ranger or Tonto. If it was Rimsky-Korsakov's "Flight of the Bumblebee," then you were either the Green Hornet or Kato. Actually, in the scheme of things, the Green Hornet was actually, supposedly, related to the Lone Ranger.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on November 22, 2014, 02:36:13 PM
Quote from: Trevor on November 21, 2014, 12:30:34 AM
Quote from: bob on November 20, 2014, 03:36:56 PM
I had this one two days ago. I was beating the holy hell out of people while classical music was playing in the I was Alex DeLarge? :question:
Yup. :teddyr: :teddyr:
Depends . . . ?! Upon the classical music playing in the background. If it was Rossini's "William Tell Overture," then you were either the Lone Ranger or Tonto. If it was Rimsky-Korsakov's "Flight of the Bumblebee," then you were either the Green Hornet or Kato. Actually, in the scheme of things, the Green Hornet was actually, supposedly, related to the Lone Ranger.
I honestly wouldn't know that because I'm not really familiar with classical music and I cannot recall the tone of the song that was playing in my dream.
I had the weirdest dream this week. In my dream I was browsing the internet and found news about a female singer who just died recently. I didn't know her but apparently she contributed a song to the Top Gun (1986) soundtrack (!). They were playing the song and it didn't sound bad at all lol. It was a song I never heard before (kind of downbeat pop/rock, very melodic) and I was like "how did I ever miss out on this song?". So weird.
i dreamed i bought a dump in a ritzy neighborhood...
i thought cats were getting in, but they turned out to be Cornish hens, which had escaped from some french guys, who were wondering around my property looking for them.
one of my neighbors hated me & didn't want me hanging out with his daughter, & i found out why when i fell through a hole in the bathroom floor & found myself in this guy's front yard, thus discovering my house had been built on top of his...
the rest of the dream had something to do about mazes....
I have recurring dreams about my childhood dog, where I go to the kitchen and he is still alive. It's strange because every time he's in the same spot.
Honestly, I believe his spirit is still inhabiting my place. Other dogs owned by my friends/family won't even come into the house.
Since we can explain the reasons (do you want them in alphabetical order or order of importance) Trevor never changes his underwear, maybe some one can explain the following paragraph, which I--apparently--wrote down, while I was asleep. That is the only explanation I have for how it got on to the paper. Does anyone want to try?
"No reason to think not that when 'Star Wars : Episode 7' came through the door, then the cook and chief airman were slept along, till they it is fairly soon that library will open and close till the operating brudget exceeds the value of the even G till there is nothing left."
No clue, dude. I'll do that myself sometimes. I keep a pad and pen near my bed so I can write the things down. I often read them later and I have no idea what they mean.
I just dreamt I was bitten by a walker. I tried to shoot at it with a Playstation controller. I sat around with some pals watching Simpson DVDs waiting to reanimate.
Dreamed that I went to an exhibition which featured translucent crabs with forks stuck in them.
That we are all programs in a simulator - I think.
and can feel whats its like to be "erased" and have feelings when others are erased...
and something about the devil taking over the world...
BUT then again - I was listening to horror-theater in my earphones last night. Fell asleep...
I'm trying to research to see if they played something like that last night around 2am. (
I went to a sandwich place that was in a depressing looking office with carpeting, like a realtor or shrinks office. on the wall were paintings apparently painted by Helen Keller. they were pretty bland but the idea of her painting them brought me to tears and i woke up just before I started crying
I dreamed that there was this weird cult trying to get me to perform witchcraft ceremonies and there was this huge glowing Anton LaVey head presiding over the proceedings. Creeped me out. :buggedout:
I dreamt that I was playing a football videogame with President Obama. He got upset when I accidently paused the game when I tried to call a timeout.
@ Bob: He knew you were trying to cheat and secretly find out how to injure a Bears player.
Just dreamt I was back teaching middle school again and for some odd reason, I was hiding a blank test in the bathroom. Also, I heard John Goodman calling on the phone screaming that we were a bunch of amateurs.
Today, I had a very strange X-Men related dream. I was viewing some woman (most likely a mutant) go through a warehouse and escape from a mission she was supposed to die in.
Then, for whatever reason, she was confronted by The Undertaker circa 2003. He was singing the "You're Gonna Pay" song, and trying to get her to race him for some reason. The dream ended with a teaser trailer for a new X-Men film. ???
I guess I shouldn't drink so heavily before sleeping.
This morning I woke up in the middle of a dream where I was living back in Minneapolis, and my uncle and aunt were there. I asked my mom what they were doing there but she didn't answer me so I got mad and walked all the way to the other side of the city. Then I was lost (which is a common thing in my dreams) and couldn't figure out how to get back. Then there was an earthquake accompanied by some high winds / tornado type thing. I met someone who offered to drive me home afterwards, but then she had to go to her apartment first and I had to tell her boyfriend that I was trustworthy and then I woke up and was like "WTF?" :lookingup:
Quote from: A_Dubya on December 24, 2014, 08:05:15 AM
@ Bob: He knew you were trying to cheat and secretly find out how to injure a Bears player.
Just dreamt I was back teaching middle school again and for some odd reason, I was hiding a blank test in the bathroom. Also, I heard John Goodman calling on the phone screaming that we were a bunch of amateurs.
I will neither confirm nor deny this :teddyr: :wink:
I had a weird dream where a bunch of my teeth fell out and turned into a gooey candy-like substance.
Dreamed I was falling down an endless hole, waiting to hit bottom so I could climb back up, but the bottom never came. A little scary, frankly.
I was at a concert. While I was in line at the concession stand, I noticed a lizard person in the kitchen. I jumped up on the stage, took the microphone, and said, "If there are any heroes in the audience, there's a lizard person in the kitchen!"
None other than Spider-Man answered my distress call! Upon confronting the lizard person, we learned that she was just someone who was born different and was only trying to make her way in the world as best she could. Spider-Man put his arm around her, made a speech to the crowd about not judging people etc., and everyone cheered. Before Spider-Man swung away, I realized he was Tobey Maguire and not Andrew Garfield. I was about to question him about this but he was gone before I could.
I had a dream where a female friend of mine was working the meat counter at a deli for some reason. Suddenly this led to me seeing a close childhood friend and his real life current life, and their kids.
:question: :question: :question: :question:
Had one where I was trying to teach Jason Voorhees how to dance. He was kind of torn between wanting to hack me with his machete and wanting to learn how to dance. It seemed like I was starting to win him over and he was enjoying dancing.
I dreamed I was a banker, but then I lost interest.
had a truly odd one...I was back in high school and was trying to take a math test which the teacher ordered the class to take since some people were talking while he was trying to explain what said test was about
once again I was stuck not sure...and a friend of mine was trying to help me through it and moved my desk into a corner so the blackboard was directly in front of my line of sight with no one sitting in front of me
my friend appeared to me a teachers assistant
From time to time I have strange dreams involving a restaurant I used to work at about 20 years ago. I'd be working there again and every table in the place needed to be bussed. Plus the little room where we'd put the tubs full of dishes on the conveyor belt to go back to the dishwasher was all backed up and dishes were stacked everywhere. The restaurant closed in early 2013 after being open for over 40 years but I still have that dream from time to time. It was part of the local mall and after it closed they demolished that part of the mall and put up a new building for the beauty supply store that took its place.
A strange one I had the other day was where I was supposed to be helping out at church but at five minutes before services started I was several blocks away having my car washed.
And one I had this morning involved me getting home from one of my overseas adventures and all of the gifts I had purchased for my family were nowhere to be found. I was digging through everything but couldn't find the wine and other stuff I bought overseas. (And as far as I know the camera and phone I used to take the pictures of the nekkid statues to put in the humorous captions section were OK).
I was out in the woods when I was attacked by a man with a pig's head. He was otherwise normal, he just had the head of a domestic bacon pig. He stabbed me in the right arm with his combat knife and I ran into the woods to hide. I was trying to get my gun out of its holster on my right hip with my left arm. Pig-man was looking for me saying, "Here, piggy piggy." It made me angry that a literal pig man was making fun of my weight, so I picked up a stick and bashed in his pig head. Then I woke up.
On my fifth wedding anniversary I dreamed I was in a museum with a vaulted ceiling and marble floors, and I saw this man I used to know in Austin, who had his back turned to me. He was wearing no shirt, and was taller than he was in real life, like easily seven feet in my dream. So I walked over and started talking to him, but he didn't answer, just kept facing away. No matter which way I walked toward him or around him, he kept facing away. He was having this fun-sounding conversation with others he knew, who were holding drinks and carrying on like it was some sort of club, not a museum. Nobody seemed to notice me or hear me or think it was strange that I was walking around trying to see this guy from the front. Also nobody apparently thought it odd that they were formally dressed and the man I used to know had on no shirt. Finally I stepped into a subway station that was right beside the museum gallery, and got onto a train without even looking up to see where it was going. I just knew I had to get out of there.
Then I woke up, sat straight up, saw it was exactly 5:00 AM, and before I thought about what I was doing said out loud, "I definitely married the wrong man."
To which the man I married said with a chuckle, "Yeah, I know. Go back to sleep." Which actually sort of shows I did marry the right man.
Can't tell me dreams aren't strange subconscious mutterings.
Quote from: akiratubo on March 21, 2015, 07:25:53 PM
I was out in the woods when I was attacked by a man with a pig's head. He was otherwise normal, he just had the head of a domestic bacon pig. He stabbed me in the right arm with his combat knife and I ran into the woods to hide. I was trying to get my gun out of its holster on my right hip with my left arm. Pig-man was looking for me saying, "Here, piggy piggy." It made me angry that a literal pig man was making fun of my weight, so I picked up a stick and bashed in his pig head. Then I woke up.
Name a way to get killed in a dream, and it probably happened to me, since I started keeping track of what was happening in my dreams. Though . . .?! For what ever reason it is happening less frequently now then it happened in the past. Happening less than a half dozen times since September 1 of last year.
1. Convicted: 1st degree murder
Executed: lethal injection
2. Stabbed in a knife fight and while kneeling on the ground, trying to keep the blood from seeping out of a knife wound in my side. Somebody sneaks up behind me, pulls my head back by my hair, and slits my throat from ear to ear. Rather neatly, as there was less blood than expected.
3. As a gay werewolf, while in werewolf form, blasted by a load of double-ought silver buckshot from a sawed-off shotgun wielded by a member of a motorcycle gang.
4. Knifed in another fight and killed.
5. And hanged by the neck till dead.
Dreamed this morning that Donna Summer (rip) was singing "Hot Stuff" onstage. Behind her, really long worms were crawling down the walls.
And a later dream involved a new version of Contra in which one boss was your ex-girlfriend, who is now 50 feet tall and really p*ssed at you for some reason.
Dreamed I was taking care of a baby. It appeared to have Down's. I tried to wash it but kept almost drowning it. When I took it out of the water, I noticed it had very hairy knees. (???) So, I decided to reach inside it - as in, shove my hands directly into its body - and pull out its hair gland. (?!?!) Somehow, this also cured the baby's Down's but it was left bald, which made its parents so angry they chased me out of the house by pelting me with gum from the bottom of their shoes (seemingly an endless supply).
Now that is an odd dream!
Dreamed I came back from a trip to somewhere only to find out my wife was dead. (I don't have a wife irl.) My best friend told me this at the airport and I went into the airport gift store to get some flowers for her grave. There was merchandise devoted to my wife (HUH?) on the shelf in the gift store, which caused me to have a breakdown. When I got to the cemetary, I realized my wife's grave was fake. I'm not sure how I knew this, but I was convinced. I searched high and low for my wife's hiding place, finally ending up in a trainyard full of decomissioned traincars. My wife was living underneath one, and had quite a nice little living area there. (Turns out she was one of my real life exes, Lori.) She was happy to see me because finding her meant she didn't have to hide anymore. I awoke rather happy from this dream.
Had a weird Star Wars dream this morning. It was in the time between episodes III and IV dealing with the Emperor and a graduate student in cybernetics. At least Jar Jar wasn't present. (Whew).
Dreamed some cops or other authority figures found my stash. Scary stuff.
I just had another one and I don't know what brought this on. I had a dream where I was around all these people who were dying. And the weird thing is it wasn't like they were dying immediately, it took them a while to die like six hours. So I was just laying on the floor in the bedroom and I could just sense they were like about five or six people around me dying slowly. It almost felt like something was possessing me and making me kill them but I wasn't actually in control of it. And then the strangest part is it felt like the wrestler Edge was one of the people who died. I woke up at about five in the morning feeling really strange. You can bet it was hard to go to sleep after that.
Yeah I don't know what that means.
Quote from: akiratubo on March 21, 2015, 07:25:53 PM
I was out in the woods when I was attacked by a man with a pig's head. He was otherwise normal, he just had the head of a domestic bacon pig. He stabbed me in the right arm with his combat knife and I ran into the woods to hide. I was trying to get my gun out of its holster on my right hip with my left arm. Pig-man was looking for me saying, "Here, piggy piggy." It made me angry that a literal pig man was making fun of my weight, so I picked up a stick and bashed in his pig head. Then I woke up.
Was it Piggsy from Manhunt?
Must be election season. Guys are campaigning to me in my dreams. Dreamed I was walking along with a Senator from Indiana who was running for reelection. He told me he had a plan to put a firing range on every hilltop in the state. I told him he was pandering. He called me "fellow member" and assumed I had read his book about Bob Dylan. I hadn't. Joke's on him; I didn't remember his name and I'm not even registered to vote in Indiana.
I was driving some strange combination of my old Plymouth van and Dad's old Ford truck. There was a Chinese ninja girl in the vehicle with me. Somehow, I knew that we were both members of some kind of hero squad and this was an episode of their anime series. (The dream was "real life" not "animated", for what that's worth.) Furthermore, I knew that I was a minor character in the series and this was going to be the only episode where I did anything but drive people around. Suddenly, a Caucasian ninja woman (like, pushing 30 instead of 17 or so like the Chinese girl in the van/truck with me), was inside the van/truck and the two of them started to have a sword fight. I lost control of the van because I got a throwing star in the shoulder, or something, and drove through a mall, trying to not run over any people. Eventually, we were outside again and the van/truck broke down for some reason. The evil ninja lady was winning the fight with my friend, so I ran up behind her and suplexed her. She got up and started kicking my ass but I distracted her long enough for my ninja girl to recover and take out the evil ninja with a sneak attack.
I said, "Whew! If this is what it's like for you guys every day, I'll just stick with driving the van!"
Then the show's end credits started playing. No, seriously, this dream had an ending credit sequence, with a j-pop song and still frames of the characters and everything.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 29, 2015, 09:28:14 AM
Must be election season. Guys are campaigning to me in my dreams. Dreamed I was walking along with a Senator from Indiana who was running for reelection. He told me he had a plan to put a firing range on every hilltop in the state. I told him he was pandering. He called me "fellow member" and assumed I had read his book about Bob Dylan. I hadn't. Joke's on him; I didn't remember his name and I'm not even registered to vote in Indiana. (
I dreamed my dad absolutely HATED a present I got for him for his birthday. He would not stop complaining about how cheap a SOB he thought I was and that it was the worst birthday present he ever got. He's nothing like that, and his birthday isn't for a couple more months. Wonder why I dreamed that...
Quote from: retrorussell on May 26, 2015, 05:45:39 PM
I dreamed my dad absolutely HATED a present I got for him for his birthday. He would not stop complaining about how cheap a SOB he thought I was and that it was the worst birthday present he ever got. He's nothing like that, and his birthday isn't for a couple more months. Wonder why I dreamed that...
It might be fear. We often dream about what we fear. I know I do. The good thing is that our dreams serve as a release for our fears in real life. Again, I know they do for me.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on May 27, 2015, 04:04:04 PM
It might be fear. We often dream about what we fear. I know I do. The good thing is that our dreams serve as a release for our fears in real life. Again, I know they do for me.
It was probably a mashup of other things. If someone doesn't like a present I give them I'm not going to stew about it. Sometimes dreams are therapeutic in the ways you mentioned, but I don't think this one. It was just weird.
Had one last night. I dreamed I was at my last assignment and it was the last day I worked at that assignment, and I went in to what had once been my supervisor's office before he retired and I took over for him. Anyway I happened to go into his office and saw that a couple of very large windows had been hidden behind the office furniture (desks/credenzas/etc) in his room. I was kicking myself for not taking his office when he retired. And all the offices in that wing were being stripped all the way down to the bare walls.
When I took over the supervisor job there were several empty offices and I decided to move into a former project manager's office because it seemed a bit nicer, and I wanted to send a bit of a new sheriff in town message. The wall where I saw the windows in his office in my the dream make no sense, because it was an interior wall between his office and the next office over, which was a manager's office. And in my dream that office was totally empty too but he was still working there when I left that assignment. As far as I know he's still in that office.
I was hoping when I left that the weird dreams about that assignment would go away. I hope it's not going to be like the dreams I had about a restaurant I worked at in my late teens/early 20s, which went on even after the place closed (about 17 years after I left there).
Quote from: sprite75 on May 27, 2015, 10:19:40 PM
Had one last night. I dreamed I was at my last assignment and it was the last day I worked at that assignment, and I went in to what had once been my supervisor's office before he retired and I took over for him. Anyway I happened to go into his office and saw that a couple of very large windows had been hidden behind the office furniture (desks/credenzas/etc) in his room. I was kicking myself for not taking his office when he retired. And all the offices in that wing were being stripped all the way down to the bare walls.
When I took over the supervisor job there were several empty offices and I decided to move into a former project manager's office because it seemed a bit nicer, and I wanted to send a bit of a new sheriff in town message. The wall where I saw the windows in his office in my the dream make no sense, because it was an interior wall between his office and the next office over, which was a manager's office. And in my dream that office was totally empty too but he was still working there when I left that assignment. As far as I know he's still in that office.
I was hoping when I left that the weird dreams about that assignment would go away. I hope it's not going to be like the dreams I had about a restaurant I worked at in my late teens/early 20s, which went on even after the place closed (about 17 years after I left there).
So...the 'office' you did not choose had 'openings' that led to the manager's office?
Quote from: dean on May 19, 2015, 02:47:39 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 29, 2015, 09:28:14 AM
Must be election season. Guys are campaigning to me in my dreams. Dreamed I was walking along with a Senator from Indiana who was running for reelection. He told me he had a plan to put a firing range on every hilltop in the state. I told him he was pandering. He called me "fellow member" and assumed I had read his book about Bob Dylan. I hadn't. Joke's on him; I didn't remember his name and I'm not even registered to vote in Indiana. (
Wish I could see that. If you remember how to find it try posting it by pushing the "share" button, then removing the "s" in "https."
I dreamt my brother Chris died and I found a letter from him explaining that his doctor was trying to kill him by prescribing the wrong drugs and if anything happened to him we should go to the police. I also discovered some plane tickets in the doctor's name to Arizona, and found out that he had graduated from Arizona State. My only thought was, "Why didn't Chris change doctors?"
Quote from: Newt on May 28, 2015, 06:36:23 AM
Quote from: sprite75 on May 27, 2015, 10:19:40 PM
Had one last night. I dreamed I was at my last assignment and it was the last day I worked at that assignment, and I went in to what had once been my supervisor's office before he retired and I took over for him. Anyway I happened to go into his office and saw that a couple of very large windows had been hidden behind the office furniture (desks/credenzas/etc) in his room. I was kicking myself for not taking his office when he retired. And all the offices in that wing were being stripped all the way down to the bare walls.
When I took over the supervisor job there were several empty offices and I decided to move into a former project manager's office because it seemed a bit nicer, and I wanted to send a bit of a new sheriff in town message. The wall where I saw the windows in his office in my the dream make no sense, because it was an interior wall between his office and the next office over, which was a manager's office. And in my dream that office was totally empty too but he was still working there when I left that assignment. As far as I know he's still in that office.
I was hoping when I left that the weird dreams about that assignment would go away. I hope it's not going to be like the dreams I had about a restaurant I worked at in my late teens/early 20s, which went on even after the place closed (about 17 years after I left there).
So...the 'office' you did not choose had 'openings' that led to the manager's office?
Another thing I remember about the dream was being able to see the outside of the building too and the office overlooked a rather large courtyard, which was kind of strange because we were just above ground level. And the building we were in had no windows at all.
It wasn't really possible to advance much further in my last assignment within the client organization, we were working on client site and the client decided to switch to another company. The client told the company I work for that they wanted to keep me another couple months but I declined as I already had another position lined up in the same company I work for by then. It was kind of nice to move on, it really cut down on my commute and I was getting a bit antsy to move on after a 2 year assignment with a long commute had turned into an almost 9 year assignment. (I thought about but never moved closer because it was just supposed to be a temporary assignment and later on I didn't want to get stuck with a place then decide to or have to move on).
Quote from: akiratubo on May 18, 2015, 10:41:58 PM
I was driving some strange combination of my old Plymouth van and Dad's old Ford truck. There was a Chinese ninja girl in the vehicle with me. Somehow, I knew that we were both members of some kind of hero squad and this was an episode of their anime series. (The dream was "real life" not "animated", for what that's worth.) Furthermore, I knew that I was a minor character in the series and this was going to be the only episode where I did anything but drive people around. Suddenly, a Caucasian ninja woman (like, pushing 30 instead of 17 or so like the Chinese girl in the van/truck with me), was inside the van/truck and the two of them started to have a sword fight. I lost control of the van because I got a throwing star in the shoulder, or something, and drove through a mall, trying to not run over any people. Eventually, we were outside again and the van/truck broke down for some reason. The evil ninja lady was winning the fight with my friend, so I ran up behind her and suplexed her. She got up and started kicking my ass but I distracted her long enough for my ninja girl to recover and take out the evil ninja with a sneak attack.
I said, "Whew! If this is what it's like for you guys every day, I'll just stick with driving the van!"
Then the show's end credits started playing. No, seriously, this dream had an ending credit sequence, with a j-pop song and still frames of the characters and everything.
I had a dream with opening credits once; I starred, wrote, produced, and directed the whole thing. There WAS a song, but the only lyrics I remember (IWT70'sAIMHBH) were
"Taking my place in my own world here
Making a name in my own world here"
Around the same time, I had a dream that was a trailer for a gorehouse flick....
These two high-school age dudes walk into shot, in a gym locker room, each one leading a kid, about five or six, by the hand, a boy and a girl. They sit down on the benches, each one with a child sitting facing away from them on the floor. Suddenly, these guys pull ball-peen hammers out of their back pockets, and start wailin' away on these kids' domes, while this Brady-Bunch type music swells up. These psychos are grinning, and the kids are twitching spasmodically, blood and brains oozing out of their mouths.
Just then, the title, in quivery blood red, slides in from screen left....MUSH HEADS.
I woke up, and just laid there for I dunno how long, too creeped out to move.
Here's a weird one I had this morning - I had a dream where my brother handed me a check for $120,000 that my aunt had given to him to give to me, this was my share of the proceeds from Grandma's estate. But I looked at the check and it was not filled out right in the pay to the order of field, nor was it signed. I tried to track down my aunt but was informed she went to South Korea with a friend. Then I learned that the $120 grand check was a joke my Aunt and my parents were playing on me and that my actual share was going to be around $9,000. I was very upset because I intended to pay off my car and my student loans with the money. (If I had gotten money from Grandma or Grandpa any amount would've been nice but I could've done without the tricks).
There was some code I was trying to decipher and implement into a system. I felt so bad because I couldn't figure it out when I woke up, and I really wanted to. :(
My English teacher asked me my opinion about a book, she was reading, a comedic take on vampires, and whether it could be made into a film, with her writing the script. Others had a higher take on the idea, then I did, but, if the book is made into a film, there is a role in it for me, as a teenage intern, who, while undressing each other, item by item, falls prey to the youngest of the vampires, and thus dies. Though, the film does end happily with neither victim, including myself, nor vampire actually dead, and all the victims, including myself, and all the vampires becoming lovers, including myself. As it was all a dream, or was it . . .?!
Little violence. No sex. A little profanity. The problem with the film is all the nudity in it, as we want the film to be rated no more than PG-13.
It is good that time is timeless in the dream world, as I have not been a teen for over 4 decades.
More dreams as I think of them.
I had a weird one on the weekend: I spent the entire dream debating the merits and other things of the film Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams. :question:
Dreamed I was on a trip and needed to book a hotel for a large group. I decided it would be best to split up, and sent my dogs (!) to check out hotels for rates. I lost them and when I heard them barking, I went around a corner and saw the rest of my party---the female half of the Brady Bunch. A couple of busty women in bikinis where walking on the other side of the street. Either Marcia or Jan said something to the effect that they'd really like to have those. Cindy didn't understand, and Florence Henderson told her to wait until she was older.
I was sitting in a movie theatre watching Star Wars Episode VII and reading a book on the events 20 and 35 years after Return of the Jedi. An older couple walked up to me and identified themselves as being members of the Rebel Alliance ever since the days when they were fighting the Empire. They asked me if I had seen a special speeder at the theatre. We walked around and checked all the speeders. Finally it occured to me to draw the speeder that the girl in the trailer had rode away on and asked if that was the speeder they were looking for, and when they said yes I told them that the girl who appeared to be running away from something hopped on and took off with it.
A few months back I had a dream where two friends and I were approached by this huge demonic yak/hog/thing. For some reason we began to offer it food. My two friends gave it meat products, I gave it oatmeal cookies with frosting. The beast then proceeded to consume each one of us whole and alive. While inside it's gut, we suddenly felt some kind of motion. It was then we realized that it didn't want to consume us, but this was its way of transporting us somewhere. Upon finally reaching our destination, the beast puked up my friends. Strangely, I exited through one of its eyes which opened up like the hatch of a submarine. Next thing we know, we're in this forest and the light is shining brightly, even though some of the trees and grass looked kinda dead.
And then I awoke.
Had another strange one this morning that was a combination Star Wars/Superman/Babylon 5/Star Trek II: TWOK one. All mashed together. There was also time travel where someone travelled back in time to do something in regards to Khan's attack on the Enterprise. Quite a mess too.
I had a horrible dream last night...I dreamed that I looked like my father. :buggedout: :buggedout: :bouncegiggle: :bluesad:
Dreamed that I changed my password to "floridamanisgr8."
Had a super weird dream where I and a group of people were being held prisoner and manipulated by a devil worshiping magician type (who happened to look like an old buddy of mine)....he even had a huge ballroom in his house where their was a lake of fire and a huge demonic horned figure in the middle...the creature reached out and grabbed other people while I hid behind a beam in a hallway. Another weird element was the whole room looked like a CGI creation...anyways I saw several of the people placed in a sort of living painting...and then I woke up...
Recently had a dream where I went to see the band OM perform live. They took forever to set everything up and when it was finally done, the stage looked like a cross between a disco dance club and an ice rink (weird choices for a mellow stoner doom band). They played only one song which was a Nirvana cover and then got distracted by watching American Dad on a TV that randomly appeared. p**sed off, I exited but wound up getting lost in a maze where each corridor and room looked like something inside a fancy hotel.
Possibly the strangest dream I can (partially) remember. Me and some other people were being chased (although I can't remember why) and we took cover in a museum dedicated to Tom Sellecks moustache. The museum however was filled with many lethal booby traps that killed off many of my group and our pursuers. Woke up just as the last few survivers had one trap to get through to escape.
I just had a nightmare where somebody stabbed me in the balls. I don't remember the context but I do remember ball stabbing.
