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The Stormriders

Started by Seyla Ran, June 03, 2002, 06:36:08 PM

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Seyla Ran

This is the bestest movie ever. way better than that crouching tiger crap!!!


This movie was based on a comic book called "Ting Ha Fung Wah", a comic which, hopefully, be brought over from China because of the WTO/America/China deal. The comic is very cool, and if someone finds it, pick it up.

Kyle T.

This movie pretty much rocks kids.

American filmmakers (action filmmakers I mean) could learn a little from this one.  The story is good.  The effects are fun and exciting.  Its not all one or the other.  Its a little of both baby.

I paid $35 for this puppy on DVD and I'm loving it.  Its grrrrreeaaattttt!


Henry Dunn i have a simple question which a movie review should answer, but yours doesnt.


In my opinion this is not a movie that belongs on the Bad Movies website.  I was mystified that it would be on the site after having seen it two years ago.

I hope you're one of those condescendingly snotty movies critics who think that because someting is not made in Hollywood it is not worthy of merit.  Some people seem to think that a movie cant be entertained if it was produced by the same country that produced some cheaply made, poorly produced kung fu, Bruce Lee rip offs, which in itself is condenscending to think that all Martial arts movies are not worthy of merit.

Anyways it you thought this was a bad movie, you are very hard to entertain indeed and need to stick to the arty neo realism films that only get shown in arthouse cinemas.


I LUVV THIS MOVIE!! OMG!!!  It's so good, the plot is actually pretty good, but I still think it shouldn't have ended at the final fight.  In the comic, Frost was taken hostage, wasn't he?  Anyways, I luv this, but I still think Frost is pretti cool and should have gotten a bigger part, dude, by the way ekin cheung is kool, but in this film he looks like cr@p, no offense, hehehe

got a problem

this is the best RP type movie ever the graphics are kick ass and the moves actualy look real this is the best movie ever!!!!


Wouldn't it be cool if these same guys did a Dragon Ball Z live action movie using the same effects?


I own the movie and love it!!

I would like to know if there is such a thing as the "Ying Yang Puzzle Box"? If so where can I acquire one?

                             This is a serious request

I can also be reached at:(404)669-2029


ok, first off, Cloud is hot and so is Frost..... not to sure about Wind though, he was cool and all, but still..... who here thinks he in some ways looks like Takuro...

ok, i liked the movie, it was very good. I call it a cross between Crouching Tiger and DBZ. It had action and it was cool. Very awesome movie , but it says that its over 2 hours long? i didnt notice it, but i was into the movie, it was very good.


I don't know about the rest of you,but,
I think that this movie was just fantastic!!
I am big a big fan of the three main characters
Sonny Chiba,Aaron Kwok,and Ekin Cheng.I highly recommend
it to anyone who asks.


I love this movie, defenitly great film, so.... exiting and mystirious in the same time!!!!!!!!!  At specialy I liked the actors, yes, they are great, so gorgeous and cute of course. I hope that I will meet one of them in Hong Kong, or maybe all of them together.


Above all, happy new year to everyone.
My brother made me discover this wonderfull movie three years ago and, since this time, I have bought it twice (K7 & DVD) and I have seen it 30 times.
You know what, each time was a great pleasure. I really prefer to see it in french subtitled version and the interviews of some characters are very enriching.
I didn't know the comic so, the first time I have seen it, I was sure that it was a beautiful chinese legend.
It's a wonderful and magic story and the special effects are quite perfect.


I just have to say to everyone that doesn't know,..THERE  WERE CHINESE FANTASY(Wuxia) SWORD EPICS BEFORE CROUTCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON!!! It's not a new thing people,they have been making them since the silent movie era! I get so tired of people comparing every damn sword epic to Croutching Tiger Hidden Dragon!...Now,about this movie it was great! One of the best Oriental Heroes comics made into a film I have seen.Other than Kung Fu Cult Master with Jet Li.Which is based on the comic,Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre.


Also having bad ass Sonny Chiba in it was icing on the cake!