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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Poltergeist 2 - I actually liked this one. It was fun.
Poltergeist 3 - It was STUPID. Stupid.



the Steel ladies (2001)- really wanted to like this story about a bunch of transvestites forming a winning volleyball team in thailand but alas it was not to be.  The performances are good and it is funny in an upbeat way for a while but it runs out of steam well before the halfway mark.  Also, the budget is such that there is zero cinematography, it takes place in thailand but it could just as easily be new jersey, you don't see where they are or going at all.  That problem extends to the characters themselves, it's all this sort of one note they are discriminated against but they perservere stuff again and again and platitudes against intolerance .  A much better thailand transvestite sports movie is "Beautiful Boxer" about Ladyboy the kickboxer.


MST3K- Angels Revenge
Matango, Attack of the Mushroom People
The Human Blood keeps them alive, FOREVER

"Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous." - Lovecraft


Moon~ An Astronaut( Sam Rockwell) is on the moon, alone, except for the computer that he talks too ( voiced by kevin spacey) with 2 weeks to go on his 3 yr contract when he starts to see strange things..I would say more but I don't want to spoil anything.

I loved it. No fancy CGI or aliens just a very good story. Rockwell surprised me as I had only seen him in Galaxy quest as the goofy but very funny guy.. guy.   :tongueout:  and wild bill from the green mile.  This was funny, sad, almost heartbreaking, and you could really feel the isolation. Well done movie that I would watch again.

2 complaints~ There were a couple of things I would have liked explained more and they could have showed more of the ending.. I wanted to see more and they certainly had the time to add 15, 20 minutes to it.

There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


rothko's rooms- I liked this but I should have read the description more. I think in my mind this was going to be like a warhol ish long shot of rothkos paintings with some weird music or computer blpis in the background when it is actually an exceedingly conventional huor long doc about this not my favorite abstract painter.  I like rothko but I like Pollock and De kooning better.  I like Franz Kline too but Rothko is kind of ..I don't know.  I guess it's intense in it's own way just not a way that does alot for me.


Psycho Circus

Quote from: vukxfiles on November 08, 2009, 07:39:28 AM


You know, I think that's probably Seagal's best film, just edging out "Nico". It's so completely brutal throughout, plus it has Shannon Whirry in it... :twirl:


Quote from: Circus_Circus on November 08, 2009, 08:55:33 AM
Quote from: vukxfiles on November 08, 2009, 07:39:28 AM


You know, I think that's probably Seagal's best film, just edging out "Nico". It's so completely brutal throughout, plus it has Shannon Whirry in it... :twirl:

I totally agree. I also has some of the best fight scenes I've ever seen.


Since it's out of my time, I didn't enjoy it as much as others. I gave it a 6/10 on IMDB.


They Came from Beyond Space-Fun b-movie, with a good atmosphere. Recommended. :thumbup:


Star Wars (1977): A young Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) gets recruited into Jedi training by ailing old Jedi legend Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness) in hopes of creating a new hope to oppose the all-consuming evil threat of the dark side's galactic empire, who have created an ultimate weapon - a death star capable of wiping out entire planets. Ben recruits Luke after receiving a cry for aid (locked inside of droid R2-D2 who along with companion droid C3P0 stumble across first Luke and then Ben) from the captured Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), one of the leaders of the rebel alliance. Can Luke, Ben and a ragtag group of rebels including the reluctant hired mercenaries Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), captain and first mate of the Millenium Falcon, rescue the Princess and stop the death star's continuing path of destruction?

Every bit as good as I last remembered it. It's been a while since last I saw it but viewing the original theatrical version again reminded me of why I loved this film so very much in my younger days. It's very much a B-movie Flash Gordon style adventure given epic sweep. It's also a coming of age story and it's adventure plus to the max. Alec Guinness as Ben Kenobi is terrific and it's fun albeit a bit unusual to see Peter Cushing as the villainous Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Plus we're first introduced to the twistedly evil character known as Darth Vader. The only major flaw is there are times credibility seems stretched to the max especially during the garbage masher scene which seems to go on much too long and makes one seriously wonder just how dumb the stormtroopers really are. But these flaws are minor and don't really hamper one's enjoyment of the film, it just requires a bit more suspension of belief on the part of the viewer during some key scenes. The grandest sci-fi fantasy adventure. **** out of *****

The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (Original Theatrical Version): Rebel forces are spotted by an Imperial probe droid on the isolated ice planet of Hoth. The Empire, lead by the ever villainous Darth Vader, races to strike a decisive crushing blow to the rebellion. Meanwhile Luke Skywalker has a vision instructing him to finish his Jedi training under the mysterious Jedi master known only as Yoda in the Dagobah system. Unknown to Luke, Vader has other plans for him.

This is by far the best Star Wars film. It's got a bit of everything. It's got the expected grand Star Wars style fantasy adventure (with yes again credibility stretched to the max), it's got romance, it's got swashbuckling, it's got comedy relief, it's more a coming of age story, it's got betrayal, it's got mega surprises sure to stun viewers upon first viewing. It's also Darth Vader as his very villainous best as here he really takes center stage as the main villain, moreso than in the previous Star Wars. This one keeps you guessing and wondering just what can and will happen next. Just superbly done on all levels although there's a few times too many where impossible odds seem to get defied. Aside from this, this is a winner through and through. ****1/2 out of *****
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Robot Holocaust: Oh my oh my, I haven't seen something this bad since Octopus 2 where just about everything was wrong and terrible.  I won't go into detail since I finished reviewing it, but just about everything was wrong and I feel that a monkey could've done a better job directing this film.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.


the killing of satan-  the first half of this philipino supernatural horror dealie was really boring.  I was all set to give it a 3, which is really a 1.  I don't give lower than 3 unless there is something glaringly wrong with the thing or I actively dislike some part of it, like the macho d-bags in "Tintorerra: killer shark".  I have to say the second half was such an improvement I'm going to bump it up to 4.  They really let the cheesy speical effects and so forth fly.  They should have done it sooner but probably couldn't afford to.  It feels alot longer than it's conventional 1 hr 35 minute running time.  I'd probably watch it again. 


The breakfast Club, I gave it a 10/10 on IMDB


MST3K merlin's shoop of magical whatever -  excellent late Mike era episode.  the film itself looks like it's from the early 80's. It's a movie that appears to actually be two movies spliced together to create two "tales", which ernest borgnine as a grandfather is telling his grandson.  both stories are sort of mild horror movies not at all appropriate for kids.  disk included an interview with mike nelson and one of the other guys. 4/5