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The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Started by, July 13, 1999, 10:35:05 PM

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J Dietsche

It's like fine wine to,  Gets better with age.



this movie is the bomb........ i love it and always have. meatloaf is kool. music is great i hav the soundtrack. i even made my friends watch it. they love it 2. Tim Curry in drag i so funny, i like it. give yourself over to absoulute pleasure.haha


O.k. yeah it's not someones cup o tea or not their thing but to have so many stupid posts and to call it a bad movie! WELL WAKE UP IT WAS 1975! Of course the music may not be your style or the script isn't your favorite but the movie was hard to make. Do you think Tim Curry wanted to dress in drag? People will do what they think will make them money. Honestly this movie is one of the greatest. I wouldn't be here if my mom would've never met my dad while doing the floor show. So call it what you must. But it will always be the greatest movie in their own genre.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show is THE best show ever. All you virgins out there DON'T watch the film before you have the REAL Rocky Horror experience (totaly weird and wonderful), you don't want to spoil it!!!

Virginia Plane

   Since i refer to both Roxy Music and Penn and Teller in my online identity you have probably already guessed that I am one of those "wackos" who has seen Rocky Horror a zillion times and I will NEVER get tired of it!!!! It's not a movie it's an experience!!  I have even done some of the songs in my fave karaoke place!                          


This is one of the greatest movies of all time!! It does not deserve to be on the list of bad movies. It is a well known and appreciated movie at the school from which I come. It is a masterminded genius of movies.

Frankie Fan

Rocky Horror is my favourite movie of all time. I'm only 13 and already have fallen in love with Frankie (No not Tim Curry, FRANKIE!!)
I really want to see it live. I think Columbia is awesome, and so is Janet. But I'm a regular Frankie fan and always will be. I think he is the only man sexy enough to wear fish-net stockings & lipstick and still look attractive.
I can't wait to see the show live, RHPS is just about fun. Even if you think its a bad movie with no meaning. See it live and then decide for yourself, don't judge it from others opinions. I know I havn't. I've only seen it 1000 times and I've got my whole life to live for.
I love the songs and my friends get so annoyed at me singing them at school.
Rose tints my world and keeps me safe from my trouble and pain!!!


The Rocky Horror Picture Show - WOW!! I'm 16 so it just proves that all generations are grabbed by this fantastic movie!! I've never seen a better film and I can't wait to go and see it live - Tim Curry, (Frank N Furter), the only guy ever that can get away with fishnet stockings, lippie and a corset and still look strangely appealing??? and Magenta and Columbia are amazing! Riff Raff gently hysterical I love the Floor Show and The Time Warp in the film they're amazing - currently teaching my Golden Retriever to dance to them! This film is gonna save me so many days of finished-school-boredom!


This is by far the greatest musical of all time, and that is not a sarcastic comment. The music in this movie kicks serious ass. Also, Tim Curry delivers a tremendous performance as Frank-N-Furter, and the rest of the cast overacts immensely, which is perfect for this movie. The weirdness levels are off the chart. This movie is the greatest escape from reality possible, that's why I love it.


Oh my God, I just looove this movie, and I must admit that after seeing it I am now obsessed with transvestites, especially *cough* Tim Curry. If only it was still 1975 and I was alive and over 18 in 1975 and Tim Curry wasn't gay and liked skinny white girls who want to be normal-sized black girls.


It sucked when meatloaf died. Has anyone seen "Shock Treatment"?
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


I HATE this movie! My wifey loves it...and unfortunatly, I hafta sit through it quite often.(it makes her happy. I know all you visators will disagree with me, but I just do<t like musicals,with the execption of ROCK and ROLL HIGH SCHOOL.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Bela, I mean RCMerchant how can you not like ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW?  :smile: Great film. Haven't seen it in about 15 years. Once saw it at an art theater where everyone dressed up like the characters and lit lighters and stuff. Only seen it twice and found it to be lots of weird fun. Look they are all sitting down to a nice traditional dinner.


I dunno-maybe if I was in a movie house I would like the expeiriance, but I just really don't get into the cheezy music .I never liked Meatloaf,either.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!