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Feeling mighty misanthropic today ...

Started by akiratubo, September 24, 2009, 12:33:52 PM

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Quote from: lester1/2jr on September 25, 2009, 09:24:22 AM
akira- get to know her a little.  start dating her and go camping.  maneuver her to the edge of a cliff and bump her off.  when she's hanging there by here fingers and says "akiratubo help me"  go  "no."


Jim H

Not saying this is what happened in this particular case...  But I've met a number of younger women who seem to always be afraid of men they don't know well.  Even when they're in a classroom surrounded by like 30 people.  It's as if they've swallowed every piece of media tripe portraying men as complete victimizers of women, and now they just apply it to every man they haven't known for 5+ years.  Perhaps some of them actually have been victimized in the past, I don't know.

I work at a library, and because of this attitude I try to avoid women who are alone and especially avoid young kids (who are usually there with their mom) when possible.


Quote from: Jim H on September 25, 2009, 01:59:01 PMI work at a library, and because of this attitude I try to avoid women who are alone and especially avoid young kids (who are usually there with their mom) when possible.

Oh, god, yes.  As a single man, I don't go anywhere near unaccompanied kids.  Man, when I was little, I lost Mom one time and a friendly man helped me find her.  Thanks to the media and the damned busy bodies, every mother sees every man as a child molester nowadays.
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!

Mofo Rising

Jim H, you work in a library? Me too!

akiratubo, that's a pretty horrible thing, but I would go back to that class and blow it out of the water. Some stupid girl has a problem with you? Go back as yourself and let everybody else catch up. One dumb person's opinion of you shouldn't stop you from moving on. If you feel that she is (a stupid bint), there are undoubtedly others who feel the same way.

Now you know she's an unpleasant waste of time. You're free to move on an accomplish your other goals. That person is a dead end, and probably fills that role to many others. Some people are just clueless jerks.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.


Whatta idiotic mo-mo of a snot!  :hot:

She obviously has issues....mebbe she's a closet bull dyke-wait-no-that would do the lesbian race an insult.
I like lesbians.  :twirl:
I woulda said something-"He,he, are wise for someone who has not even lived a single lifetime,child. Next time I will catch you anware....and my voodoo vengence on your family will be sweet! ! Moo ho Ha Ha  HA!"

Serioulsy-the others are right-she sounds like a weirdo. I wouldn't trust the creepy b***h around my kids...she might scare them with her the Wicked Witch of the West vibe.
F#ck her.  :lookingup:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Mr. DS

I don't know if this was recommended yet but you should have said, "Good, I don't give  a sh*t anyhow".
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


I've had a few things like that happen to me.  One time, I swear to God, I'm working at this office where and there was a young lady I was talking to earlier who clearly didn't like me (now, how anyone could NOT like me, I don't know, but just roll with it.)  So, I'm trying to be nice and friendly, and break the ice, when I noticed she has a small framed photo on her desk of a little girl.  I said, "Ooooh, look at the cute little girl!"  

And she quickly reached over and turned the photo face down.  

So, I just gave up on trying to be nice, and I ignored her ass.  

When I was in my early twenties, I got a job bagging groceries at a local supermarket.  I've always gotten along with kids, so every time a mom would come in with a child in the cart, I'd say, "Hello" to them or something silly, "Wow, I didn't know we sold kids here!"  And I talk to them for a little bit while I bagged the groceries.

I remember one little girl in particular didn't want to answer me, so I said, "Ahhh.. do we not want to talk today?  Well, that's alright..."  And her mom stopped up and said, in a REAL nasty tone, "We teach her not to talk to STRANGERS!"  

Now, if she had told me that in a normal tone of voice, I would have just said, "Well, that's good.  I won't say anything more."  But she was saying it to me like I was pond scum or something, and that kind of p**sed me off to be honest.  So, I said, "Well, that's a good idea I guess.  Course, statistically, you have more to worry about from people you know, like immediate family than people you don't."

She like, "Not in MY family!" and she storms off.
"Some people mature, some just get older." -Andrew Vachss

Jim H

I worked in a grocery store for a while.  It appeared to me that some people were having bad days and just decided to take it out on the staff there.  It's rather pathetic really.  Get a punching bag if you have that big of an anger problem.

QuoteJim H, you work in a library? Me too!

Yep.  For the past like three years.  Probably won't be there much longer, since I graduated from college recently and am looking for a new job. 


Quote from: Jim H on September 26, 2009, 07:35:00 PM
I worked in a grocery store for a while.  It appeared to me that some people were having bad days and just decided to take it out on the staff there.  It's rather pathetic really.  Get a punching bag if you have that big of an anger problem.

I always thought it was funny when people in the grocery would complain to me (a simple bagger) about something or other they didn't like about the store and I'd say, "Well, would you like to talk to one of the managers about that?"  And they would go, "No, it won't do any good!"

And then I'm thinking, "Then why the f**k are you telling ME about it?"


Yep.  For the past like three years.  Probably won't be there much longer, since I graduated from college recently and am looking for a new job. 

Not to be discouraging, but depending on what your degree is and the area you live in is like, you may or may not be that lucky.  I graduate from college two years ago, and I'm still in a part time minimum wage job.  :(

I wish you better luck though!  :)
"Some people mature, some just get older." -Andrew Vachss

Jim H

I graduated Fall '08...  So yeah, it'll be a year in a few months.  I hear ya on that trouble.