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Alien: Resurrection

Started by Ryan, November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM

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Shining Force

ehhrr... well, I seriously think that this is the best part of the whole series.


This was obviously a Frankenstein creation about as succesful as 'skunkappotomus'. The talent was there but I have to agree with ernst: this was not good chemistry, for whatever reason.

Sometimes successful writers or directors get away with taking audacious risks that result in great achievements. Other times, people let them do things that just suck. In this movie, it was the latter. (SF, you are just soooo wrong on this one.)

But I don't think it was any worse than Aliens 3, the prison one. Damn, I've crapped more colorful product than that movie. At least Alien Resurrection had some entertaining moments. At least crap provides some satisfaction, and you get to flush it. Aliens 3 was just an unpleasant waste of time. And not a GOOD 'unpleasant waste of time'.


yep i agree with the review-horay... y? because i went online searching for other reviews that echoed my thoughts BUT to my dismay they never really pointed out the flaws that this review did.

Alien-top movie, kinda horror in a tight space, on a big fu*king ship where only a handful of crew inhibit...

aliens- testosterone to the max... lots of action, cool weapons and hardass top marines (like hicks/hudson/vasquez) and it doesn't lose the essence why aliens are bad news. Oh and it also gives us a better insight into the alien (hive) nature.

alien3- boring, very boring, coupled with actors that could have done much better, weak storyline that doesn't try to develop any other characters. Newt/hicks/bishop dies before the movie started (all of ripleys efforts are lost!), best part was when she dies in the pool of lava holding the alien b***h.

alien Res- well a few comments...
1) its debatable as to which was worse 3 or 4 and i say both r crap... some good bits from both BUT they're crapness overshadows them.
2)I think they relied too much on the humour side of it all... i mean one or two punch lines would have been ok (of course totally hilarious would make u think it was a comedy but kinda darkish type-if there was such a thing)
I never liked the funny side of things to a would be serious movie... i remember in the cinema everyone laughed when the general awoke from the bed with bodily hair like a monkey.
3) Everyone was more or less s**te except for weaver, the worse being winona (man never really liked her anyhow, I think if they chose better actors it would redeem the movie... slightly BUT who would go for it??? the movie was such a bag of pants!
4) remember real bishop? well it looked like he had the technology and knowledge to do the cloning at the time of the 3rd movie... what i'm trying to say is that, make a movie time-lined 200 yr later?? u'd expect the sophistication of technology and weapons would be far suprior compared to the times of aliens/alien3 but it isn't or at least it doesn't seem like 200 yrs worth of technology, its just utter s**te! in my opinion bring back bishop experimenting on ripley in the not too distant future, lets say 6-8 yrs from alien3 would have been better, coz then u'll have a mad scientist developing aliens to SELL to anyone to highest bidder...
5)under water aliens scene was ok... i think that i still prefer those dark looking aliens than to see some new evoled alien species.

ok lastly... for all alien fans, i think I would prefer to recognise only the first 2 movies as the alien trilogy and prefer to dump the last 2. It would have been ok to redeem the trilogy after alien3 by making alien 4 where she wakes up straped to a medical bed and a geek is exerimenting her .. or whatever (only an idea) - but then again my english teacher of old told me never to begin or end a story as if it was a dream... look what they did to wizard of oz... it did ok didn't it??? lol contradicting myself.

alien 5 i suppose is probably not going to thrill me, the last alien movie didn't really leave much to ponder on. If an alien survived then oh s**t earth is doomed and no matter how perfect ripley is nothing can be done UNLESS they make it where they have to bring in the entire marines (horay :D) back again to secure vital areas of earth, then we'll have guns and stuff.
IF there were no surviving aliens then 'oh happy days... happy days', no more aliens (good because they can't make the franchise any crapper. Bad because... NO MORE ALIENS)
oh and i like ripley in alien/aliens- i think it just makes her more human and we can somehow relate to her feelings, whereas new super ripley just makes her out to be somekind or marvel super heroine..

alien vs predator does sound good... and it would spark of the question of 'which species is better?', don't ask me which one is better, still deciding.

aiiiieeeeeeee my brain is hurting... laterz

James Perry

I love it when there are movies almost everybody but me hates.  The last 2 Alien films are in this catagory.  I thought the 3rd was somewhat suspenseful and had some very good acting all around.  It nowhere near matched the instant classic of the first 2 but it was still a good time in my opinion.  Resurrection looks great.  I would pay $8 and buy popcorn to watch Winona Ryder wallow in dog excrement.  She's freakin' cute here!  Not quite Mermaids cute or Great Balls of Fire cute...but cute enough for me to buy the whole DVD set.  I'm also forgiving for the director who did a great just with SFX and production design.  This would be an A picture if they'd stuck with the weirdo storyline from the beginning with the scientists.  Instead it turns into a sort of run-from-the-creature feature.  When I first saw it I loved it...and still do.  Weaver is a little too freaky here, however.  I was glad she did Galaxy Quest to kind of prove she could still play the sexy female role like she did in the original Alien and Ghostbusters.  

