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Started by LilCerberus, November 19, 2006, 10:43:31 PM

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Quote from: Mr. Briggs Inc. on November 20, 2006, 05:18:43 PM
Yes, yes, A-hem, um, would anyone mind restoring some of his posts to a private message for me? Just for... em... no reason, no reason at all...

Ewwww.....I'm still trying to erase the memory of what he posted.  :buggedout:


Quote from: Menard on November 20, 2006, 03:45:26 PM
Quote from: trek_geezer on November 20, 2006, 03:05:51 PM
Man, looks like I missed all the fun.

Story of your life

It was too easy; I couldn't resist. :teddyr:

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


Trust me Mr. don't want to see that pic he posted.
It was some sick s**t. 


Reports were submitted to the abuse departments of both (the network where the spammer posted from) and (his confirmed email address).  It included a copy of his posts and the letter below.

It is possible his posting was partially automated by software, but it was obviously a human solving the CAPTCHAs and even deciding on some of the subject lines.  My bet is he got tired of solving CAPTCHA's to send private messages.


Dear Abuse,

I had a problem with a porn spammer on my forum. He registered at 1807 hours (all times are EST) and started posting around 2244 hours. He posted new threads and also sent private messages to members, posting about 8 topics and sending something like 20 PMs before signing off at 2310 hours.  All of them were the same porn spam, with an image set to display [img] using bbs code tags.  He did vary his subject lines, one was "GODFATHER IS THE WORST MOVIE EVER!!!"  (My website is movie related, as in b-movies and such, not porn.)

The IP used for the postings was:
The email address used to confirm the account was:

It does not appear that this was a bot.  The spammer solved a CAPTCHA to register and also one for each and every single PM he sent to members.  He did make mistakes in solving the CAPTCHA's during his sending of PMs.  Here is one of his messages (with the  tags removed.  Again, in every PM and every post a graphic sexual image was displayed of a man, completely naked, with a photoshop-edited penis.

Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.
Andrew Borntreger



I like how you started your e-mail.
"Dear Abuse"
LOL!   :bouncegiggle:

And Menard, I'd completely forgotten about that guy who kept bringing my old threads back.
There's nothing quite like an obsessed fan!


Received a useless reply from Yahoo, saying that they could not investigate the issue since I did not include the email headers.  I described the problem to them again, along with saying that I dislike form letters sent by someone who is not thinking.

United Online asked for second-specific timestamps and I provided them with a capture (zcat and grep) of the logfile with the idiots activity.  I want that more than Yahoo, because United was the ISP.  If it is a home customer, they can cancel the service.  If it was a terminal, then the spammer might suddenly find an extra TOS-related charge to his credit card.
Andrew Borntreger


Complaints never seem to really go anywhere, good luck. I used to run a forum on CompuServe back in the day and we were vigilant about reporting and catching adults who were trying to chat sex with minors. Porn was obviously something we kept from the forum message boards, chat rooms and private chats as much as possible. But we started to notice a few sickos who were trying to locate children and have sex chats with them.

Suprisingly, all Compuserve did was ban their account. Days later (sometimes minutes) we'd find the same person with a new handle revisiting the forum with the same MO. That's one thing that sucks about those "free accounts". Sometimes I spent an entire sleepless night zapping the same person over and over who kept re-entering the forum (which made it hard since we were one forum with 4 connecting language forums - we had a message board translater that would translate messages from each forum into the other 3 in th appropriate language)

We had to basically lure him into a chat under false pretenses we were a child, then we sat logging the entire chat. You would think that online companies would act accordingly but it seems like they were very lax about it all. These days with most of them outsourcing to india and most of your complaints ending up in kathmandu you can almost forget about it. Of course it is 2006 now and that kinda thing might land you on Dateline...


Agreed Susan, but I cannot just let it go without trying.  Besides, it takes very little effort on my part.  The email is nearly a form letter and it took about 10 minutes to pull the sections of the server logs that I needed.  10 minutes is misleading, because I was doing a few other tasks at the same time too.
Andrew Borntreger


Yahoo has become a cesspool of spam.
The amount of phishers and spammers that prowl Yahoo is unbelievable.
I've tried several times to get Yahoo to do something about it but I always get the same "canned responses" in my inbox.
It's easier to just press the almighty "Delete" button.

Ed, Ego and Superego

I got curious and did some searching.  This same guy has hit quite a few boards over the last year.  Same login and e-mail but different IP addresses.  Shame we can't hunt him down. 
Anyone play Fallout 2?  Theres a random encounter thats "A bunch of unwashed villagers hunting a spammer"
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes


HMMM! Either he missed me, or my pm has already been deleted.

By the way, for curiousity's sake, was the man in the photo, Asian? If so, our spammer, seems to be the same guy who hit Gerry's website, a number of weeks ago.


The picture posted was of an Asian man.

I went in the system and deleted all of the PMs he sent.  Many had not been viewed yet.
Andrew Borntreger


This is the reply from, concerning the spammer:

"We have located the user and terminated his account.  Thanks for your help."

It might be a small thing, but at least something was done.
Andrew Borntreger


I think that's great. At least they closed him down and now he has to go through the hassle of signing up somewhere else.
At least they took it seriously enough to do something about it.
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You're not the Devil...You're practice.