I even felt pain. (Probably not nearly as much as you'd feel in that situation)
I dreamed I was walking along through this war-torn landscape, a town with wrecked houses, and this little moon-faced girl with curly blond-brown hair and a dirty torn up dress started following me. She was about six, maybe younger, and had this Polish or German look to her, the dream itself seemed WWII-ish, sort of the way Saving Private Ryan had that dated aspect to its visual tones, and the little girl kept following me, not saying anything, and so I stopped and she came over and held out her arms, so I picked her up and she wrapped her own arms around me real tightly, scooting up close to my neck, and I said, "Isn't there anybody with you here?" She didn't answer. So I started off walking with her and I think I walked away and took her with me, carrying her. A powerful sort of dream. Shrug.
I dreamed the swing set I had when was little was still in the yard. There was a little girl on the swing, facing away from me. I walked out to talk to her and the swing slowly spun around to reveal she was actually a rotting corpse. I woke up nearly having a heart attack and couldn't get back to sleep.
I dreamed last night that I was running around naked with a pistol in my right hand.
1) My wallpaper will peel off if I run around nekkid and (2) I haven't held any kind of weapon in my hand for years. :smile:
Lately I've been having a lot of dreams where I'm failing classes, assignments or just giving up on school. Not to be superstitious, but I hope these are just dreams and nothing else.
I had a particularly chilling one a few moments ago. I dreamt I was witnessing my own funeral. My parents were there, I saw one of my uncles, who is a widow. I attended his wife's funeral irl. I also saw one of my mothers' friends there who is also a widow. I attended her husbands funeral irl. I even saw him there in the crowd.
It was disturbing because I could see that my eyes were wide open, which I suppose makes sense since I could witness all of this. Another thing is that everyone seemed happy. I don't know how I'll sleep now. I did find this on some website:
"To dream of your own funeral symbolizes an ending to a situation or aspect of yourself. You may be repressing some of your feelings or parts of yourself. Thus, the dream may be a signal for you to recognize and acknowledge those feelings. Instead of confronting a situation, you are dealing with it by burying it and trying to forget about it. If you are nearing death, a funeral dream may relate to your feelings/anxieties about your own death."
Quote from: diamondwaspvenom on July 02, 2015, 09:51:15 PM
I had a horrible dream last night...I dreamed that I looked like my father. :buggedout: :buggedout: :bouncegiggle: :bluesad:
Actually that's one I probably wouldn't mind, being how he's thin and muscular.
Lately, I've been having a lot of dreams where I'm fighting people. Specifically people who I have some bad blood with in real life.
I dreamed the other night that I was having rather energetic you-know-what with one of my colleagues. Not the right dream for someone who's been celibate for eleven years. :buggedout:
What is the worst thing to happen, when one accidentally saves the life of someone?
a.) One becomes the fount of all knowledge?
b ) One becomes a magnet for all women?
c.) One becomes a receiver of all gifts, including a new car?
d.) All of the above?
e.) None of the above?
f.) One even has this dream?
Had a dream where I was ... somewhere, an outdoor eatery or something, and some enormous calamity happened. A nuke, big tornado, something like that. I packed the people who were with me into the old VW Bus my family used to own and had to drive through what alternated between strong winds with lots of debris blowing around and heavy sleet/rain. We escaped, I think, but somehow my friend Chelsea got shrunk and stuck inside a hollowed out 5.56 NATO bullet, which an evil wizard person wore as a necklace. What felt like years later, I had tracked the guy down and found his corpse in a veldt-type setting. He still had the bullet, which was clogged with dirt from sitting around outside for so long. I cleaned it out, popped the bullet out of the casing, and *poof* Chelsea was restored to normal size, apparently with no memory of what happened to her.
Then we had sex. (Not really. I woke up.)
Decided to play Fallout: New Vegas through again recently with the next one coming out soon.
Had a dream where I was in the game. My wife was the head of a sort of mafia style gang and when I wanted to speak to her about something she wouldn't send her goons out of the room, so I sneakily dropped a time bomb to kill them and the casually walked over to the other side of the room (apparently this was enough to kill them, but keep me and the wife out of the blast zone). This did not have the desired effect of giving us some privacy as she pulled out a pistol and started firing away at me. I took cover behind our fridge (hey if it can keep Indiana Jones safe from a nuclear blast it can damn well protect me from a few bullets). When she ran out of bullets she charged me with a large knife and I ended up burying a meat cleaver in the side of her neck. Then, even though I knew there was a sniper waiting to shoot me outside I carried her outside so we could die in the sunlight together.
I have decided to go play Civ 5 for a while instead.
I had a dream about the guy on the right: we chatted for a while, he smiled, shook my hand and walked away. Cool.*
* At least the dream was about meeting Steve McQueen and not the #@!$%^ idiot on the left. :buggedout: :buggedout:
I took a long nap today, long enough to have a strange dream in which I was a Klingon who had sworn a blood oath to protect the life a woman fleeing some really nasty religious cult who had sought refuge on our tour group's bus as we toured the southwestern United States.
Had one this afternoon during an extended nap. I dreamed my Volt was fitted with a flux capacitor and could time travel like Doc Brown's car could. I traveled to several different times in the future, including December 31, 39999 which is about as far ahead as the car's circuits could take me in order to see the celebrations at midnight as we went to the year 40000. People still drove cars and were out partying at midnight ringing in Y40K. Plus I visited a grocery store in the distant future. The highways were built with autopilot strips that allowed people to drive as fast as the car was capable and I was traveling at 130mph in my dream. The main problem was that no one used gas anymore but fortunately stations with J1772 plugs were widely available so we could still use them. It was actually a fun dream that I enjoyed.
I dreamed it was raining...
a buddy of mine from another forum and I were trying to kill each other :buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout:
Hulk Hogan showed up near the end
Had another one this morning. My parents house was built sometime around 1880. We were doing some work in the basement when I came across this old door after removing some wooden wall panels we put up in the 1990s. I was able to push it open enough and get inside to see an old room that was full of stuff from about the time the house was built.
It's kind of strange because I do remember there being what was once a doorway in the basement when we put the panels up. Dad said it was due to the outside entrance into the basement being in that corner of the house at one time before it was filled in and a new outside entrance put up in another corner of the house.
I dreamed this morning I was on the Mystery Science Theater 3000 crew. We were heckling some bad horror film trailers. One of them was EYEBALL (1975), a really dumb giallo. Except it wasn't a slasher involving eye-removal, but about a giant killer eyeball. It would either run over people, eat them, or collect them and fly over the sea, dropping them into the water where they'd get eaten by sharks.
Last night I dreamt I was talking with Russell Wilson, QB for the Seattle Seahawks about the Jimmy Graham trade. :teddyr:
I had this gosh awful dream last night, that I'd just got back from the store & discovered I'd accidentally bought decaf...
I dreamt that my Grandpa and Grandma were coming home from a ride and it was up to me to remove a big ass pile of snow from in front of their garage door. Grandpa looked like he did in the months before he passed but he was driving a car with no problems at all (he hadn't driven himself in about ten years) before he passed. I was trying to remove the snow with a blender.
Well, my dreams are always very strange and inexplicable. But it is also very hard to remember the important details of most of them.
But one of them I had always remembered since my childhood, when I was about three years old.
So, I was in my small bedroom, at night, in what was my little purple boat bed, sleeping. The closet was for some reason right next to my doorway (which it wasn't before), and the actual door was gone. My mother, in the hallway told me to come to her fast, as she started going down the stairs. As I try to exit the room, a black, shadowy apparition, that had long claws, glowing red eyes, huge, shark-like teeth, and a triangular head would appear in the closet and tickle me, making me back up, preventing me from escaping. The creepy part is that my reaction to this was fear in being unable to exit, as opposed to laughter. I also had the idea that the creature was called "Sepulcher", even though I do not recall anything in the dream indicating so. I also recall it repeatedly cackling as it tickled me.
Eventually, I considered the delay between "Sepulcher" manifesting, and reaching its hand out to tickle. So I ran top speed, and made it through the hallway and downstairs, and I burst out the door, which led to a desert. I looked back and saw Sepulcher burst through the door, roll up half the skin on its face, and it said something in a rather sinister voice that sounded part masculine and part feminine. I just can't put my finger on what it said. Something like "Come back little one". That wasn't it, but it was something like that.
It also grew much larger in size, and proving to have a much more demonic reptilian look to it. It then began to chase me. I eventually ran into an outhouse, in the middle of this desert, and hid inside of it. I then remember seeing... some animal. I can't remember what it was though. I believe it may have been a white horse. Anyways, it was standing in front of the monster, who then disappeared. I exited the outhouse and rode whatever this animal was back home. The animal was completely positive. I didn't feel the creeps or anything whilst near it. I then went inside of the house and woke up.
I, or some strange version of me, was at a wedding. It was taking place outside some kind of vet's office or perhaps a farm and feed store. I spent a while talking to people I hadn't seen for a long time. The wedding was over and I went back to my normal life in town, or at least in the huge freaking house I lived in outside of town. Then, there was some kind of monster. People just disappeared, enough that everyone knew something must be wrong but not enough all at once to cause a panic. There was a creepy chase through an abandoned junkyard in the middle of nowhere between two kids (boy and girl) and the monster. I took it upon myself to solve the mystery. Turns out the town preacher was the monster, and he had a young boy (like, late teens) helping him. I figured this out, somehow, by snooping around the bathroom in the preacher's house. The preacher tied his accomplice into a wheelchair and told me to wait where I was while he "dealt" with him for his "betrayal". Suddenly, Hugh Jackman Wolverine. He was just ... there. He defeated the priest monster by spreading him out with a rolling pin, like dough, and plucking out his bones, one by one. He had to do this several times, as the preacher would reform and run away after Hugh-verine pulled out every few bones.
The End.
I had a dream where I went to some mall wearing nothing but a very flimsy loin cloth so I stopped at the Sears to buy some proper clothing.
I dreamed I was back here ( and was sitting in class when the teacher announced that exams were starting the next day and guess who hadn't studied? :buggedout: :buggedout: :wink:
I had a dream where I was in grade school and the teacher took us outside to look at mushrooms. The teacher and all of the kids in the class got infected by mushroom spores and were growing mushrooms all over their faces. I was trying to hide inside the school so I wouldn't get turned into a mushroom person. The teacher and the kids were trying to find me and touch me to infect me and make me a mushroom person. This is one of those dreams I woke up from almost having a heart attack and couldn't go back to sleep.
Dreamt David Lynch started a mutual fund, but wouldn't tell anyone what stocks it held. It was a mystery...
Last night I dreamed that Trevor was coming to Texas for a visit, and I invited him to dinner at my house. I also invited Alan Hopewell, who lives a couple of hours from me, to join us. In my dream the evening was going well enough - I had ribs on the grill and drinks in the cooler, and we were all about to sit down and watch ZOMBIE HAMLET together. Then Trevor started laughing maniacally and throwing his underpants at Alan, who fell over backward and knocked one of my artifact display cases over. Then I woke up.
I've been having the dream where I'm back in college and I haven't completed some critical assignment in order to be able to graduate and I'm quite some distance up s**t creek as a result. Then I wake up and remember that I graduated from college about 16.5 years ago.
I dreamed I was playing a survival mode in online GTA. Then for some reason, there was a host in the session who insulted me for dying quickly. I guess I got mad and knocked her case of pencils over and broke it. Not sure what she had pencils for, but she got mad and tried to call the cops on me. I tried to take the evidence and run, but she started chasing me. It was ridiculous.
I should probably add that I had taken several pills and had a good amount of alcohol prior to falling asleep, which may explain the details of said strange dream.
I just had the one where no matter how much I peed I still had to go. Them I realized I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and finally emptied my bladder.
Quote from: sprite75 on January 25, 2016, 03:14:01 AM
I just had the one where no matter how much I peed I still had to go. Them I realized I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and finally emptied my bladder.
:buggedout: + :teddyr: :teddyr:
I would have peed the bed (I do this often) :wink:
Had a dream where an old granny was telling her grandkid a bedtime story about souls. If a person has a good soul, when they die it turns into a glowing ball and floats up to the heavens. It shines like a star so everyone who looks up at the night sky can see how good they were. If a person has a bad soul, when they die it turns into a black ball and floats up to the heavens. No one will be able to see it against the black night sky so it will be like they never even existed at all.
However, if the person didn't want to die ...
At this point in the dream, the scene suddenly switched to Peter Venkman - as he appeared in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon - standing on a stage in front of some kind of science-y container holding a red ball with an angry face (which I presumed was the soul of someone who didn't want to die). The container failed and the red ball started sucking all sorts of metal debris into itself. Peter was smooshed by a huge piece of steel plate. Suddenly, Ray - also as he appeared in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon - was also there, trapped under the growing pile of metal debris. He called out to Egon for help before his face was covered by debris. All the debris formed into a huge robot with the red ball at its heart.
The End
Quote from: Trevor on January 25, 2016, 08:06:38 AM
Quote from: sprite75 on January 25, 2016, 03:14:01 AM
I just had the one where no matter how much I peed I still had to go. Them I realized I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and finally emptied my bladder.
:buggedout: + :teddyr: :teddyr:
I would have peed the bed (I do this often) :wink:
And often when my bladder is full when I'm laying down I wish someone would hurry up and invent a transporter to beam the contents of my bladder directly into the toilet.
The other night I dreamed that I was pulling a dogsled through the snow, barefoot. It was piled high with crates full of books by Stephen King, and Pope Francis was standing on the front of the sled, wearing a New York Yankees T-shirt, mushing me on with a whip while smoking a pipe.
This . . . means something! :buggedout:
Quote from: indianasmith on January 07, 2016, 12:13:10 AM
Last night I dreamed that Trevor was coming to Texas for a visit, and I invited him to dinner at my house. I also invited Alan Hopewell, who lives a couple of hours from me, to join us. In my dream the evening was going well enough - I had ribs on the grill and drinks in the cooler, and we were all about to sit down and watch ZOMBIE HAMLET together. Then Trevor started laughing maniacally and throwing his underpants at Alan, who fell over backward and knocked one of my artifact display cases over. Then I woke up.
Oh, BTW did I or my cats show up? Did we bring beer?
Not that I recall. But I think there was a cat on the sled next to Pope Francis in the other dream I related . . . :question:
Dreamt that there was an car wash on the fifth level of a skyscraper, with no way to get to it except by elevator. I thought this was a bad design.
Also dreamt that THE SHINING (1980) was a remake; Kubrick filmed the same story badly back in the 1960s and made it again to get it right this time. Furthermore, Trevor had nice things to say about the remake in a newspaper review!
Quote from: indianasmith on January 07, 2016, 12:13:10 AM
Last night I dreamed that Trevor was coming to Texas for a visit, and I invited him to dinner at my house. I also invited Alan Hopewell, who lives a couple of hours from me, to join us. In my dream the evening was going well enough - I had ribs on the grill and drinks in the cooler, and we were all about to sit down and watch ZOMBIE HAMLET together. Then Trevor started laughing maniacally and throwing his underpants at Alan, who fell over backward and knocked one of my artifact display cases over. Then I woke up.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
So: I didn't get any ribs? Dammit. :wink:
Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 28, 2016, 08:47:03 AM
Also dreamt that THE SHINING (1980) was a remake; Kubrick filmed the same story badly back in the 1960s and made it again to get it right this time. Furthermore, Trevor had nice things to say about the remake in a newspaper review!
:teddyr: :teddyr:
If I said good things about the remake, then that was definitely a dream. :wink: :teddyr:
2 days ago I dreamt I met Peirce Brosnan and told him he did a great job as James Bond.
Dreamt that the first page of "The Fellowship of the Ring" introduced two characters named "Tool" and "Face" who were never mentioned again.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on February 01, 2016, 11:35:46 AM
Dreamt that the first page of "The Fellowship of the Ring" introduced two characters named "Tool" and "Face" who were never mentioned again.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Dreamt that I developed huge pus-filled boils on my face that also had growths that looked like tiny penises hanging off them. And a new razor gave me a shiny blue beard when I used it (I was clean-shaven before!) Not really a look the ladies dig...
Yeah my subconscious came out to play last night. Had two rather odd dreams overnight.
First one was about driving a new pickup truck around town, and floating it across the river because the bridge had been dismantled. I had my whole family with me and my brother threw my brother in law out of the back of the truck then he jumped out so we had to go back and get both of them. And I wanted to get back home and go to bed so I was mad at both of them.
Second one I was at a joint religious service featuring the local Catholic Archbishop and the Episcopal Bishop of Iowa. And the Starwolves from the Fugitive Alien movie had landed in town and were moving towards the church. Plus I was only wearing a t-shirt and underwear under an alb which kept trying to fall off in front of everyone. Along with underwear that was about to fall off. Plus I and the pastor of the local Episcopal church were trying to evacuate the Episcopal Bishop from the church to a place of safety and he didn't want to go, he wanted to continue with the service. Dream ended with a Starwolf coming in the church to get him and me disarming him with a lightsaber.
I had a dream last night that I was watching the Episode I Christmas Holiday Special.
It was animated and had Jar Jar doing all sorts of stupid things, such as rolling himself down a bowling alley by accident. And Jar Jar and Obi-Wan dancing on the royal starship.
I had a strange dream over the weekend: I dreamed I was in a hotel, looking for my room - a bit of a hassle because none of the rooms had numbers. Once I found my room - I assumed it was mine, because the door was open - I started to unpack.
I then looked down and saw several Ziploc bags on the floor, next to the bed and picked one up, only to discover that there was marijuana in it. :buggedout: i spent the rest of the dream frantically trying to get my fingerprints off the bag. :teddyr:
Had one this morning where I was getting into a relationship with someone I had known back in the early 2000s after helping her out with some sort of problem we had. We're friends on Facebook but I haven't really talked to her in years. So this morning I just dropped her a quick line to say good morning and ask how she's doing these days.
I grew up living next door to a really sweet older country lady from West Virginia, who was a self-described "holy roller" and she liked to play these old time Gospel records, LPs, and we'd sometimes hear them spilling out her open windows in the summertime.
Well last night I had a semi-lucid dream about that. I was walking from our old yard to hers in a pretty twilight in what seemed like springtime, and she was playing this song she often told me was her favorite, called "How Great Thou Art." It was done by this booming-voiced quartet of men with deep Appalachian accents, and in my dream I got to her door and didn't knock, I walked in, and she was sitting on her couch, this overstuffed pink-orange sofa, and she said, "Come in, honey, you haven't been here for so long."
And in my dream I knew I was dreaming because I retained the knowledge that in the real world she died a few years ago during Thanksgiving, sadly, and yet I felt a massive sense of happiness at seeing her again and being with her in her house, looking out and seeing mine where I lived, like I was suddenly back years ago, when everything felt all right, and years could be relived and maybe even changed, and she said, "This where I am, honey, this is where I'll always be."
That dream has stuck in my thoughts all day, and it almost seems mystical.
Had one this morning where my car's front end fell off . I remember thinking f**k, I just got the car fixed and now this happens.
Last night i dreamed i was walking down the street & i was stuffed up so i blew my nose & there in my hand were my pills which had somehow gotten lodged in my nasal cavity (It's happened once or twice in real life) so i had to take em right there on the street because my pills don't grow on trees...
enjoy your supper!
I dreamed there was some sort of gathering at the house I grew up in. Lots of people, most of whom I did not know. Somehow, I found myself accompanying a young woman who seemed fun and she had a friend with her.
She killed her friend over something petty (can't remember what it was), and I did nothing. We buried her under a bunch of broken cinder blocks and other loose stuff. She told everyone that her friend was a jerk and had left her stranded. The young woman apparently got a ride because she disappeared shortly after that.
I spent a while wandering around, trying to come to terms with what had happened. Every time I saw that pile of debris the body was under, I got more and more scared and depressed. I realized that I would either be found out or I needed to tell someone. In either case, I knew I would go to prison. (In real life, I have an intensely phobic feeling about going to prison after spending some time in a county lock-up, which was the most horrifying time of my life.)
I knew that I should tell someone, but couldn't figure out who to tell because of the shame of what had happened. No matter what I ultimately did, I knew the outcome: I was going to kill myself as I didn't want to live with the guilt or going to prison.
I've been awake for six hours now, and I can't shake this feeling that I need to die, even though I know it was only a dream. I want this feeling to go away.
A 3 dream mash-up.
Cole Porter is dead, but "Star Search" is live, so get up and dance to the music.
I dreamt I put some bacon from the fridge and put I down my pants :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:
This morning I had one where I had acquired a container that had a liquid in it that could hold one Undecillion (a trillion trillion) bytes of data and I was donating it to a local college. Also Darth Vader was paying a visit to the college for some reason.
Dreamed I was walking down a street in Palestine and a dust storm made it impossible to see or breathe. I may be channeling Indy.
I dreamed about Paris Hilton. (Shudder!) She was getting arrested over a library card. Weird.
Had a dream where I was a member of a band (bass player, natch). Our manager told us someone stole the sheet music to our new song and hid it in a haunted mansion. We did the whole Scooby-Doo thing where we went through the mansion to find the music. When we did, we suddenly had instruments and started to play the song, which was called "Incinerate It!" It was a total hair-metal song that sounded sort of like RATT covering Twisted Sister. My fingers were getting tired but the drummer said, "I believe in you!" and I was able to finish the song. It ended with a guitar solo, of course.
In-cin-er-ate it!
In-cin-er-ate it!
Last night I dreamt Emma Stone was teaching a class of some sort I was in. For some odd reason the class ran from summer into the traditional school year.
Had a weird one this morning. I was riding in a tour bus and was playing some sort of Star Wars game on the entertainment system, so everyone was watching me play. Then we got back to the high school I went to and I was going through the halls on my birthday suit pulling a suitcase along. I went into a bathroom and put some clothes on, but some of the other clothes had splotches on them. Well I looked in the suitcase some more and found a couple bottles of liquor in the suitcase, along with glasses partially full of brown liquor. I wanted to put the suitcase in my car before I was discovered but had no time, I was having to go into class for a lesson on the Quakers.
was skateboarding with burritos on my feet instead of sneakers
Last night I dreamt that I got my nose pierced.
Dreamt I was driving in France with my father and we saw a horse by the side of the road sunk in mud up to his knees. Somehow it seems like Freud would be interested.
A very politically incorrect dream: I dreamt I was watching a trailer for a movie called WELL-ENDOWED BLACKS VS. DRUNKEN IRISHMEN. The trailer featured a very tall black guy and a very short white guy, so that when thy stood "face-to-face" the white guy was at eye level with "it." The black guy was naked and covered in tattoos, with his junk digitally fogged. The white guy made a joke which I thankfully cannot remember.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 09, 2016, 07:53:10 AM
A very politically incorrect dream: I dreamt I was watching a trailer for a movie called WELL-ENDOWED BLACKS VS. DRUNKEN IRISHMEN. The trailer featured a very tall black guy and a very short white guy, so that when thy stood "face-to-face" the white guy was at eye level with "it." The black guy was naked and covered in tattoos, with his junk digitally fogged. The white guy made a joke which I thankfully cannot remember.
Sounds like the film has something to offend everyone, which probably means they'll be making it any day now.
I dreamt that Daisy and Bo duke were going to town to get 8 track tapes, but Boss Hogg had imported a bunch of hippos and let them loose on the Dukes' land. Every which way they tried to go, a hippo was in the way.
Had one this morning where I had gotten up nice and early to go to another day in high school but the time came I just stayed home, looking for someone to let school know I was going to be late, and after a while to let them know I wouldn't be in.
I had a weird one last night: I dreamed I was at a conference and my badge wouldn't let me out at the exit or the entrance. Eventually I had to hit someone and steal their badge to exit.*
*I still couldn't leave! :tongueout: Eventually I woke up: tonight I will probably be back in there, wherever that is. :wink:
Quote from: akiratubo on April 11, 2016, 08:51:58 PM
I dreamt that Daisy and Bo duke were going to town to get 8 track tapes, but Boss Hogg had imported a bunch of hippos and let them loose on the Dukes' land. Every which way they tried to go, a hippo was in the way.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
I had a weird, complex "feel good" dream that felt like a movie. I don't remember all details but during the dream I became a spirit, and being invisible to others I was able to explore a busy shopping mall (moving through walls etc) our family used to go (the building was torn down in the 1990s), so there was some nostalgia involved. In the dream I was joined by a family member (I don't remember who) and we were taught by a small group of experienced spirits on how to move about as spirits in the real world. This dream played out like an exciting adventure, and when I woke up I actually said "wow" to myself.
I'd like to think that my mother was part of the dream who passed away six years ago. I don't recall seeing her but I think I felt her presence throughout. Either way, it was an interesting one for sure.
Quote from: Trevor on April 14, 2016, 06:30:05 AM
Quote from: akiratubo on April 11, 2016, 08:51:58 PM
I dreamt that Daisy and Bo duke were going to town to get 8 track tapes, but Boss Hogg had imported a bunch of hippos and let them loose on the Dukes' land. Every which way they tried to go, a hippo was in the way.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
What THE HECK is up with that picture?????
Quote from: indianasmith on April 14, 2016, 04:44:24 PM
Quote from: Trevor on April 14, 2016, 06:30:05 AM
Quote from: akiratubo on April 11, 2016, 08:51:58 PM
I dreamt that Daisy and Bo duke were going to town to get 8 track tapes, but Boss Hogg had imported a bunch of hippos and let them loose on the Dukes' land. Every which way they tried to go, a hippo was in the way.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
What THE HECK is up with that picture?????
Don't know: I just googled "hippo charging" and that came up :buggedout: :wink:
Never mind that. Which one is the hippo? Though, that's a good selfie of you, Trevor.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on April 20, 2016, 03:23:56 PM
Never mind that. Which one is the hippo? Though, that's a good selfie of you, Trevor.
About fifteen years ago too much stress gave me ulcers, and I used to have these recurring dreams about people doing things to my stomach: cutting me open, jumping up and down on me, gut-punching me, pushing a corkscrew into me, once I dreamed a blacksnake was in my stomach trying to rip its way out. I'd wake up and drink this numbing liquid and go back to sleep. Shrug. Not that strange, I guess, but I was remembering those today. Life gets easier when you learn to mellow out a little. School/work/death/lawsuits shouldn't ruin your life, health, and sleep, especially when you're only twenty-two.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on April 20, 2016, 03:23:56 PM
Never mind that. Which one is the hippo? Though, that's a good selfie of you, Trevor.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
I dreamed I was back at my old high school and there were monkeys hanging in the trees en route to one of the hostels. The dirty buggers started flinging their poo at me, so I threw my poo at them and then one of them knocked me out cold. :buggedout: :teddyr:
I dreamed that I read on the internet that the BBC was going to round up all of Tom Baker's Dr. Who adventures and destroy them, then re-film them with modern special effects and Hugh Jackman as the Doctor. I didn't want this to happen, so I hopped in my car and drove about 200 feet from my house, which put me in Australia, and went around trying to find Hugh Jackman and kill him. Every time I found him, I had either forgotten to load my gun or it jammed, and he was able to escape by snapping his fingers to summon a tornado which whisked him away. The tornado made the Tardis noise.
Had one last night where I was shopping at a K-Mart. Anyways half the lights were out in the store for some reason and no one could turn them on until I was just getting ready to leave.
Quote from: sprite75 on April 28, 2016, 05:35:02 PM
Had one last night where I was shopping at a K-Mart. Anyways half the lights were out in the store for some reason and no one could turn them on until I was just getting ready to leave.
