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Neon Maniacs

Started by colonel silver, June 11, 2006, 04:56:05 PM

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colonel silver

Great movie! This needed at LEAST 3 stars. I saw this back in 2002 at one in the morning and spent at least a year looking for it. Okay acting and alot of gore! Too many people complain about where the maniacs came from. The whole point of the movie I think is for you to use your imagination and figure out where their from. I think they came from a timewarp. Samarai,Soldier,Axe,Slash,Biker,Mohawk,Thing,Doc,Decapitator,Juice,Hangman,Ape, their the Neon Maniacs.


I saw this movie a few years back on some kooky afternoon "we got nothin else" showing s on sci fi channel.

I am still wondering if they ever thought about mentioning where the manics came from?  I mean, are they deranged hobos in costumes?  are they created by nuclear waste or some other nasty corrosive in the Hudson?  Is this actually gothma city where we aren't usually to question thugs in brightly colored fright masks wreaking havoc for no apparent reason?  My god, why'd that clown kill that woman?  Because he works for the joker honey...him and that Mr. freeze's deadly hockey players are havin' a fued, best get in doors...

christ I bet i just put more thought into this scenerio than anyone involved in the production.

Crazed Fan

My friend saw this awhile back and has been looking for it for sometime. He found it recently and we watched it. I liked the movie but during the battle of the bands, the song "We've Had Enough" just flat out sucked. Otherwise the movie was great.

David Fullam

One thing I liked about this strange movie was the total lack of explanation as to where the Maniacs came from. Certainly good for a rental and a laugh.


excellent movie if you like 80's trash movies. much better then C.H.U.D.


I love that other people have even heard of this film.  My uncle is the cop that stands around looking at the door for like, well, hours.  I still joke with him about it.  And my absolute favorite thing in it is that the female lead doesn't know where Rome is.  That cracks me up every time.

I wrote a review of this, if anyone wants to read even more about this silly movie.  (Hmm, I tried to post a link, but it wouldn't let me.  So if you want to read it, go to and search for Neon Maniacs, or for my name: Michael Doherty.)


Crap as usual but crap with no answers. Never answered on who they were, where they came from, why are they there???
"I'm gonna live a rockstar life. Money, b***hes, and fame. Because my mommy said I can do anything I put my mind to."

Jim H

On a random note, the "surgeon" maniac is a very early role for Andrew Divoff, who many here probably know as the djinn from the first two Wishmaster films, his role as the one-eyed Russian guy on "Lost", the devil in the comic book adaptation Faust, and TONS of other B-movie roles.

Worth a watch for fans 80s schlock, good amount of imagination on display.


Definitely a guilty please though I think Neon Maniacs isn't really that awful. It's imaginative and adorably corny (the battle of the bands segment) with a decent B-cast, hand made practical make up and effects, and quite a few well made kill scenes.
I love the hint in Paula's room, displaying a poster of "Gremlins". They took the premise ("Don't feed after midnight, keep away from water"), twisted it around and used it for their own movie (water kills the Maniacs).
This used to be a rental fave and brings back great memories. I had a dub/copy of Neon Maniacs together with Necropolis (1986) both on a 120 min VHS tape recorded in LP (I rarely used EP, too much loss of quality). Used to watch both back to back quite often. Too bad Necropolis never made it to DVD, but I'm happy that Neon Maniacs did.


Quote from: claws on June 03, 2013, 01:56:59 AM
This used to be a rental fave and brings back great memories. I had a dub/copy of Neon Maniacs together with Necropolis (1986) both on a 120 min VHS tape recorded in LP (I rarely used EP, too much loss of quality). Used to watch both back to back quite often. Too bad Necropolis never made it to DVD, but I'm happy that Neon Maniacs did.

"Necropolis" (1987) is out on DVD!  I have the disc, released as a part of Full Moon's Grindhouse collection. 
Andrew Borntreger


Thanks for the heads up. How I missed that release I do not know.