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Highlander II: The Quickening

Started by ChrisB, December 28, 2000, 04:17:48 PM

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Once upon a time I was an early teen-aged geek. I, and many other kindred geeky souls fell in love with a goofy modern swords n' sorcery movie by a rock video director called 'Highlander'. This movie spoke deeply to our angsty, introverted hearts, and suddenly geeks everywhere were sporting brown or black trenchcoats (this was WELL before Columbine) and trying to figure out how to get a katana to hang inside of it without falling out all the time.

A couple years later, (GASP MOAR HIGHLANDER!! A SEQUEL FUKKIN AY LETS GO!) the theatre was full of pimply trenchcoated kids speaking with horrible French/Scottish accents to one another, and waiting for the curtain to go up.  Cheers when the title screen appears. 5 mins in, confused glances fill the air. 20 minutes in, dead silence.  30 minutes in, the muttering and evacuations start. End of the movie, the whole audience boos and hisses, leave the theatre chanting "we want out money back!"  and most burned their trenchcoats in disgust and moved on.

Not even a 'renegade edition' which to this day I am still too soul-wounded to see, could ever save this rotting decapitated turkey.