Sounds like you were in the last reel of
The Equalizer :wink:
Weird one early this morning: I dreamed I was on the set of Castle and was waiting by a trap door. The lovely Stana Katic was there and I gave her a hand up to the ladder, apologizing for my cold hands, she smiled at me *Trevor faints* and then she vanished. So I climbed the ladder and saw what I thought was her leg and patted it, only to find out it was Nathan Fillion's leg. :buggedout:
I had a strange one yesterday.
I found a newly discovered Stanley Kubrick film on DVD called Coffee.
Dreamed I was in Paris for some reason, enjoying myself just walking the streets. A very short American couple came up to me. The man was undergoing withdrawal from steroids (?) and the woman asked me to call a French doctor for them. I told her I didn't speak French and she looked at me incredulously and said "Really?" like she thought I was lying to her. :question:
Had a dream where I had a wife and kid. We were at a cabin in the woods during winter. Three people, two men and a woman, tried to kidnap us, or something ... and we kicked their asses! I ran over one of the men with my Cherokee (it was specifically a Jeep Cherokee in the dream). The other man tried to jump in the passenger seat to fight me, and I beat the crap out of him. The woman tried to get my wife, but my wife beat her down, too!
It was so different from the way things usually go in dreams like that. I woke up and said, "That was awesome!"
Quote from: Trevor on May 11, 2016, 02:00:00 AM
Weird one early this morning: I dreamed I was on the set of Castle and was waiting by a trap door. The lovely Stana Katic was there and I gave her a hand up to the ladder, apologizing for my cold hands, she smiled at me *Trevor faints* and then she vanished. So I climbed the ladder and saw what I thought was her leg and patted it, only to find out it was Nathan Fillion's leg. :buggedout:
He's no Stanic Katic, but still. Malcolm Reynold's leg? Could have been worse. Could have been Jane's. :lookingup:
There was this woman at work that I liked but she had some kind of troubled past. She had a cute little kid too, and being young and smitten I wanted to rescue her
One night I dreamed I was in a seedy, run down diner. The dust was an inch think on the counter and there were bugs everywhere and grease on the walls. She was working behind the counter and looked just as dirty, tired and run down as the diner. Her boss was standing behind her and he looked like that misshapen priest/oracle from 300 Spartans. He kept giggling and snapping her bra strap but she looked like she was beyond caring.
I said " Smack that guy and let's get out of here."
She looked at me with these dead eyes, spread her hands to indicate the surroundings, and said, " THIS is who I am now."
Just had a strange one where I was on the Enterprise and Captain Picard was being a total jerk towards everyone and I got into a shouting match with my sister over his behavior.
And another strange one this morning. I was in the computer room at a place I used to work but the place had been stripped completely clean. The console, tape racks, computers, storage cabinets, and even the AC units were all gone. There was just an empty room with raised flooring.
I was trying to put my personal email address on cards to give to my coworkers since we no longer had access to our work email but I kept screwing up - at first I had misspelled Yahoo so I tried to make up a few new cards but I felt my handwriting was so sloppy when I went to write an e that I was worried that people wouldn't recognize it and not be able to reach me.
Then I was coming back to visit for the last time after having been working remotely in a part time role and they had moved a bunch of people in to my room and the set of offices next door and a couple of people in one office had put up a bunch of notices declaring one office to be off limits to non-employees (such as contractors and the like).
Ugh I hate work related dreams.
Last night I dreamt I was getting a piercing..............on my chin. :question: :question:
I dreamed that someone discovered a way to produce small amounts of petroleum from seeds. The process involved placing the seeds in a snare drum and I was hired to be a jazz drummer, even though I don't know how to play.
Also dreamed that we found out where Andrew has been: he's been overseeing drilling operations for several Danish oil companies on islands in the Arctic Circle (don't know why I had so many dreams about oil, but I'm buying energy stocks).
Finally, I dreamed I was in Las Vegas (where I used to live) and got lost while trying to walk from the Strip to the Hilton--- I ended up walking through some dangerous neighborhoods.
I had the one again where my bladder was full and no matter how much I went and drained the little buddy I still could not get any relief. After an hour or so of that I finally woke up and realized I had to use the can. I hate that dream.
Many years ago, a party of Americans, 17 in number, including myself, found ourselves in Syria. Where we found ourselves in the midst of 72 Syrians. When the odds are like that, it is best to tread lightly. We did not tread lightly. And we soon found ourselves being attacked by the 72 Syrians, wielding invisible knives. The survivors survived by finding an oil pipeline (there we go with the energy again) filled with flowing rice for the Syrians, who were hungry. I was not one of the survivors.
I had a weird one last night: I was leading a bunch of troops - one of whom was my Mom (??) through what looked like a mixture of an oil field and a sewage farm. I ran across the rickety bridge, Mom tried to cross it, slipped, fell and drowned in the poo. :buggedout: :buggedout:
Had a strange one the other day where I was at church, helping out during a funeral where the deceased was in one of those coffins like they use over in Europe and during the middle of the services the funeral directors came up, slammed the lid on the coffin, and just dragged it right out of the church. And I was trying to call the rector and tell her what had just happened.
(This was a couple days after the rector said she was going to write to a funeral home that handled a recent funeral over some problems she saw come up during services).
Carry Grant and I stowed away on a helicopter headed for Boston by hanging on to the landing skids. Later, my weight dragged it down and I started flying it like a kite. Cary got beat up in the cabin, but the people flying it weren't bad guys; they were my friends, they just had different plans for getting to Boston. The copter landed at a T station and I met up with everyone there.
I had one where I was on the Small Council which was being held at my maternal Grandparent's home and Cersei was none too happy that I was there and I told her that I was part of the council and she couldn't do anything about that. And Tyrion was there and happy to see me. There was something about taking care of some important business on the north end of town.
OK had a weird one this morning. I was running late to a Cubs game in Chicago and hadn't even left Iowa yet, I left a movie early to get to the game on time. I stopped to talk to the guy who sold me my car about when the Chevy Bolts would be out. He said they would be out next May so I asked if it would be possible to reserve that one for myself, he said no so I made a mental note to start checking out other dealers in the area. I went home to take a shower but someone had pulled the toilet out and smashed it with a hammer. There was a giant hole in the floor so I went and used the bathroom downstairs. Then I was on my way to Chicago but going the long way, all while trying to avoid the ongoing battle between Sean Connery dressed in armor and Jon Snow. I was sort of relieved that the ticket had the game starting two hours later but I was still going to miss most of the game. Then I woke up.
I had a dream where Jon Pertwee Dr. Who was at my house and we were having breakfast or something. He suddenly jumped up and said we had to go. We got in my Bug and drove at very high speed through what looked like the quarry they used in all the old Dr. Who episodes. The Doctor kept looking behind us and telling me, "Faster! Faster!" Finally, he said, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" and I could feel something looming up behind us.
That's when I woke up.
Dreamed I was talking to an ex-girlfriend. She sounded like she wanted to get back together. Then, suddenly, these glass tubes burst from her neck, shooting out water that mixed with the blood spurting from the wounds. She cried out "what's happening to me! Help me!" I woke up as I was driving her to the emergency room. I don't remember asking David Cronenberg to guest direct my dreams.
Dreamed I stepped up to the mike to debate Donald Trump at a local town hall-style rally because no one else would. After the debate Trump took me to his underwater bunker to "hang out." I figured he was going to leave me there until the election was over, but I figured out a way to convince one of the guards to kill another. Woke up before I found out if I escaped.
I had one this morning where I was sitting down in a movie theater to watch Rouge One, complete with people from town who were trying to find out where all the soda had gone. Plus there was a bunch of jumping around in hyperspace. Then it segwayed into a dream about having to go to Chicago to pick up a bunch of materials for the garage and the radio telescope.
I had a dream that mixed 1980's anti-terrorism, feminism, DARK SOULS 3, and the persistent cough my wife had this weekend.
She and a friend of mine had formed an elite all-female fighting force to defeat the IRA and force the Lords of Cinder back to their thrones, but my wife got infected with a coughing poison in the Farron Swamp and the Amazon Corps was looking for a Luden's moss clump to cure her sickness and restore the spell of virtuous slumber to the castle where they trained, guarded by Lothric Knights.
I had a horrible one last night: I dreamed I was in a room with a corpse under a sheet and was trying (and failing) to find a light switch and to get out of the room. When I finally found the door and a switch on the other side, the light came on and everything went dark again. :buggedout:
Quote from: Trevor on September 12, 2016, 03:09:26 AM
I had a horrible one last night: I dreamed I was in a room with a corpse under a sheet and was trying (and failing) to find a light switch and to get out of the room. When I finally found the door and a switch on the other side, the light came on and everything went dark again. :buggedout:
Why were you under a sheet with a corpse?
On second thought, maybe I don't want to know.
Quote from: Newt on September 12, 2016, 06:27:07 AM
Why were you under a sheet with a corpse?
I was in the room and could never take my eyes off the shrouded body: strange that there was no light in the room but I could still see the body. :buggedout:
QuoteOn second thought, maybe I don't want to know.
I didn't want to know either: all I wanted to do was wake up and get out. :wink:
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 18, 2016, 09:18:14 AM
I don't remember asking David Cronenberg to guest direct my dreams.
I don't remember agreeing to direct them either. :wink:
I was having to fly from New York out to Los Angeles in order to catch a flight back home so I was wandering around the airport, trying to find the food court so I could have a bite to eat. Meanwhile I came across a giant flying pickup truck parked at the gate that had a huge missile mounted on the side. The missile was so long they had to cut a hole in the glass and had the end of the missile extended into the gate area. And the tip was all tricked out with spinning stuff to cut a person up when the missile hit. I then went to the gate to start boarding and was told several times that I was at the right gate but when I got to the scanner for the boarding pass I found out then my flight to Los Angeles was at gate 29 instead of gate 24 so I had to go down there. Since I had some time I decided to find the food court again but couldn't find the place. I went in a promising direction only to find an empty corridor like you see in shopping malls. Then I woke up.
Ok, truly weird one.
The Justice League had their headquarters inside a gigantic version of the Statue of Liberty. In fact, I think there was an entire city inside the thing. Anyway, internet meme Jeff the Killer was killing each of the members so that he could get to a baby (or miniature person, I dunno) they were protecting. The Flash, once he was the only one left alive, had the great idea to hide in the basement, where there was a disused library full of huntsman spiders. He had to use a ladder that ran down the elevator shaft (?) to get there. Jeff tried to kill Flash by getting in the elevator and squishing him, but Flash vibrated his molecules real fast and phased through it. Once he got to the basement/library, he had burnt out his powers so he had to make do with hiding under a couch. He watched from his hiding place as Jeff came into the basement and killed all of the huntsman spiders (that were the size of beagles). Jeff eventually found the Flash and killed him.
Then I turned off the TV (I had apparently been watching the dream on TV) and went to do something else because the "movie" was over. The miniature person from the dream was following me around the house, just out of my field of vision. When I finally managed to turn around fast enough to see him -- it was Jason Voorhees!
I woke up.
This morning my alarm clock went off. I reached over to turn it off, but it didn't work. I flip the switch back and forth and pressed every button on the thing, but it still wouldn't go off. So I just layed there thinking "okay, now what?"
After a few minutes laying there and listening to the alarm, I tried one more time. This time I actually relized I hadn't tried to turn off the alarm yet., I'd only been dreaming I was trying to turn off the alarm.
This one's not so terribly strange... but it involves people on here, so...
I was walking home after a party with RC Merchant and Allhallowsday. RC was drunk and wandered on ahead muttering to himself after I reached home. AHD said "it's early still" and I said "for him."
Then AHD turned into another friend of mine and said "I can't feel really great or really bad anymore." I said, "I think that's a function of our age."
I looked and RC was still walking down the street alone, several blocks away.
The dream felt very melancholy.
Well my aunt died the other day so I went to the "festivites" this morning. (Ugh). After the dinner I slipped into a tryptophan coma. Had a strange dream then
The Henry Cavill Superman was pulled into a white tunnel that sucked him in to the Phantom Zone by the Marlon Brando Jor-El for breaking some Kryptonian rule. The Phantom Zone looked like a beach resort but it was run by a sadistic female jailer who went to work on Kal-El for a while, including throwing burning hot sand in his face before blasting him out onto the beach where he was burned some more by the sand. It was then that the Brando Jor-El pulled him back and said he had learned his lesson before sending him back to Earth. He then rescued the President before helping some of the stranger members of my family make a custom crypt front for another relative's mausoleum front. Then I went to another showing so I could watch the movie again.
I then had to go back to my elementary school where one of my law school profs was taking his sweet time in showing up for class - which was my hybrid class - so I went out to use the restroom. Then came back and missed a whole bunch of stuff.
Then I woke up and found it was about 3.5 hours later, I had only intended to sleep maybe 1/2 hour.
Had a dream last night where some Romans were discussing Jesus's tomb being found empty. They theorized that his followers may have taken his body to cannibalize in one of their barbaric rituals.
Had two dreams that I can remember last night. The first involved me fighting a dragon. It was a battle lasting several days and no matter what I tried nothing could damage it and I knew the whole time it was just playing with me like a cat with a mouse.
The second one I was in charge of an investigation into a train crash. A tractor near the railway line on a hill started rolling down to the hill towards people and although they could see it no one was moving out the way of it. I woke Kristi up in the middle of the night when I yelled at them to get out the way and she then woke me up to see what was wrong.
A week ago I had one where my boss said something the size of my stomach was getting a little big........which was odd because he himself is not in the best of shape himself.
I dreamed that I was getting married but not as the groom: as the bride! Hairy legs and armpits, high heels, stockings, veil, the works! :buggedout: :buggedout:
It would have been nice to have been all over clean shaven - and I do mean all over - nicely made up, nice gown, shoes, stockings etc but that was the dream :buggedout:
had a dream where I was with Grandmom at a grocery store. They sold normal stuff, but also stuff like whole baby hammerhead sharks. Anyway, this guy pulled out a gun, and the sheriff (like a sheriff from a b-Western) moved in to arrest him but got shot. Another guy pulled out a gun and shot the first guy, then took the first guy's gun and shot him some more. I got Grandmom out of there. For some reason, I had to steal a car to get out of there (I guess my car was too far away), but it was for sale for only $100, so I figured I'd come back and pay for it later. I spent the car ride calming Grandmom down and telling her I loved her.
Weird one a few nights ago: I dreamed I had parked my first car in a parking space and returned to it after picking my bicycle up. Just as I loaded the bike in the back and was preparing to go, a security van stopped right up against my door. The door of the security van opened and out stepped............ Negan. :buggedout: :buggedout:
He told me to go collect 20 bags of cement with my pickup, I told him to [expletive deleted] off and that was the dream. :tongueout:
had a dream last night where I kissed another guy
I'm not gay so that was odd
Had two in a row:
In the first one, I was a child with an evil stepmother and evil stepbrother. Turns out the stepmother was a xenomorph queen disguised as a human, and stepbrother was a drone disguised as a little boy! I killed the drone with a pistol a priest gave me (don't ask me, I don't know) and had to run and hide from the queen.
The second one took place in two time periods. In 1984 or thereabouts, I went on vacation with Clive Owen, Jason Alexander, and two women to the most awesome resort imaginable. It had holograms, robots, hovering platforms you could use to reenact sidescrolling platformer video games, water coasters that ended with you being dumped into a lagoon full of robot octopus people you had to "flee", underground mine rides, everything. In 2016, my son (who was also me) went on vacation to the same resort. This time, it focused mainly on his adventures in the town in the middle of the resort. After viewing the nightlife for awhile, some big dude stole his phone and his wallet, so my son beat him up by prying his jaws apart (like Kong did the t. rex). For some reason, he also got his room for free. Then he ran into one of his friends unexpectedly and they had a great time.
Dreamed I was picked up at the airport. Asked the driver his name, he looked embarrassed and then said "Indy Hanna." I laughed and asked him where his friend, Ken Tuckee, was. He said "shut up, I'm meeting him later."
I have a recurring theme in dreams that lets me know I'm still asleep....
I'll dream that I wake up; sometimes, I even get out of bed. Then, I'll look at my watch, and it's always some big clunky thing, instead of this....
which is what I actually wear. It always has a big screen, which shows me pictures, maps, stock quotes, everything but THE TIME. When I see it, I know I'm still dreaming, and I wake up.
Dreamed I was on my way home from a town I know in real life. I was driving on the autobahn and my vehicle was a motorized camping cot. Yes, it even felt awkward in my dream. I had to pull over because of a traffic jam. Crowds of people were standiing on the side so I folded my "car" and joined them. After a while I ran into a community of service area people. It was a regular service area, but people had their living accommodations weirdly blended in, that made "sense" in my dream but is hard to explain. This was a tight knit, interesting and fun kind of community but they questioned my ways of travel (with the cot) and for some reason called the cops on me.
I felt disappointed that they would do such a thing, and the cops sort of shrugged this whole thing off. They even apologized. The service area blended into a small village of some sorts, and I was a bit confused as where my exact location was because I was looking for directions to get home. I walked around and came across three middle aged Army veterans in the midst of a BBQ and living together. We talked and it turns out they knew my father (who was also a veteran). Out of nowhere one of my sisters pops up, as she was on her lunch break driving around. I got in her car and we drove to her work place that had a coffee and snack vending machine under a roofed driveway leading to the entrance. We get coffee and I wake up. I swear my dreams are getting weirder lately.
Had one this morning where I was back in Turkey and our tour group asked for volunteers to drive the bus before we got to the hotel. And it was one of those minibuses too. Then we got to the hotel but I found I only had a couple sets of clothes in my suitcase. After a bit we were supposed to leave and go to some sort of site on the coast but apparently they all left without me - I kept running around the resort looking for the bus but no luck.
No idea what I was dreaming about this morning, but part of it involved a female friend being defenestrated. Confused the wife when I sleepily told her that I was glad she hadn't been thrown out the window as well.
Last night, I dreamed that my house had spiders, but their legs were made out of the shoe strings from my work shoes, and when I stepped on one & killed it, it's body was made out of the same kind of leather. Even had Red Wing stamped in the side.
Woke up from a nap one time and had a crazy dream that I was drag racing against Hitler. We were at the starting line and he was wearing that light brown military uniform complete with regalia,(captain's hat on and everything) revving the engine of his muscle car and screaming at me in German. WTF??
I had a dream earlier this week that I got the copies of my new book, LOVER OF GOD, in the mail, only to find that they had put the wrong cover blurb on the back. There were some reviewer's comments included at the beginning - for SOMEONE ELSE'S BOOK! I started reading through and realized that about half the content was gone, and all the chapters out of order - and then I realized that I had already sold several copies before checking it. I was trying to get them back, and trying to call my publisher, only their number now picked up at a pizza place - and then I woke up!
Dreamed I lived in a boarding house and one of the fellow boarders was Alec Baldwin, but I believed he was Mike Pence. I made fun of him for the fact that President Trump didn't keep him in the loop. He got angry and wrapped his hands around my neck and threatened to strangle me. I said, "great, that will just bring more attention to you and your scandals." He then threatened to put me in jail (which scared me more), but I answered, "Even better." Then I realized who he really was and apologized. He agreed to accept my apology but only if I would deliver a coffee made with mineral water and a mint to his door. He then left, and I realized I didn't know which room he lived in.
I had one this morning where I was at the Mall of America and I received a cash award from work from a former director along with a note that I needed to be evaluated for alcohol use within the next 30 days. And I was trying to find the bathroom the entire time.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on February 15, 2017, 09:50:09 AM
He agreed to accept my apology but only if I would deliver a coffee made with mineral water and a mint to his door.
I would have given that coffee an additional flavor :drink: :buggedout: :wink:
Dreamed of my old neighborhood where I was walking around naked. Strange thing is I didn't feel embarrassed being actually naked, I was afraid people thought I was some perv exposing himself. I finally managed to get into our old apartment but all I found to wear was an oversized t-shirt, but it was long enough to cover my private parts.
I went outside again and Debbie Harry from Blondie was singing Heart of Glass while walking on our sidewalk. I ran after her but before I could reach her I woke up.
I had a weird one last night: I dreamed I was on holiday in New York with my folks - who didn't seem to either know me or interact with me - and two friends. I remember climbing around the wreck of a ship, then I found myself in a classroom where zombies were surrounding the place, I attempted to kick a hole in the glass wall, the teacher (James Cameron :buggedout:) remonstrated with me, opened the door, the zombies grabbed me and one said "Yo dude, we made you sh*t yourself" and that was it. :question: :question:
I had one where I had started a new job at the plant I had worked at from 2006 through late 2014, and several of us had to go to the local McDonalds to fix a plant mainframe computer in the back room. Add to that they were remodeling a bunch of the offices, and we were also stripping down the old computer control room and turning off all the lights.
I dreamed I got my ass kicked in a UFC title fight against Brock Lesnar.For some reason an engraving of a hot dog was on the championship belt he held.
Had a dream about the original Terminator. He succeeded in killing Sarah Connor. Then, he had to decide what to do with the rest of his life. He had a conversation with a little girl about it (apparently he had befriended her at some point). It was very weird.
I had one early this morning where I dreamed I had moved to the United Kingdom and was a member of parliament and lived only about 10 minutes from work, and had my Volt over there in the UK. I couldn't get the car stopped on the way in to work one day and blew through a construction zone before getting to work. Then Commons speaker John Bercow was there to help me draft and submit a motion to put a cover on a pit in the floor of the Commons, which contained a bunch of corn.
Strange one this morning where I was supposed to fly to Pasadena from the Madison, Wisconsin airport. Supposed to because we never got off the ground. We would accelerate a bit by would never get airborne. We went over every single inch of taxiway and runway, which was full of cop cars and UPS trucks. We even returned to the gate to let a passenger, where I spent some time sending nasty tweets to Delta saying how I wanted to get where I was going and putting down the flight number. They eventually brought some KFC on board to feed us. One time I honestly thought we were getting airborne and started clapping but nope. Just more of the same. Then I woke up.
And another one. This time at school where some of us decided it would be a good idea to invite some Shadows and Vorlons in to a hotel conference room see what they would do if they were in the same room. The two parties began to attack each other with energy weapons and ships and the like. The next day we got a bill for $3,000 in damages.
Dreamt that someone led me to a deposit of "caustic roach dung" as part of a Secret-Santa type gift exchange, while a hurricane was brewing on the horizon.
Had a dream that I was searching for a large number of people who had went missing in a small town over a period of months. Turns out a serial killer was kidnapping them, chopping them up and then mixing the bodies up in a giant mixing bowl before feeding the remains to his pet giant squid. At the end of the dream he had captured me and I was trapped non chopped up inside the mixing bowl trying to figure out a way to climb up the smooth steel edges to escape.
I usually cant even remember my dreams. Often when i dream it seems to be full of anxiety or anger, im often running from something or fighting something. This was very strange for me. In 2 parts:
1St dream - me and my older brother are going to waffle house to eat. Hes driving. As we are parking, he backs into a space. Were the asphalt ends, theres a drop off, like a ditch. He backs in smoothly. The rear wheels stop at the edge of the asphalt. Perfect parking. Nothing wrong. Im calm. He gets out to check behind the car, hopping down the drop off to look. Im siiting in the car as it begins to roll back. The car rolls down the hill, and flips over backwards on top of him. I crawl out. Some people help me flip over the car and pull him out. Hes ok except that his leg is broken badly. The parking lot hes become an outdoor bar and there are people hanging out and having drinks. We put hes leg in a splint and wait for an ambulance to arrive. There was no fear during this. There was only a strong sense of embarrassment, because this happened in front of everybody. The car was later towed without us even seeing it. I was more worried about the car and not getting home.
Then i woke up. I havent spoke to my brother or seen him in 7 years, we are not on good terms. Im sure that theres something freudian going on there.
2Nd dream- this to one that affected me. After waking up from the previous dream and going back to sleep, the other dream mutated. It was now night time in the parking lot that i was stranded in. I caught a taxi to go home. Dana Delorenzo was sharing it with me. As we were in route, we started to kiss. Not passionately but very lovingly. It was like a first kiss with someone that i was falling in love with. Very innovent and adolescent in a way. Not making out in a sexual way but just kissing in a way that felt so natural. I was looking her in the eyes, i could feel her hair. I can even remember her tongue texture and her taste. It was so vivid and real. It felt so real and natural. We arrived at another bar. Im setting there with her enjoying her company. The bar is full of nerds and geeks. Everyone was peaceful and silly. The waitress was a b***h and wouldnt give me my 99 cent tequila shot. No hard feelings though. We had a nice time that night being in each others company.
Well thats my dream. Heres why its freaking me out; I am not attracted to Dana Lorenzo! Shes not ugly, but she just doesnt do it for me. The thing about the dream is that i had such a feeling of being in love and at peace. I even woke up feeling that way, thinking about her and last night. I felt that "glow" you feel when you fall in love with someone and its mutual. Not since adolescence have i felt like this. It felt right. I felt real. It felt more right than any relationship ive ever been in. It wasnt a sexual dream at all. I just looked at some pictures of her and i feel nothing. Sorry for the long post.
Got a real crazy for you. I dreamt I in this narrow room overlooking a larger area and it's got stairs leading down, but all these various bad guys are there and trying to attack me. Most of the bad guys look a lot like bad guys cosplay characters (and some are female). Well, apparently I'm a wizard (and the only person on my team). But as things are looking dire (the people are pouring towards the steps), I noticed several LARGE sized bags of regular and peanut M&Ms nearby. So, I cast a spell on them (even though there's no indication of magic going on.. no glowing or anything) but suddenly they're not weapons. I rip open a bag and shout, "Beads of force!" and began hurling handfuls of candy down the steps. They exploded in puffs of a smoke when they hit something and people start yelling and screaming as they're hurt.
After a bit of back and forth fighting (mainly with me ripping open more bags and throwing/dumping more stuff.) Suddenly the crowd parts and the apparent leader of the group shows up, challenging me to a one on one fight. I just somehow know she's called The River Queen, she vaguely like that dragon girl from Game of Thrones (silverish hair, pale skin, etc.) and she's got all kinds of M&Ms stuck to her armor like, telling me my trick is going to be ineffective.
Just as she gets to the top of the stairs, a flaming arrow arcs high into the air and lands right in the back of her head! Her eyes rolled up and she slumps down and I see, coming over the hillside, several other flaming arrows and warriors who cause off the rest of the bad guys. I think to myself, "Finally, some backup!"
Turning to the side door (which just now appeared in the room next to the stairs), I walk through it to enter a gymnasium full of injured people lying around on the bleacher steps, as well as random children that are just walking around. A few react to me in fear, saying stuff like, "The wizard!" but most are too injured to do much. I hold up my hand and say, "It's alright! The war is over. The River Queen, I'm afraid, is dead, and no, I did not kill her." I look down at the bags of M&Ms I have with me, mutter some kind of incantation, then say, "And these are now just harmless candy. Please enjoy."
I take out a handful of M&Ms, and drop them on the floor. When they see nothing happening, the children eagerly accept the bags and begin passing them out amongst themselves. I just walk away.
And that's when I woke up.
What's really weird about this is that, although I've read the books, I don't get cable, so I haven't even seen any but a few eps of GoT and that was years ago.
I'm going to share a story with you. This is a long one description wise, but mostly it's just a few people standing around waiting.
