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The Evil Dead

Started by, December 27, 1998, 09:06:57 PM

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Read Bruce Campbell's book "If Chins Could Kill." I had a lot more respect for this film after I read the chapter he wrote about it.  Making this movie was quite an ordeal for everyone involved. This book might also give anyone second thoughts as to whether they would want to enter movie making.

Pretty much crap except for the Camera angles and gore. There is no need to see it. If anything see Evil Dead 2(Also see my reveiw, it's the one that ends with "And in the words of Ash:"GROOVY") And Army of Darkness. This movie ain't that great. Most likely two stars or less. Although Raimi does improve his skill in his sequels.


Hm, yes, Evil Dead is an incredible piece. Without Ash, the movie is nothing. Ash is the character who gives a sens to the movie. This is a great gore movie with a funy feeling that we want to see Ash chop everyone so he can have some silence time with his idle hand. I'm starting to think that these low budget movies are better than the unrealistic CG monster movies that are never original.


One of my favorite films of all time, Evil Dead. Ash is more of a p***y in this film than in any of the others. The whole series is gory, hilarious, scary, and frigging sweet! How can anyone not like this movie?!


Great movie. If you're a Bruce Campbell fan, it's worth reading his autobiography, "If Chins Could Talk: Confessions of a B Movie Actor."  It's got a whole lot about Bruce Campbells first real movie, a movie that became a cult hit.  A true inspiration for anyone who has wanted to make films.  


Je trouve que ce film est un des plus beau  que je trouves effrayant par exemple le passage du crayon directement dans le pied de linda c'est un passage tres sensible,aussi quand ash est souleve par scott le zombie et pour se degager lui enfonce ses deux pouces dans chaque oeil et le sang sort des yeux c'est un passage egalement tres sensible, et la musique et l'ambiance est gore,en fait il a tout ce q'il faut pour un bon film,c'est mon prefere dans les trois et le plus horrible car la premiere fois que je l'ai vu il m'a fait tres peur, en tout cas pour le premier film de sam raimi je le trouve super, je lui mets 10/10. C'est un film a voir et a revoir sans s'enlasser...

Evil Dead Man

"Evil Dead" is a superb film, especially for the budget it had. "Evil Dead II" was a good horror/action comedy, and "Army of Darkness" was simply superb, with wonderful blends of humor and horror action.
Vive the Evil Dead series!


Like somebody else already said, I can't believe this movie would ever be bunched with truly bad movies. This movie scared the hell out of me! It's one of the few I've seen, before or since, that actually made me jump and feel the same sense Ash had of being trapped alone in a scary situation.

This one is just plain classic, not classically bad.


The shelves keep on coming down on Ash!I think at least 2 shelves fall onto his head!
The film is great for a low-budget..Loved it!


I only saw this movie once and it was creepy. I could tell it was a low-budget film,but it had enough gore to make up for the plot.


Sam Raimi or whoever wrote the script has NO IDEA what the Tibetan Book of the Dead is about. I read it myself, anyone can find it in a good library and it is the most wonderful piece of work I have ever read. Not designed to wake up the dead or to create zombies. Only to help a recent dead person to find its way to Eternity. It helps him not to be affaraid of it's own Yi-Dam, horrifying creatures that come to him and which represents parts of one's very self. The dead must recognize them as part of himself to have access to the path that will take him to the light and, if he's well guided by the monks who must read the book next to his body, he may as well become Buddha, that means achieve absolute enlightment. One thing is to make a funny movie, the other is to mock one of the wisest culture which humanity ever had.

Would have it been another book, I would perhaps have enjoyed the movie.


Eurm, the plot revolves round a Sumerian manuscript, NOT an Tibetan one... This Necronomicon idea was invented by HP Lovecraft (even though this version differs significantly from that one) and has been a main stay of the genre ever since, nothing to do with real life books you know.  


This movies rocks hard!!!! For a low-budget horror flick that could have been easily overlooked among crappy splatter flicks like "House On Sorority Row", "Evil Dead" returns some dignity to the horror genre. Bruce Campbell may have been a wuss in the 1st movie, but the Ash character is one of the baddest action heroes of the latter 20th century. "ED2" is even better than the 1st! "ED3" (aka "Army Of Darkness") is good, but after two great, unrated, wild-ass gorefests, an R-rated movie is kind of a letdown. BTW, did anyone hear that a remake of "ED" is in the works? I think I read about this in Entertainment Weekly. Also, there was some talk about putting Ash in the next "Freddy vs Jason" movie. Can you imagine him up against those two? That would be a really kick-ass fight!


IN response to...
(Paco) On: 12 - 23 - 2004                  

"Sam Raimi or whoever wrote the script has NO IDEA what the Tibetan Book of the Dead is about. I read it myself, anyone can find it in a good library and it is the most wonderful piece of work I have ever read. Not designed to wake up the dead or to create zombies."  



Evil Dead is now my favorite horror movie. I saw it for the first time today. I cannot wait to see Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. I am now an Evil Dead fan! Go Ash!