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Started by lostmissy, November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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I always thought that this book was overrated for what it was ..somehow "bloated" comes to mind as a description. And then the movie comes along and adds "pretentious" as well as "ponderous and mindnumbing". skip the movie..chuck the "The Left Hand of Darkness" instead


"I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

<I> - Paul Atreides using the Bene Gesserit litany.</I>


You know, I never knew this was a David Lynch movie.  I guess that explains things...exactly what, I don't know....


One thing I'm amazed wasn't mentioned in the review was the whole 'weird-blue-glowing-eyes' thing. It's bad enough that they look like they were colored in with a blue crayon directly onto the film itself, but they can't even remain consistant! One scene the major characters have blue eyes... the next they don't... then whoops! They're back again!

thomas hulstrøm

Dune is an awesome scifi film. I think the reviewer is a little disrespectful to the film... i wouldnt want to see it if i only read this review. The fact is, this film is a real gem. I LOVE IT! Maybe its a little to "european" for the reviewer? Anyway, see this one... in my opinion its up there with blade runner and brazil.


David Lynch rules all.
I say that even though I don't understand some of his movies very well. Sometimes I wonder if Mr. Lynch understands them himself.
He does manage to put so many strange things together that you can't help remembering them though.
The film is too European for Mr. Whipreck to review? I just don't think so. I think he did a very entertaining review that wasn't negative but honest.

Davey Whipwreck

Nah, I don't think the film was too European for me. After all, I AM European. The frequent use of the word "bloody" should have made that obvious.

I love the movie too, but if I did a serious review that didn't make fun of it, it wouldn't have been funny, which is, after all, the whole point.


This is one of the least comprehensible movies i've ever seen, and i've read the book, so i know what the whole spice thing is about. Making a film less then two hours long based on dune is ridiculous, and 80's space effects didn;t help. I still thought it was good movie though, entertaining, if incomprihensible. (maybe becuase i watched it just beofre Dune: the making of (2001), followed by the three parts of the six hour 2001 version - that was both immposible to understand and actually boring)
My problem is with the eyes, they're supposed to be SOLID DARK blue, not too large iris's of bright blue. (whoever was in charge of the 2001 version's eyes, probably didn;t bother to read the book. just watched The old dune movie)



Maybe the Fremen et al should have worn blue lenses..
I was startled (to say the least) by the sheer badness of the not-so-special effects. This was 2 years before Aliens and at over twice the budget ($45m) there was no excuse for Flash Gordon-style explosions and spaceships. (The sets by H.R Giger -Alien/s- were excellent though)

You see very little of Sting, and his character is so il-defined, that the final confrontation with Paul is totally unmemorable.
The Fremen are also misrepresented and we hardly get an idea of the tough lot they are supposed to be.

That image near the end of Chani wielding a sword really made me cringe, as did those 'sonic' weapons ("aiii-cha!").

Interesting interpretation, but uncohesive and confusing.


Paul riding on the back of the giant worm, leaning back and letting the wind blow through his massively feathered head of hair, exchanging knowing looks with Stilgar and his Fremen buddies as the worm sucks up his enemies to a rockin' Queen soundtrack...I've never used cocaine before, but the people who made this movie probably went through a ton of it.

Jim Hepler

People talking about the length obviously haven't heard of the half dozen different 4+ hour length versions...  They don't really make it better, just longer.


Fletcher's rule of film states that good books make lousy films (eg Starship troopers) and vice versa with good films make terrible novels (just about any film "novelisation). Dune is a noteable exception to this rule. The book is a lousy, overblown pretensious piece of crap with far too many sequels and the film is even worse. If they wanted to make a Frank Herbert novel into a film The Dragon In The Sea would have been a much better choice.


In you cast section, you forgot to mention the character of Gurney - Patrick Stewart! (Captain Picard!).  Although it's true, he's just a supporting character, his presence in this film is significant and noteworthy!  Thanks for at least putting in what is probably his best quote, though.  You might also wish to consider adding another of Gurney's quotes, "You're young Pup! You're young Pup!" hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!  (Sorry, just couldn't contain myself)


I am glad to see this film listed, as it is one of my all time favorite "bad" movies. It is certainly better then the television miniseries. The acting is better. The action sequences are better. The directing is better. And certainly the style is better. Who can forget the scene where Paul L. Smith, who played Bluto in "Popeye" and one of the Harkonnens in this one, was touring a slaughterhouse and ripped the tongue out of the mouth of a dead cow and started munching on it, as he continued his tour. Yes, David Lynch has a style all his own. Enjoy

thee ritalin anti christ

funny thing about david lynch, apparently in college he was roommates with J. Geils of The J. Geils Band (whoda thought). after a month or 2 of rooming together, lynch took off out of dormitory life forever because geils was "too weird". how f**king mind numbingly insane must geils have been to freak out lynch? and why didnt he ever transfer that insanity into his music? id rather hear the ramblings of some f**king nut over "my angel is a centerfold" any day.