It's fitting that I share it with you here, as this dream involved a bad movie, or maybe it was one. It's hard to say.
I'm inside an old video rental shop. In real life the store closed more than twenty years ago and I've never been inside it without either my mom or dad taking me, but there I was. This was the kind of old mom and pop style place that you don't see anymore. The kind that thought nothing about putting up movie posters of Hellraiser next to the poster for Land Before Time. It was also huge. Despite being in a small tucked away town, it's still the biggest videostore I've ever been in in my life.
I walked up to the counter with a VHS tape. In real life, you would take the empty boxes up to the counter and they'd get you the movie from the numerous shelves and backroom they had that contained the actual movies, but here I was bringing them the tape itself. If it had a label identify it, I couldn't tell you what it was.
The dream shifts. Maybe that what comes next isn't even part of the same dream.
An unmarked white van stops just outside town at the overlook. In movies, this would be the place that teens would label Lover's Lane or Lookout Point. It didn't actually exist in my real townb, but this dream town wasn't quite the same place. It was more an idealized version of my old home town, mixed with a few other places I've lived over the years. It was more a sanitized sitcom's version of a place than a real place itself.
The van looked new and clean. It had no markings on it and the windows where tinted. I wasn't at that location to see the van stop, I just saw it in the dream, like the dream had switched scenes. Somehow I knew it was trouble.
The dream goes back to me. I'm a little bit taller in the dream than I really am and a bit thinner as well. I'm also wearing a humorous dinosaur costume, the kind with a big stuffed dinosaur head you wear as a hood and a equally big stuffed tail. I'm walking down the street late at night. I might be coming from a costume party, or I might be going to one. I'm not sure. It was October after all. Halloween wasn't here just yet, but it was close.
As I'm walking down the street, the van pulls up beside me. Driving it is what I thought was a woman in very elaborate make-up. Her skin was pure white smooth like marble. She wore a red and yellow Chinese dress and had her hair cut short. She may have had long opera gloves on and had one of those long cigarette holders as well. The details are fuzzy. She told me I was late. Somehow I interpreted this as being asked to go to a party with her so I got in the van.
You know how in dreams you sometimes know things without knowing how or why you know them? The dream skips ahead again at this point and there are just things I know now.
It's hard to explain what order to tell them in.
I was now standing at the overlook with the marble Chinese woman and surrounded by other, not quite human things. They had mistaken me for one of them somehow.
There leader appeared to be a slightly chubby Asian man that looked like he stepped right off a badly faded and damaged VHS tape. Literally. His colors were faded and he was tinted slightly blue. He seemed out of focus. The weirdest thing was how there appeared to be grain, static, and flicker on him. Just him.
Apparently during the part of the dream that it had skipped, he had explained the rules. Know I knew them. There was something these things did once a year. There were thirteen of them (supposedly) that would go to a different town each year and have a contest. One by one they would be let lose and for the next 24 hours, they competed to see who could kill the most people in the town. It was never explained what, but there was supposed a prize for coming in first place and some sort of penalty for loosing. How you lost wasn't explained either. I just knew those were the rules.
I say there were supposedly thirteen, but I never got a clear view of all of them. There were also far more than thirteen that stood in the shadows with only their silhouettes visible. I also remember not knowing if the Static Man was counted as one of the 13 or just the score keeper.
I stood there nervously as well all waited for midnight to start the 24 hour mark. We were all just milling around. Walking in front of each other and almost socializing, although none of them ever seemed to talk. I think there might have been an introduction sequence as I remember a few of them being highlighted, but I must have missed most of it, being too nervous that these things would find me out and kill me.
I do remember something that looked like it was wearing a cheap store bought Hellraiser costume, except instead of the white head with pins, it had a large egg for a head. The smaller end was pointed forward and there was a tiny chipped out hole were I could see two big cartoon eyes inside. He walked past me. We didn't interact.
There was a werewolf. There was something wrong with the shape of his head though, making him seem somewhat ape like as well. He wore a suit with one sleeves ripped off the coat, one of the legs ripped off the pants, and a tie, but no shirt. His fingers were short and stubby, but clawed, looking halfway between fingers and paws.
There was a skinless man in a leather jacket. Somehow I knew he was supposed to look like a greaser. As I got a better look at him, something was off. His body was too thick and his eyes looked too sunken to be a skinless man. Either his costume was cheap, or it was something that had skinned a human and was no wearing him like clothes.
There was a character that looked like what you would get if you asked a person to draw Jason Voorhees and only gave them a vague description of what he should look like. His mask was more angular, and looked like the one Casey Jones wore in the old Ninja Turtles cartoon. His hair seemed to alternate between being Sonic the hedgehog like spikes and those tendril dreads the Predator has depending on when you looked at him. He had those oversized Boris Karloff Frankenstein shoulders and boots. I can;'t remember what he was wearing but I remember seeing reddish twisted and burnt skin. Also, he had a Freddy like claw, instead of being a glove though, it was a mechanical hand. There were long blades instead of fingers, and they seemed to have a joint in the middle of them so he could bend them.
Somehow I knew in the dream, he was the star character. He stood there silently and nobody interacted with him.
He may have been the star, but there was one other. This one, even this group seemed to fear. She was naked and had the body of a super model. Just the body. There were no legs and no head. Somebody had roughly sawed them off leaving just bloody stumps behind. Likewise her nipples had been cut off leaving jagged x-shaped scars on her breasts. A thick, smooth patch that was more soft fur than pubic hair covered her lower regions. Her body appeared to float in the air, but she moved as though she still had legs, her stumps swinging as she "walked" and even stretching as she "stepped over" a branch at one point. Sometimes she had those old fashioned straight razors in her hands, sometimes she didn't and in the dream, I knew it was because she could make them appear or disappear at will.
I can also remember the Static Man being upset at Marble girl for not killing other women but keeping them chained to her as slaves, although he still gave her points for terrifying them. I don't know if this was a flashback or a jump forward. It felt like a scene that had been put in the wrong par to the movie.
Surrounded by these terrors and somehow mistaken for one of them, I stood their waiting for the game to begin. I knew things would go horrible for me if I lost or revealed I wasn't one of them, but the alternate was murdering friends and family.
Before I knew which one I was going to do, the dream shifted to something far less interesting that I won't bore you with.
The fear is that one of these days he'll enter Dream World and never come out. For as unpleasant as the Real World can be at times, Dream World can be just as unpleasant.
All right, Tex, the gauntlet is down....
1. I once got a backrub in a Maine cranberry bog.
2. I stuck my hand into a crack in the door of a 19th century tomb at Spring Grove and put a dinosaur sticker on the inside of the door.
3. During the 1997 mega-flood, I tossed several yellow rubber duckies into the flood waters, each with something odd written on the bottom.
Admittedly any could be true, all sound like me, but a product of my imagination.
But which?
Quote from: ER on July 08, 2017, 01:26:58 PM
All right, Tex, the gauntlet is down....
1. I once got a backrub in a Maine cranberry bog.
2. I stuck my hand into a crack in the door of a 19th century tomb at Spring Grove and put a dinosaur sticker on the inside of the door.
3. During the 1997 mega-flood, I tossed several yellow rubber duckies into the flood waters, each with something odd written on the bottom.
Admittedly any could be true, all sound like me, but a product of my imagination.
But which?
This should be in the Two Truths, One lie thread, I think.
Rev, wanna move it please?
And, ER, I am going to call - #3 as the lie.
Now THAT is weird, I am 99.9% sure I posted this on 2T1L thread, and yet it showed up here??????
No, sir, number three is not the lie! Victory dance, I finally got one past you at long last!!!
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 08, 2017, 01:16:54 PM
The fear is that one of these days he'll enter Dream World and never come out. For as unpleasant as the Real World can be at times, Dream World can be just as unpleasant.
Ever read
The Sandman, BSK?
Dreamed I met Billy Ocean at some kind of public event.
BILLY OCEAN [walking past me on the way to his seat]: Hey, isn't that the janitor?
ME: I wish I could say it was nice to meet you, Billy.
[Other audience members titter and repeat what I said. Billy Ocean says something angry but inaudible].
ME: Oh, shut up.
I was a writer for a cartoon series. I was sitting there in a small poorly lit room with stacks of paper and a pencil. The cartoon starred an evil looking Tom (from Tom and Jerry) and a cute looking more realistic CG mouse.
The plot was that the cat had to trick the mouse to eat a ham sandwich. As I was writing it, I realized somehow that was the ONLY plot in the entire series. I had to write hundreds of episodes by hand and they all had to be about a cat tricking a mouse to eat a ham sandwich. I was stressing out because I couldn't think of that many ways to write a cat making a mouse eat a ham sandwich but if I didn't, I'd get fired and I really needed that job.
Quote from: ER on July 08, 2017, 02:48:45 PM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 08, 2017, 01:16:54 PM
The fear is that one of these days he'll enter Dream World and never come out. For as unpleasant as the Real World can be at times, Dream World can be just as unpleasant.
Ever read The Sandman, BSK?
I was at work, which was, for some weird reason, in a 10-story high-rise in a town that has appeared in my dreams many times before. I kept seeing people I didn't recognize, and they seemed like security people with light body armor and automatic weapons.
Next thing I know, these same people go into lockdown mode and start herding people into the middle floors of the building. They are hitting protesters with the butts of their weapons, and shooting those who resist further. I am avoiding them as best I can as the whole building is this weird labyrinth that they apparently aren't familiar with.
I make my way down to the areas where they are holding people. While down there, I run into a ex-girlfriend (she does not work where I do in real life). She is carrying around a length of cord. As we talk, I find out that she has been designated as a killer by the people taking over the building. In fact, they have labelled all the workers as either killers, victims, or saves. The saves are people they need alive to accomplish whatever they need done. The killers are supposed to kill victims. Basically, the interlopers want the bulk of the employees to kill each other while they want the "saves" to work on some project.
The ex-girlfriend attempts to use the cord to strangle me, but I somehow get away. I find a guy who has been in other dreams I've had. He is a "save". He explains that the whole attack is related to some computer program which has made recent appearances in other dreams I've had.
I find a group of people who have avoided being rounded up, and we decide to make a break for the roof as the ground floor would be too heavily guarded. After a series of weird events that I don't recall completely (people jumping to their death or being shot), I find a way down the side of the building with a little girl in tow.
We pass through a few surrounding buildings that have been featured in other dreams I've had. Once we are about a block away from the original building, we try to find help. A realty office is around the corner, so we go in there. I get them to call the authorities while I try to explain what is happening.
A woman from my place of work comes into the office, but she is dressed like the "security" people. She shoots the lady who called the authorities. I pull the gun away from her and shoot her, but she just seems to absorb the bullets as she rambles about end times, the computer program from earlier, and random gibberish. She eventually melts into a blob.
We step out of the realty office in time to see four huge airships fly into the area with each ship stopping to hover over a corner of the high-rise building where I work. The ships turn on end and land, effectively surrounding the building and proceed to seal it away from the rest of the world.
I know I'm paranoid, but that was way too f**ked up even for me, especially with this computer program that keeps popping up in relation to work.
Early this morning I dreamed that a colleague and I were having very vigorous and very athletic sex: me dressed as Dame Joan Collins and my [male] colleague all in very tight leather. Nice way to start off the morning. :teddyr:
I don't remember most of my dream last night, only that there was a Vincent Price movie where his intended murder plan was ruined because he killed somebody's pet gorilla.
Yesterday I had a strong dream about Hugh Hefner dying, and this morning I wake up to the news that...
I dreamt last night that Kristi was being tickled by cat sized ants with feathers tied to their legs.
Today I want to buy my own genetic research facility and make it a reality.
I had a crazy dream the other night.
I was working for the CIA when two of our field agents, trying to take down a warlord in Somalia, were killed by a bomb planted in their car.
My job was to identify the mole in the agency who had turned over their names, and when I found some notes that one of the two had left behind, I was able to figure out which Congressman was on the warlord's payroll, and then which staffer of his had recruited someone in the agency to give up their names. I woke up as we were arresting the lot of them!
Had a strange one this morning when I went to church one Sunday morning at a basilica and found they had painted over most of the artwork in the church, took out the canopy over the altar, and then took out all the posts that you see in the nave in gothic architecture churches. The priest (who has been dead 10 years now) when asked said they had all been taken out on Ash Wednesday . I woke up and realized it was just a dream and that they couldn't take the columns out since they were holding up the roof.
Matthew McConaughey agreed to do an interview, but only if I would serve as his spiritual advisor.
I dreamed I was becoming a pro wrestler under the name Domina Traumina.
I dreamed that I had been gifted a huge male organ: it deflated after I woke up :wink:
Had a strange one this morning where I was in the 23rd century and I was at the cemetery where I and my parents were buried. It turned into me time traveling back to the current day and photoshopping potential tombstones on to the site where we're going to be buried many years down the road from now.
Had a couple of good nightmares last night. One involved me and two friends in a sort of Saw type situation. We had booked into a hotel after escaping from one trap and had a big suite with three different bedrooms. We were sitting in the main bedroom on the bed talking and then a voice told us that if one of us got off the bed the other two would be electricuted. Not sure how that one ended.
In the other I was travelling with Kristi, my mum and sister. We were going to be staying overnight in Inverness and rather than book into a hotel we decided to find an empty house, break in and crash there for the night. The house we chose was filled with dead bodies in fairly advanced stated of decomposition. I cleared the bodies from the ground floor and we stayed there, ignoring the ones in the basement and upper floor (and I wouldn't let anyone else see them). At some point in the night a machette wielding psycho turned up and I had to fight him.
I had a dream I was doing a stand-up/magic routine in front of audience and both parts bombed terribly.
The stand up part I can understand, as I've actually done that (not professional though) but magic? Uh... okay.
I had one where I was painting the church office interior and somehow painted the ceiling from the ground with a regular brush without using a ladder or anything else but was getting paint everywhere. Plus there were a bunch of extra rooms in the church office building including a couple extra basements.
Okay! Does anybody want to take a stab at explaining this one?
Captive monkeys defecating in cages in Mexico.
I had one last night where I was riding a broom in my birthday suit.
I don't know what she was dreaming about but after she fell asleep for the second time while sitting on the toilet last night, as I was dragging her to bed my wife asked me if we could get a pet pig.
shoot,you're fixing to have a baby, a pig could clean up after it,right? babies are MESSY!
I was on a yacht with a bunch of old friends. We were all lying down. One was in the mast, playing with a water cannon and saying we should buy three yachts and use them to pick up girls. I called up to him, laughing: "yeah, because there's nothing girls like more than being sprayed with a water cannon."
I turned to my friend Rob (who's been dead for a couple years now) and said, "last time I was talking to you I wanted to say..."
Just then I was interrupted by the feeling of a hand closing around my throat. I looked around to try to see who was strangling me. I woke up.
I was having to give a presentation on digital cameras with some law school classmates at a lake front amphitheatre when someone in the previous group fell into the water, and we were just getting started with our presentation when the instructors decided to call the whole thing off. And I was really p**sed because I had spent so much time getting ready and that was all wasted now, but everyone else was trying to calm me down and saying I shouldn't be p**sed off cause the guy in front of me fell into the water.
I was on my way to jail with my dad for something that was an honest mistake
I was walking across a college campus (I think I was there for a speaking engagement; I know I wasn't a student), and a lioness came walking out onto the quad, roaring and terrorizing everyone. Despite people yelling at me to get away, I walked up and put my hand on top of its head and pushed it towards the ground. She pulled back and charged me again, and I kept doing the same thing - putting my hand on top of its head and pushing firmly down, so that it couldn't turn and bite me. After the fourth time or so, the lioness rolled over and showed its belly, and I put it on a leash and walked off the quad towards the building I was heading for.
I was "riffing" on a movie with some professional comedians. It was a kid's cartoon, but for some reason it started with a live clip of beggars in India. I said "Amputation, degradation, humiliation... it's like any given episode of 'The Jerry Springer Show!'" The comics thought that was really funny.
A former mentor and colleague of mine passed on about two weeks ago and I didn't attend her funeral as I was too distraught. Two nights ago I dreamed that I was walking around a corner and I bumped into her, giving her a scare and making her swear the air blue. It was nice to see her again and I gave her a hug too. :smile:
I just realized that she was saying goodbye to me there, so that was comforting.
Last night I dreamt that I'd quit my job and moved to the north of England to attend university in Newcastle Upon Tyne. My family kept flipping between living in Newcastle and living where I live now...practically on a sentence by sentence I remember feeling genuinely quite confused. the weirdest bit was that in order to get to the reception of the University campus I had to drive my car into a bay which would unlock a panel on the wall containing a suitcase which folded out into what looked like a mobility scooter without a seat (It was standing only) but was in fact a Jetski. I then had to Jetski across what was at some points in the day a lake and at other points an ocean. a colleague from my actual days at university cameo'd in this dream briefly to tell me that he was on a similar course to myself and to watch out because (And Im using his words here) "They're all bastards who'll try to take "It" away" (I never saw him again in the dream, I dont know what "It" is and in real life I havent thought about him in nearly 5 years) there was also a woman in the dream with Blonde shoulder lenghth semi frizzy hair and a burgendy Jumper and jeans...she spoke to me but either words didnt come out or I havent remembered what she said but it seemed important...I've never seen this woman in real life and I dont know the significance honestly...the dream ended rather abruptly when I got on my jetski; got halfway across the ocean and the jetski suddenly started sinking. I was soaking wet and taking on Brine when I woke up at 5:20am (A full hour and a half before I had to get up) and couldnt settle again after that...not the absolute weirdest dream but odd and unsettling enough...
Dreamed I adopted a bunch of two-headed dogs.
People to Disinvite to My Next Birthday Party
1. People who change their underwear less frequently than Trevor.
2. Dead people (i.e. Zombies)
3. People who are covered in fuzzy little bugs.
4. Drunkards
5. People who play games I have never heard of.
6. Any others?
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on December 06, 2017, 05:41:26 PM
People to Disinvite to My Next Birthday Party
1. People who change their underwear less frequently than Trevor.
2. Dead people (i.e. Zombies)
1. I will turn up anyway :wink:
2. My special niece and nephew call me Uncle Zombie so :wink:
Last night I had a terrible time, not feeling well all evening, didn't sleep so much as fell into this night-long tormented shallow delirium-filled inner void in which it seemed like I had one dream over the course of hours, this unpleasant recurring theme from which there was no escape, centering on Odin from Douglas Adams' The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
A weird one this morning: I dreamed there was some drunk idiot playing the fiddle outside my flat and when I went to the bathroom, everything had been stolen, including the toilet.* :buggedout:
* I now have nothing to go on :wink:
I dreamed I was on a bus and Dennis Miller was there: I asked him how Bill O'Reilly was and he shook his head sadly and walked away. :question:
Okay; so I had one of the weirdest and most symbolic dreams that I've had in a very long time last night and this thread was pretty much the first place I thought to drop it off at. it is a little bit long winded but it does end with me effectively telling god hes talking "Bollocks" so...y'know.
First some minor backstory: I'm currently fully employed but looking to change jobs, I work for a small video company as a film editor and the manager of the department but a growing number of issues are arising (Mainly to do with proximity (I live quite far away from the offices and they're talking about relocating soon to somewhere potentially even further away making my commute untenable), my pay being well below the average for the position I run and other elements of office politics (Mainly with how my department is being treated) I've applied for several jobs over the last few weeks and theres one in particular im very hopeful will come through because the pays double what im currently earning, its half the distance, it's a bigger company that behaves more professionally and if nothing else if I do get offered the position I can use it somewhat to my advantage to try and wrangle better pay and more flexibility from my current employer (As with it being a small business they really cant afford to lose staff) this in turn may help resolve a lot of the office politics issues that I have. I've also quite recently signed myself up to several courses including Teacher training, management and IT support all for various reasons (I've always wanted an IT qualification, as I work as a manager it would be nice to have at least some basic training as to what the role actually is supposed to involve and teacher training is always a valulable qualification to have if im ever stuck for work or want to potentially move into lecturing) but with the main reason being self betterment.
But anyway onto my dream! so! I wake up in my own bed only instead of going to work that day it's revealed that I've signed myself up to go back to school to study languages. Now apart from the fact that im terrible at languages, I have no idea what language i've signed up to even learn. So I find out that the course i've signed myself up for is being taught at my old high school. the building I used to attend was knocked down and rebuilt about 6 years ago; but in my dream I arrived to what could only be described as a construction site. half the building was the old one I remembered the other half was being built by several mature students on building courses (I suppose thats one way to learn on the job!) so I go into my class and immediately hit it off with two other students who i've never seen before in my life nor can I describe them.
And thus a "Plesent valley sunday" style montage begins as I sort of "Out of body" see myself studying, reading loads of books, having a laugh with my new random friends and giving presentations...this montage goes on for way to long but eventually I get back into my body just in time for the day of "The big test!" im walking to the exam hall with my mates and it suddenly hits me "OH NO! I DIDNT STUDY!"...only it's deeper than that because I very quickly realise that not only did I not study for the big test but that also The montage where I was seen learning all about the course was completely pointless and that I hadnt learnt a thing since i'd first walked in on my first day!.
I tell my friends that im completely lost and that I dont even know what language i've been studying and they guide me down to the main reception of the building (I believe because they thought I was sick) I walk through a set of double doors into the reception and my friends instantly dissapear and im stood in a reception waiting room watching the receptionist from my old high school aged to how she must look now, trying her hardest to help to british courtroom judges carry a load of heavy suitcases to a nearby lecture they were giving to law students. I offer to help out and I go over to see what I can do only to get absolutely distracted because wedged in a gap between the entrance doors to the building and a wall is about a 15 foot alcove with set back seating going about 6 rows back and about 10 foot high filled with a mixture of actual celebrities and celebrity impersonators. most of the impersonators were awful (one that stuck out by a mile was a Barrack Obama impersonator who was about a foot and a half too all honestly he looked more like the actor Phil Lewis...) they looked a bit like a jury only it was bizarre to see them all crammed into this 15 foot long, 10 foot high alcove.
One of the celebrities on the bench however was Will Ferrell who was right at the back of the benches and who, having seen the judges struggling, jumped down off his seat and silently started trying to help pick up suitcases as well...that was when I heard the explosions going off...I told the judges Id be right back and headed over to the entrance doors (Which were made of glass) and I saw what I can only describe as 2 massive mobs of people throwing fireworks at each other in the school courtyard. it was like a sequence from Lizstomania coupled with a scene from Saving private ryan. the two sides fighting were all heavily inspired by internet and meme culture. there were large groups line dancing, anonymous masks were rife there were banners being waved with the 4chan clover and pepe the frog, drinking, drugs, loud music full blown pandamonium, and the explosions were pretty much deafening seriously I cant describe how mad that part of my dream was like for a brief second my dream had been hijacked by Ken Russell.
So Im looking out over the warfair while While behind me Will Ferrell is still helping the judges carry there stuff up a massive flight of stairs when through the smoke and the music and screaming I see a speck running along the courtyard flailing and begging to be let in. I turn to the receptionist who tells me she locked the doors for safety and that she would let whoever it was in if I knew them I looked closer and it turns out this speck was an old teacher I had when I was in college, he was a really nice guy and we ended up going to university together in real life (He was a substitute teacher who took over my class for a year when my original teacher had to take maternity leave) so he's banging on the doors begging to be let in and after some hesitation the recptionist does open the doors for him. he collapses into the front entrance before getting up, dusting himself off. greeting me and walking over to will, Will drops the judges cases and the two go over to a quite corner for a moment to have a word...I cant quite make out whats being said but very shortly after they started talking my teacher friend suddenly erupts and screams "THAT WAS MY LAST £8 WILL! I WAS SUPPOSED TO SEE MY KID TODAY!" (Im pretty sure in real life he doesnt have children) Will then storms off down a nearby corridor and my friend abruptly walks back out into the warzone. My friends usually very chilled so I was a bit shocked. thats when completely out of the blue...and I still dont know why this happened. Jonah Ray walks down from the alcove jury, puts his hand on my shoulder, says "lets go and get him" and he just walks flat out into the battle as this point I run out after the two of them deeply confused as to why Jonah is there and even more confused about the significance of Will Ferrell and even FURTHER confused as to why my mate was so upset. So I run out into the battle and everythings going to hell out there but after ducking and diving some explosions and the odd fist/knife fight I spot Jonah walking down a narrow side alley that linked the front and back of the school buildings.
I duck and weave through the crowds and eventually get to the alley way and its a bit like a wizard of oz moment; because as I run down the allyway the violent screams get quieter, the sun gets brighter and everything gets a lot more colourful suddenly im walking down a wide road, there are people pushing bikes full of flowers and everything has suddently gone very middle england I see Jonah off in the distance and thats when I realise to my left Im walking past a massively long building that has seemingly been refurbished to look like Noahs ark but its only half built and seemingly decorated with flowers. I run down the street and Jonah holds an entrance door for me, when I catch up I say "Whats this?" he says "Oh; its a replica of Noahs ark, the woodwork department and the horticultural society really came together on this one. Stewarts up on the roof right now fixing the flooring...wanna come and help?" I say "Sure" and we climb what I can only describe as a very VERY narrow turret staircase the steps of flimsy, its about as wide as the average office chair and the celing is very low to the point where at times I was effectively crawling. and the stairs just went on...and on...and on...much longer and winding that the outside height of the building. eventually we reach a hatch and at this point im effectively crushedagainst the roof. Jonah opens the hatch climbs up into the roof and I pop my head up through the hatch entrance to see 90's alternative comic Stewart Lee wearing a pair of overalls holding a nail in his mouth effectively nailing flooring down to the beams of the roof.
I say "Hey" he goes "Hello...yer alright?" I say "Yeh not too bad...hell of a climb though" he says "Yeh most people dont get up y'know...well done...I suppose" theres a long pause. Jonah dissapears behind a chimney pot for a bit at this point. Stewart says "So what course were you studying here?" I say "Well...originally film...but im doing languages here...but I dont even know what language im supposed to be learning and I have a big test today!" he says "Well it seems a bit pointless going to do an exam for a subject you know nothing about" I said "Your not wrong. I dnt even now why I bothered doing this course...its a pointless thing to learn for me and I have no real use for it" Stewart says "Yeh...its amazing how people will do pointless things for years and years and get nowhere with them...then again I suppose some people just need the right pointing in the right direction" I sort of gave him a reassuring nod as if to say "Yer not wrong" and there was another large silence while he got back to work...eventually stewart broke the silence again to say "So what were you doing before you signed up to do this course?" I said "I was a film editor" he says "that sounds like a quite interesting job...why did you want to give that up for languages?" I said "Well I dont know why im doing languages I just woke up one morning and found out that was what I was doing...but I quit my job because of various reasons" (Which I then explained in lenghth to Stewart who just sat there sort of absorbing what I was saying.
So I say what I mentioned at the beginning...about how proximity was an issue...that the pay wasnt right, that I was fed up with the office politics and how some of the staff members seemed genuinely out to make my job as difficult as possible and I suggested that the reason why I chose to go back to education was to retrain for a job I didnt have yet and there was another brief silence while Stewart mulled over what I'd said. he then quite thoughtfully says "...Just because something doesnt work now; doesnt mean it wont ever work. You've had a few rough months. im sure things will improve..."
