There is only one thing I like about summer:
I've been fascinated with thunderstorms since childhood. I could sit and watch a storm for hours, its like staring into a campfire, same hypnotic like effect for me.
Forecast is predicting heavy thunderstorms this weekend. I can't hardly wait :teddyr:
Any opinions or thunderstorm tales can be shared here.
I'm with you. Whenever a storm is rolling in I sit in the front yard in a lawn chair and take it all in. I even like the smell of the air. Then CRACK! BANG! Roooar! :cheers:
You might not have to wait for summer much longer. I swear the last few years around here I have heard thunder in winter. First time it happened I literally could not believe it. It just did not happen in my area. I mean i was like :buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout:
Now, it is happening about every other year now. Soon I guess it'll be every year.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on July 26, 2019, 01:25:31 AM
You might not have to wait for summer much longer. I swear the last few years around here I have heard thunder in winter. First time it happened I literally could not believe it. It just did not happen in my area. I mean i was like :buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout:
Now, it is happening about every other year now. Soon I guess it'll be every year.
I have too. I heard it in 1970's as well. I heard it lotsa times. This is Michigan, so we always got weird weather.
I was sitting in my front yard one afternoon, and a storm had hit. So I'm checking out the clouds and CRACK! A bolt of lighting hits the tar road between me and the neighbors house! Scared the s**t out of me! I ran in the house.
Tiana says- "What?" I says-"Lighting!" She says-" What you doing out in the rain?"
A couple weeks ago I know a lightning bolt his within 150 feet of me. Damn I felt that up thru the ground!
We sometimes have thunder in winter. This isn't unusual, at least not in my neck of the woods.
We have thunder during snowstorms once in awhile.
In 2015, a lightning strike destroyed a house up the street from me.
We had distant thunder and lighting on Saturday evening, our "big" storm hit Sunday around 3 a.m. I was actually awake as I had slept late Saturday afternoon a couple of hours. Anyway, pretty decent storm. I was sitting at our open kitchen window leaning out a bit and watching. Lasted about an hour.
It's been raining all day and there's still distant thunder. Glad things cooled down a bit. The heat was unbearable.
I love rainy days, rainy nights, even thunderstorms as long as they're not too severe, but my state has had a rough year, storm-wise. We usually average twelve tornadoes a year, and in a two-month period there were forty-eight this past spring, including thirteen confirmed in one city in one evening. Back in March a funnel passed just west of our house and I watched it drift by, kind of lazily undulating under its cloud base. Made for a jittery ride. These things come in spurts and in 1974 120 tornadoes hit regionally in a day. My Dad was getting in from school and tried to stand in his front yard and watch but my grandma and my aunt grabbed him and dragged him to the basement. We actually have been lucky to have mild weather the last few years.
OK, official theme for this thread. (
I haven't seen a good thunderstorm in years. Used to see them at least a few times a year when I was a kid but there hasn't really been one in the last 10 or 15 years that I really can recall. Sure there's been a little bit of thunder and/or lightening, but nothing that was really memorable. I miss them.
Our entire neighborhood lost power for 48 hours last week... or was it the week before? Outage was due to freak summer storms that whipped thru NJ and blacked out much of the state. We have had thunderstorms every couple of days.
Quote from: Allhallowsday on August 06, 2019, 04:49:00 PM
Our entire neighborhood lost power for 48 hours last week... or was it the week before? Outage was due to freak summer storms that whipped thru NJ and blacked out much of the state. We have had thunderstorms every couple of days.
If the temp and humidity were like they are in my area now I feel for you having no electricity.
We kept the doors closed and the verticals drawn. The heat wave had been the week before. It was fine and only 2 nights.
Distant thunder and a bit of lightning for almost an hour. I'm waiting patiently for a storm to arrive, hopefully.
Thunder is rocking my house right now at 1:15 in the morning. It's beautiful!
I had some late last night -- the whole house shook shortly after I got to sleep
The night after my sister-in-law died, I slept in her house to keep an eye on the animals. I laid on the couch and covered my head with a sheet like I was in a morgue (though I also had stuffed tissues up my nostrils because of the stink). Then, a thunderstorm came through. I have never experienced such a loud, sudden, violent storm. I always liked thunderstorms, but this one frightened me. In that house, it was scary.
You guys ever play ambient recordings of thunderstorms? I sometimes have but I find it's not the same.
I've heard that when W.C. Fields was dying his friends, knowing he loved the rain, sprayed a hose on the roof and banged garbage can lids together to simulate a thundershower for him. :bluesad:
Gee, when I'm on my deathbed I wonder if I can convince my friends I am into seeing bunches of fake pirate treasure maps released on helium balloons?
Quote from: ER on September 12, 2019, 03:00:51 PM
You guys ever play ambient recordings of thunderstorms? ...
