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Godzilla: Final Wars

Started by Andrew, November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM

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I recently downloaded this in a german dub. I was talking to a friend on AIM when i started it and within 5 minutes i was just repeating "WHAT IS THIS MOVIE!!!!".

I hated it at first but its growing on me (be that good or bad). I mean For 2004 they really could have done a better job on the CGI and effects. Its not like japan is the most technologically advanced nation on the planet or anything.

Still, seeing "zilla" obliterated in roughly 30 seconds (to Sum 41??!!?) was satisfying. seeing the rest of the seven monsters before the big final rumble go the same way wasn't. Kaiser King Ghidorah was a joke. And minilla just didn't need to be in this, or any movie made after 1970.

However i end up viewing this movie Kazuki Kitamura is my new favorite actor. If it hadn't been for his fits as the xilian leader on my first view i probobly would have burned a stack full of copies just so i could throw them off the roof of my house onto the driveway and then light them on fire.

Toho can do better than that.

Bojik Arc

So, hmm, I see a very small number (very small) of blatant rip-offs from numerous movies and shows.  Let's see...Independence Day....Independence Day....Matrix....oh, that's DEFINITELY a Matrix....The Shining (come on, two freaky twin girls appearing out of nowhere and talking in unison?)...Star Wars (the Force clearly isn't with this guy, so instead of proton torpedos he just becomes a kamikaze)...Dragonball Z...Power Rangers (just LOOK at the mutants' fighting stances in the intro!)...Matrix...Matrix...Matrix...

Did I mention Matrix?  I might have, I'm not sure. :lookingup:
This movie had me in tears the whole time, I was laughing that hard.  If I had a dollar for every time one of my friends or I said "WTF" I'd be able to pay off my tuition.  Especially when they started to play a Sum-41 song in the background while Godzilla fought his first round. What a riot!! :teddyr:

Watch this movie with a group, and you'll have one fun night!


Quote from: Bojik Arc on September 10, 2008, 03:56:42 PM
So, hmm, I see a very small number (very small) of blatant rip-offs from numerous movies and shows.  Let's see...

I can agree with all of the ideas ripped-off from other movies, except "The Shining."  The Shobijin date all the way back to the original "Mothra" (1961).  The film definitely took a lot of ideas from "The Matrix."  Heck, the main guy is, as I said, almost a perfect Asian rendition of Keanu Reeves.
Andrew Borntreger


OK,forgive me my short comings on writting,when I do a job I do the best I can,however when it comes to writting,especially creative writing,I've always had trouble,my writing can't keep up with my thoughts,and that's why sometimes I forget words,then too sometimes I'm rushed for time.

Now I'll try to do this just once,and get it right!.

First this was $23.00s wasted,meaning it should of been better than it was!.This is a remake of the a fore mentioned Destroy All Monsters, at least it brings our good ship Atragon back into action(oh when Andrew are you going to have an Atragon sight!?),this time under the command of former wrestler Sargent Slaughter,oh I mean Capt.Gordon,who looks a lot like Sargent Slaughter!.

Basically it goes like this,for some reason monsters are everywhere,G-Force & Atragon are trying to stop them,then yet another ufo full of aliens comes to Earth,at first there friendly,humm hum,seems we've been down this road before,Xians say.

They get rid of all the monsters,then tell everyone Gorath's comming back!,they blast that,however trouble begins during the TV interview,it seems the young alien's intent on world conquest,he actually kills his leader before the stunned horrified viewers,and then has a physiological fit,unleashes the monsters again,and were right back where we started.

What follows is Capt.Gordon and crew plan to release Godzilla,our only hope to save Earth from destruction,my question is,where's Gamera!.

More time is spent dealing with the alien punk rather than good old monster fighting,even Godzillas son gets in on the act and befriends an elderly hunter and his grandson who are traveling the monster ravaged world.

Atragon bores through the ufo,and the big fight between good and evils on again,meantime,Godzilla disposes of all his foes with lightening speed!.

Truly this generation of Japanese seems to be quite different from the good old days of the original Creature Feature,they change Gameras looks and must of taken a cue from the 39 made for America Ultraman episodes,we want to see monsters fight!,on wonder they decided to put Godzilla on hiatus for a while.
I'm sure even David would agree with me on that.

Finally with the help of the only good alien left,the punk leader meets his deserved fate.Now it's back to the same old problem,Godzilla,this time his son actually raises his hands,meaning,you've done a lot of good so why not be like Gamera,sure Gamera comes back to Earth every once in a while,but like the Duke Boys he's meaning no harm to anyone,so why can't you try it for once in your life?.For some reason this time Godzilla's really touched so he and his son return to monster island in peace.

We are then treated to the end credits with clips from the movie,the them sounds  like the end of of your evening news show.

This has been Godzilla: The Final Wars!.

david G

  I am not going through 7 pages to find Out but did anybody else realized that all they did basiclly is to remake Destroy all Monsters?


This movie made me soooooooo sad. I was really excited to see it, especially after the BAD ASS mechagodzilla and ghidora reboots that came out right before it. But it FREAKING SUCKED! Could they have picked a more goofy and awkward token white actor!?!?!

Bob Freely

I understand why some people don't like the inconsistent tone (is this serious or a comedy) and the kitchen-sink approach of this film, but I take it as what I think it was intended to be: a homage to all the previous Godzilla films and incarnations. It might not be great (except for certain cool bits), but I've seen worse. Ohhh, I've seen worse...  :drink:


The few minutes Zilla gets in this film are way, way better than the 1998 movie (not difficult, I know).  I liked seeing it rampaging and causing damage.  I like it's design and would've liked a longer show down with actual Godzilla.  But then most of the brawls are over too quickly anyway.