And then I woke up. and for the briefest of split seconds that sentence "Just because something doesnt work now; doesnt mean it wont ever work" rang in my head and I thought very briefly "Yeh...hey thats not a bad way to look at things...maybe I shouldnt throw the baby out with the bath water"...but then almost immediately after that I woke up a bit more and thought "Hang he's talking bollocks." and that irritated me so much I actually tried to go back to sleep to have words with him about his suggestion. and you know what? Normally it doesnt work but today it did! I closed my eyes and ended up back in that loft! Stewart looked at me and before he could say anything I quickly splurted out "Your talking bollocks mate; its sticking to things no matter how badly they hurt or effect us that allows domestic abuse to go on for years!"...there was another overly long pause and after a long period of silence stewart said "Ahhh...." (which is a catchphrase he used to repeatedly use in the mid 90s to basically say "But think about it properly" I said "No not Ahh!" echoing another catchphrase he used in the 90's and he got up walked over to the same chimney pot, walked behind it and dissapeared. I climbed into the rafters and started trying to follow him and then my alarm went off and i woke up just before I turned the corner...I felt tired and deeply confused/depressed. I grabbed a note pad and wrote pretty much all this down. Will Farell had no further involvment in the dream...
So yeah...depending on how you look at things I either had a completely random and totally scattershot dream filled with random minor (And one semi major) celebrities...or all of this was symbolism in which I find myself drifting aimlessly not understanding how I got here or where im going, an observer rather than an active member of society. watching battles and arguments unfold but not getting involved and all of this eventually led me to literally climb into heaven and tell god or Jesus that he doesnt know what he's on about...and that was just the START of my day!
Dreamed about ER---no kidding! Attractive lady, red hair. Though she acted more like another online friend of mine, always eager to impress. Anyway, she moved into an apartment on the same floor as me (I don't live in an apartment, but hey). She tore down all the walls to make one long room, with windows along the entire outside wall, and invited everyone over.
If I drew the little Jesus fish symbol with my finger and underlined it twice on a door, going through that door would lead me into a completely different room and it wasn't in any way consistent. Sometimes it would be a different room in the same house, sometimes a room that should have been a hundred miles away or more. Sometimes it didn't want to work at all, which was especially frustrating when I was being chased by people that wanted to use my power for their own gains.
Also at some point, I watched a version of the movie Tomb Raider where Angeline Jolie's clothes got ripped and she spent half the movie topless.
I had an odd dream over the weekend: I was in a tunnel and met up with Sir Christopher Lee. I greeted him, asked him how he was doing, he smiled, shook my hand and left. :question:
I had one this morning where I ran into a jerk at a local car dealer who harassed me a couple times. Tyrion Lannister got word of it and arranged for the guy to be kidnapped and shipped off to work on another planet. Tyrion flew over in his X-wing to teach this guy a lesson before flying back to Earth in his X-wing to tell me and my friends not to worry about the guy anymore.
Woke up this morning dreaming I was going for a job interview, and I went in and this nerdy, chubby little man was there and for some reason we got to talking about health, and he asked if I knew anything about his wife having marks on her skin, and I asked what sort of marks, and he got on his phone and on the TV on his wall he showed me this video of his wife, this frumpy-dumpy equally homely and chubby person sitting at the breakfast table with their son, who was maybe four, and she was in a bathrobe saying her chest hurt worse today, and in the video she pulled open her robe and nightgown, and all across her chest were these hideous black bruises or crusty lesions, and they looked like sarcoma or leprosy, or the sores of late-stage AIDS, or possibly a severe infection, absolutely horrifying, but in my dream she was still sitting at the breakfast table like life was normal, puzzling as to why she had this outbreak covering most of her chest and shoulders. It was a dream that disturbed me even after I woke up, cuz clearly the zombie 'pocolypse was on, right?
Quote from: ER on January 29, 2018, 10:23:34 AM
Woke up this morning dreaming I was going for a job interview, and I went in and this nerdy, chubby little man was there and for some reason we got to talking about health, and he asked if I knew anything about his wife having marks on her skin, and I asked what sort of marks, and he got on his phone and on the TV on his wall he showed me this video of his wife, this frumpy-dumpy equally homely and chubby person sitting at the breakfast table with their son, who was maybe four, and she was in a bathrobe saying her chest hurt worse today, and in the video she pulled open her robe and nightgown, and all across her chest were these hideous black bruises or crusty lesions, and they looked like sarcoma or leprosy, or the sores of late-stage AIDS, or possibly a severe infection, absolutely horrifying, but in my dream she was still sitting at the breakfast table like life was normal, puzzling as to why she had this outbreak covering most of her chest and shoulders. It was a dream that disturbed me even after I woke up, cuz clearly the zombie 'pocolypse was on, right?
No, the 'pocolypse happened when you hit 666 karma and I missed it remember?
I found this one more disturbing than it should be.
I was in some kind of rebel army fighting against the government. We were on a hill and had a contingent trapped in a cave at the bottom. I was huddled under a blanket with another solider and we were wondering why they hadn't sent a gunship or something to clean us out.
Next scene: one of the other soldiers' fathers, a veteran, came and chided us for not attacking the enemy directly. He took a couple of hand grenades, said "this is illegal in Florida," ripped the tops off, and lit them. Then he walked down to the entrance of the cave and threw them in. We could only see his feet. After he threw the second one, he said "I'm sorry." Then, "I'm going to need some bactine and bandages."
As he was coming up I started looking through the medicine cabinets for first aid supplies, but all I could find was after shave. Then I woke up.
I keep having a variation on the same dream over and over again. I'm moving somewhere, and some reason and I gotta scramble to round up all my stuff before the deadline, but I'm just making a big mess of everything, or trying to desperately to organize and pack all this important stuff, but feeling more and more overwhelmed by it all.
Quote from: sprite75 on January 29, 2018, 08:39:41 AM
I had one this morning where I ran into a jerk at a local car dealer who harassed me a couple times. Tyrion Lannister got word of it and arranged for the guy to be kidnapped and shipped off to work on another planet. Tyrion flew over in his X-wing to teach this guy a lesson before flying back to Earth in his X-wing to tell me and my friends not to worry about the guy anymore.
I think he did this to the car dealer
Now the law school is invading my dreams. Yay. Had one this morning involving the school and the church I attend. Something about one of my adjuncts was unhappy about how the organ symphony I wrote wasn't in proper IRAC form and the organist was all p**sed off.
Had one this morning where I was watching a Ron Howard film and it had a scene with a priest getting in a fight with someone at a church, and I thought the church looked familiar so I rewound it to watch it again and it turned out to be the local Catholic Cathedral - I recognized the paintings above the altar. I then met Ron and thanked him for using my hometown in the movie.
I didn't get much sleep last night, but when I did I had a strange dream involving Trevor.
I was travelling back in time, and eventually got to the bit before the creation of the universe and there was Trevor and his underpants.
He gave me the chance to ask one question, and no matter what it was he would be able to answer it. I woke up just as he was about to answer the only question I could think of at the time.
"Did the underpants create you to wear them or did you create the underpants?"
Quote from: Dark Alex on February 14, 2018, 01:59:39 PM
I didn't get much sleep last night, but when I did I had a strange dream involving Trevor.
I was travelling back in time, and eventually got to the bit before the creation of the universe and there was Trevor and his underpants.
He gave me the chance to ask one question, and no matter what it was he would be able to answer it. I woke up just as he was about to answer the only question I could think of at the time.
"Did the underpants create you to wear them or did you create the underpants?"
Alex, I TOLD you those weren't Skittles, man!
In my dream I was watching this tabloid type show and this story came on and the reporter said, "Teenage Charlie.... It's not funny anymore, but he still can't quit biting fingers."
i had the most gawdawful nightmare last night! i dreamed that i couldn't read/recognize any of the cans and boxes in my kitchen at all... i literally woke up in a cold sweat,and went to my pantry and
read a bag front. it clearly said RICE, i felt much better after that.
Last night dreamt I logged into my classes website and saw that 86 things were waiting for me to see that I got grades for. :buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout:
I had a dream where I bumped into Penelope Cruz. We had an interesting chat and decided to sneak off somewhere and have sex together. We found an empty office, but were interupted by my friend Scott who was with Michelle Pfieffer. Various other people I knew turned up with famous film stars all looking for a place to get it on together.
Had a bad movie related dream last night. I dreamt I was involved in the making of The Room.
Quote from: Dark Alex on February 26, 2018, 06:34:10 AM
Had a bad movie related dream last night. I dreamt I was involved in the making of The Room.
That would tearrr me apaaart, Alex :wink:
Had one this morning where there was some sort of disaster that killed everyone except a few thousand people so they had to talk people in to reproductive activities so to help the human race grow again. And after that then there was a movement to have Jon Snow take over as Emperor but he didn't want to be a monarch but instead be something like a President or the like that would lead all of Earth which was finally united as one. And despite everything Siri was still working as expected and answering questions with her usual snark despite the fact that there had been a distaster of some sort.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 17, 2014, 07:49:59 AM
Dreamed a friend of mine got busted for selling fake water. :question:
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
How in 4 years did I not see this one? :teddyr:
I dreamed of being on a starship and flying thru the galaxy, seeing stars being born and worlds die. Nebulas that looked like oceans of blood and comets that seemed made of diamonds. Planets that spoke to me and stars that sang. Dyson spheres like vast Christmas ornaments and haloworlds that gleamed like golden rings.
It's so hard to come back to this dismal little sphere after dreams like that.
I had a really weird one the other day: I dreamed that I had a old fashioned computer connector cord coming out of my eye socket :buggedout:
I had a dream where me and a class were invited to go to a boarding school. The boarding school was full of magic teachers. Turns out that being helped by all of the staff wasn't good enough for some and those people wanted out, with gory results. Some were burned alive, others were electrocuted, some were sliced, you get the idea.
Last night I dreamt a bunch of mice were gathered in a toilet and were preparing or attempting to go down the drain
Weird one: I dreamed that all of you tried to phone or text me at once. :wink:
Quote from: El Misfit on March 24, 2018, 10:18:24 AM
I had a dream where me and a class were invited to go to a boarding school. The boarding school was full of magic teachers. Turns out that being helped by all of the staff wasn't good enough for some and those people wanted out, with gory results. Some were burned alive, others were electrocuted, some were sliced, you get the idea.
So you went to my high school then? :wink:
I had a weird one last night: I dreamed that I was running around outside my church in my home town brandishing an AK 47 and no one took any notice. I didn't point it at anyone or shoot anyone, I was just waving the thing around. :question:
Then some idiot stole my car.... :question:
Quote from: indianasmith on January 07, 2016, 12:13:10 AM
Last night I dreamed that Trevor was coming to Texas for a visit, and I invited him to dinner at my house. I also invited Alan Hopewell, who lives a couple of hours from me, to join us. In my dream the evening was going well enough - I had ribs on the grill and drinks in the cooler, and we were all about to sit down and watch ZOMBIE HAMLET together. Then Trevor started laughing maniacally and throwing his underpants at Alan, who fell over backward and knocked one of my artifact display cases over. Then I woke up.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Had one where some a***ole at work was trying to convince management to get rid of me for a mistake he made. Complete with fake evidence.
I dreamed that I was having lunch with the South African President. I think he paid for the food. :wink:
Quote from: Dark Alex on February 14, 2018, 01:59:39 PM
I didn't get much sleep last night, but when I did I had a strange dream involving Trevor.
I was travelling back in time, and eventually got to the bit before the creation of the universe and there was Trevor and his underpants.
He gave me the chance to ask one question, and no matter what it was he would be able to answer it. I woke up just as he was about to answer the only question I could think of at the time.
"Did the underpants create you to wear them or did you create the underpants?"
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
The answer is "42" :wink:
I had a dream i was back with the military, except this time the military was highly GI Joe inspired. There were also a few X-men. We were apparently caught in a zombie apocalypse and trying to do ... something. I have no idea.
Later on in the dream, I showed up for an awards ceremony in jeans and a rain coat and stood next to Alfred Hitchcock. I have no idea what were were getting awards for.
I had a really weird one last night - I was in the Navy, stationed along the coast in Kazakhstan - which is weird in itself because Kazakhstan is landlocked - and the Iraqis or Russians or somebody had set fire to all the offshore oil rigs and were bombing our ships. The waters of the ocean were boiling, and I got a crew of guys together, trying to pull sailors and oil rig workers out of the water - but their bodies were cooked, and they came apart in our hands. Then sharks showed up and started eating all the bodies, pulling them out of our hands. They bit my friend in the foot, and then one of the sharks came on land and I punched it in the nose to make it leave me alone. Weirdness!
Pretty intense sounding dream...
It was crazy.
Had a dream that started being set in prohibition era America. A group of men were leaving a newly constructed hotel built in the style of a castle. One of the men was thanking the others for funding the construction of his hotel but complaining that they had changed it from his original design. The other men were ignoring him / treating him as some kind of irritatant. They walk outside the hotel onto a covered plaza just outside, walk down the street and into another part of the hotel. It clearly had a confusing maze like design. As they entered the other part of the hotel the leader of the group got fed up with the complaining man and shot him.
Fast forward to the modern day. I find myself travelling through a town at night and pull up in the hotel for a place to stay for the night. There are quite a few other guests, maybe 30 or 40 most of whom seemed normal except for The Joker (Suicide Squad version). Anyway, people start disappearing, and it quickly becomes very obvious that the hotel has some supernatural element going on, including many ghosts of previous guests who had been killed. Some people would be killed 'off stage' and not realise they were ghosts. For some reason while we were trying to escape we had a whole long section where all the guests got up on the roof to get somewhere else in the hotel (I can't remember why). Anyway, we got down to maybe a dozen survivors who were mostly killed off during a meal (the dining room was on the second floor and had a small cemetary next door to it). Someone did something silly and I saw a bunch of bones reassemble themselves and then muscle and organs for around the body which screamed in pain, eventually turning out to be The Tall Man from Phantasm. Decided it was time to get out and left via the front door (not sure why we all didn't do that earlier. However I was unable to move more than a few feet away from the hotel. Apparently at some point I'd also been killed and was now a ghost. I decided that rather than stay inside the hotel itself I would hang about in the plaza outside along with some of the other ghosts (including The Joker). To prove that we didn't have to spend eternity being tortured by the hotel I gave an attractive female ghost oral sex. The Tall Man let her go and a surviving police man carried her outside, however her body started to decay until only the head was left, which freaked out the cop and he ran off as the head shouted curses at him.
The dream ended with the cop walking off back into the night.
The hotel design had a unusual amount of consistency. Getting to places required taking the same route each time you'd to go there instead of the random jumble I am used to in dreams.
Had a rather odd one involving school where I was doing a arguing a motion in front of a Professor who was acting as a judge all while wearing what the Pope would wear for mass. I then went bowling and excommunicated Walter Sobchak when he started complaining that I was over the line, and when he pulled out his piece I took it away from him and turned it into a cup of coffee. Followed by the election being over here in the US.
The other night I fell asleep to the sound of rain pouring outside, which inspired a very strange dream in which the water started coming in my bedroom window. In the dream, I jumped out of bed and found myself ankle-deep in water (which would be a pretty good trick cuz my bedroom is on the 2nd floor). I ran downstairs and opened my front door to find debris all over my yard and someone's car washed up on my front deck.
....then my wife woke me up cuz apparently I was muttering "whose f***in' car is this?" out loud in my sleep. Haha.
Quote from: FatFreddysCat on July 26, 2018, 02:08:17 PM
The other night I fell asleep to the sound of rain pouring outside, which inspired a very strange dream in which the water started coming in my bedroom window. In the dream, I jumped out of bed and found myself ankle-deep in water (which would be a pretty good trick cuz my bedroom is on the 2nd floor). I ran downstairs and opened my front door to find debris all over my yard and someone's car washed up on my front deck.
....then my wife woke me up cuz apparently I was muttering "whose f***in' car is this?" out loud in my sleep. Haha.
This reminded me of a dream I had a very long time ago when we had gotten so much rain that the water was over the roof of the house I grew up in, like we were in the middle of a brand new lake.
Quote from: FatFreddysCat on July 26, 2018, 02:08:17 PM
I ran downstairs and opened my front door to find debris all over my yard and someone's car washed up on my front deck.
....then my wife woke me up cuz apparently I was muttering "whose f***in' car is this?" out loud in my sleep. Haha.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :thumbup:
If it looked something like this, it was probably mine. :wink:
Quote from: Trevor on July 27, 2018, 02:31:03 AM
Quote from: FatFreddysCat on July 26, 2018, 02:08:17 PM
I ran downstairs and opened my front door to find debris all over my yard and someone's car washed up on my front deck.
....then my wife woke me up cuz apparently I was muttering "whose f***in' car is this?" out loud in my sleep. Haha.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :thumbup:
If it looked something like this, it was probably mine. :wink:
Mmmm, nope, the one in my dream was red. Sorry. :D
This morning I dreamed work caused me to miss a flight to Rome and that I went to see a movie. The movie had all the science fiction bad guys, including the Shadows from Babylon 5. I was then playing golf and was able to put the ball in the hole from a couple hundred yards away using just a putter.
I dreamed that I was a guest on Mythbusters: Adam electrocuted Jamie (who had smoke coming out of his ears as a result :buggedout:) so I kicked Adam in the cojones and he was understandably not happy with me. Jamie liked it though. :teddyr:
Had a strange one this morning where a bunch of us from high school were on a bus trip together and we had stopped at the house of someone who was on my 2014 Italy trip. There were 40 of us competing for three bathrooms. I was able to take a shower in the basement. Our bus was taken aboard a ship that looked like the Excalibur from the B5 series Crusade which laid a smack down on Earth's governments before leaving.
If i told about some dreams i have I'd have the whole federal alphabet soup gestapo charging at my house and it would be bad for my cats, tat's why i don;t comment ion this thread.
Well, I can talk about one strange dream I had: I dreamed I could sneeze and fart at the same time without it hurting. This dream occurred during allergy season when. I succumbed to a craving to make some spaghetti and meatballs. Did I mention I use a lot of garlic salt in my spaghetti and meatballs.
I had a strange one this morning where I had gotten a new job as a database administrator at a cemetery. It paid about 30 grand more a year than my previous position. There was a famous person getting buried there and a former Romulan politician also being buried there on my first day of employment. The main building on the cemetery grounds had a big ass ballroom that they were renovating to turn in to a reception hall for weddings and the like. And they were adding on and fixing up the cemetery.
Some were treacherous. Some were faithful. Some were cowardly. Some were bold. The same could be said for the other side. They killed some of us. We killed some of them, including myself, as I was a good shot with a crossbow. Men, women, children, who happened to be on the wrong side at that moment. But what matters who wins or who loses? The dead are still dead. No matter who wins or loses.
I got out alive in that one. I am not always so fortunate.
He fell down in the road, and he can't get up. By the time he was twice ran over by the red roadster, his white dinner jacket was as black as the tar used to pave the road.
Had a dream that I was a woman and I was trying to do some DIY (making a wooden chair). I was attempting to use a soft wood that ways completely unsuited for the task, and tightening the screws too much so they just sunk into the wood without using any guards. Luckily some incredibly sexist Australian guy doing a reality TV show turned up to show me what I was doing wrong.
Had a strange dream where I was on a Starfleet vessel and was in sickbay watching a clone of Bill Clinton yelling in Klingonese at a Discovery style Klingon who was being treated for various injuries. Yeah, and said Clinton clone looked as ridiculous as it sounds too.
God was on Jeremy Kyle being forced to take a paternity test. It turned out that Jesus's father was actually Julius Caeser. Joseph was very upset and ended up having to be escorted off stage by security.
Also, they all lived in The Waltons old house with john Boy.
Then this morning I had one where I got asked to come in to work at the project I was on about four years ago, that they had finally found the people who had replaced us were not working all that well so they decided to get me and some of the old team back. They had me come in and cover a shift and it was like I had never left. They were talking about having me come back on that project full time but I wasn't sure I wanted to do that commute again.
I'm traveling for law school right now so I'm living out of hotels for the next week.
Had a real strange dream this morning where I went to a weird Olive Garden/Fitness Center/Church run by a weird religious cult somewhere in Illinois. I had a girlfriend and we went to eat there in separate vehicles. But all the tables were dirty and the people - who were all volunteers - could only clear certain tables. And there was a fight between a couple guys using the place and one got ejected. And four locker rooms and one was used only by the leaders of the cult where they discussed everything. My girlfriend and I went to leave and I panicked because I couldn't find my vehicle at first.
That's when I got woken up by the hotel housekeeping who knocked to see if the room was still occupied.
Weird one this morning. I was back at the job I had five years ago. The resident jerk was there and had just put a bunch of used paper in the printer. I took it out because it used to p**s me off that he would do that. It made us look bad when he did that. Right after I put fresh paper in a manager cane in to tell us to shut all the computers down as we had to evacuate. We then went out to the plant to grab some critical materials then left. We were driven out to Iowa City and found out then that the mother of all floods had hit. I spent the rest of the dream on the road and on the phone trying to get home and figure out how to get my vehicle home.
The other morning I dreamed my wife had turned into a zombie and was clumping downstairs to eat her mother.
I debated whether or not to interfere, since the dear old lady's care really does wear my whole family out, but I finally decided to intervene and was getting out of bed when all at once the Pope pulled up to our second floor window in a Chevy convertible and demanded that I come use my lightsaber (which I hadn't been wearing up until that moment) to help him defeat Nazis in Argentina. I hopped in the convertible and then woke up . . .
I was a very young Star Trek style changeling that was trying to negotiate a new peace treaty with the Federation to replace the treaty that had been signed at the end of the war. And there was something about beer in this dream too but I can't remember what it was now.
Quote from: sprite75 on December 22, 2018, 07:17:53 PM
I was a very young Star Trek style changeling that was trying to negotiate a new peace treaty with the Federation to replace the treaty that had been signed at the end of the war. And there was something about beer in this dream too but I can't remember what it was now.
The cats had drank it all?
Bad dream, really. Had insomnia last night but did finally sleep, and dreamed I was this teenage girl (not myself) sleeping on a floor in this not too nice part of town, and I woke up to a knife at my throat and a hand over my mouth, and a man in a ski mask was saying if you make a noise I'll kill your family upstairs. Well, I started screaming and he ran. It felt extremely real and was the type of dream you wake up from and for a moment it still feels like reality.
Had a dream where I was at a gig watching The Wildhearts. It was an all seated concert and the and was getting p**sed off that everyone wasn't standing up moshing.
I was with my brother walking in downtown Louisville to the arena to see a basketball game. He turned into my best friend from high school then went into a hotel. I followed, he jumped into an elevator and the doors closed before I could join him. Saw him signalling for me to wait for him as the doors slid shut so I took a seat in the lobby. Sitting there, I somehow got into an argument with someone I thought was a Facebook friend I'd never met in real life. Suddenly, he looked at me and said "wait, do we know each other?" I looked at him and realized he was a stranger who looked nothing like my FB friend's profile. An observer (who had somehow orchestrated the whole fight) said "Strange, these two men each had a female friend, then fell in love with them, then they married someone else. That shared fact has blinded them to everything else." Woke up. Huh.
Been having some fairly vivid dreams since I started some new meds. And not the nightmare ones I tend to enjoy either. The last one had Kristi giving birth to a baby minus and skin or muscle but with all remaining organs working. I've had a couple of other similar dreams recently. May have to mention this when I am at the doc's on Thursday.
A 3-D cartoon version of Zack Galifianakis appeared in my dream. He was playing a character in a hallucination a girl saw after nibbling a bite off the poison worm that killed her mother.
Had one where I took over for the previous organist who has just left and he showed me where the portable keyboard was located that he used in the basement and how to plug it in. And I was able to do a decent job of playing too. Plus I was in charge of putting all the cars in the church basement to be washed.
Scarlett Johansson told me I got her pregnant
Weird one this morning: dreamed that I was walking around naked in a big shopping mall: the security guards asked me to leave as I wasn't wearing shoes :wink:
Judging from the news today Trevor I don't think that was a dream...
Dreamt I was dating Jennifer Aniston (who I'm not particularly attracted to and never really think about). The date (I took her to some kind of theater performance) was going badly, and I lost her. Then my mother showed up, on crutches. Hate to think what Freud would say.
My grandmother spent her life torturing people with her huge, horrible ugly, evil mouth. Anytime she could open it and make people feel worse, any time she could let fly with it and poison anything good or hopeful or happy no force in this would could keep her mouth shut. Her whole face would light up like a christimas tree froem hell whenever she was foring people to hear things tnhey didn;t want to and that just made them feel worse.
She's been dead for years, but the damage she did lives on.
I dreamed she came waddling up to me with her ugly face all glowing with pleasure and her ugly eyes just glittering like diamonds and her her mouth split open in that sadisatic smile she had when she knew she was making people feel bad by saying things they didn;t want to hear.
"Just listen just listen." she was repeating. her favorite words to prelude forcing people to hear things that would only cause harm and bad feelings.
I shouted at her "No you b***h! I had to just listen to you most of my life and you did nothing but torture people drive them insane and I won't listen to you now!"
Instantly her huge, ugly head turned blood read, her ugly face contorted into a mask of bestial, mindless hate and rage and she threw that hellbore mouthy open to it's widest and began screaming at me "YOU NO GOOD SUNUVb***h YOU DROP DEAD AND GO TO HELL WITH YOUR GODDAM GRANDFATHER-!"
I roared "SHUT UP YOU b***h!!" and swung my fist right at her mouth with years of pent up rage and fury behind it from the misery and destruction she'd spread thru my family with that evil mouth of hers.
I hit, and her whole huge ugly head just exploded in a spray or blood and bone fragments that went flying off away from me. Her headless body wavered for a few seconds, then fell back and lay in blessed silence, a glowing orange nuclear mushroom slowly could rising from the silent stump between her shoulders.
Felt good.
(Yeah I come from a dysfunctional family, who'd of guessed?)
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on June 27, 2019, 05:30:25 PM
My grandmother spent her life torturing people with her huge, horrible ugly, evil mouth. Anytime she could open it and make people feel worse, any time she could let fly with it and poison anything good or hopeful or happy no force in this would could keep her mouth shut. Her whole face would light up like a christimas tree froem hell whenever she was foring people to hear things tnhey didn;t want to and that just made them feel worse.
She's been dead for years, but the damage she did lives on.
I dreamed she came waddling up to me with her ugly face all glowing with pleasure and her ugly eyes just glittering like diamonds and her her mouth split open in that sadisatic smile she had when she knew she was making people feel bad by saying things they didn;t want to hear.
"Just listen just listen." she was repeating. her favorite words to prelude forcing people to hear things that would only cause harm and bad feelings.
I shouted at her "No you b***h! I had to just listen to you most of my life and you did nothing but torture people drive them insane and I won't listen to you now!"
Instantly her huge, ugly head turned blood read, her ugly face contorted into a mask of bestial, mindless hate and rage and she threw that hellbore mouthy open to it's widest and began screaming at me "YOU NO GOOD SUNUVb***h YOU DROP DEAD AND GO TO HELL WITH YOUR GODDAM GRANDFATHER-!"
I roared "SHUT UP YOU b***h!!" and swung my fist right at her mouth with years of pent up rage and fury behind it from the misery and destruction she'd spread thru my family with that evil mouth of hers.
I hit, and her whole huge ugly head just exploded in a spray or blood and bone fragments that went flying off away from me. Her headless body wavered for a few seconds, then fell back and lay in blessed silence, a glowing orange nuclear mushroom slowly could rising from the silent stump between her shoulders.