Anyway, I'm in the minority when I say I like this film.  Visually striking in almost every scene.  I can't wait for Alien 5!!  Terminator 3 happened...time for Alien 5.

James Perry

One more thought...wouldn't a Dawn of the Dead type Alien film be great?  Aliens instead of zombies?


When Elgyn seperates from the group to investigate the strange noises, I was reminded of the scene in 'What Waits Below' (reviewed by Andrew) where Santos lets his curioisity get the better of him and as a result gets bitten by a monster. I'm aware of the 'man-wanders-off- and-gets-et' genre cliche, but there's such a similarity that I wonder if one was an influence on the other.

It's when this happens in a film that you wonder if the writer himself wasn't distracted by something and consequently failed to come up with a decent ending.


This is one of those movies that makes you hate Hollywood. The 'Alien' series ended on a great (albeit very down-beat) note, very tragic and fulfilling... and then in mosies A:R, a horrible new chapter to revive the franchise. It was bad in so many ways- RUINING the series, adding plenty of dreary characters and the utterly craptastic Newborn idea. The music really got under my skin too, for some unknown reason, and bothered me the whole way through. There was never a suspenseful moment, or even a single one where you sympathize with any of the characters. The Aliens were well done, but shown in the light way too much (in addition to the CGI, ugh).

The thing that really burned me, though, was the Christy (is that the name?) death sequence. The Alien launches itself out of the water, stays in place on the ladder, swaying, doing nothing. It was retarded- that Alien would rushed up the ladder and torn both of them apart, but No-oo. In a completely unrealistic moment, Christy gets shot in the face with acid... and practically nothing happens. That big gorilla moron flips back on the ladder and shoots like a dips**t, and then nails a spider in a web. It was the tackiest, stupidest, most insulting, most damaging scene in any science fiction film EVER!



I actually watched this file in the cinema when it first came out years ago and again for the second time just last night.  I agree with the review.  Of all the Alien movies, this one reeks.  One thing I will point out in the review that is not quite accurate: the science vessel was not programmed to crash into earth initially, only return there.  Ripley made Call redirect "Father" (the ship's computer) to crash the ship as they had used to much energy in the rapid (3 hour) return to actually blow the ship up.  Must have had some sort of super-hyper-ultra drive to get back from "unregulated" space to Earth sub 3 hours...

<rolls eyes>


Aaaw c'mon. Its an Alien movie. Why the hell did you give it a skull? At the least it deserved two blobs. By giving it a skull you are stating that this film is worse than the "howling" movies and "up from the depths"

What do you get when you cross the co-director of Delicatessen and the Alien franchise. You should get a unique cinematic experience but instead you get this junk. The makers of Alien Resurection could have made art, but instead rely on formula for profit.

Dave Munger

They should have left Ripley dead and brought back Newt. The movies aren't called "Ripley", why can't someone else fight the Aliens? I may have mentioned this before, but at the end of #2, when they're going into coldsleep, Newt asks, "Will we dream?" I say that means the next two movies were nightmares Newt had in coldsleep. Either way, they could have said that her pod was ejected and picked up by pirates or something, and she grew up to be a mighty Alien slayer. I do like the idea of having space pirates, it seems consistent with the way the future is in these movies.

Alien Resurrection is just weird, the first two films are the best but when they got to making this movie the plot had just gone weird, there was clones of ripley, weird deformed bodies, ripley actually being related to the aliens, a creature that is half alien-half human. I didnt even think very much of Alien 3 but this film is by far the weakest of the series, compared to the first classic movie it was a failure. This film is also very unrealistic in some ways too particularly in the underwater sequence, were supposed to believe that they can scream and fight underwater for that long? i doubt they could, especially when most of them are also carry big looking guns and one guy is even swiming with the weight of another guy on his back.


I hate this movie!
They spoiled a great character as Ripley. How can they give her alien capabilities when she said that she hates aliens??? What a contradiction...


I don't know, I thought the following lines were not bad:

Space Pirate:   "Ripley, I thought you were dead!"

Repley:         "Yeah, I get that a lot."


I enjoyed it when I saw in theaters.  Haven't seen it since then, will probably watch it soon.