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What have you been listening to?

Started by Allhallowsday, May 03, 2007, 02:08:57 AM

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Saw them live and picked up their CD. Great Hardcore Punk.

This is a weird one. A all girl band that sounds like The Slits with a 80s hardcore band. Love it.

Torgo, how is Megadeths "United Abominations"? I was thinking about picking it up.

Skaboi, Great seleaction their.The Arrogant Sons Of b***hes are actually playing here in a a month or two.
Most of all I hate dancing then work,exercise,people,stupidpeople


I am listening to:

Laibach - Life is Life


They are a German band that I heard a long time ago, around ten.  I saw them on the Public Bradcasting Channel.  Thanks to Youtube, I found the group.  Not bad music.

\\\\\\\"Freedom is not free\"\\\\\\ or ///\"Where ever you go, there you are!\"///


Quote from: Torgo on June 07, 2007, 09:12:30 PM
6) The Motels  "20th Century Masters"
Haven't thought about THE MOTELS in many years; I used to have their album with "Suddenly Last Summer" on it (I can remember the silly video...)   :thumbup:

Quote from: rich andrini on June 08, 2007, 08:32:14 AM
This is a weird one. A all girl band that sounds like The Slits with a 80s hardcore band. Love it.

Skaboi, Great seleaction their.The Arrogant Sons Of b***hes are actually playing here in a a month or two.
MIKA MIKO?  Listened to samples at Amazon... anyone interested:

And I'm looking forward to seeing  . . . TONY BENNETT !  He will be here in 2 months (just found out today).  Guess I'm slowing down.  Skipped the chance to see GRAHAM PARKER, practically next door, but cannot miss Tony Bennett.  :wink:
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


Quote from: rich andrini on June 08, 2007, 08:32:14 AM
Torgo, how is Megadeths "United Abominations"? I was thinking about picking it up.

I give United Abominations an 8 out of 10.

I don't think it's as strong of an album as The System Has Failed (which I gave a 9) and it's not a return to their thrash days like Mustaine/the press was saying.  The guitars have more of a thrash tone to them, but overall it's more of the style he's been doing the last couple of albums.

The really unnecessary thing on it is the pointless remake of A Tout Le Monde with that Scabbia female singer from the awful band (at least IMO) Lacuna Coil.  The original version on Youthanasia was great as is. 
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Quote from: Allhallowsday on June 08, 2007, 02:10:49 PM
Quote from: Torgo on June 07, 2007, 09:12:30 PM
6) The Motels  "20th Century Masters"
Haven't thought about THE MOTELS in many years; I used to have their album with "Suddenly Last Summer" on it (I can remember the silly video...)   :thumbup:

I picked this up on a whim a few days back for only 5 bucks.  I was a fan of them growing up and this has all of their hits and a few album cuts.   All of the tracks are beautifully remastered as well.   

QuoteAnd I'm looking forward to seeing  . . . TONY BENNETT !  He will be here in 2 months (just found out today).  Guess I'm slowing down.  Skipped the chance to see GRAHAM PARKER, practically next door, but cannot miss Tony Bennett.  :wink:

Tony Bennett is awesome. The man can sing anything and sing with anyone and it works.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Quote from: Torgo on June 08, 2007, 03:48:49 PM
I picked this up on a whim a few days back for only 5 bucks.  I was a fan of them growing up and this has all of their hits and a few album cuts.   All of the tracks are beautifully remastered as well.  

Tony Bennett is awesome. The man can sing anything and sing with anyone and it works.
One of the great things about NOW is how easy we've all become about what we listen to.  30 years ago, it was a big deal if you listened to Rock (of several distinct varieties) or Disco (at the time, unfairly regarded by the Rock camp I belonged to as one variety: horrible).  Then, I secrectly loved TAVARES, BEE GEES, KC and the SUNSHINE BAND, NOW, I listen to both . . . but not much to either these days as I'm into fringe Rock right NOW, meaning acts that didn't sell large numbers of records then(STOOGES, VELVET UNDERGROUND, NEW YORK DOLLS, RAMONES, CAPTAIN BEEFHEART, etc.) plus all the once-called "long hair" stuff I've always loved, Ravel, Mahler, Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke, Roxy Music . . .
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


This week im listening to a Greek oriental rebetica cd i got out of the libary, along with the complete works of william shatner, some rainer maria, and some bollywood soundtraks

the ghoul

The Freeze  -"Misery Loves Company" CD


"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


For a period of about 8 months I had my iPod filled with nothing but Rancid, Transplants, Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards and Operation Ivy. I've gradually injected other stuff into it in the last 6 months or so, mainly Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, Guitar Wolf, Balzac, classic Misfits, and a few choice selections from Rob/White Zombie, especially Superbeast, Super Charger Heaven, Dragula, and the oddly entertaining track he did with Drowning Pool for the Daredevil soundtrack.