Felt good.
(Yeah I come from a dysfunctional family, who'd of guessed?)
Gosh, even your grandma didn't like you, Sven? Lol
Just thought I'd pop back in a second. Hope everyone is having an interesting summer.
Quote from: ER on June 27, 2019, 05:49:01 PM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on June 27, 2019, 05:30:25 PM
My grandmother spent her life torturing people with her huge, horrible ugly, evil mouth. Anytime she could open it and make people feel worse, any time she could let fly with it and poison anything good or hopeful or happy no force in this would could keep her mouth shut. Her whole face would light up like a christimas tree froem hell whenever she was foring people to hear things tnhey didn;t want to and that just made them feel worse.
She's been dead for years, but the damage she did lives on.
I dreamed she came waddling up to me with her ugly face all glowing with pleasure and her ugly eyes just glittering like diamonds and her her mouth split open in that sadisatic smile she had when she knew she was making people feel bad by saying things they didn;t want to hear.
"Just listen just listen." she was repeating. her favorite words to prelude forcing people to hear things that would only cause harm and bad feelings.
I shouted at her "No you b***h! I had to just listen to you most of my life and you did nothing but torture people drive them insane and I won't listen to you now!"
Instantly her huge, ugly head turned blood read, her ugly face contorted into a mask of bestial, mindless hate and rage and she threw that hellbore mouthy open to it's widest and began screaming at me "YOU NO GOOD SUNUVb***h YOU DROP DEAD AND GO TO HELL WITH YOUR GODDAM GRANDFATHER-!"
I roared "SHUT UP YOU b***h!!" and swung my fist right at her mouth with years of pent up rage and fury behind it from the misery and destruction she'd spread thru my family with that evil mouth of hers.
I hit, and her whole huge ugly head just exploded in a spray or blood and bone fragments that went flying off away from me. Her headless body wavered for a few seconds, then fell back and lay in blessed silence, a glowing orange nuclear mushroom slowly could rising from the silent stump between her shoulders.
Felt good.
(Yeah I come from a dysfunctional family, who'd of guessed?)
Gosh, even your grandma didn't like you, Sven? Lol
Just thought I'd pop back in a second. Hope everyone is having an interesting summer.
The only thing she liked was making people feel bad. Ghawd you might be a relative ... :bluesad:
My scorching case of short timer disease got into my dreams last night. Had a strange one last night where I had been on a phone call with a co worker and a client and I was getting snappish with a client and my co worker said to stop.
I was kind of relieved when I woke up and realized it was a dream. Don't want to burn any dreams.
I have a recurring dream where I'm driving a car but falling asleep, and I can barely see the road and I'm driving blind. Often (like last night) the cops will be following me, but most of the time I'm just worried about crashing and wondering why I can't find the brake to stop the car.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 27, 2019, 12:48:45 PM
I have a recurring dream where I'm driving a car but falling asleep, and I can barely see the road and I'm driving blind. Often (like last night) the cops will be following me, but most of the time I'm just worried about crashing and wondering why I can't find the brake to stop the car.
Sounds like you have subconscious fears about being forced down a lath yoiu have no control over and can't escape from and that it will force nyou into disaster.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on July 27, 2019, 06:32:14 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 27, 2019, 12:48:45 PM
I have a recurring dream where I'm driving a car but falling asleep, and I can barely see the road and I'm driving blind. Often (like last night) the cops will be following me, but most of the time I'm just worried about crashing and wondering why I can't find the brake to stop the car.
Sounds like you have subconscious fears about being forced down a lath yoiu have no control over and can't escape from and that it will force nyou into disaster.
I do believe it's about feeling that I'm not in control. Consciously of course I realize that no one has much control over their fate, but subconsciously I feel like I should.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 27, 2019, 09:16:04 PM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on July 27, 2019, 06:32:14 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 27, 2019, 12:48:45 PM
I have a recurring dream where I'm driving a car but falling asleep, and I can barely see the road and I'm driving blind. Often (like last night) the cops will be following me, but most of the time I'm just worried about crashing and wondering why I can't find the brake to stop the car.
Sounds like you have subconscious fears about being forced down a lath yoiu have no control over and can't escape from and that it will force nyou into disaster.
I do believe it's about feeling that I'm not in control. Consciously of course I realize that no one has much control over their fate, but subconsciously I feel like I should.
I have had that same dream of driving blind, followed by cops, can't brake the car, can see enough to be horrified... how 'bout when the wheel won't turn the car the direction you want to go...?
Yeah that's classic fear that you life is not only out of your control but being controlled by dark forces.
You know once upon a time people were paid to interpret dreams and it was actually a Profession? ( (
Quote from: Allhallowsday on July 27, 2019, 09:35:45 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 27, 2019, 09:16:04 PM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on July 27, 2019, 06:32:14 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 27, 2019, 12:48:45 PM
I have a recurring dream where I'm driving a car but falling asleep, and I can barely see the road and I'm driving blind. Often (like last night) the cops will be following me, but most of the time I'm just worried about crashing and wondering why I can't find the brake to stop the car.
Sounds like you have subconscious fears about being forced down a lath yoiu have no control over and can't escape from and that it will force nyou into disaster.
I do believe it's about feeling that I'm not in control. Consciously of course I realize that no one has much control over their fate, but subconsciously I feel like I should.
I have had that same dream of driving blind, followed by cops, can't brake the car, can see enough to be horrified... how 'bout when the wheel won't turn the car the direction you want to go...?
I figured it was probably a common dream scenario, glad to know I'm not the only one!
I also sometimes have the dream about going to class naked, but the driving one is more common for me.
So I sometimes dream about being naked in public. Last night I dreamed about other people being naked while I was clothed.
Went to a movie theater with my father. Paused the movie for intermission and went off to do some business, promised to meet later and finish. I was in college again. Passed a girl I had a crush on, she was with another girl (an old friend of mine) who I had introduced her to. Next I met a Chinese exchange student. He was completely naked and I was trying to have a conversation about him about martial arts, without looking at him. Then I walked into my dorm/apartment. Two of my roommates were lesbians and they were both naked and making out, but still carrying on a conversation. I walked into my bedroom, which was full of about a dozen people (some kind of party). My dad was in there in the bed with the movie we had been watching in the theater. It was on videocasette and he had somehow opened it and spilled out all the film/tape. My other roommates were helping him stuff it back in the case.
Had a minor night terror last night, so minor and brief it barely registered. As always afterward though I said sorry sorry sorry sorry. Then sometime after that I dreamed I was being dragged through the ocean by a whale. My sleeping brain is a tangled wasteland.
I have sleep paralysis almost on a daily basis, and every time I end up waking up quite violently. Last night for some reason I regained control of my body with a raging scream and threw the pillow next to me with the intention of hitting an invisible treath, it almost hit the TV.
Man, if that TV broke for that retarded reaction I would've been really p**sed.
Quote from: Gabriel Knight on August 28, 2019, 09:06:26 AM
I have sleep paralysis almost on a daily basis, and every time I end up waking up quite violently. Last night for some reason I regained control of my body with a raging scream and threw the pillow next to me with the intention of hitting an invisible treath, it almost hit the TV.
Man, if that TV broke for that retarded reaction I would've been really p**sed.
Do you ever see the old hag?
Someone I knew years ago had sleep paralysis and would see the old hag frequently, and dismissed her as a figment, just part of the disorder, but I was not entirely sure, and said, how about leaving some tissues on the floor and seeing if they're disturbed the next morning? When he wouldn't do it I accused him of failing science, lol, and he said, "It's just that if that thing's real we're living in Hell."
Fun times, those.
Quote from: ER on August 28, 2019, 12:06:40 PM
Quote from: Gabriel Knight on August 28, 2019, 09:06:26 AM
I have sleep paralysis almost on a daily basis, and every time I end up waking up quite violently. Last night for some reason I regained control of my body with a raging scream and threw the pillow next to me with the intention of hitting an invisible treath, it almost hit the TV.
Man, if that TV broke for that retarded reaction I would've been really p**sed.
Do you ever see the old hag?
Someone I knew years ago had sleep paralysis and would see the old hag frequently, and dismissed her as a figment, just part of the disorder, but I was not entirely sure, and said, how about leaving some tissues on the floor and seeing if they're disturbed the next morning? When he wouldn't do it I accused him of failing science, lol, and he said, "It's just that if that thing's real we're living in Hell."
Fun times, those.
I rarely see specific people but I lot of times I watched random faces popping around, a common occurrence considering you're still dreaming at that point. It gets less mysterious when you start to understand the whole phenomena, but when it happens it's still f**king scary.
I actually considered putting my cellphone with one of those sleep recording apps, just to listen myself going ape s**t in the middle of the night. But I think some things are better left unknown. :tongueout:
Dreamed that I paid a guy $15 to rescue a model's stolen thong underwear, which I returned to her. She then asked me about her diamond ring, which I told her I didn't have, and offered to search my entire body. Turns out apparently I had picked it up by accident, and she thought I stole it.
Not a dream, but Rev. Powell's previous post did bring up a thought. If someone stole Trevor's underwear, how much would he pay to get it back from the thief?
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on September 10, 2019, 06:43:48 PM
Not a dream, but Rev. Powell's previous post did bring up a thought. If someone stole Trevor's underwear, how much would he pay to get it back from the thief?
That's assuming the thief managed to survive its presence?
Al queda and ISIS would likely pay the thief more for trev's underwear to advance their chemical and biological terror weapons research programs...
Had a variation on the car dream: I was awake and stopped at a stoplight, but I was pressing down on the brake and the car just kept creeping forward towards the car in front of me no matter how hard I stomped on it. I actually woke myself because my foot was twitching.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on September 10, 2019, 06:43:48 PM
Not a dream, but Rev. Powell's previous post did bring up a thought. If someone stole Trevor's underwear, how much would he pay to get it back from the thief?
The thief can keep the things or what's left of them :wink:
I had a weird dream this morning. And I apologize in advance for the TMI.
I dreamt I dropped a gigantic deuce. It was huge. I remember thinking I didn't know it was possible for the human body to produce such a large deuce and toyed with calling everyone back to look at it fore I flushed it. I had to bust it up in the bowl so it could flush and it took a dozen flushes to get rid of it. I was twenty pounds lighter afterwards.
Quote from: sprite75 on October 09, 2019, 10:59:18 AM
I had a weird dream this morning. And I apologize in advance for the TMI.
I dreamt I dropped a gigantic deuce. It was huge. I remember thinking I didn't know it was possible for the human body to produce such a large deuce and toyed with calling everyone back to look at it fore I flushed it. I had to bust it up in the bowl so it could flush and it took a dozen flushes to get rid of it. I was twenty pounds lighter afterwards.
Did yo watched the episode "More Crap" of South Park by any chance? :bouncegiggle:
A bunch of bad guys were trying to force me to unlock the secrets of an ancient pyramid, which had surprisingly modern bathrooms, and even electricity (including a switch that was supposed to pump the air in the main chamber full of some deadly virus, but over the millennia had lost its potency, the virus that is, not the electricity). Jacqueline Pearce (the actress who played Servalan in Blake's 7) was there and I was very annoyed that everything else going on was stopping me having sex with her (what can I say, I had a crush on her as a kid).
All right, this is going to be a long one. Had it last night so I'll type it quick before the memory fades. In order to avoid clarification every two sentences, I'll just say that, from now on, everything's part of my dream.
I'm watching TV in my parents house, when I land in a show that I'm 100% sure I seen before and loved it, so I decide to watch it again. The main character is played by Tom Hanks, but we never get his name. It's implied that he's a teacher because he's in a front yard of your typical suburban north american house with a bunch of teenagers, they're all sitting in white chairs and talking to each other. At one point Tom ask them to go look for the owner's house, Jerry, who was missing from some time. They go to the door calling his name, and then we switch to Tom's worried face, who knows something we don't. Then, we see a shot of two detectives ringing the bell of the house, but it's all fuzzy, leading us to believe it's some kind of vision he's having. The show avoid telling us if he always had these kind of premonitions, or if he just discovered this "power". I believe the idea is this to be the hook of the show.
We suddendly switch to the character of Tom talking to a reporter, saying something along the lines of "there's been a lot of false information about what happened to Jerry. That he's been abducted by aliens, that he's been run over by a bus, that he's been taken by the men in black...". So yeah, we know something really weird and tragic happened inside that house and that people is going nuts about it, but we never get to see it. After this interview, a woman shows up (I know I've seen her somewhere else but I can't really put my finger on it, she's similar to Morena Baccarin but definitely not the same actress) and we hear Tom's narration, saying that "she's in charge of the case now, she also became my ex a couple of years after high school". So yeah, they were together for a while, and the situation gets tense for both of them.
Anyways, they talk but we never hear their conversation, instead it's Tom's narration of the events; this new female character, which we also never get her name, talks to relatives of Jerry, who start crying, and Tom tell us that "this is the hardest part, having to tell them what happened and remain stone cold at the same time". The show ends with a shot of both characters together, looking quite worried.
For some reason I loved the show, even when there was nothing really interesting about it, so I checked the info about it and it said it was a pilot episode, which explained its short duration of 15 minutes, and the fact that I watched it years ago and landed again in the same episode. So basically, the series never got greenlit, but strangely they showed the pilot on TV. Its name was NEWHOME.
All right, this concludes my dream about this show I watched twice but never existed. The fact that I remember it so vividly bugs me, not just because it was so precise, but also because when I woke up I was convinced the show was real, in a very Mandela Effect style. I actually had to look it up, to make sure.
It really reminded me of the CANDLE COVE creepypasta. Now I just need someone else to come and say that they also watched NEWHOME. :twirl:
I dreamed over the weekend that my car (a pick-up or 'bakkie' [buh-kee] as we call them here) was all of a sudden working again and I got in behind the wheel and rode around Pretoria with it. Sad to think that it's been standing since April this year.
Strange one yesterday morning where a reformed Joffrey Baratheon had come back from the dead and had to get a baby to safety in the United States. The baby was in danger staying in Westeros. Probably from Dany. The dream ended with Joffery and the baby at Ellis Island and the baby being wheeled down a hallway by an officer while Joffery walked alongside. And no it was not baby Yoda.
I dreamed about my special sister Maggi - I haven't seen her for almost five years now as she moved away - and she was sitting in the bus next to me, all dressed in black.
We encountered a very religious race of aliens whose holy book told them they had been created in the image of God. Since our bible says the same thing we ended up going to war with them over who was right.
As I woke up pretty much everyone was dead (both species).
I dreamed that I was a Confederate POW who had escaped and was trying to get back to South Carolina, along with a group of fellow escapees. One of them was this wise Obi-Wan Kenobi/Merlin type figure who taught me some deep magic; at the end of the dream we had made it back home and were being reassigned to new units, but I had to run back to our last hideout and gather up a pile of coins I had left there - a pretty good heap of treasure. I was trying to sort through them when my wife woke me up!
I dreamed that my landlord - of 20 years now - was preparing to sell my flat and had piled all my possessions up in the bathroom. Henry Winkler was one of the buyers. :buggedout: :question:
Had one during the night where I had swam across a nice warm sea near Greece. I had lots of steps on my fitbit when I was done. Then after a couple days I had to fly back to where our tour group was going next. I was hoping that the flight would be so short that I would be at the next hotel before they even left the hotel we were checking out of.
But even though I was on a private jet it was very slow going cause they wouldn't let him fly all that fast and at one point they made him land til they could figure out a route for him to go to Omaha. He had to fly low to the ground at a rate not much faster than what a car would go and was having to land and take off from highways all the time. I wound up grousing that at the rate we were going it probably would have been faster to rent a car and drive over.
Had a Baby Yoda one this morning. It involved watching the baby while Mando was away. I was trying to get him to eat a bunch of applesauce while pushing him around in a stroller that let him pretend he was driving. Pretty soon he gave up using the spoon and was using his hands even though I was worried the sauce might have been too hot.
Quote from: Alex on January 03, 2020, 07:23:18 AM
We encountered a very religious race of aliens whose holy book told them they had been created in the image of God. Since our bible says the same thing we ended up going to war with them over who was right.
As I woke up pretty much everyone was dead (both species).
That premise actually might make for a good story/script.
I dreamt I was playing pinball and a guy kept shoving a tripod leg into me as he was setting up a camera. When I suggested he wait until I was done he apologized and gave me free tickets to "Nikcolodeon live" (something from the kids network). The coupon allowed me five tickets, and he explained I also could take in five stuffed animals and five pets.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 21, 2020, 08:57:47 AM
Quote from: Alex on January 03, 2020, 07:23:18 AM
We encountered a very religious race of aliens whose holy book told them they had been created in the image of God. Since our bible says the same thing we ended up going to war with them over who was right.
As I woke up pretty much everyone was dead (both species).
That premise actually might make for a good story/script.
I dreamt I was playing pinball and a guy kept shoving a tripod leg into me as he was setting up a camera. When I suggested he wait until I was done he apologized and gave me free tickets to "Nikcolodeon live" (something from the kids network). The coupon allowed me five tickets, and he explained I also could take in five stuffed animals and five pets.
I figured it might have made a good Twilight Zone / Outer Limits episode.
Last night I had this dream in which I was having a huge dinner with tons of friends, and John Carpenter was there. He was speaking perfect spanish and cursed a lot too!
I dreamed that my local Chik-Fil-A was out of chicken. You could still order anything on the menu that didn't have chicken.
Quote from: Trevor on January 10, 2020, 06:54:34 AM
I dreamed that my landlord - of 20 years now - was preparing to sell my flat and had piled all my possessions up in the bathroom. Henry Winkler was one of the buyers. :buggedout: :question:
I'd been called back into the military and i showed up wearing the wrong shirt apparently, I was there to assist Dr. Wily from the Megaman games. We took a walk through down the street through a place that was somehow both my old military post and the current city I live in. We went to an old shopping center that was now abandoned and got into a machine that transported us into the future. Specifically a future series of Star Trek that doesn't exist yet.
It turns out the military thing was a cover. What they really needed was somebody with my exact name and similar genetic profile to operate some machine that one of my descendants would someday make.
Quote from: Alex on January 03, 2020, 07:23:18 AM
We encountered a very religious race of aliens whose holy book told them they had been created in the image of God. Since our bible says the same thing we ended up going to war with them over who was right.
As I woke up pretty much everyone was dead (both species).
God is a spirit, and so, being made in God's image, are we, as would be the aliens: spirits who wear different bodies, but spirits in God's image inside. I don't think humans or aliens should think they have a monopoly on God, or presume there's one outer form in Heaven or on any planet. In fact in Revelation Heaven is written of in a way that suggests a variety of living forms existing there, so maybe humans are only a tiny part of the species there. 400,000,000,000 suns in our galaxy alone gives God a lot to play with, and my guess is God did not create the universe to be a giant lifeless vacuum except for one small blue planet.
I dreamed I was looking at a list that contained alternate names that colleges had rejected, and a list of controversial charitable donations they had made. The only one I actually remember is that Yale had donated a considerable sum to the Manson family.
For some reason I was accompanying my colleague visiting her son who was in a hospital because he was infected with the coronavirus. The hospital was a gigantic old building with many wide stairs. The doctors wouldn't let us leave until we did a test for the virus. We were told to go to some part of the hospital, it was a rather long walk to get there. Other people joined us who were told to do the test as well. We ended up on wide stairs waiting to be tested. We sat down on the stairs and kept the required distance. After some time we went inside a room that was more like a huge movie theater. It was sort of a makeshift testing area with lots of people standing, sitting, walking. I was leaning against the wall waiting for my turn to be tested and I was actually feeling relieved getting tested, not sure why. Anyway, that's when I woke up.
So weird but not surprised how current affairs seeps into ones dream.
I had a dream where kids kept going missing at a school. They'd be last seen on security cameras before using one of two central stairways.
I was supposed to attend some class in a basement room, which turned out to be a large, well-lit book depository that I loved. There were three kids and the teacher in there and the other kids got really freaked out when a couple of grim reapers in purple robes (and looking like they were really bad CGI) floated past. The teacher was careful to keep us quiet to not attract their attention when they passed.
I was enjoying the dream and it was disappointing when I then woke up.
I had a weird one the other night: a lady wanted to sue me for $1 billion for walking around in the nude. :buggedout: :buggedout:
Had a weird one just now: was pleasuring myself in a cinema :buggedout: and Robert De Niro tapped me on the shoulder. :buggedout: :buggedout:
Quote from: Trevor on August 05, 2020, 05:37:09 PM
Had a weird one just now: was pleasuring myself in a cinema :buggedout: and Robert De Niro tapped me on the shoulder. :buggedout: :buggedout:
Did you ask him, "You lookin' at ME?" Because that's what I would do in that situation.
This morning's involved a new TV series on the Game of Thrones planet that was set several thousand years after the original show in the modern era. Many of the actors/actresses from the original show played new roles based on their original roles, but the characters were all unaware of they were somehow related to the original characters. Faith of the Seven was the dominant religion on the planet and Lena Headey played a woman who was being ordained as a new High Septon in the rebuilt Great Sept of Baelor.
I was on a starship where there were flying creature going around that looked like the Deneva parasites in Star Trek episode Operation -- Annihilate! The creatures would attack people and turn them into zombies. We were able to isolate the creatures and infected people in a bedroom attached to a larger room that looked like the basement of my brother's house. We found out that alcohol would kill the creatures but had no pure alcohol so we took a bottle of Jose Cuervo and sprayed it on some of the creatures and infected people. The Cuervo killed the creatures and healed the infected people so we told them to drink some of it to make sure the infection was gone. Then we hooked the bottle into the ship's life support systems so that a tequila mist would be sprayed throughout the starship which killed all the rest of the creatures and healed everyone. Then my sister's cat Marvel was able to subdue a shark that was menacing people in the ship's pool. Then it was 6:50 and time to get up for work.
And this morning I was on the school bus heading into high school when our bus driver who looked like Michelle Yeoh decided she was going to do a new route in to school which made us all 40 minutes late getting in to school. And I had to go park my old beat up first Chevy Malibu. I then went to the attendance office and it was some jerk who wanted me to pay a fine for being late for school and insisted it was my fault that I was late. When I said no to that he called over a sheriff's deputy who was dressed up like Val Kilmer in Tombstone but who took my side when I explained the issue to him, and he then gave me two large wads of cash for my trouble.
I was glad to wake up and realize that was only a dream. I don't really feel like reliving that part of the high school existence again.
The other night I dreamed Lil' Cerb and I were on a Zoom call with Andrew, but he wouldn't speak to us and made us talk to his son instead. (I don't know if Andrew has a son.)
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 07, 2020, 09:08:12 AM
The other night I dreamed Lil' Cerb and I were on a Zoom call with Andrew, but he wouldn't speak to us and made us talk to his son instead. (I don't know if Andrew has a son.)
Andrew has two sons if my memory serves me.
I had a weird one the other night: Martin Scorsese was letting me sort out his tape cassette collection. :question: :question:
Dreamed I was being sworn in to Congress. Everyone took their oath to serve by swearing on a wallet.
^That's not a dream- that's a reality.
I was confronting my high school girflriend's brother about a lie someone had told him. It wasn't about me but it was about another guy and I knew it wasn't true, but he wanted to fight and the other guy was weak so I said "fight me." I was winning the fight at first, but then I lost ground as I got tired fast because I was so much older than him. He put me in the hospital for a night.
The next day I went to talk to his mom. I was nervous because I knew she wouldn't believe my side of the story. She asked me to take a walk. As we were walking, I looked in the sky and saw huge birds; looking closer, I saw they were bald eagles. I looked at her and told her to look up at the beautiful big birds in the sky, but when I looked back they now looked like cartoony flying dodo birds with google eyes and crooked teeth.
She then had me lie down on the ground and, while hopping over me from side to side, recited a poem about air traffic controllers in Mobile, which I deduced was meant to teach me a life lesson. She then lay down beside me on the grass and I woke up.
I just dreamed Robert DeNiro died.
If it happens- it's not my fault.
This one really bugged me. Because I dream about people dying- and it happens.
Dreamed I was following a man who was carrying a woman. He had the face of a demon and I somehow knew he was planning to rape her. I called out to him telling him to stop. He dropped the girl, turned into a guy with a normal face and started walking towards me. Then the girl started walking towards me too! I realized they were in cahoots and I'd been set up!
I just woke up after dreaming about tacos.
I need tacos.
I had a very weird (and horrible) dream last week.
I dreamed that I was in a house with my folks and quite a few other people (didn't know them) were there too: while we were there, there were riots going on and flames everywhere, lots of people were killed and lots of places burnt down.
The firestorm passed our house by and everything (and everyone) in the neighborhood that wasn't in our house was burnt to a crisp.
My first car was there and I used it to evacuate my folks and whoever could fit in the back (my first car was a pickup): I remember driving away and then I woke up. :question: :question:
100% true.
This morning I dreamed one of my recurring "lost in a city far from home" dreams and in this dream I made my way down many stairs inside a tall building, empty of people, a sense of urgency and unease in me, which is also usually part of these dreams, being up somewhere high and feeling unsafe because of it, and I walked to RC Merchant's house. (Again, this is seriously true.) He let me in and was being nice to me but I was just weirded out to be in some city, lost, night falling, no idea where I was or how to get home, and RC and some man there with him were going to make us dinner, RC was basically being a great host, truly sympathizing with my situation and trying to help, and although I don't think it factored into dinner, RC had a dead squirrel in front of a closet, under a target. And Wheel of Fortune was on TV, and I said, "I wouldn't have though you'd watch Wheel of Fortune, RC."
Shrug. That is more or less the dream, no real conclusion, just a strange lost dream of a kind I get a lot, usually (I think) because I am gone from far home sometimes in my real life.
So, there you go, RC, you been in one of my dreams.
I dreamed I was back in my hometown of Gweru, Zimbabwe. I was walking down the main road and there were thousands of people there and no one was wearing a mask except me.
Also, everyone had clothes on except me and no one noticed 🤣😳💩
Last night I dreamt that I met Mr. T. I said he did a good job in Rocky 3.
Had another recurring dream of an alternative version of our town. This time I was impressing an Indian couple with my abilities to float and fly in a mall of sorts. However, it takes a bit of effort for me to fly and I actually have to flap my arms like a bird for a short period of time to do so. It's like I tried to hide the flapping part because it looks silly. Once I float it looks cool. The three of us have a silent understanding and we try to leave the crowded, dim and stuffy mall. While floating I find stairs to escape but there is an automatic gun construction that shoots once you step on the stairs. We find a door to a stairwell and leave the building. Once outside I flap my arms and fly away leaving the couple behind. I end up in an alternative version of a supermarket from my childhood and I always struggle to find the right groceries and to leave the store on time. It is sort of a stressful situation and I usually wake up at that point.
I had one the other morning where my entire right arm and hand were artificial and they were having me punch giant shed doors to see how far I could make them fly off the buildings. I was worried my dad would be upset but he and my uncle came by and they thought it was neat how I was able to punch the doors so hard.
I had a dream where I bumped into an old boss who looked shocked to see me. He told me that everyone who had worked in that department had been tested due to being exposed to a potentially lethal amount of radiation but he'd forgotten that I had worked there and I had to go to be checked out immediately.
Lately I've been having the sort of dreams where even when you're having them you think, this is nuts.
