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Do You Believe?

Started by RCMerchant, May 12, 2007, 06:16:45 PM

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Do you believe in,or have an interest in,odd phenomenom?

Sea Monsters
Alternite universes
Psychic powers
Time Travel
Other weird stuff-


I've seen gosts myself, and of course I am in charge of all sea and lake monsters for the Str. Lawrence Seaway Zone of the Global Fish Conspiracy.
It takes a child to raze a village. -- Jello Biafra


I can simplify this topic by saying: nothing unreal exists, and there is no supernatural, only the preternatural.

As to exactly what's real under the blue dome of heaven from ghosts to slenderman to the Loveland frog, I'll leave that to others to figure out, but all that is is part of nature, whether we understand it or not, and all that is not real, does not exist.

Boom. That clear everything up?  :teddyr:

PS But I acknowledge scary incidents do happen, and innnnnn fact give me a minute and over in the diary thread I will post this entry about something borderline, preternatural that happened to me a quarter-century ago, if anyone cares to read it. Still scares the frak out of me when I think of the creepy sound I'll tell about there.

There really are certain things in this world left alone, that I will cheerfully admit.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: indianasmith on August 12, 2007, 09:58:41 PM

I also believe that Donald Trump may be the AntiChrist . . . .  :lookingup:

Whoah! Indy predicted the Anti-Christ was coming 9 years before he became president!  :buggedout:
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!


You know what bothers me about all the things RC listed up there in 2007 is it's very easy for me to dismiss most or all of those things and say no, they're not real, that BS stories account for it all, but the thing is, people I consider credible have told me about their own experiences with.....ghosts, spirits, strange things in the sky, with deja-vu in foreign places (which I've felt), and I have to think, are they lying to me, did they slip into a temporary delusion, or is there truly this.....other realm that sometimes intrudes into this one (or our realm intrudes into it)?

That's what gets me, that people I trust have told me about experiences that defy easy dismissal, and then impose on me the burden of questioning their credibility versus the nature of what I'd like to think is solid reality.

There was my dad's account of setting down a file of papers behind him before a meeting, being alone in this immense foyer area, no one with him, no one could have approached within fifty feet, marble floors, echoes, and yet somehow that file vanished into thin air while his back was turned, and he never found it.

There's my friend's account of being out walking and seeing this "mist figure" form out of a runoff grate, coalesce into a small twisted humanoid shape, look at her and then scamper off. If she was lying to me she picked an odd tale to start practicing lying, because she's always honest with me and not terrible imaginative. Do I believe her and set aside sanity? I....don't know.

There were those lights in the sky we used to see all the time when I was a kid and we lived near an airport, they'd hover and drop and rise and change color and seem to dance around incoming jets, and none of us had a clue what we were seeing.

And my friend's dad and his mystical experiences with coming to see his drug addiction in terms of spiritual warfare, literal demons ruining lives through drugs, and suddenly getting visions of these beings, rabid dogs and snakes and malformed angels, contesting for the human lives they were destroying through drugs and vices. All I know is it terrified him straight.

And of course the one I always cite because it happened to me, the old lady in the room at my grandma's care center after Grandma had a stroke. I walked down the hall and this old lady was in a room surrounded by flowers and cards on the wall and I walked back up the hall half an hour later and the room is totally empty and I was told no one had been in there for some time. Were the staff punking me for fun? Beats me.

Shrug. OK, what's it all matter? Really. You know? If there are event like these we still live life every day paying bills and seeing movies and having kids and going to funerals what, right?

And you know what else? We're all going to die one day and my money says to our last breath we're never going to be any closer to figuring this stuff out.

And neither will the last human on this planet someday.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, and that Lulu's makes the best bacon cheeseburger in Texas!

Oh, and my most controversial belief - I don't think the 1998 American version of Godzilla was that bad!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Indy, I have no problem accepting your belief in the great, invisible sky dad. With some effort, I can turn a blind eye to you thinking 'Sucker Punch' could ever, possibly be better than 'Flash Gordon'.

But that version of Godzilla... *shudder*  :tongueout:
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Quote from: indianasmith on March 25, 2020, 02:44:22 PM

Oh, and my most controversial belief - I don't think the 1998 American version of Godzilla was that bad!

Agreed. :cheers:
I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.


Quote from: Trevor on March 25, 2020, 03:19:08 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on March 25, 2020, 02:44:22 PM

Oh, and my most controversial belief - I don't think the 1998 American version of Godzilla was that bad!

Agreed. :cheers:

Right, thats it. You pair just made The List!    :bouncegiggle:
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Quote from: indianasmith on March 25, 2020, 02:44:22 PM
I believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, and that Lulu's makes the best bacon cheeseburger in Texas!

Oh, and my most controversial belief - I don't think the 1998 American version of Godzilla was that bad!

I believe in God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth and of all things, visible and invisible, never had a bacon cheeseburger from Lulu's so I'm  going with the patty melt from Jim's Burgers, best in California, and I think the 1998 version of Godzilla is, in its own way, a good movie

Reach for the heavens in hope for the future for all that we can be, not what we are. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.


I believe I'll have another smoke!
BREATH. Breath.
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!


as far as time travel... it think that's impossible!

how would you set "time and space coordinates" ?????
how would you interact with dimensional "space-time" if you could?????
Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


Time travel is real. For instance I used to be in 2019 and now I'm in 2020. How is that not time travel?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


well that is true you did travel though time... forward, like all of us in this dimension.

as far as science fiction time travel and setting a time line and coordinates????
no, I don't think it could ever be done. Even in the far future...

you have to be going the speed of light to achieve time distortion correct? So if we ever do have flying machines that can do that you would still need to calculate and distort space time... then setting coordinates would be a whole other huge problem.

then again, who am I to say lol... I just liked to listen to Art Bell back in the day. I'm just having fun with this  :smile:

Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


^ Think about physics and Einstein's theory. There may be alternate realitys.
That's what real smart people say. I think I will believe these folks before anyone else. I'm not real smart. But I know stupid when I hear it.  Time can be bent. Well, that's what I believe, at least.  :lookingup:
I may be just wrong.
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!


I think of events that might draw time travelers, something maybe like President Kennedy's murder, and if so, when we look at pictures of the crowd that day, we might be seeing time travelers there.

(I once read a story that said the Titanic sank so fast because of all the time travelers gathering there, weighting down the ship.)
What does not kill me makes me stranger.