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Started by clockworkcanary, January 16, 2007, 09:11:30 AM

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Ed, Ego and Superego

I never got the point of paper RPG's ut there are some electronic ones I play and love.
1) KOTOR and KOTOR 2
2) Fallout and Fallout 2
3) System Shock 2- RPG and 1st person shooter all in one, a classic. 
4) Arcanum- less good than the other two.

Personally, I don';t like D&D based games, or anything Tolkien based. 
And Diablo is plain silly. 

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes


I was pretty much always a DM.  Tried playing in Todd's campaign as a character, but I like to play LG and with the bunch of miscreants (all of that was back in HS, there were more miscreants), I tended to get killed trying to do the right thing - often trying to fix a situation that Gary or another friend (James) had created.

One example was my ranger's heroic last stand against a pack of werewolves, which were after us and had been brought after the party by Gary's actions.  He jumped off the wagon, expended every silver arrow he had, then drew his longsword and dagger (magical) and went down swinging.  On the other hand, Gary took that as a reason for his character to doubt his CN ways and change.  We always had something strange going on.  As I said, half of the time the players tell as much of the story as the DM.  I guess that is what I like about AD&D - it is storytelling.
Andrew Borntreger


I myself am a HUGE fan of RPGs.  I currently play on a MUD (Multi User Dungeon) Its an online text based game that is pretty much like playing tabletop with people from all over the world.  Its great to be able to play with so many different people.
As far as some of the more conventional electronic ones go....
World of Warcraft
NeverWinter Nights
Dungeon Seige
Guild Wars

Those are my favorites
The flowers are still standing...


Seems my core group has always been intent on effing with each other.  You know the list of the five types of gamers? (real man, thespian, brainiac, loon, and munchie) - well, we had one of each (and a few hybrids).  Since we took turns DMing, some of the guys would take turns "getting" each other with the nastiest, most humiliating traps you could imagine.

Heck, even as players they'd mess with each other, pulling me, the DM aside with their secret plan.  I started putting a box on the table so they could write down their secret plans and drop it in the box.

It was usually pretty damn funny.  Our residential loon, Ryan, would do the craziest stuff.  We were playing World of Darkness and he, playing a Mage, secretly hired a male prostitue to climb in bed with John, the werewolf.  Of course, John made quick work of the poor sap, killing him, and then abruptly dumping the body in Mark's car trunk for him to discover later.   Everyone f#kkd w/Mark lol. 

In D&D, Ryan always seemed to play a Chaotic Evil wizard - one time, he played a high charisma evil wizard chick, approached another party member (a newbie) who was trying to be funny himself by having his character drop his pants.  Well, Ryan's female wizard grabbed the guy's schlong and casted Burning Hands at point blank range lol. 

It's even funnier when he DMs.
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The refrain, in our party, was "kill him and take his stuff!"

As in, "Russ went to get a pizza."

Chorus:  "Kill him and take his stuff!"

One player (a persistent and rather appropriately classed Barbarian) would reply to almost everything the DM said with "But I'm a barbarian!"
As in, "I jump across the moat."    "You can't jump that far."      "But I'm a BARBARIAN!"

I miss those days.
We played second edition AD&D, first edition Shadowrun, and the occasional game of Toon (which is absolutely, stunningly insane!)
We also played quite a bit of first edition Champions, which was awesome, and one of my favorite RPGs ever, hands down, after AD&D.

I am also convinced, by the way, that the first edition DMG is THE worst written book ever.  As in, if you could translate the raw badness of non-MST3K'd "Manos" into poorly written book-ness, you'd have Gygax's first ed DMG.    I remember trying to read that bastard in fifth grade, while everyone else was doing something healthy like tag football.    I was a very, very good reader, even then -- one of the best in my class, for sure -- and that book taxed me.

Also have played a fair bit of first edition Gamma World, a bit of Star Frontiers.

Ash:  Are Stu and Wes still running Emerald City Comics?