Yes; crickets and wind too. I agree it's not the same but useful for mixes intended to invoke a mood.
We got thunder rolling in right now.It's 2:47 in the morning.
Quote from: RCMerchant on September 13, 2019, 01:51:27 AM
We got thunder rolling in right now.It's 2:47 in the morning.
I love after midnight thunderstorms. The best are early morning storms. We haven't had one in a long time though.
It's 10:33 in the morning now. It's dark and thundering. :thumbup:
I love Michigan.
We just had a nice but way too short thunderstorm. Rainfall was intense for about 35 minutes, it was pouring like crazy. This was our second storm this week!
09:55 pm here, another small thunderstorm at the moment.
For the past two weeks we had rain almost every day and 2-3 thunderstorms each week. Loving it. Last night around midnight we had a thunderstorm and in between the thunder I heard nearby nesting storks clapping their shoebill. It was kind of strange and definitely a first time hearing this during a storm.
We have also had thunderstorms nearly every day for weeks, including right now.
I try to swim every day between 5-6 PM, but we seem to either have a thunderstorm or the threat of a thunderstorm at that time every day this week, and last. Fingers crossed for today, though.
It's been storming here for the last week and a half.It did this morning. Now it's just cloudy and gloomy.
My favorite kind of weather! :thumbup:
Seems like every week there's been a day with thunderstorms that last about 10 minutes. Other days it's just been raining on and off for the day. It's not unusual to see dark clouds overhead, then looking farther away it's all blue skies and sunshine.
It was raining all day yesterday, and today half our town was flooded. Not only that but most if not all roads out of town were flooded as well. We went shopping at 1030 am and came home 0100 pm. Traffic was insane, police and the fire department were re-directing cars every which way. More thunderstorms expected tonight and next week :buggedout:
It rained here so much Thursday night water started seeping into the basement where it had never happened through all kinds of storms in 24 years...
Always lots to be happy about. :thumbup:
We had a nice little thunderstorm last night around 2 am. My bed is underneath a skylight window which was open. I watched the lightning and was listening to the rain hitting the window. Only lasted about 45 minutes though.
I slept through a tornado warning stupid early this morning, the result of crazy winds which were accompanied by rain
Quote from: Allhallowsday on July 10, 2021, 04:02:34 PM
It rained here so much Thursday night water started seeping into the basement where it had never happened through all kinds of storms in 24 years...
Always lots to be happy about. :thumbup:
Tonight again. Lots of rain thunder lightening and tornado New Jersey!
I'm loving this summer so far. Temps linger around 70F and it's been raining almost every day, with a few thunderstorms thrown in the mix. We had two this week.
It's been gloomy and storming all day! :teddyr:
Makes me feel alive!
( (
No thunderstorms but we had rain every day since last week. It was 44F in the morning yesterday :buggedout: which is kind of unusual for August.
Other than that temps don't climb higher than 60F.
I'm afraid we will have a hot autumn though.
Even though local weather stations did not predict rain we had some last night 1:00 am.
They are predicting heavy storms for late sunday/monday.
We're supposed to get hit tomorrow! :thumbup:
No rain (yet) but there's been lightning for over an hour
it's 11:42 pm here and I wouldn't mind a little storm to fall asleep later :smile:
It's thundering right now. At twilight.
In the area where we live a cell passed through last evening with eighty mile an hour winds, knocking out power for 200,000 people. It was this release of energy caused after a daytime heat index of 111 and defined what summer in the Midwest can be.
^ It stormed last night for hours. I didn't watch TV or listen to music.
It's supposed to be up to 95 F. where I am today. And I live in a swamp. It's gonna be muggy.
We had two thunderstorms last week, and we are currently having one right now (11:38 pm). It's more like distant thunder, a few lightning flashes and not much rain.
According to forecast more is expected on Friday and Saturday.
The region where we live has had virtually no storms this year and no severe ones at all. There have been a few threats of them but no follow-through, and I'm not sure I trust that.... The last time I remember a stormless spring was 1993, and the summer exploded with one destructive thunderstorm after another day after day for what felt like weeks. My cousin and I came back from seeing Jurassic Park in a hailstorm with winds so high she barely kept her car in the road and when we got to my house we went to the basement. In a big urban forest park near the city a microburst that June with 130 mph straight-line winds destroyed almost every tree, including its famous century-old pines in a twenty-acre stand donated to the city at its centennial by a German prince in 1888. The huge stumps are still there slowly turning into soil, and I've gone and climbed up onto them many times these last thirty years, right after it happened I went with my future boyfriend and more recently with my children. So, hey, I wouldn't be surprised if Mother Nature evened things out by giving us a violent stormy high summer, because the Ohio Valley simply can't be getting off this lightly.
We had some on Sunday. It was glorious! :thumbup: