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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Dark Corners (2006)

Once (2006)

Planet of the Apes (1969)

L.A. Confidential (1997).

Jacobs Ladder (1990)

100 Feet (2008)
2.5/5 (Such a good idea to this film. Shame they screwed it up)

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman (2003)

Wow.  Saw this at 3 A.M. today.  Had to be the best time/state of consciousness for viewing it: it makes quite the ride if you sit back and don't ask questions.  Although I do suspect it would not suffer much if you choose to examine the details along the way - and there are plenty of those.  IMDB listes it as "action/comedy/crime" but that does not quite cover it.  A bit surreal, great swordplay (to me at least: I am new to this but the timing was so good I never questioned what went on), never boring and the closing scene was great!  This film has made me very interested in seeing more of this sort of thing - not something I could say for other 'samurai'-type flicks at all.  Definitely worth a look if you don't mind a bit of humour with your blood and subtitles: it treats the genre with respect even as it plays with it.
"May I offer you a Peek Frean?" - Walter Bishop
"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch


Manhunter (1986) Not a bad film on Hannibal Lecter, but I prefer Silence Of The Lambs more.   3/5


Romeo + Juliet (1996)

I have to say that I enjoyed this a lot.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Meet the Fockers (2004): This sequel to Meet the Parents continues similar hijinks as Pam's stern CIA father Jack Byrnes (Robert DeNiro) meets Greg (Gaylord) Focker (Ben Stiller)'s parents for the first time.

This was not quite as funny as the original and definitely relies much more on gross out humor although there was some of that in the first film too. Actually in this film, Jack comes across as mostly being a jerk while Greg's parents actually prove much more likable despite their zany quirks. Dustin Hoffman as Bernie Focker usually steals the show whenever he's on screen and his interactions with DeNiro tend to provide the film's best moments. Aside from that, it's just more of the same as the first film just it feels a lot less original and arguably even more low brow. The addition of  baby Jack proves mostly annoying to the viewer but does set up some somewhat funny scenes with Ben Stiller. Not a great film but I did like Hoffman and Barbara Streisand's performances as the Fockers. **1/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Quote from: Newt on February 03, 2011, 09:07:50 AM
Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman (2003)

Wow.  Saw this at 3 A.M. today.  Had to be the best time/state of consciousness for viewing it: it makes quite the ride if you sit back and don't ask questions.  Although I do suspect it would not suffer much if you choose to examine the details along the way - and there are plenty of those.  IMDB listes it as "action/comedy/crime" but that does not quite cover it.  A bit surreal, great swordplay (to me at least: I am new to this but the timing was so good I never questioned what went on), never boring and the closing scene was great!  This film has made me very interested in seeing more of this sort of thing - not something I could say for other 'samurai'-type flicks at all.  Definitely worth a look if you don't mind a bit of humour with your blood and subtitles: it treats the genre with respect even as it plays with it.

Quentin Tarantino made sure this film got released in the U.S.. The movie is awesome and Tarantino obviously has great taste. I highly recommend this DVD

which also includes Sonatine, another Cinematic stunner.


Bone Eater (2007) - A developer is building condo's on land where some ancient Indians were buried.  A low budget CGI creature comes to life and starts killing various people, and the job of stopping him falls to Sheriff Bruce Boxleitner.  I've seen this before so I was prepared for the bad CGI and comically bad ending, so it wasn't much of a shock.  The characters were pretty good, the plot was run-of-the-mill SyFy Original stuff, and...yeah.  3.25/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

ZARDOZ (1974): An "outlander" mortal killer stows away inside a flying head to reach "the vortex," a land of bored immortals who view him as either a threat, a curiosity, or a savior.  The crazy mix of high camp (Sean Connery running around in a red diaper), serious speculative sci-fi and budget psychedelic effects could only have been made in the 1970s; it's a highly entertaining cult movie time capsule.  3.5/5.   
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...



Cocaine Cowboys- holy crap. First of all getting Jan Hammer to do the title theme music was a stroke of genius. Its a little crazy sounding but still. Does the rest live up to that? Yes it does.

This is one of those documentaries that's captivating but insanely informative too. They literally jammed everything you would ever want to know about cocaine in Miami in the 80's into 2 hours. You feel like an expert when it's over.

The Feds were asleep at the switch in the 70's and it was incredibly easy to smuggle marijuana into the US, especially Florida. Cocaine came on the scene and as it got more popular it got cheaper and cheaper. The economy in Florida absolutely boomed while the rest of the country floundered in stagflation.

It couldn't go on forever though. The cartels couldn't police their own and they allowed the violence to get out of hand. double and triple homicides were commonplace. The national media began to take notice and so did the Feds. I don't want to give too much away but sufficet to say not all the cowboys were available for this documentary.

The rapid fire interviews are done with various of these characters but the main voice is of Jon Roberts, a night club /mafioso guy from New York who was in the right place at the right time (at least at first) and made tens of millions. You meet the guy who flew the plane, the enforcer guy for the cartel, the girlfriend of the first guy, etc. It's a ton of information but it's really interesting stuff and combined with the fact that Jan Hammer does the title theme it's a definite



Creatures From The Abyss (1994) - watched this again.  Some kids find an abandoned ship out in the ocean, and once aboard discover that there are killer fish lurking about.  Absolutely awful Italian movie - in the best possible way.  Dubbed into English by what sounds like a group of elementary school girls.  The dialogue is incredibly stilted and unnatural.  The special effects are laugh-out-loud bad, and this is the only movie that most of these actors ever appeared in.  3.75/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Fairy Tales (1978) - This was almost worth a topic but not quite. It's all right, but it has a lot of songs and jokes when it could have really used more nudity and weirdness. The songs and the jokes are entertaining at first but wear on you. I would have preferred seeing more of nude little Bo Peep. There is a fair amount of nudity and this is what saves it. The jokes are kind of trying to be Mel Brooks but closer to Can I do it Till I need glasses, a few are almost worth a chuckle. Linnea Quigley is in it briefly at the end but she's too young and it's really not sexy. 3.75/5

Rev. Powell

THE DUNGEON OF HARROW (1962): After a shipwreck an aristocrat washes up on a deserted island where a paranoid madman rules from his castle, sentencing all who oppose him to the title dungeon.  It's well-meaning attempt to create an original story in the style of Edgar Allen Poe, but it's a failure nonetheless.  With double the budget, one script doctoring, Vincent Price as the villain, and a pot of coffee to wake up the rest of the cast, it could have made for an average movie.  Mostly dull but there are a few points of mild interest for bad movie fans: it's got the worst model-ship-in-a-bathtub scene since LADY GODIVA RIDES AGAIN, there's an amusing moment when the villain's madness materializes and throws a toy bat at him, and with his blond dye job the slave henchman looks an awful lot like Dennis Rodman circa 1994.   1.5/5   

DOGTOOTH (2009): A man and his wife keep their three adult children locked away from the outside world, changing the meaning of everyday words and convincing them that the cats that prowl outside will kill them if they leave the estate; but words and ideas from the outside world inevitably reach the protected children, causing confusion and stress.  A strange parable about the way that authority (i.e., government) tries to control every aspect of our perception, and the tragic impossibility of that attempt.  4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Inside:  The first of my order to arrive.  It was alright.  I was expecting more, it was bloody and graphic and found myself feeling rather uncomfortable in a few scenes.   However, seemed tamer then I was expecting.  Not a terrible film but not as great.  Basically, story of a woman who is in a car accident then is stalked by a woman wanting her child.  Lots of bloody violence and death.  I would say more but I think most here are familiar with it.  3/5
Ah, the good old days.


Hell's Ground (2007)- This Pakistani horror movie is more likeable than good, if that makes any sense. The setting is obviously pretty unique for any genre of movie, it doesn't take itself too seriously, there are some nice /creative shots and the female lead is beautiful. Unfortunately, it's a a pretty rote horror movie and even though its only 75 minutes long it drags and lacks a strong story arc. The backstory is kind of more interesting than the film. worth seeing for horror buffs. gore, no nudity. 3/5


Triangle (2009) Blu-ray

Tense thriller and quite the beautiful mindf**k if that is your kind of thing. As I recall one of the most discussed Terror flicks from last year. Not necessarily here at badmovies (haven't noticed a thread) but pretty much on every other message board I frequent. Great flick and the gimmick never wears off. 5/5