Star Frontiers (Alpha Dawn) was a pretty darn good science fiction RPG.  The expansion, with its rules for space combat, was really quite good.  We used to play the UPF/Sathar War all the time, using the complex battle damage system.  I remember light cruisers limping back to a UPF fortress for repairs, battleships with terrible damage continuing with the fleet because of the firepower and jump navigation upgrades that made it worth the risk - great fun.  I should track down all the stuff for Star Frontiers.  The Volturnus modules were quite good too.
Andrew Borntreger


Damn, you all seem young to me.

Anybody here remember the original Chainmail rules with its little supplement to add roleplaying aspects to a fantasy miniatures game? It was published by a little company out of Lake Geneva, Wisconson called Tactical Studies Rules. They later just used the initials TSR.

My first foray into roleplaying was, of course, D&D. I also played Runequest, Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, among many others. At one point, I had over 60 rules sets for different roleplaying games; I had even more wargames.

Of course, in the early 80s, I was on a hate trip about TSR, along with half or more of the wargaming community, about their takeover of SPI (it still stings). I used to get a newsletter (yes, printed and mailed) from Rick Loomis (Flying Buffalo) in which he had no inhibitions about bashing the hell out of Gary Gygax over that.

One of my favorite systems, though, was FGU's Aftermath. I loved the complexity, but it was still not complex enough for me.

Another favorite, because it captured the spirit of the stories so well, and was not trapped into a numbers system as so many RPGs are, is TSR's Conan.

I will be taking a roleplaying game I designed (yes, pencil and paper) and updating it to include as a free download on my CargoShip site. It is, of course (fitting with the theme of the site), a science fiction roleplaying game. :tongueout:


I have (or had, might need to go look through my books) Chainmail.  Never much cared for it, but I was a young lad when I tried.  Could never get my friends into playing the upgraded version, which was Battlesystem, except for a few battles that I worked into the AD&D campaign over the years.  Now I play Warhammer and Warhammer 40K, so my urge for tabletop wargames is sated that way.
Andrew Borntreger


The original Chainmail rules came in a stapled, and cheaply done, beige colored booklet, like the original boxed set of D&D; this was around 1973. Battlesystem came many years later and there was an updated version of Chainmail previous to that, expanded, which I believe was gray in color and spiralbound.


I do not believe that my copy of "Chainmail" was spiral bound, so it must have been the first printing.  I am certain I did not buy it new, but got it from either a flea market or from a comic book store that had a rack of new and used RPG items.
Andrew Borntreger


If you still have it, and it is the first printing (it was reprinted), you could probably get a pretty penny for that on eBay.


First version of the D&D rules I played were the original basic rules (the blue booklet with the mage firing a wand at a dragon).  And good old original B2 -- Keep on the Borderlands.    I was introduced in the late 70's, late gradeschool for me, by one of the kids I grew up with.

I quit playing somewhere along the second ed rules -- the typical college group gradually fragmenting deal, where one guy gets a girlfriend, another guy has to get serious about exams, the DM misses a few weeks, etc..   

So yeah, Menard, you're definitely old.   :hot:  Born at least in the sixties if you were playing Chainmail (that is, if you could read it and glean any sense of it -- you couldn't have been a third-grader in '73 I'm guessing).    I was two, that year.  =)     I never played or had sixty game rule sets, but I did play a wide variety.

My favorite aspect of CoC was the SAN score.   I loved the concept of the SAN score. 


Quote from: Zapranoth on January 21, 2007, 01:03:28 PM
And good old original B2 -- Keep on the Borderlands.

That was my very first adventure as well.  Ah...fond memories.
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Quote from: Shadowfyre on January 21, 2007, 01:49:53 PM
Quote from: Zapranoth on January 21, 2007, 01:03:28 PM
And good old original B2 -- Keep on the Borderlands.

That was my very first adventure as well.  Ah...fond memories.

I think that may have been my first as well.  We have replayed it a number of times over the years, (I made changes to keep things interesting and new).  Some of the old AD&D series were great.  Like "Against the Giants" and the "Slavers" series.  Oh, and the "Saltmarsh" series was always a favorite.
Andrew Borntreger


And once, I actually DM'd a group of players (who had not read the module) through the original Tomb of Horrors.

That... would have been a good B-movie.  =)