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Barn of the Blood Llama

Started by, November 09, 1998, 12:22:31 PM

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The Official BARN OF THE BLOOD LLAMA website
has moved to-

You can also get info about LlamaVision's latest schlock project-
ROWDY ROUNDUP: Night Of The Killer Pinatas at

Remember: no animals (or pinatas) were harmed or pleasured during the making of these projects.

norman bates

This movie is absolutely the worst movie I have ever sen in my entire life. It was THAT good. We have seen everthing from Microwave Massacre to Basketcase and everything in between but the this was the most bizarre thing. I was just shocked in all manner.


Just what I needed, yet another movie that I have to see in the worst way.
"Do you have something against droppings?" "Well, no, I..." "Sure, everyone says that till they step in it."


if anyone knows where to get a copy of this, I'd love to find one.