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Lake Placid

Started by Paul Westbrook, February 15, 2000, 12:40:28 PM

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Macabre Matt

Loved the film, saw it when it first came out in the cinema's.


After carefully reading the whole list of B-movies, I've reached the conclusion that this is the only one I've seen. But when I saw it, I pretty much accepted every single movie I saw AND I loved monster movies, so I sort of like it. I don't remember it well, it was a pretty forgettable movie. What I do remember is that there wasn't much action, so it was a little bit boring. Does someone know if there's a way to recommend titles for the site?


I saw this movie less than a year ago and I had the time of my life. I thought it was downright hilarious. Oliver Platt wasn't up to his traditional performance (which was a good thing), Betty White's lines were irresistably funny (I broke set decibels laughing), and Fonda is semi-sweet as a nature-hater who sees the error of her ways.


One of the very few movies I regretted renting. There is not a single redeeming quality to this crapfest: bad actors, an even worse plot and about a total of 50 seconds where something actually happens that has to do with a crocodile.


Excellent job.  They hit it just right with this movie.  This is the best 'bad' movie I've seen since Evil Dead.  I laughed all the way from 'Gee' to 'I miss the crocodile already'.  Some people won't get it, and I think that's just great.

Beware of anyone who self proclaims their 'good taste' in movies. ;)

- cyber ben


This was a great movie

It combined humour ( the dry, rude, sarcastic kind) with thirlls, and wasn't that gross because if it was, i wouldn't have watched it


This movie was great! That crocodile was HUGE!!! Anything that can take a big bite out of a grizzly bear = is HUGE!!! I didn't find this very funny but it's entertaining. It deserves 5 drops. How could you give only give 4 drops to this film?! I don't have much more to say about this film but I'll leave this with one question: How come crocodiles and alligators look the same but they're totally different?


This movie wasnt the worst Ive ever seen but its certainly doesnt deserve over 2 Slimes.  I wanted that big ass Croc to kill off more people!  I mean really, one decapitation and one guy cut in half is nothing if you watch something like say...JAWS.  However, Ill admit the movie does have some fun moments.  The bear getting dragged in the water was a classic.  Also, Betty White saying "cocksucker" to me was worth the 3 bucks at Blockbuster!


Lake Placid could have been a great movie if it included a lesbian shower scene with Bridge Fonda and Meredith Salanger.  Since it didn't, it's just ok.

Ray Beliveau

I thought it was a great movie. I mean, sure parts of the plot are cheesy, but it has a lot of amusing parts. Betty White has all of the best lines. :)


   I *loved* this movie. At first I was annoyed with all the many inconsistencies, but then I settled in to watch it, and figured out that this is most definitely *not* a movie to take seriously. As long as you don't try to take it too seriously, it really is entertaining. I believe that all the things that were wrong were there and so blaringly obvious because that was part of the joke.
  Betty White is great in this, she delivers those lines with so much ease and so naturally that you can't believe she is the same lady who played Rose on Golden Girls.
  You are right though about the grizzly in Maine being unlikely,and it is more than a bit ridiculous for a croc to swim across an ocean and to survive in cold Maine, and that it's metabolism seems exraordinarily high in this movie. Crocs have a much slower metabolism, and they will die if it's cold enough, and cold enough to kill a croc is in the forties (F) if I am not mistaken. *Some* crocs can swim in salt water, they are even called salt water crocodiles(duh). *But*, when he killed the moose, he would have eaten the softer insides first and not eaten the head because of the antlers. That gun, I don't know what that was, but yes, it would have to be something much stronger than a 30-06 or your standard hunting rifle. Have you ever touched a crocodile or alligator's hide? Even on the babies, it's tough and difficult to penetrate, at least on the back and head, and the larger the croc, the tougher the hide is. For that matter, alligators raised on farms for their hides to be used to make belts, boots and bags are not allowed to grow larger than four feet before they are killed and skinned because their skin would be too tough to use after that.
  A couple of things that were wrong in the movie but you didn't mention were; Hector said that they can't see well under water because it's too dark. Most crocs are nocturnal and see better under water or in the dark than in the light, which leads into the other thing wrong since the crocodile fed in the daytime in the movie.
  Something that I thought seemed strange was that in the scene after the crocodile got the bear, Brigit Fonda said that it was an Asian crocodile because it had oval scales. When did she get the chance to see the scales and where did she get the cool headedness to notice the shape of the scales, even if the crocodile had sat still or moved slow enough that she could see them?


This movie does not belong on this web site.  A good bad movie is hilarious for a variety of reasons, and almost all the movies here are good bad movies.  Lake Placid was a bad bad movie.  The only hilarious thing about it was watching Bridget Fonda's career spiral slowly downward, downward, downward...

The guy who played Hector is a jerk.


I always wondered how you kill a crocidile using a helicopter. At least Oliver Platt wasn't as bad as he was in "Ready to Rumble".
 The best is to slow-mo the Croc eats Bear scene to see the bear actually writhe in pain. Ever for CGI thats pretty harsh.
 Don't forget the promo shot of the croc in the back of the truch being taken to the set used as a actual part of the film, classic.


I hated this movie.  The opening sequence was good, but it falls apart very quickly.  Why?  Because the cast and crew were obviously playing this for camp value.  This becomes abundantly clear with the sledge-hammer presentation of Betty White swearing like a sailor.  That's the whole point of this movie - to hear sweet golden girl Betty White say the "F" word over and over again.  Once was shocking indeed, but the movie just keeps her going far too long.  The episode of the X-Files with that aligator eating people in a lake was far scarier than this waste of film.  Not "good bad", not "funny bad", just "stupid bad".  If you want a laugh, check out Tobe Hooper's CGI-infested "Crocodile".


This flick blew. I can't believe I paid to see it in the movies what, three years ago? The bear scene was cool, though. Check out 'Deep Rising' for a good film in this genre. I liked it when the woman got hold of by the ass when sitting on the bowl and got sucked down by the monster!