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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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High Plains Invaders (2009) - In the old West, giant alien bugs (sort of like Starship Troopers) attack a small town.  This was pretty good for a SyFy Original.  The characters were well developed, and pretty sympathetic for the most part.  The special effects were surprisingly good for a SyFy movie, the bugs actually looked like they were occupying the same space with the actors.  The plot was the main downfall, one of those you knew for certain would end with a large explosion;  rather predictable overall.  But it kept me interested enough to sit through the 20 minutes of commercials SyFy stuck in the last 30 minutes of the movie.  I guess they're Imagining Greater advertising revenues.  It was a borderline 4/5, but maybe 3.75/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on August 31, 2009, 06:49:29 AM
High Plains Invaders (2009) - In the old West, giant alien bugs (sort of like Starship Troopers) attack a small town.  This was pretty good for a SyFy Original.  The characters were well developed, and pretty sympathetic for the most part.  The special effects were surprisingly good for a SyFy movie, the bugs actually looked like they were occupying the same space with the actors.  The plot was the main downfall, one of those you knew for certain would end with a large explosion;  rather predictable overall.  But it kept me interested enough to sit through the 20 minutes of commercials SyFy stuck in the last 30 minutes of the movie.  I guess they're Imagining Greater advertising revenues.  It was a borderline 4/5, but maybe 3.75/5.

I liked this one too. It was a syfy day here, we watched it all day long. Im really looking forward to merlin and the war of the dragons next saturday   :teddyr:
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Godzilla vs Mechagdozilla-  the fights in this were awesome, way better than GTodzillavs hedoroah which I saw the other day.  there were some other good special effects, a cool tiki lounge type polynesian monster invocation dance thing and of course mechagodzilla is a very impressive and unique monster.  unfortunately, it's heavily weighed down by a tedious plot and boring script with ...stuff that isn't godzilla. worth seeing but keep the FF button finger  on high alert



Lots and lots of musicals....

Don't ask. :bluesad:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Class of 1999- in this star studded (not really, well Pam grier) sequal to the self righteously "important" class of 1984, we find what looks to be the same high school in the middle of a standard sci fi dystopia police state.  Why would anyone bother going to schools like this?  Then again, why does anyone bother going to a public school now?  The lead kid looks very corey (haim, feldman) ish so you know it 's gonna be a b movie at best.  It's not as good as, say "red Dawn" but it has similar anti authority themes and plenty of action.  It's one of these movies where I start watching it at night and am like "eehh this isn't that great" but when I finish watching it the next morning am like "oh man this is pretty good" definately worth seeing if you are a film geek 3.75/ 5

Rev. Powell

UHF (1989): Walter Mitty-style daydreamer George (Weird Al Yankovic) becomes manager of an independent television station, and his bizarre programming becomes a surprise hit. Good spoof for both kids and adults, with surprisingly offbeat humor and lots of parodies of 1980s hit movies.  Good parodies of RAMBO, RAIDERS and CONAN (CONAN THE LIBRARIAN).  A pre-Kramer Michael Richards steals most of his scenes as a mildly retarded janitor who hosts a hit kiddie show.  3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Psycho Circus

Quote from: doggett on September 01, 2009, 08:36:58 AM

Lots and lots of musicals....

Don't ask. :bluesad:

Is this woman older than you dude?



If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Blood of the Vampire (1958) - In 1874, a doctor is convicted of causing the death of one of his patients, and thrown in prison.  Another doctor, this one evil and employed as the warden at an asylum for the criminally insane, has the first doctor transferred to his facility, where the two of them work together to research a very rare blood disease. The warden uses the prisoners as test subjects, and also keeps the good doctor imprisoned even though his conviction has since been overturned.  This was quite good overall, with excellent characters and a plot that moved along at a satisfying pace.  The major downfall is that the evil warden steals the whole show, his character is marvelous to watch, while the good guy is just sort of dull.  This doesn't make you very interested in seeing the good guy come out on top in the end.  I'll give it a 3.75/5.  If you're in the mood for something in that '50s style Gothick (and it's in color), this would do nicely.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Priscilla Queen of the Desert


Three drag queens go an a road trip.
That's pretty much it.

It's fabulous, darling ! :teddyr:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: doggett on September 02, 2009, 07:52:35 AM
Priscilla Queen of the Desert


Three drag queens go an a road trip.
That's pretty much it.

It's fabulous, darling ! :teddyr:

First musicals, now drag queens?  I think you need a shot of T&A fast, to restore your testosterone.  Someone send this boy 10ccs of HARDBODIES.

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Steel Magnolias

Just kidding !!!! hahaha !!

Tank Girl:
It's kinda like Mad Max with a punky sense of humor. There's some wonderful animated sequences and Malcolm McDowell being evil in a way that only Malcolm McDowell can....oh, and mutant Kangeroos !


Terror Firmer:
A seriel killer is on the loose in a Troma film set. always Troma films depend on what kind of mood you're in and who you're watching them with. This film, even by Troma standards, goes above and beyond the call of poor taste. Some days I hate this film, some days I love it.


Batman: Mask of the Phantasm:
Batman Begins for the Animated series. A masked killer is...well...killing and Batman has to work out who it is before everyone thinks it's him. It's a great film as it never talks down to it's audience which so many cartoons tend to do. And y'know what ? The romance is pretty good in it too.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Avalanche-   It's amazing how completley non descript many disaster movies were.  This one in particular did not stray from the formula one iota.  I happened to like Ants better than this, but they are of identical (non ) quality.  Rock Hudson is a ski slope owner who's wife played by Mia Farrow (! ) comes to visit him for some reason.  She goes home with literally the first guy she meets there at the mountain.  You get to know the doomed people with a little comedy and drama then the avalanche comes and so forth and so on.  I've never heard of an avalanche knocking over an entire ski slope.  nice baked alaskas at the lodge dinner party. want one of those


Orgazmo: Theatrical (NC-17) Version (1997)

One of my favorite movies and still damn funny. "Superheroes that pray together stay together"

Psycho Circus

Maximum Overdrive (1986) :

Basically there's a comet passing by the earth. The comet leaves a green fog that causes all forms of machinery to go nuts and kill people. This only seems to affect North Carolina for some reason and mainly just big trucks?? Some people end up taking shelter in a local diner and then Emilio Estevez blows them up. Some cool scenes initially (my favourite one being the kid killed by the steamroller), but after about an hour, I realised I'm just watching trucks drive round a diner in a circle and getting really annoyed that Yeardley Smith exists. To finish me off, the film ends with AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long", which I've heard about 10 billion times...
