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Started by miri, November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM

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Well it seems, that its probably impossible today to create a cool and funny b-picture. They´re all too serious in one way and look like created only for tv.

Maria and Shannon

Well...this movie was quite entertaining on many levels. This was the funniest thing we have ever seen in our entire life. It is funny to us how the towns people are actually intimidated by "the Van Dammes" who are deformed, physically inept, lumps of flesh who dont even have legs. They drag themselves around with their arms for christ's sake. How is it so hard to just shoot them in the head? Our personal favorite scene was when the "town mute" jumps in the hole bearing a large serrated knife, and exclaims "NO f**kING WAY!" only to die about 12 seconds later. Not only does she die, she orgasmically smears the blood allover her chest. We can honestly not think of anything more funny than this movie.


This movie sucked ass. I only rented it because of the cover. It had fake blood packs on it. thats what happens when you spend more on the box then on writers


EAGLE:  Don't forget, they also have crummy cgi which is hard to laugh at.  Just groan inducing.  

I posted above as James Perry.  I still haven't given this another go, but want to.  I saw a DVD in the bargain bin called Breeders that I nearly bought thinking it was this...  :D  


I cant believe that anyone thinks that this is a good movie.  there are so many obvious flaws with it.  First of all, why can't anyone seem to kill these things?  they don't even have legs, you could just walk up to one and hit it in the face with a shovel.  like the scence where they just stand by and let the old woman get killed.  also, the character delevopment is terrible, every character that is actually nice and that you start to like gets killed.  and what was the deal with the girl that couldnt talk?  they mentioned her once and then she just came back in the end.  god, im so angry for renting this movie.  it could have easily been much better

honestly the worst movie ive ever seen


I loved the blonde woman in the movie, she's hot...
and I liked this movie, not the little creatures, but
the story and the places. I think the only problem
is the monsters, they're too little. I got the DVD.


bahaha i love it how i love on the island of where it was filmed.. at any rate i love the drunk and her only 3 words! :teddyr:

Jay the Magnificent

surly, when i the misfortune to watch this, the gods were p**sed at me


I saw this one a couple years back; don't remember much detail, but I think I liked it at the time.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Lord of B movieland

Heh, it is not such a terrible film. At least it has a great sex scene, the acting is passable and the premise is interesting. It is one of the better adaptations of Lovecraft's work, not as good as reanimatior or From Beyond, but it's not that bad.

Valentine Kutter

First of all, this is one of the best examples of film gone bad. You have great  scenery, excellent mood, boobs, an interesting backstory ...that is actually historically incorrect, boobs, actors that are at least trying to put complete sentences together, boobs, monsters that a 90 year old could escape from...errr...maybe not, boobs, plenty of blood & guts...and seminal fluid, boobs, and a dude eating a pickled punk. Not to mention his wife slipping him the tounge after said din-din. If your a true fan you have to at least give this one a look.
I actually lucked out when my video store went under and scored one of the promo boxes with the blood pack on the front.....that thankfully after 11 years hasnt sprung a leak yet.
So guys if you havent seen this one at least give it a try.....seriously its time well wasted.  VK :thumbup:
