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Vanilla Ice needs professional help!...

Started by D-Man, March 25, 2007, 10:17:27 PM

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I've been watching "Surreal Life: Fame Games" on VH1, and just got to the finale.  Rob Van Winkle, AKA Vanilla Ice, flipped out over the smallest thing, and despite the fact that this was a game, it didn't stop him from destroying most of the set in a frightening tirade.  I'm not a big fan of Ron Jeremy, but Rob had no business in nearly smashing his head in with a drum set over what is ultimately a trivial matter, turning on his friend and screaming "Backstabber!" to his face. 

It absolutely makes me sick to my stomach, especially when you consider that this guy has a wife and kids...think about that for a moment...would you want to live with a guy who acts like he does?  If I were his neighbor I'd either call the cops on him, or maybe convince one of those UFC guys he likes to try and buddy up with to kick his ass.  It's really uncalled for. 

Normally I love outrageous behavior as a means to promote reality TV, if nothing because it's entertaining...but this wasn't like that...this was disturbing. 

Oh...I found some more it off Wikipedia, but still worth bringing up:

Van Winkle was arrested by police in Davie, Florida in January 2001 for assaulting his wife. According to the criminal complaint, they got into an argument as they drove on Interstate 595, with Ice allegedly pulling the hair from his wife's head. He pleaded guilty to charges of disorderly conduct in April 2001 and was sentenced to probation and ordered to attend family therapy sessions



^ Not the same show, but the same basic idea, yeah...that clip you posted was entertaining, while what I saw tonight was horrifying...but one thing that clip does is show that he's got a history of this behavior. 


I remember a few years ago when MTV tried to do a show in which Rob tried to reinvent himself.
They proposed several ideas that were actually quite good, but Ice rejected every single one of them.
His objections and reasons for doing so often didn't really make any sense.

I agree...the guy does have some serious issues he needs to work out in his mind.

On a side note...
Remember when he switched from rap to alt-metal in the late 90's?
I got to see him in concert in Iowa City in 1999 and you know what?  He wasn't bad.
He actually rocked the house to a sold out crowd and I had a good time.   :smile:

So I know he's got talent onstage...he just needs to figure out his image...if it can be saved at all.


Quote from: D-Man on March 25, 2007, 10:17:27 PM
I've been watching "Surreal Life: Fame Games" on VH1, and just got to the finale.  Rob Van Winkle, AKA Vanilla Ice, flipped out over the smallest thing, and despite the fact that this was a game, it didn't stop him from destroying most of the set in a frightening tirade.  I'm not a big fan of Ron Jeremy, but Rob had no business in nearly smashing his head in with a drum set over what is ultimately a trivial matter, turning on his friend and screaming "Backstabber!" to his face. 

I saw that. Makes you wish someone would just knock Vanilla Ice out. He only acts like that in front of people (women) he knows he can over power.

Speaking of women, Tracey Bingham is super hot.  :twirl:

Yaddo 42

I saw the YouTube clip above when it first aired. I always figured the MTV producers put him up to that tirade, and just neglected (on purpose) to tell the other members of the group, to provoke a reaction when he destroyed more than just the tape which was "supposed" to be the original ending of that show. The tape of the "number one worst video of all time" was supposed to be destroyed on air. Like MTV played anything that old regularly anyway, or they couldn't find another one if they wanted it.

But what you posted doesn't surprise me, he always came off as a jerk who made good and held onto his money unlike a lot of flash in the pan stars.

If the stories are true, Vanilla Ice played a frat party in my town around the time he went alt-metal like Ash posted. This was before he debuted the new image nationally, although the person who told me about it kept talking how he had a "new sound" without explaining it was change in genres rather than just updating his rap sound to what was then popular. Which is what I thought he meant and wondered why Ice would be playing in a small town in Alabama unless he was really hard up for money, which I had heard he wasn't. I knew about his motocross phase, and had see him on TV seeming to still be living well even as a hasbeen performer.
blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....


"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."