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Night Hunter

Started by James Hepler, January 27, 2000, 10:04:39 PM

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James Hepler

36 bullets from a pair of berrettas (yet ANOTHER bad John Woo ripoff....)?  There are extended clips ya know ;)  Point in fact, I've been meaning to start stockpiling 20 round ones...  Stupid ban.


You missed something: These vampires are walking around in BROAD DAYLIGHT!

- Bill (wrote the movie... well, wrote a script that was made into the movie)


I didn't mind this flick, however the "shaking camera affect" when all fight sequences occured annoyed the crap out of me.

One of Don's better flicks.

Sal C.

 I want to know if by any chance, any of you know or has the sound track of this movie. I just want the name of the bands that play at that movie



Wow! What a pathetic movie, Don "The Dragon" Wilson has done some doozies (Perhaps a better term is snoozies) but this is without a doubt his worst movie. It's so bad it's not even funny. The only reason why Don "The Dragon" Wilson is breaking vampire's necks is because the budget is so low they couldn't afford the special effects of stakes through the heart and other things. This movie also has actionscenes that are lackluster, Jacobson shakes the camera and it's annoying and dumb.

Even for someone like me who loves a good old bad movie. This is the pits!


Does anyone out there know the name of the song or artist who sang the first song as he walked into the dance club?
The lyrics " I'm falling into oblivion with you." I don't think there is a soundtrack, but I couldn't get any information on the music that was used in the movie. This is highly unusual.