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Redneck Zombies

Started by David Emery, December 12, 1998, 04:44:23 PM

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I have been searching high and low for this film, and "Splatter Farm."  I own the cenimatic wonder "Feeders."  It has come to be one of my most favorite movies.  If anyone and i mean ANYONE knows of any way i can obtain either of these films, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!!  Thanks!


Okay, after watching "Redneck Zombies" with my friends and under the influence of drugs, we came to the conclusion that the tobacco man segment is the scariest and most intense scene in the whole movie. The only exception could possibly be the chicken video. Wow.

Paul Snow

This is the absolute worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. This is the only movie I've ever seen that I was incapable of finishing because it was so horrible. I'm not kidding, I felt physically sick just watching this piece of S***. To my credit, I got most of the way through it. I've never seen a movie this bad before, and I've seen just about every MST3K episode ever made.


This movie was no worse than having dental surgery.  Maybe I needed some anesthetic on board.  The gross out stuff looked pretty lame, and the jokes were lame.  A horror movie should not act as a sedative.

Cal Smith

Rednecks and Zombies. Yeah. That really mixes well.


Why is it when someone watches a movie they hate, (them being into B-movies of all things), become great film critics that hate everything lower than their interests? If you dont like it, SHUT UP!
I found this movie while searchng for a great horror b-movie when I was like 12 because ive always loved b-movies. This film is a kick ass film for cult movie fans out there.

I have just one question about the movie is there a marijuana man?


Quote from: Jimmy on August 04, 2000, 03:03:39 AM
 This movie is so bad is TERRIBLE!  I regret about renting it for a "useful" 49 cents.  Talking about watching the entire movie on fast forward! >>>>>>>>  I enjoy many B-movies but certainly not this one....YAWN....sleepyyyyy..............


I liked the movie overall, , , but, , ,the boob scene was the WORST boob shot ever filmed. As a boob afficianado, I appreciate boobies of all shapes, sizes, colors, and configurations, , but this we absoloutely the WORST.
I did like the bad acting and juvinile humor, overall a good B Movie.
Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

Happiness is green text in the "Stuff To Watch For" section.

James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

"Aw man, this thong is chafing my balls" -Lloyd Kaufman in Poultrygeist.

"There's always time for lubricant" -Orlando Jones in Evolution


i thought it was a great film!  All the stereotypes of rednecks were funny, like the fact the entire town got infected threw tainted moonshine.  I also like the guy who was drinking all the time.

tobbaco man

:hot: I can't wait to see it again, this movie is killer. Tobacco man is very hatfeul, I like his personality. It's cool underground movie, the overall story is great. The worst scene is the autopsy in the cave. It suck. 8/10

Your Movie Sucked

The best part of this movie is the tagline. Other then that, this movie was nearly unwatchable. A good b movie has to have a sense of fun and competent filmmakers behind the camera. This movie seems like something that is so isolated and bad, it's unpleasant. Everything here is tailored to be campy. Oh but how awful is it, we get boring "psychedelic effects." and purposely horrible actors who don't even try. I mean if I were in fifth grade, this is the kind of drudge that me and my friends would make. Actually, I think I'd do better.

That's how bad this movie is. I watched it thinking I'd be amused. I was bored. So bored in fact that even the zombie attacks did not help. Because for every attack there was those stupid "trippy" effects and my god who gave a damn about the campers? I sure as hell didn't. No one did.

Anyone reading this, grab a camera, and shoot a zombie movie. It'll turn out better then "Redneck Zombies".

This should have gotten a skull. It's that bad.

Cody from Millsboro

I saw this for the first time at a college Halloween party at the University of Delaware- it was filmed in Sussex County mostly, actually quite a few scenes take place in what looks like the wooded area behind me right now ( outside of Delmar ). Movie sucks- but, what do you really expect? Its a cult B movie- you watch it, well, just because.