Last CD I picked up was the Tim Armstrong side project disc "A Poet's Life". Would've been happier to spend a few dollars less on it if I could've gotten it without the DVD...

"Don't make me stain my last clean shirt with the back of your head." - Shatter Dead
"A grizzly bear with a chainsaw. Now THERE's a killing machine!" - The Simpsons
"I've always wanted to make love to an angry welder." - Jaws: the Revenge


French Melodic Hardcore sung in French (duh) and by a women. Great vocals and solid stuff. Lyric sheet does have the English words to the songs.

Great pick thier with The Freeze, Ghoul. Saw them live a couple of years ago.
Most of all I hate dancing then work,exercise,people,stupidpeople


As a matter of fact, with the film I AM LEGEND coming later this year(gravely different from the book, of course!  :hatred: ), I've been revisiting the novella and it's film right now, I've got the score from THE OMEGA MAN in heavy rotation on the playlist.

This is Ron Grainer(Dr Who, The Prisoner) at his...well...Grainiest!

Fabulous, funky and friggin 70s!  While common sense would say that this musical approach would undermine the whole drama of the stoy, with THE OMEGA MAN, it's just the opposite...the film is elevated to a higher plane by Grainer stylings complete with a large lush orchestra at his disposal.  Fans of his music from The Prisoner, will find alot of similarly catchy riffs.

I've uploaded the theme and a cue entitled "Brother Zachary Makes His Move"  :buggedout: to quicksharing, here's the link....THE OMEGA MAN cues at Quicksharing .

It's an 11 mb zip file so it shouldn't take too long...Note:if this is frowned upon here at the forum, moderators please feel free to edit the post.

Otherwise, enjoy and remember...The last man on earth IS NOT ALONE:tongueout:

That's my driver's license picture....I hate that picture!"


Quote from: tombofanubisdotcom on June 17, 2007, 11:27:10 PM
For a period of about 8 months I had my iPod filled with nothing but Rancid, Transplants, Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards and Operation Ivy. I've gradually injected other stuff into it in the last 6 months or so, mainly Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, Guitar Wolf, Balzac, classic Misfits, and a few choice selections from Rob/White Zombie, especially Superbeast, Super Charger Heaven, Dragula, and the oddly entertaining track he did with Drowning Pool for the Daredevil soundtrack.

Didn't recognize even the genre until I got to the Rob Zombie.  Yeah, Dragula is a great song... and Hellbilly Deluxe is one noisy album, indeed.

The Vrenna "Bodies" remix  (Drowning Pool) is great shooter music, too.  =)

Currently listening to:  Mixed Emotions, by the Stones.


And now I'm listening to Enno Morricone's rejected score for What Dreams May Come?.
Nathan Shumate
Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Sci-fi, Horror, and General Whoopass


Quote from: Zapranoth on June 20, 2007, 01:48:35 AM
Quote from: tombofanubisdotcom on June 17, 2007, 11:27:10 PM
For a period of about 8 months I had my iPod filled with nothing but Rancid, Transplants, Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards and Operation Ivy. I've gradually injected other stuff into it in the last 6 months or so, mainly Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, Guitar Wolf, Balzac, classic Misfits, and a few choice selections from Rob/White Zombie, especially Superbeast, Super Charger Heaven, Dragula, and the oddly entertaining track he did with Drowning Pool for the Daredevil soundtrack.
Didn't recognize even the genre until I got to the Rob Zombie.  Yeah, Dragula is a great song... and Hellbilly Deluxe is one noisy album, indeed.

It's pretty much all punk, ska or Japanese garage rock in one form or another (I'm not sure of the subgenre deviations beyond that, as I try to stick to basics if possible) with Zombie being about the only metal I really listen to anymore. Yeah, I know, Zombie's considered "commercial sell-out" by most die hard metalheads, but since I never claimed to be as such, I'm sure I can be forgiven.  :teddyr: Super Charger Heaven is one of the greatest f*cking tracks of all time and the re-mix from "Super Sexy Swingin' Sounds" is one of the few re-mix tracks I can actually enjoy. Wicked. \m/

"Don't make me stain my last clean shirt with the back of your head." - Shatter Dead
"A grizzly bear with a chainsaw. Now THERE's a killing machine!" - The Simpsons
"I've always wanted to make love to an angry welder." - Jaws: the Revenge