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High School Ghosthustlers

Started by Warren H., November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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Warren H.

I think the "paper streamers on a stick" thing is actually of some spiritual significance in Japanese culture.  I have seen similar things pop up in other Japanese movies about ghosts and whatnot.


The stick with paper streamers is the Shinto (sp?) equivalent of holy water.  They are consecrated ritually, and thus act as a ward and weapon against demons, spirits, ghosts, and whatever else qualifies as a supernatural bad guy.  There use ranges from exorcisms to mear ritual purifications.  (Am I wrong?)

Otherwise, I'm glad I did'nt see this one.  Sounds like its only usefull as a sleeping pill substitue.  ^_^

Stephen Payne

The ultimate "Ghostbuster" rip-off in this film is that all the girls look like their wearing the Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man's sailor suit.

   I liked it. Could have been made into an anime and it would have been the same thing.


This movie looks cool!!!!! Japanese schoolgirls in uniforms getting screwed! WHAT COULD BE BETTER!!! I'M GETTING THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I usually run from all things Japanese (I have a chum who EMBRACES all things Japanese, and he sorta tortures me.)  But dizzamn, this movie looks cool!  Horny ghosts...japanese schoolgirls...sounds like the perfect film to waste a night on.


She said: "This place is full of ghosts." I say: "No, s***, Sherlock!"


If someone have this movie (and/or know the realtitle in japanese) can he/she please add it to the IMDB?

I'll did it if I can find this movie...


How to make this movie good:
Fill it with hardcore porn.
Take out the rest of the movie.


Well, although I admit the film had a budget that would emberess Ed Wood, one fact is this:

This stick with the streamers is actually CORRECT, and not a budget fault.  A streamer-bearing rod is one of the major tools of a traditional Shinto exorcism, and they got that part dead-right.

On the whole, a great review of a putrid movie that is great to watch for that very fact.