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Thing Gonna Get Blown Up Near My Home

Started by meQal, September 28, 2009, 10:36:39 AM

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A mining company is doing surface mining in my area and are going to be blasting with in a half mile radius of my home soon. Well under Alabama state law they have to send out a company to offer a survey of the homes in the area free of charge to the homeowners. Well today I had one scheduled.
A rather nice fellow came out, looked around the inside of my home and took pictures. He had me sign a bunch of paperwork and proceeded to go about his work. His job is to have photos of the home prior to the blasting in case any damage happens because of the near by dynamiting which will take place soon. This covers both myself and the mining company from claims of damage caused by the other in the event some occurs. The mining company will have to pay for any damage caused by the blasting if it happens. I doubt it will but figured I would be better off if I was covered than having to fight a legal battle with them. By allowing my home to be inspected this way, they assume responsibility for damages they cause. Yeah I know it also covers their butts int he event a false claim is filed as well but since I have no plans of doing that, I'm not concerned. Besides there is nothing wrong with my home right now so not worried about it.
Movie Trivia Fact : O.J. Simpson was considered for the title role in The Terminator, but producers feared he was \"too nice\" to be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer.<br />Isn\'t hindsight great.<br />A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. - Agent Kay - Men in Black


I don't suppose you have copies of the pictures? I'm automatically suspicious of anything involving insurance claims and big companies. Of course they're going to do anything in their power not to pay out.

I have a hard time believing that a half-mile is sufficient distance to avoid damage. You're going to have in effect a minor earthquake in your neighborhood.