I rarely remember my dreams, but this one stuck in my head:
So, I was in my classroom and Mr. R***** (my boss) was coming in to do my evaluation, and I was at the end of the unit and had absolutely NOTHING to teach, do, or say. I was struggling for words, the kids were awkwardly milling about, and Mark was trying to be nice by saying: "Well, let's just observe them in their natural environment for a bit."
Then the bell rang, and I went to the office for something. Digging in my pocket, I found an 1895 Indian head penny. I wanted to show it to my friend Melissa W****** who teaches across the hall from the office, but instead of taking the coin out of my pocket I started to hand her my pants instead! I caught myself just in time, and then the bell rang again, and I ran down to my room to give my World Geography class a test. But the copier was broken, and I wound up trying to make 25 copies of the test by hand! I was frantically writing and copying with the students standing over me impatiently demanding their tests so they could start, and suddenly my feet turned to gravy. All the kids started dipping their Chik-Fil-A nuggets in my feet as I feebly protested, and Justin R******* said: "It's not like you can walk on gravy feet anyway!"
I was trying to come up with a response to that flawless logic when I woke up.
I think an analyst would have fun with that one!
In my experience, Indy, an analyst would assign the underlying mojo for this spectacularly weird dream to parental issues and unresolved sexual something or other, probably an unrealized attraction to your childhood Great-Aunt Hilda. Then charge you four-hundred dollars for your fifty minutes.
I'll analyze your dream for free: you were hungry. :cheers:
Quote from: indianasmith on April 03, 2021, 08:45:56 PM
I rarely remember my dreams, but this one stuck in my head:
So, I was in my classroom and Mr. R***** (my boss) was coming in to do my evaluation, and I was at the end of the unit and had absolutely NOTHING to teach, do, or say. I was struggling for words, the kids were awkwardly milling about, and Mark was trying to be nice by saying: "Well, let's just observe them in their natural environment for a bit."
Then the bell rang, and I went to the office for something. Digging in my pocket, I found an 1895 Indian head penny. I wanted to show it to my friend Melissa W****** who teaches across the hall from the office, but instead of taking the coin out of my pocket I started to hand her my pants instead! I caught myself just in time, and then the bell rang again, and I ran down to my room to give my World Geography class a test. But the copier was broken, and I wound up trying to make 25 copies of the test by hand! I was frantically writing and copying with the students standing over me impatiently demanding their tests so they could start, and suddenly my feet turned to gravy. All the kids started dipping their Chik-Fil-A nuggets in my feet as I feebly protested, and Justin R******* said: "It's not like you can walk on gravy feet anyway!"
I was trying to come up with a response to that flawless logic when I woke up.
I think an analyst would have fun with that one!
Good God, man, get help immediately! Stay away from sharp objects and Chik Fil-A nuggets!
Quote from: indianasmith on April 03, 2021, 08:45:56 PM
I rarely remember my dreams, but this one stuck in my head:
So, I was in my classroom and Mr. R***** (my boss) was coming in to do my evaluation, and I was at the end of the unit and had absolutely NOTHING to teach, do, or say. I was struggling for words, the kids were awkwardly milling about, and Mark was trying to be nice by saying: "Well, let's just observe them in their natural environment for a bit."
Then the bell rang, and I went to the office for something. Digging in my pocket, I found an 1895 Indian head penny. I wanted to show it to my friend Melissa W****** who teaches across the hall from the office, but instead of taking the coin out of my pocket I started to hand her my pants instead! I caught myself just in time, and then the bell rang again, and I ran down to my room to give my World Geography class a test. But the copier was broken, and I wound up trying to make 25 copies of the test by hand! I was frantically writing and copying with the students standing over me impatiently demanding their tests so they could start, and suddenly my feet turned to gravy. All the kids started dipping their Chik-Fil-A nuggets in my feet as I feebly protested, and Justin R******* said: "It's not like you can walk on gravy feet anyway!"
I was trying to come up with a response to that flawless logic when I woke up.
I think an analyst would have fun with that one!
:teddyr: :teddyr: :teddyr:
I had a dream that started with us out shopping in the local town and having an argument with an insistent shopkeeper who wanted us to get our milk from a cheaper supplier. Then we went back to Lossiemouth for a day down at the beach where we were captured and enslaved by a bunch of fish people. I made an escape across land but was recaptured and brought back. Later on I saw a woman with someone firing arrows at her, so I dragged her into the sea (which the fish people didn't expect people to try and escape via, so weren't guarding), and we drifted out of range of the archer, our heads occasionally surfacing for a quick gulp of air.
I got her back to my house where we talked. It turned out the guy trying to kill her was her husband. Later on I was getting something from the garage and I heard her scream "He is back with a shotgun!" so I quickly made a makeshift spear from a broom handle and was ready to ambush him as he walked through one of the doors, but after a couple of minutes he hadn't appeared so I went looking for them. Both the wife and husband were arguing out in the back garden and had been joined by the husbands parents who were telling the wife she should leave him.
I have no idea where things would have went next, and I guess I'll never find out as at this point Kristi woke me up.
Quote from: Alex on April 05, 2021, 02:41:29 AM
I had a dream that started with us out shopping in the local town and having an argument with an insistent shopkeeper who wanted us to get our milk from a cheaper supplier. Then we went back to Lossiemouth for a day down at the beach where we were captured and enslaved by a bunch of fish people. I made an escape across land but was recaptured and brought back. Later on I saw a woman with someone firing arrows at her, so I dragged her into the sea (which the fish people didn't expect people to try and escape via, so weren't guarding), and we drifted out of range of the archer, our heads occasionally surfacing for a quick gulp of air.
I got her back to my house where we talked. It turned out the guy trying to kill her was her husband. Later on I was getting something from the garage and I heard her scream "He is back with a shotgun!" so I quickly made a makeshift spear from a broom handle and was ready to ambush him as he walked through one of the doors, but after a couple of minutes he hadn't appeared so I went looking for them. Both the wife and husband were arguing out in the back garden and had been joined by the husbands parents who were telling the wife she should leave him.
I have no idea where things would have went next, and I guess I'll never find out as at this point Kristi woke me up.
I like it when I have adventure-style dreams like that. Doesn't happen enough, though.
I fell asleep on a plane last night and dreamed I was watching the making of a show that got these two women from a trailer park in Arkansas to compete by going out with a hundred dollars each and seeing who could acquire the most (or possibly it was the most interesting) statuettes of Jesus from flea markets in one afternoon. The winner was going to get the loser's trailer, including her family.
At the end of the dream people started screaming that the sun was melting, and it was, it was oozing down into the sky, catching on clouds like blobs of sticky strands of golden wax, and I thought it was absolutely beautiful, but everyone around me was having fits and saying it was the end of the world.
Had a rare legitimate nightmare last night.
For some reason I was talking to a serial killer and his associate/bodyguard. I was not afraid at the time. The serial killer jokingly says something along the lines of, "the family that has butt sex together stays together." I respond, "Oh, is that what happened to you?"
This makes the killer mad and he orders his bodyguard to seize me. They throw me in a broom closet and tie me down. I realize I'm about to be tortured, hope that I'm dreaming, and I force myself to wake up.
I had a bad one last night: I dreamed I was back at my old school and I was walking around, looking for something. A lady approached me and asked what I was looking for. I answered like one of the replicants in Blade Runner: "Looking for more time and more life."
She answered: "Don't bother: you only have a few days left to live." :buggedout: :buggedout:
I had a horrible dream a few nights back: I dreamed that I was present at Princess Diana's autopsy and she was alive :buggedout: :buggedout: while they were examining her. To make it worse, there were organs and meat all over the table and she changed into Mom halfway through the process. :buggedout: :buggedout:
The other night I dreamt that I was in a classroom where the students revolted and took over from the abusive teachers. I played a prominent role in the overthrow. A college friend of mine was there, he was rescued, but as he was returning to his seat he saw Mike Pence (!) in the crowd of students and went over to shake his hand. I went over to him and made fun of him---because I considered Pence part of the power structure we just overthrew---but he gave me some explanation which I found convincing.
Not sure on everything that happened in last night's dream, but at one point JBL returned as an active wrestler with a Buffy-style vampire gimmick going on. It also snowed heavily in the middle of the summer (about two feet work of snow, hell we don't get that here even in the deepest winter).
Had kind of an odd one this morning right before it was time to wake up. I was going back to work at the office that had closed last year, that they had decided to come back and reopen in town and bring everyone back who had left. It was a Sunday so I headed up to get some work done on and get some things set for the week in advance. Plus lock my work laptop up in a file drawer so I wouldn't have to carry anything into town the next day. And my cubicle was now next to a set of windows looking out over the town. (I worked on the top floor of the office building, 10 stories up at that job).
There was a cleaning crew there getting things ship shape and they found all sorts of weird things, like a still smoldering match in a garbage can that started it on fire, along with a bunch of other messes that had gotten left behind. Then as I was leaving they came and started working in my area, and dismantled my desk to get at the carpet. I tried to get them when they reassembled everything to make it so that my desk was facing the windows that my cubicle was next to but their crew lead thought I was bugging them too much and said no. So I went downstairs to the other level work had leased and found a full on party going on down there with people watching football and playing darts and a bunch of cats running around.
Kind of liked that dream since it was getting back into the office. I hope it's a sign of work stuff to come.
I dreamt a Spanish underground director, whom I've only communicated with by email/facebook before, came to visit me. He spoke perfect English with barely an accent and was pleasant company. I have no idea why this random person would show up in my dreams; I barely know him and haven't really thought about him in years.
Had a dream that I had a great idea for a story, but when I woke up I realized it was a terrible idea: a sequel to "The Lord of the Rings."
Went back to sleep and immediately dreamt of a better one: two Pilgrim settlers are lesbians. They hire a witch to fashion Frankenstein-type monsters out of corpses to serve as their fake husbands so they can continue their affair in secret.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 02, 2021, 01:17:18 PM
Had a dream that I had a great idea for a story, but when I woke up I realized it was a terrible idea: a sequel to "The Lord of the Rings."
Went back to sleep and immediately dreamt of a better one: two Pilgrim settlers are lesbians. They hire a witch to fashion Frankenstein-type monsters out of corpses to serve as their fake husbands so they can continue their affair in secret.
You should write it up Rev.
I had one the other morning where William Shatner and Danny DeVito were riding in one of the local town's work trucks and while I recognized DeVito right away I could not for the life of me remember who it was that was riding with him. It was only after he got up and walked up that I realized it was William Shatner.
I had one this morning where I was staying in a condominium for free for a few days. It was so nice that I wished I could make it my permanent residence, it had his and her closets by the front door, a totally decked out kitchen, and a king sized bed in the master bedroom. Also some odd things like not having a bathtub or shower in any of the bathrooms but having two queen sized beds in each, and a secret laundry room that was free to use but could only be unlocked by a credit card.
Dreamt I was being bitten by a gopher or prairie dog (I wasn't sure which).
I dreamed I was smoking - I haven't smoked for a decade - onboard an aircraft. When I got busted, I crushed the lit cigarette out in my hand :buggedout: and opened the window to throw the butt out. :question:
I been dreaming about looking out the window and seeing snow.
I think it's gonna snow soon.
Dreamt I went to watch a basketball game. My seats were so bad I couldn't see anything, so I crossed the court and sat on the other side where only one person was sitting--my state's governor. Unfortunately, they were playing an experimental game with inflatable toys like a kitten and a wrapped birthday present, and no one could dribble them so the game was just an endless series of turnovers.
^ I seriously think your brain is on another planet. :bouncegiggle:
( (
Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 12, 2021, 01:22:52 PM
Dreamt I went to watch a basketball game. My seats were so bad I couldn't see anything, so I crossed the court and sat on the other side where only one person was sitting--my state's governor. Unfortunately, they were playing an experimental game with inflatable toys like a kitten and a wrapped birthday present, and no one could dribble them so the game was just an endless series of turnovers.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
Quote from: RCMerchant on October 12, 2021, 01:30:43 PM
^ I seriously think your brain is on another planet. :bouncegiggle:
( (
I was going to say "X The Man With The X Ray Eyes" until I realized that wasn't Ray Milland. :wink:
Quote from: RCMerchant on October 12, 2021, 01:30:43 PM
^ I seriously think your brain is on another planet. :bouncegiggle:
( (
Thanks man, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in days!
I just had the worst dream I have had in a long time: I just had it a few minutes ago.
I dreamed that I had been diagnosed with a terminal illness - I wasn't told what I had - and spent the rest of the dream wandering around, trying to get into places like my usual restaurant, mall etc but was refused as my temperature was too high and people thought I had COVID. Outside ATMs wouldn't take my card either.
Finally, in desperation (and starving) I found myself outside the gates of my work - where I keep snacks (cookies etc) in my office - but the security staff refused me access due to my high temperature.
The dream ended with me sitting helpless outside my building and it was getting dark. :buggedout: :bluesad:
Had a dream that I was on a disused naval base getting ice cream and being stalked by a nuclear radiated ship. The radiated ship I understand since Ive been binging nuclear disasters and incidents but getting ice cream on a naval base is strange for me.
I had a nap this afternoon (it's almost 8 pm here) and I had a weird dream: I dreamed I was flying in to Denver Colorado and wondering if I could see the house used in Dynasty from the air.* I was then later driven away from the city centre and the bus never pulled over. :buggedout:
* When I woke up I remembered that house is actually in California.
I dreamed a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church was coming to dinner at our house, and right as food was being served I had to get up from the table and change a baby's poopie diaper. I said, "Look, his poop is bigger than his head."
I also dreamed I was at a ceremony that saw a wooden box containing someone's ashes being publicly burned on a pyre, in front of a gathered crowd, and when the flames made the box burst open, this woman stepped up and reached into the box and grabbed handfuls of ashes, which she threw towards the seated crowd while asking, "Do want some ashes to take home with you?"
A couple of nights ago I had a very vivid dream in which my mother-in-law drowned to death in our bathtub.
But then, moments later, she came back to life.
I can't even get rid of the old biddy in my sleep!
Quote from: indianasmith on December 04, 2021, 09:03:35 AM
A couple of nights ago I had a very vivid dream in which my mother-in-law drowned to death in our bathtub.
But then, moments later, she came back to life.
I can't even get rid of the old biddy in my sleep!
:buggedout: + :bouncegiggle: :teddyr:
I had a dream about lingerie, another woman, a bed with satin sheets, and a wearable device, and when today as I was fixing breakfast I spontaneously recalled having this dream last night, I kind of put my hand to my mouth in shock and started blushing and laughed, but wouldn't say why.
The sleeping mind is an odd sort of screenwriter...
I've been having a serial dream recently. The first part involved a pair of women, one of which has a name like Pussana or something along those lines. They go to investigate a haunted house and discover a man living there, along with a ghost who was in the costume of a 1910/1920's aviator. There was something about the man trying to find a way to release the ghost's spirit, but him needing to sacrifice a cat in order to be freed of the haunting.
That was all in the first part of the dream. Last night it continued. I can't remember much of, but the ghost heard Pussana being referred to by her nickname of p***y, and figured maybe it was her he had to sacrifice. They were crawling along a narrow pipe or cave at this point and the dream ended up with the ghost dragging her off screaming backwards along the pipe and her friend yelling for her.
Hoping I dream another part of this one and remember what happens in it.
Had another recurring dream where I am in another (familiar) town, and I'm trying to get home before it gets too late. Basically it is always late afternoon in that dream and I'm struggling to find the right public transportation. I switch back and forth taking the subway and the bus. I get stuck at train stations and bus stops, and sometimes I wander off until I realize it is already dark.
I then walk the streets of the town. It's cold and dark and I see the lights shining through the windows of homes. I'm frustrated that I'm assing around and still not on my way home yet. I eventually take some bus, but it doesn't go all the way to my destination and I end up in some small village with a lousy bus connection.
I sometimes have a variation of this dream where I'm in a car with somebody I know (friend or family) and we also struggle to find our way home.
I do know that town from my dreams. Many years ago I used to take the bus and train to go shopping there. I never had problems with the train or bus, but I always fail in my dreams.
I don't know why I always have this stupid dream. What's the point of it? Everytime I wake up from it I'm feeling annoyed and frustrated.
I moved into an apartment that seemed to be an open cubicle surrounded by other open cubicles, empty except for one, and my neighbors on the opposite side of the cubicle were nude albinos: an obese woman, her much-thinner bi-racial husband, their equally naked toddler son. All had albinism. They were friendly and didn't seem concerned with their nudity, so I didn't make it an issue either, just chatted with them about how great the neighborhood was, while their toddler came over and had me pick him up. We seemed to know people in common, the couple and I, and they insisted we go to dinner at this farmers' market, so I got into the car while the woman drove and I sat in the back with the little boy, who was in a car seat, and we had a friendly happy chat while she drove us along, and I never brought up their continued nudity, nor did they. We arrived at an earthen mound. I guess I woke up about then.
I had a very disturbing dream on Christmas night where my father locked my mother in a tiny locker for an hour or two to get a break from her. Woke up and could not get back to sleep.
Remembered I also dreamed I was friends with Sara Manganese.
Dreamt I went to a live taping of a Neil Young podcast. I made sure to cough during a quiet part so I would be on the recording. There was an intermission where they showed the trailer for "Monty Python's Meaning of Life." One guy a couple seats down from me was laughing uncontrollably and everyone else was looking at him thinking "haven't you seen this before?"
I dreamt last night that I saw elephants pooping :question: :question: :question:
Had a dream last night where I was watching a chain of events unfolding in what I would assume is late medieval France, inside a tavern. The people were evidently under an oppressive government and a middle-aged priest along with his apprentice would stop in every few years, advise the locals to be careful in their plotting for a rebellion and help out in whatever small ways he could. Each time he visited he would be slightly older until at the end he was an elderly, blind man. His apprentice had long since moved on to other things.
I wonder how their rebellion would have went?
In a few recent dreams, I've had a long bluish lump running under the skin of my upper right leg. I've spoken to doctors in the dream who have said it was nothing, but last night I had a dream where a nurse saw it and was a bit more concerned. She poked around at it, then said it could be a blocked artery and cause a heart attack and would need to be removed immediately. She went off to get a surgeon and the lump suddenly started moving under my skin, writhing around. It moved up to my chest and popped through the skin where it turned out to be a 6-inch long hooded cobra. Anyway, I managed to pull it out. The staff asked if I wanted to keep the snake as a pet, but since I had no interest in keeping it, they asked me to leave it on a shelf and they'd deal with it later.
When I woke up I told Kristi about the dream and she completely wigged out about the thought of a snake wriggling beneath my flesh.
Do you guys ever dream about hiding a body? On several occasions, I have dreamt about either knowing someone that killed another person and having to hold the body or having it already hidden in my house or yard. In the dream I have this sickening "Tell-Tale Heart" feeling that the body isn't hidden well enough and someone is going to find it and knowing at some time it's going to be found and I will have to answer to it. There are other dreams I have where the killing doesn't happen in the dream, but I'm just going about my business and then I remember "the body" and start getting that sickening feeling that it's there and it's going to be found. I had one like that the other day and it felt so real that when I woke up that feeling was still strong in the pit of my stomach and I had to convince myself it wasn't real.
I do read a lot about murder mysteries, kidnappings and killers, not so much because I think it's entertaining, but more because I want to know the warning signs or what led to the behavior. I wonder if I am trying too hard to get into the minds of these people and it's bleeding into my dreams. You have to be really messed up to just hide a body and go on with your life as normal.
Quote from: Paquita on February 28, 2022, 10:12:38 PM
Do you guys ever dream about hiding a body? On several occasions, I have dreamt about either knowing someone that killed another person and having to hold the body or having it already hidden in my house or yard. In the dream I have this sickening "Tell-Tale Heart" feeling that the body isn't hidden well enough and someone is going to find it and knowing at some time it's going to be found and I will have to answer to it. There are other dreams I have where the killing doesn't happen in the dream, but I'm just going about my business and then I remember "the body" and start getting that sickening feeling that it's there and it's going to be found. I had one like that the other day and it felt so real that when I woke up that feeling was still strong in the pit of my stomach and I had to convince myself it wasn't real.
I do read a lot about murder mysteries, kidnappings and killers, not so much because I think it's entertaining, but more because I want to know the warning signs or what led to the behavior. I wonder if I am trying too hard to get into the minds of these people and it's bleeding into my dreams. You have to be really messed up to just hide a body and go on with your life as normal.
I can recall one dream where I was disposing of a body, might have had others that have faded from my memory though.
I dreamed there was a baby alligator living in my attic that I kept trying and failing to catch - it was super fast and kept diving through one of two holes in the floor that led to a pond (which was somehow outside my house).
I had a very weird one a few hours ago: I dreamed that I was living in our storage building and all my colleagues woke me up the one night with a party. I stumbled downstairs and was cheerfully greeted by Winnie Mandela 😳 and the former SA cricket player Alan Donald 😳😳
After I woke up from that, I was awake for a while and then fell asleep again: this time I dreamed I was with my Dad again and he was laughing at everything I said and did, mainly because everything I did or said made me swear. :teddyr:
I had a dream that is kinda relevant to this site. Hellraiser had just been made, only instead of Doug Bradley, the role of Pinhead was played by Alec Guiness.
Quote from: Alex on March 08, 2022, 02:33:51 AM
I had a dream that is kinda relevant to this site. Hellraiser had just been made, only instead of Doug Bradley, the role of Pinhead was played by Alec Guiness.
Pinhead: "Kirsty: this is not the Lament Configuration you are looking for..." :teddyr: :wink:
I dreamed that my father and nephew were killed by demons while playing badminton. I was then killed when one of the demons shot a fireball at me. One of the rare times I've died in a dream.
Had one this morning where I was running naked down the highway towards the gravel road my parents' farm is on. I was holding a pile of clothes in front of me as I ran down the highway. And hoping like mad no one would come up behind me because they'd probably call 911 if they saw me doing that. And I was just getting to the left turn lane when a couple cars - a red one and a white one - came up behind me and I was pretty sure at least one of them called 911. I was glad to wake up to find that was just a dream because I wasn't sure how I was going to explain that one when the fuzz showed up.
I've been dreaming a lot about Mom lately. If I dream about Dad (long passed) or her, it's never a good sign.
This is weird, even for me.
A hidden lab in Kentucky (?) developed 9 gay Batman dogs (???) for China to be deployed across the West.
I think I may have invented a new QAnon theory! :buggedout:
Quote from: RCMerchant on March 25, 2022, 11:53:33 PM
This is weird, even for me.
A hidden lab in Kentucky (?) developed 9 gay Batman dogs (???) for China to be deployed across the West.
I think I may have invented a new QAnon theory! :buggedout:
Oh don't worry, the Chinese check never cleared, I put the project on hold.
I had an interesting dream this morning where I was working in the computer operations team lead job at a manufacturing plant that I had about ten years ago. I had arrived at work to find that they were renovating all the offices and putting new staircases in, along with new entryways for all the individual offices and were in the process of rewiring the offices. I went in to the computer room to find that they had replaced the workstations with computers that looked similar to Macintosh LCs from the 1990s, but were running modern MacOS software. They had also put in a screen that was supposed to be dedicated to showing local weather radar. I went back into the server room and saw a whole bunch of new equipment back there.
But none of the systems I worked with normally were working as expected and one of the IT managers was trying to explain how things all worked now. I was getting a little ticked off by then because they had done all this work without giving me or my team any sort of heads up that this was happening. (That was an actual issue sometimes that they wouldn't tell me what the f**k was going on even after I explained that I was the team leader and when it came to my team I had a need to know everything that was going on whether they liked it or not - I had a need to know and they could talk to my manager if they didn't like my attitude). So then I was trying to call my manager to read him the riot act about us not being informed of all these last minute changes.
Kind of had some mixed feelings when I woke up. I actually liked that job even with the commute and there are times I would rather be working there again. But I was relieved that I wasn't waking up to face a s**t load of changes at work.
I had a dream where I was eating dinner with a large party, and the desert special was a cake realistically shaped like a human head. One person ordered it, the rest of us ordered eclairs.
I recenty dreamed that a small fenced part of our town was Russia and that I was abducted and held a prisoner there. The russian soldiers looked like tin soldiers with parts of their uniform made of fur.
"Russia" was a large brick/brownstone type of building with a flat platform-like roof that had a few small buildings that served as offices and prison rooms. Me and other prisoners spend most of the time in one of those small prison buildings which was a dark room with a couch. For all the absurdity of this dream it was actually a nightmare dream as I was feeling scared all the time.
At some point the soldiers shot their guns at us while we were sitting on the couch. A bullet pierced my left shoulder and I pretended to be dead. They carried us outside and laid us on tables and removed gold teeth from our mouth. I felt like I was doing a really bad job at pretending to be dead (with open eyes) but they didn't seem to notice. After that they brought steam punk-like machines to the tables designed to drain our blood. They needed our blood to make "blood cakes" which apparently was a russian delicacy. When they inserted a sharp metal-like object connected to a tube through my skin I jumped off the table and ran to one of the edges of the roof. Next to the roof was the fence about the same height as the building only a few feet away. It was easy to jump on the fence and to climb down the other side, which I did.
After my successful escape I ran to my old apartment. My mother who passed away a few years ago was there, I showed her the wounds I had from prison. I woke up and I was like "oh boy, what a f**ked up dream".
One of the weirdest dreams in some time but also one of the easiest for me to analyze. The prison was obviously reflecting my time at the hospital last year undergoing six surgeries. They did draw a lot of my blood at the hospital.
The ending with me showing the wounds to my mom was me trying to make her "care." In real life my mom was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, she wouldn't believe the truth when we told her.
Dreamed I was in some movie where I was one of a number of brothers in the deep south. We all went for drinks at some hayseed watering hole. One of us wasn't right in the head and started getting crazy. They killed one of the brothers with a gun. I managed to get it out of his hands and shot him several times. We all collapsed, sad and tired. He somehow was still alive for a few more seconds and fired one last shot (didn't hit anything) before dying. We were all sad, especially me (since I killed my own brother), and terrified at how we were going to have to explain it to the police. As I acted my guts out I was sure I would win an Oscar for my performance.
Dreamt I was on an escalator, near the top, and an old college friend urinated on me (an incredible shot!) from the bottom, soaking me. I got back at him (with his permission) by throwing a roll at his head, then I switched to throwing furniture at his chest until it formed a bruise. We were both satisfied we were even.
Later, I dreamt that I was at a big cat show. We sat in a circle and the cats came up to us, supposedly tame. My aunt bragged she was the tiger queen because she had posed with her head next to a tiger's for a poster advertising the event. I jaguar came up to me and clamped its jaws on my forearm, playfully at first, but it wouldn't let go and kept getting tighter until I became alarmed. Then I woke up.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 20, 2022, 08:44:04 AM
Dreamt I was on an escalator, near the top, and an old college friend urinated on me (an incredible shot!) from the bottom, soaking me. I got back at him (with his permission) by throwing a roll at his head, then I switched to throwing furniture at his chest until it formed a bruise. We were both satisfied we were even.
Oy :buggedout: :wink:
Had a dream that half of one of my toenails was hanging off and that I had to sleep carefully to avoid it catching on the sheets and getting ripped completely off.
Last night I dreamed that my D&D group pulled off a huge gold heist. If was a fairly complicated plan, but we pulled it off.
Everything went really well with the plan, afterwords however (and before we'd had a chance to sell off the gold), I was getting a taxi home and was slightly short of the fee to pay it. It is an older couple we know who run their own taxi business and Kristi mentioned to them about the robbery we'd just done. The old man was going to grass us in to the police because I was 50p short paying him and when I woke up, I was getting ready to grab as many bars as I could carry and flee the country.
