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Day Watch (Дневной дозор) or Night Watch II (2006)

Started by CheezeFlixz, November 19, 2007, 01:27:55 AM

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Have you seen Night Watch aka Ночной дозор, well this ain't no Night Watch.

Ok it had some the cool graphics that Night Watch had but it just didn't flow as well I found myself wondering just what the hell was going on sometimes. This film it seemed a little chopped up as if it had scenes missing or the editor just did a random cut and paste job. It's rather hard to explain but even with having seen the fist one it was still a little hard to follow at times. However I still liked it somewhat.
What is refreshing is it's not your typical Hollywood crap, being that it's a Russian film it breaks from the typical Hollywood cliché style of film making. The FX was much like Night Watch, so it was a fresh change from your canned Hollywood stuff seen a 1000 times before FX. Nothing super special just different from the movie in, movie out stuff you see coming from American films. Exp: In Day Watch a car can actually crashed without doing a double twist off a ramp and exploding while flying through the air. I know shocking as it seems.
One thing ... the YoYo was cool and I want one of those.

It worth watching, but I'd really advise you to see NIGHT WATCH first as it will help with just what the hell is going on as this is going to be a trilogy.

I'm giving DAY WATCH a 6.5/10 just because it's not Hollywood.

Day Watch Trailer

Mofo Rising

I too was significantly unimpressed with Day Watch, especially since I hold Night Watch in such high regard.

I think the whole thing just didn't have any sense of weight to it.  It was all style leaning towards nothing.  And while the original had too much story, this one didn't have enough to fill its bloated running time.

I'm not outright panning the movie, but it was vastly inferior to its predecessor.

Also, I thought these movies (and books) were a trilogy.  Is that not the case?
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.


 What I wanna know did you type in Russian?  :question:

Hmmmm....are you a Soviet spy,in the guise of a mild mannered BAD movie geek?   :buggedout:

Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!



Quote from: Mofo Rising on November 19, 2007, 02:58:17 AM
Also, I thought these movies (and books) were a trilogy.  Is that not the case?

Yes, it's a Trilogy the next is going be made in Hollyweird I believe it is called "Twilight Watch" or Сумеречный дозор So since Hollywood is involved there should be lots of explosions and underlying message that Bush was behind the original battle of light and dark. But the second one's story line was no where the quality of the first one.
Generally when they release a trilogy it's not until the 3rd one do they start sucking.

Quote from: RCMerchant on November 19, 2007, 06:09:33 AM
What I wanna know did you type in Russian?  :question:
То, что я хочу знать... как Вы печатали в русском? :question:

Hmmmm....are you a Soviet spy,in the guise of a mild mannered BAD movie geek? :buggedout:
Hmmmm .... действительно ли Вы советский шпион, под маской умеренного манерного ПЛОХОГО выродка кино?   :buggedout:

Да я - российский шпион теперь, я оказываюсь перед необходимостью выслеживать Вас и посланный Вас Сибири. (There is your answer American swine .... I mean Comrade/Товарищ.)

Oh and the movie wasn't any better in Russian than dubbed, still choppy.


هو عبد الملك بن قريب ، ينتهي نسبه إلى مضر ، ويلقب بالأصمعي نسبة إلى أحد جدوده أصمع ، ويكنى أبا سعيد ، ولد في البصرة ودرس على أبي عمرو بن العلاء ، والخليل ، وخلف الأحمر ، وغيرهم من أئمة عصره .


Quote from: lester1/2jr on November 19, 2007, 10:04:28 AM
هو عبد الملك بن قريب ، ينتهي نسبه إلى مضر ، ويلقب بالأصمعي نسبة إلى أحد جدوده أصمع ، ويكنى أبا سعيد ، ولد في البصرة ودرس على أبي عمرو بن العلاء ، والخليل ، وخلف الأحمر ، وغيرهم من أئمة عصره .

Why are you quoting the Koran? Are you a Jihadist? Might explain a few things.


I was just joining in the foreign script jamboree. i don't even know what it says.  that's from the quran?


Quote from: lester1/2jr on November 19, 2007, 10:36:31 AM
I was just joining in the foreign script jamboree. i don't even know what it says.  that's from the quran?

It's a passage about the imam Asmai Malik Bin Marwan, nothing exciting just that he studied in Abu Amr Bin Ala'a, Hebron and he father Said was from Basra.

Now back to the movie ... it still sucked compared to the first one. 
عاد الآن الى الفيلم... وهو لا يزال ممتص بالمقارنة مع اول واحد

Dr. Whom

Well, the book Nochnoi Dozor (I'll keep it in Russian, so as not to cause confusion with Sam Vimes's lot) contains three stories, and forms part of a trilogy. My understanding is that the second movie (Dnevnoi Dozor) is actually the second story from the book Nochnoi Dozor (about a vigilante Light One) and not the book Dnevnoi Dozor (which is about a love story in the Day Watch).
"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.


I thought that Night Watch was lots of fun but Day Watch wasn't quite as good even though I enjoyed it.

I've read that it was based on a trilogy of books or something and that it was intended to be 3 films but the studio mandated that the remaining 2 books be combined into Day Watch instead. That might explain the kind of odd pacing of the movie in places.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."