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Yor - The Hunter from the Future

Started by dvdchampion, October 17, 2006, 11:08:59 AM

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I have recently gotten a contact who lives in Italy getting me a VHS PAL copy of the original 4 part series roughly 56 minutes each in original Italian language, the same series in its entirety exactly how it was released on Italian television. It is very expensive to do this but I am indeed a die hard fan and cant stand not seeing more beautiful footage. For my own purposes I plan to make a dvd with optional english subtitles and optional english dub over the clips used for yor hunter from the future USA release. You might ask why I would do this well its the best movie of all time and I want more! I just hope everything goes smoothly but I trust my contact since I met him in person as well as offered a high finders fee. The whole endever will probably cost me 1000-1400 dollars depending on the euro and the cost of a PAL vhs player. I must be nuts!!!


That Reb Brown movie was Space Mutiny, which is on VHS and shown on MST3K on Saturday mornings. And boy is it hilarious.


I saw this on Sci-Fi about a month ago . All I can say is "Holy crap" .


Thank you so much for reviewing what may be the greatest movie of all time. :)


I forgot to ask... what's the other movie that features Reb Brown, railings, and lasers?  You didn't mention its name in the review, and now I'm all curious.  What is this mysterious film, and have you reviewed it yet?


Don't forget Sword and the Sorcerer! He was in that, too


 Sorry ! John Steiner is Overlord !! As he was the over-acting Jaffar in the hilarious Sinbad with Lou Ferrigno !!


Does this film make sense to anybody? Having seen it, actually it does. As long as one does not think too hard about it. Which is probably what the filmmakers did, not think too hard about it, when they made it.


 Some information about Yor (sorry for the mistakes, english is not my native tongue).

This incredible movie is an italian-turkish coproduction directed by Antonio Margheriti (using his usual pseudonym Anthony M. Dawson)in 1982.
Margheriti is one of the most prolific movie maker (and scenarist, and producer and most of all FX director (speciality:models)) of popular italian cinema from 60's to 90's. (Devilfish with Lee Majors, Margaux Hemingway and some greedy piranhas is a must see).

This movie was set on location in Turkey (and with turkish money).

Reb Brown had a little career in Italy, especially in low budgets rip off of american success. His movies with Bruno Mattei (Vincent Dawn) are hilarious, I recommand Robowar, which is a cheap remake of Predator ( with a robot instead of an alien).

Kala is played by french brunette Corinne Clery, who knew fame in an erotic french film of the seventies by Just Jaekin the director of "Emmanuelle" : "Story of O. (Histoire d'O)". She was also a James Bond girl in the awful Moonraker ( Corinne Dufour, the girl killed by Drax dogs). After that, she went to Italy and became a star in local b-movies...

The old trapeze artist-warrior is John Steiner, an italian actor ( can't remember what his real name was) specialist in part of wise old man or evil traitor...


Yor seems to have a knack for locating the only women around who've had their hair permed, and then getting their homes destroyed.

night heron

Wow a movie in which cavemen(and women)weild rayguns and a blond caveman who is acualy a man from a super sceince planet what great idea


Hey, Yor is one of my all time favorite films.  Glad to see somebody took the time to review it...  This movie was better than Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, although it was not as good as Highlander.  Great soundtrack, strangely intriguing plot.


Pak looks alot like grandpa seth from troll 2