Has another one about the former computer operations job where I had gone back to work there after having been away for a bit and found them remodeling the entire place. They were in the process of ripping out all the equipment there and spraying everything with a noxious gas so I had to find a gas mask. I went down to my office to find everything had been taken out and the fridge was sitting in there now. Come to find out I'd been relocated to a 4th floor office - at least the office was much larger and had windows to the outside. I saw another room in the basement that was really crummy and had no windows and I remember remarking to myself that I was surprised they didn't stick me in there. The client supervisor was the only person who still had his original office which didn't make sense to me because I needed to be really close to the computer room which I wasn't. Then they were trying to get me and a couple other supervisors to get our concealed carry permits because they wanted us to be able to carry while on duty. When the dream ended they were just finishing up and the place looked nicer.
I've had some medicine changes lately so I've been getting a bit more shut eye at night so I suppose the ol brain is catching up on the weird dreams.
Dreamed I was cast in a foreign sitcom. Between seasons, we had to be sequestered in a tiny jail-like cell. I remember looking at the toilet and I was disgusted because it was full of liquid s**t.
Then I woke up, went back to sleep, and had a rare sequel dream. Now, I had been reassigned roommates for the off season and I would be rooming with the hottest actress on the show in the tiny cell for 11 months. But they were afraid my shoulders were too wide to get through the doors into the cell. It was a seriously dilemma for me: I didn't know whether I could take being cooped up for 11 months, but I didn't know if I could pass up the chance to room with this dream woman, either.
I dreamed I was using a needle and thread to sew a pattern into my cheeks. Mostly I'd sew through one side of my mouth, but every so often I'd cross over which gives me questions about how the difficulties I'd have eating.
Got no idea why I was doing this in my dream though.
I had two notable dreams.
In the first, I was watching the son of a girl I used to date poking at her eyelid. It was, erm, kinda sexual, but violent. When I went over to see her, she had changed into President Biden. He had a huge hole in his eyelid and what looked like a sore on it. I freaked out, asked if he thought he needed a hospital, he said yes and I went to find my phone to call. Then I said, "Wait, don't you have a Secret Service detail?" and woke up.
In the second I was looking for a "doppio-chocolate" coffee because I knew I'd heard it referenced in some movie. I was looking through a (fictional) Woody Allen war movie and I saw I guy drinking a cup of coffee. Remarkably, I was able to taste it.
In more than 50 years of dreaming, I've never actually tasted anything in a dream before. Has anyone else tasted in dreams?
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 22, 2022, 07:39:48 AM
I had two notable dreams.
In the first, I was watching the son of a girl I used to date poking at her eyelid. It was, erm, kinda sexual, but violent. When I went over to see her, she had changed into President Biden. He had a huge hole in his eyelid and what looked like a sore on it. I freaked out, asked if he thought he needed a hospital, he said yes and I went to find my phone to call. Then I said, "Wait, don't you have a Secret Service detail?" and woke up.
In the second I was looking for a "doppio-chocolate" coffee because I knew I'd heard it referenced in some movie. I was looking through a (fictional) Woody Allen war movie and I saw I guy drinking a cup of coffee. Remarkably, I was able to taste it.
In more than 50 years of dreaming, I've never actually tasted anything in a dream before. Has anyone else tasted in dreams?
That's a really good question and now that I consider it, I've felt a bullet go through me in a dream, sneezed in dreams, and had a dream where I saw "new colors" but I can't remember ever tasting in a dream.
Dreamt that I felt the world was folding in on itself, like a rug being rolled up, and that there was an evil Muppet in the next room (I thought he was Bert from Sesame Street, or at least a similar design) who was calling to me to come with him. I also heard a demonic Muppet choir singing; I couldn't quite make out the lyrics but I was sure it was about me, which I thought was strange. I was a young child in the dream and I just wanted to find Mommy. Spooky.
I had a horrible dream a few nights back - sleep doesn't come easy any more - and in this, I dreamed that there was blood constantly in my mouth. Every time I washed out my mouth or spat: blood everywhere. :buggedout:
Dreamt the cinematographer I worked with years ago on a movie was trying to sue me for money because he had to regrade the color on the film years later, even though I was just a PA who had nothing to do with it. He was as confident that he was going to win the lawsuit as I was confident that he was going to lose. Actually woke up from that dream, went back to sleep, and dreamt the exact same thing again.
I dreamed I got a notification someone was putting up a deer stand on some rural property we own, so I called the police and the person putting up the stand got arrested. It was more straightforward than a lot of my dreams and I think reflects thoughts I have this time of year since IRL there's a sign on the property that says: "No you can't hunt here, please don't ask." ( I'm not a fan of hunting.)
Dreamt some celebrity did something wrong and the FTC issued a decree stating he was temporarily forbidden from "saying mean words and pulling lame-ass stunts." Cancel culture has made it to my dreams!
Dreamt I was watching Judge Judy yell at a female lawyer over the phone. She used the f word. She was mad that the woman was siccing the federal government on her, said that was low and she wouldn't last long in the profession if she did that to her colleagues.
I dreamed I went into a bar, saw they were hosting a pool tournament, and decided to join. I remember a lot of this dream, but the strangest part was that the woman behind me in line was wearing no skirt and her panties were pulled halfway down. I asked her why she was flirting with me and she told me she had a secret to tell me. I put some covers over both of us and then I saw her turn into a cooked turkey, then a cat. I said "I see! You're a cat who's under an illusion that you're a turkey who's under an illusion that it's a woman!"
Had a dream last night where we were off on a bus trip to some remote area with a bunch of kids. The region seemed strange in a remote rural location horror movie kind of way. The bus got stranded in deep water between two islands and we'd to abandon it and climb onto a boat. A Narwhale came swimming past, but seemed misshapen and I didn't trust it. A few other sea creatures swam near, but I wouldn't let anyone go near them because they didn't look right. When we made it back to land, a Jason type killer was sent to take us out. We escaped into a hospital build underground that was preparing for a royal visit and also had a faire going on. One of the kids turned out to be an expert marksman and took the top prize from a carnival shooting range, before being asked to shoot the killer stalking us by the hospital (over the tannoy). He took him out with a single shot (from an air rife).
Finally got to sleep last night around three and almost immediately had a dream I still remember. I was in an ice cream shop in Philadelphia, and the It's Always Sunny cast were in the room, and I asked for this Philadelphia Eagles sundae, a local favorite, but suddenly it was one of the Derry Girls serving me at the counter (I was watching that show late) and I asked what went into the sundae, and she told me, but she said it so mischievously that I said, "Wait, something is up, isn't it? There's something you're not telling me about that sundae." She got insulted and indignantly said that no one in the city would dishonor that sundae by making it wrong, so I said ok, I'll have one. And I paid up front. She took this big ceramic bowl and two big slices of of white cake on the bottom, put a massive amount of this jet black ice cream on it, and atop that put regular tan colored chocolate ice cream, then she said, "And now the touch that makes it Philadelphia." And she poured about a quart of milk into it, almost overflowing the bowl. It was disgusting, I didn't want it, but the Sunny characters came over to watch me eat it and I got the feeling they were going to be violently insulted if I dishonored Philadelphia by not eating it all and praising how good the horrible mess was. It was a disturbing dream!
One of my "funnest" dreams ever. Dreamed I was flying on a broom while Harry and Ron flew theirs. This was a long, almost lucid dream with an internal plot and a guest appearance by Roseanne. At one part of the dream I was trying to decide to fly under or through some pine branches and I scraped my arm but not too badly. We kept on flying. In the dream the landscape reminded me of a park we once stopped at in Quebec years ago, my college friends and me.
I think I been watching too many Hogwarts' Legacy previews before bed, but I'm not complaining, because this was a sweet dream.
Crazy Hamilton-related dreams last night!
First I dreamed that I had somehow gotten permission to exhume Alexander Hamilton as part of my research for a new book I was writing.
I got his coffin out of the ground and took a quick peek and saw that his body was very well-preserved and still recognizable. But then after I got him back to the lab, I went and got my assistants, including a forensic pathologist, and then I opened the coffin again and found his body was missing- but someone had left a ham and cheese sandwich in his place! Woke up before that storyline could go any further.
Then I fell back asleep and dreamed that I had written a new Hamilton play, and that our school's drama department was performing it! It was about Alex waking up in 2022 and dealing with the modern world. Some of my favorite students were cast in the lead roles, and I was hoping that they were getting a video of the performance because it was amazing!
I dreamed these lyrics (complete with melody), thinking they were meant for the Grateful Dead:
Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Jane
Your love's gone wrong
We all fall apart in the end.
As I was dozing I expanded it to
Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Jane,
Your love's gone wrong
What happened to you is a sin.
Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Jane,
Don't wait so long.
We all fall apart in the end.
Had a simple scary dream that woke me up with a jolt.
In it I was brushing my teeth in a bathroom, in front of a mirror, and there were no little paper cups to rinse my mouth out with, so as I leaned down to get a drink from the running faucet I saw for the merest second as I was very close to the mirror that my reflection winked at me, when i had not winked myself. In my dream I tried to scream but made no noise, and woke right up.
An effective little haiku of a nightmare.
Right before I had to get up this morning at five, I had a dream that even as it transpired I was saying with complete shock within the dream, "I can't believe they are showing this!"
In my dream I was watching The Simpsons and Homer had to sneak onto the campus of a black college, and so he put on a gorilla suit.
In my dream I watched with total disbelief.
I can only assume Homer got beaten up before the segment ended but I woke up.
I had an unusually coherent dream last night. A mission to explore a far-off moon had vanished and we were sent to investigate. We found signs of the previous expedition, their equipment, base camp and so forth along with tracks in the moon dust, but no sign of the explorers themselves.
It was a very tense and suspenseful dream. Sadly I awoke before it got anywhere near any kind of resolution.
Very strange indeed, this dream. I dreamed I was going into an elementary school to "assassinate" one of the teachers there, who would be dressed as Frankenstein('s monster). I was trying to find this man, and wandered into a music room, where his wife taught, and she was this pleasant dark-haired young woman of maybe late-twenties, and she was telling me where he was, thinking I was there for some after-hours event that seemed to be going on....I'm guessing a Halloween party? So I located the man, he was in costume and very tall, and went and talked to him, he was perfectly nice, I have no idea why the inner directive of the dream was to kill him, but I put this powdery poison....somewhere where it would be in contact with him, and left, confident I had killed this guy.
The feeling wasn't so much one of tension or regret or horror or triumph either for that matter, it was like one of those dreams where you're naked in public, it just carried with it its own bizarre inner logical without judgment or explanation.
I was at a film festival and someone asked what was my fave French film and I said "The Crimson Rivers". The person who asked me turned out to be the film's director Mathieu Kassovitz 😳😅
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 24, 2013, 08:31:16 AM
Later I dreamed Rebecca Black was kidnapping old men and dressing them up like her.
Oy :buggedout: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
I dreamed in blue, like someone did a blue wash over my dreamscapes, and in one dream I was in the back seat of a car driven by a man who in the dream was my father, and as we were speeding along on a crowded expressway a massive avalanche happened on a mountainside ahead of us and to our right, rocks sliding down the hill as if the mountain was shedding its stony skin, sending tons and tons of geological material at the expressway, burying cars on the far right side, and I was trying to wave off cars behind us to stop, trying to tell my (dream) father to stop, but he kept driving forward fast, like he thought he could beat the rock slide but there was no way, it was entombing the expressway for hundreds of yards, and in my dream I knew we were about to die and I was screaming, wanting to jump out of the moving car to get away, cars were colliding, wrecking, being crushed and buried. A completely terrifying dream.
Three adult siblings, a woman and her brothers, on death row. I was fostering the woman's children. An unpleasant dream.
I had one this morning where I was back working at Wally World as a cashier and just picked up pretty much right where I left off, and even my old account worked just like before. Earlier I had one where I was in the basement of the church I went to growing up and the weather was getting nasty outside. Getting my family to seek shelter was more challenging than it should have been too. I saw the ropes for the church bells and started pulling on them, ringing the bells.
I just had a snooze and dreamt that my book had been published. When I got the first copy all the text was printed in very lowercase and all the pics were from movies made elsewhere 😳😳😳
Dreamt of a huge spiderweb with the word "WORD" written on it. I decided to get rid of it by lying down, lighting a matchbook, and burning the web from the bottom. As I lay down I was attacked by rats. A rare nightmare for me.
I dreamt that after months of trying, I finally got around to watching a movie on the Rev's discord channel.
I dreamed my friend from Spain who makes his living as a trance channel (shrug) came to visit me and wanted to go hiking in our woods, so I took him and this woman he was with back into the forest, and for some reason we got separated, and I thought, well they'll find their way out, but they didn't til the next morning, and came back to the house furious with me.
I had a strange one where the local TV station had arranged it so that instead of them having their usual weather broadcast, the channel was going to broadcast the weatherman and his wife were gonna have a very explicit encounter at home which the station would air in its entirety. Which they did. And when it was over they had people standing up and clapping, including the parents of the couple.
I dreamt Eric Carmen was singing 'Eldritch Eyes'. I am not sure which entity he was singing it to though. One squirmy mass of tentacles looks very much like another to me.
Had two dreams last night. In the first, I was driving up a very steep one lane mountain road covered in drifting snow.
The second was a three-part dream about me living in Ukraine in an Air BnB and being part of a group rounded up by Russian soldiers. They showed us a propaganda film that stressed all the American companies that sponsored them, including Dairy Queen. They let us go after one night, and my Ukrainian host was very apologetic about the whole thing.
I dreamed Conan O'Brien was taking me on a tour of his home.
Dreamed that Charles Bronson was a bartender who offered me a shot of bourbon mixed with agave, and then later I dreamed I got lost while searching for my seats at a basketball game and ended up stuck in a gutter on the roof in the snow about 20 stories up, with no choices but to wait for rescue while freezing or to jump to almost certain death.
Just woke up from a horrible dream in which my very special brother I lost contact with a few years ago appeared. He gave me a rifle as a gift 😳 and dropped me off at a bus stop and Mom picked me up there in a car.
This is not good: if I dream about either of my folks it means trouble's coming.
Had a doozy of a nightmare last night. Literal Hell, demons, all with a slightly Buddhist slant to the imagery. The evil was tricking people into thinking it wasn't present in life, seeming harmless when it was hideously chaotic and cruel. I was trying to tell everyone how dangerous this situation was; no one listened.
Hard to go back to sleep after that.
Sometime later I dreamed this archetypal dream I often have, of being in a school, wondering why I was there, eventually figuring out I didn't have to be, so leaving. I probably have a variation of that dream ten times a year.
Dreamed I was trying to listen to "Lady Stardust" with my nephew so he could hear Bowie's throwaway final line, but someone kept talking over it. Woke up with "Lady Stardust" stuck in my head.
Three consecutive dreams just before waking.
I dreamt I went to a family reunion in the mountains outside Las Vegas, but no one would talk to me.
I forgot the next one.
I dreamt I had two giant slaves.
Here's an odd one I had last night.
I dreamt I was in the back seat of a car driven by an old Boris Karloff, and Marlene Dietrich is in back with me, and we start making out.
I dreamed I was in a rush to tell someone that they were making movies out of '80s band Journey's biggest hits.
I dreamt that I was scouting a house for a film shoot completely naked 😳
Just had a really weird one: Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear and I were exploring a supposedly haunted house 🏡😳
A couple hours ago I was dreaming a very scary little girl with indistinct features half hidden in the dark was standing inches from me at the edge of my bed and in my dream I kept thinking don't open your eyes and look at her, don't do that....even though somehow I could already see her in my dream. Complete feeling of malevolence coming off this child who was practically touching me she was so close to the bed's edge. I came awake and sat straight up and for a moment kept my eyes closed because I was still feeling like I was in the dream, then I yanked my eyes open but of course nothing was there. Didn't get back to sleep, just sat up in bed for a bit then laid back down.
^ It's a succubus. :buggedout:
I gave Shakespeare his twentieth chance to impress me outside his sonnets, and been re-reading Macbeth over the last few days, and the three witches are absolutely the best part, as I think everyone agrees. Well last night I dreamed the three witches were doing a car commercial and at the end leaped into a car's trunk full of boiling water and one said, "Feels good on our arses!"
I've had scary dreams and ironic dreams and wondrous dreams, but I can't remember a dream I found so funny.
Dreamt I killed two children---no motive, just Raskolnikov s**t. Unlike most of my dreams, this one fooled me---I thought it was real. My main worry was the shame attached, how was I going to tell my loved ones what I had done? I never thought of anything but turning myself in. I awoke quite relieved and actually said "it was just a dream" out loud.
Later last night I dreamed that a man (who looked just like Rowsdower) came after me because he thought I was seeing his wife/girlfriend. I hardly knew the woman.
Strangely troubled dreams; I guess my life has been too serene lately, and my subconscious decided I needed shaking up.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 20, 2023, 09:35:46 AM
Dreamt I killed two children---no motive, just Raskolnikov s**t. Unlike most of my dreams, this one fooled me---I thought it was real. My main worry was the shame attached, how was I going to tell my loved ones what I had done? I never thought of anything but turning myself in. I awoke quite relieved and actually said "it was just a dream" out loud.
Later last night I dreamed that a man (who looked just like Rowsdower) came after me because he thought I was seeing his wife/girlfriend. I hardly knew the woman.
Strangely troubled dreams; I guess my life has been too serene lately, and my subconscious decided I needed shaking up.
You made me have to look up two words.
Dreamt a drunken Ron Jeremy tried to start a fight with me at a party.
Because of insomnia the previous night I slept an incredibly long time last night/this morning and slid through long cycles of dreams, and the last one I remember was a semi-recurring dream I have about going back to my school, but in my dreams the school is much larger in size than it was, with fantastical wings that would make no sense in a real world setting. Well in this dream the school had been given a living coelacanth which was in a massive aquarium just inside the school's entrance, and I was there to see that unveiled. It was one of those almost astral dreams where you feel yourself thinking and making decisions inside the dream. Beautiful, really, and I wish every sleep could be like that.
I dreamed I had tattoos. Yuck. (No offense intended to those of you with tattoos, but they don't belong on me).
I dreamed that I was back in my birth city of Bulawayo for the first time since 1997.
I was riding in the back of a tour bus and everyone else was asleep (hopefully not the driver :buggedout:)
When I arrived in the city, I shouted "Finally! Back home!" Everyone woke up, went :buggedout: and started chucking things at me :buggedout: :bouncegiggle: :teddyr:
I have these recurring dreams about me trying to get home. Yesterday I had another one.
This time I was in an alternative version of the farmland surrounding our town. It looked very Tim Burton-ish. Dark but not pitch black, unusual shaped trees plus a forest tree line far off separating me from our town and my home. There was somebody (female presence) with me who seemed familiar, but I'm not sure who it was.
We've been walking through grassy fields toward the forest and it was getting darker. At some point I started flapping my arms like bird wings and yeah, I was flying. The moment I realized I was getting home safe I woke up. I was a bit disappointed waking up so soon because I was enjoying flying. It felt so real.
On a sidenote, not the first time I dreamed flapping my arms and flying. However, this time it felt I was much better at flying.
Quote from: claws on October 02, 2023, 02:03:02 PM
I have these recurring dreams about me trying to get home. Yesterday I had another one.
This time I was in an alternative version of the farmland surrounding our town. It looked very Tim Burton-ish. Dark but not pitch black, unusual shaped trees plus a forest tree line far off separating me from our town and my home. There was somebody (female presence) with me who seemed familiar, but I'm not sure who it was.
We've been walking through grassy fields toward the forest and it was getting darker. At some point I started flapping my arms like bird wings and yeah, I was flying. The moment I realized I was getting home safe I woke up. I was a bit disappointed waking up so soon because I was enjoying flying. It felt so real.
On a sidenote, not the first time I dreamed flapping my arms and flying. However, this time it felt I was much better at flying.
I would literally pay money to have a dream like that. Maybe add in a giant library but still, I'd love that dream
I dreamt of Tardy Pardy, a sentient, telepathic diaper. It asked me to pick it up so it could use the toilet, which was five inches off the ground. A little liquid spilled on me when I picked it up. I've had many dreams since, but this one sticks with me.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on December 28, 2023, 09:24:48 PM
I dreamt of Tardy Pardy, a sentient, telepathic diaper. It asked me to pick it up so it could use the toilet, which was five inches off the ground. A little liquid spilled on me when I picked it up. I've had many dreams since, but this one sticks with me.
you should try and flesh this out into a movie script
Dreamt I was vacationing at the beach when I saw a giant mushroom cloud appear in the ocean. I rushed to my hotel room to check the news, but there was nothing on about it, so I concluded it was a dream (within the dream).
I dreamt that I was sent a first edition of my book.
In hardback but with a cover of human skin 😳
I had a serial dream a few nights back.
I dreamt I was at work and under investigation for doing something wrong but no one would tell me what it was.
I woke up three times during this dream and when I tried to go back to sleep, the dream would continue where I left off. 😳
Quote from: Trevor on February 13, 2024, 04:07:00 PM
I had a serial dream a few nights back.
I dreamt I was at work and under investigation for doing something wrong but no one would tell me what it was.
I woke up three times during this dream and when I tried to go back to sleep, the dream would continue where I left off. 😳
Were you reading Kafka before you went to sleep?
Busy night dreaming last night.
I dreamed I escorted a female Pope in a wheelchair.
Later I dreamed there was a film movement called "Mollywood"--movies for ecstasy enthusiasts.
Later, I had another variant of a recurring dream I have where there is a beautiful, sexy woman waiting to bed me, but I get distracted by something (this time, a lost phone) and by the time I'm done attending to that nuisance I go back to find her and she's left.
Dreamt I encountered a parade of women in 19th century dress, with the leader carrying a speargun. We were in a narrow hallway and as they pushed past me, they tickled me everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE). I then figured out that they were desperate women on a ritual hunt for men.
I have a recurring dream and had a version of it this morning. In the dream I am in this strange landscape, like a hillside folded in on itself, like a wave turned to rock, if that makes sense, and I am walking fast, getting away from someplace as much as heading anywhere, but in this dream I passed houses built along a gravel road, and a little boy came out to show me his art class drawings, and I stopped and looked at them, and when I looked back to tell him they were good, he was an old man, and around me the trees were taller and I think decades passed in the blink of an eye yet I was still in the same spot.
had a dream last night where I was flushing my underwear down the toilet
Quote from: bob on April 20, 2024, 09:34:31 AM
had a dream last night where I was flushing my underwear down the toilet
I had a pretty detailed and disturbing dream/nightmare this morning. It began with me helping to clean up a girl who had a fecal accident. When we got into the bathroom the toilet was backed up and it stank badly. The woman was saying something too loudly and a policeman heard it and came in and arrested us. Turns out we were in Hungary. I tried to explain I had done nothing, but the arresting officer wouldn't listen to me. When I got to the police station I waited for an interpreter and I looked over in the corner. Tucker Carlson and a three other guys were standing there whispering about me, and someone said "I think he knows one of the Big 4." Thankfully I woke up.
not contributed to this thread before...
but I just woke up from a dream where I'm standing in the middle of the road with a record player and a vinyl copy of Van Halen - Women And Children First.
Barak Obama is standing with me, and I'm challenging him to 'guess the artist' by playing the van halen record, but at the same time trying to hide the album sleeve so he doesn't see what it is.
by the way (and apologies if this has already come up) but I highly recommend the 'work' of Dion McGregor
this was a guy who shared a flat with one other person back in the 60s or 70s... his flatmate heard Dion regularly talking in his sleep, and found his spoken word dreams so interesting he decided to record them.
random example:
(hard to believe he is actually sleeping while saying all this but it's been confirmed true). he has whole albums released!
A couple of weeks ago I had a dream where we went to visit a friend of mine who introduced me to a woman called Diane who made it quite clear she was very interested in pursueing a relationship with me. I didn't agree or disagree, just kind of being dragged along with events. Anyway, I'd mostly forgotten about the dream until a week or so later the dream had a sequel with us having some sort of courtship and her planning out our wedding (despite me already being married in the dream).
Anyway last night there was a third part to the dream where we got married (with Kristi in attendance). The dreams didn't have any weird, fantastical elements (well none beyond Kristi seemingly not being upset about our marriage becoming a threesome) that I normally find in my dreams. I wonder if at some point in the future there will be a fourth installment?
I had a dream where I was presenting Clint Eastwood with an Oscar. :question: :question: :question:
I dreamed "Kinds of Kindness" was in the top-10 grossing movies of the year.
I have weird dreams.
I had a dream about my father a few hours back: he was neatly dressed in a suit and he was smiling and offering me a cigarette. I haven't touched a cigarette since 2009.
I had a dream about Ginger Baker, the famous British drummer from Cream a few hours ago. I know it was a dream as he was friendly to me and even shook my hand.
Me and some friends where invited to a big Hollywood party. Met Henry Cavil (who was wearing his Superman costume). Since I knew he's a fan of Warhammer, I asked him if he preferred Vallejoo or Army Painter for his miniatures.
I had been working on some of my own miniatures that day, so That must be what influenced the dream.
I went undercover in a teenage cult as a representative of "The Society of Evil," and had to be rescued by an overweight Kris Kristofferson, who gave me a spoon to defend myself.
dreamed I was in a bar playing pool... the other person broke off, but when I went to take my shot, all the balls had morphed into completely flat discs on the table (almost like stickers more than 'discs'l
then I went outside and delivered a load of apples to a greengrocer, and stood around waiting for him to pay me for them... when I saw how busy he was with other stuff I just said he could have them for free, and left.
Isn't it strange how in dreams you seem to completely accept bizarre stuff as actually happening right there in front of you, even though at the same time you're still conscious of how totally bizarre it is ...or something
Quote from: zombie on November 27, 2024, 04:52:47 AMIsn't it strange how in dreams you seem to completely accept bizarre stuff as actually happening right there in front of you, even though at the same time you're still conscious of how totally bizarre it is ...or something
Yep... ain't that something? :thumbup:
Quote from: VenomX73 on November 29, 2024, 07:28:50 PMYep... ain't that something? :thumbup:
great analysis hey? :bouncegiggle:
...probably some kind of boring scientific explanation behind it, but that's no fun!
Yeah no that's what I mean forget about the scientific explanation I just think it's amazing :thumbup:
I'm sure it has something to do with the subconscious but still - it's even impressive that we can do stuff like that
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 16, 2023, 08:43:42 AMDreamt a drunken Ron Jeremy tried to start a fight with me at a party.
I went to a trade show, bought a camera jib I didn't need, then had trouble explaining to the neighbors what it is & what it does, then went back in the house & started putting bananas & lemons on the breakfast table...
I woke up with this jingle in my head;
A banana, A banana,
I'll tell you who died!
A banana, A banana,
Convicted and tried!
I had a strange dream during my afternoon nap today. Dreamed I was in a cinema with Mom and I realized that Carl Weathers was sitting next to her. I told her who was sitting next to her and he leaned over and gave her a hug.
I'm assuming it's from all the horror movies and mystery movies we all watched. In my dream I was detailing to somebody a very specific and detailed scene, about old candles Illuminating an old library it was like almost I was describing an old horror movie,
it kind of looked like that scene from Young Frankenstein when they were searching for the laboratory the first time
but "without the violin sound"