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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Transylmania (2009) - A group of college kids goes to Transylvania on some sort of study abroad program.  But there's a vampire about and he's trying to resurrect his girlfriend who's soul has been locked in a music box for many years.  This is a total comedy, and I found it fairly amusing.  It's quite fast paced and just silly, goofy fun.  4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Never take Candy From a Stranger (1960) - This is part of the Hammer suspense series. I liked it but not as much as the Snorkle which I saw on TCM like a year or 2 ago.

2 girls are invited into a house by the town pervert. he has them take off their clothes and dance as he watches. This happens in the like the first 10 minutes not a spoiler ( and they don't show the actual incident). When the girl tells her parents they freak out but the (pervert) guys family are a big deal in the town so this complicates things.

Certainly they deserve credit for taking on this controvesial subject matter in 1960. The acting , directing and so forth was fine. Let me cut to the chase here:

The last 1/3 of the movie is crazy and worth sticking around for but the first hour is problematic. One, this story allegedly takes place in Canada but there is nothing really Canadian about it. The British and American accents mixed and I fogot where it took place because there was no local color.

Also, people have a basic revulsion of perverts. In Iran, not a very progressive nation, they hang people like this in the streets. I didn't buy the idea that people in this town, however cowed they were by this powerful family, were at once simple and working class yet would look the other way when they knew something like this was going on. I understand that it was a subject that was swept under the rug but... I don't know. Maybe so much has changed since then that I couldn't relate to their reaction but it didn't seem genuine to me.

It was well done and again the last 1/3 was exceptional but I just don't know if the social dynamic in the town was believable.

3.75 /5 It typically gets higher scores just fyi


Actually I'm Canadian and I found it believable...many Canadians are by nature rather reserved IMO especially in years past.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Just re-watched INCIDENT AT LOCH NESS for the first time in years. I'd forgotten how much I love this film.

Herzog: "I vant to roll enormous boulders down to the shore. Of couse ve vill not use the shot in the actual film."

If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.


Quote from: Raffine on February 24, 2011, 09:56:44 PM
Just re-watched INCIDENT AT LOCH NESS for the first time in years. I'd forgotten how much I love this film.

Herzog: "I vant to roll enormous boulders down to the shore. Of couse ve vill not use the shot in the actual film."


Thats a GREAT movie!  :thumbup:

I just rewatched SUNSET BOULEVARD with Gloria Swanson,William Holden and Erich Von Strohiem. Classic.
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Slime City.  God, that was painful. :bouncegiggle:
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."


American Grindhouse
Really awesome documentary  :thumbup:


Dillinger is Dead (1969) -  If you want to see something that is really on the exact border between art and bulls**t check this out. I was infuriated at it at first but ended up liking it probably more than I would admit.

A guy comes home from work , talks to his wife and maid then listens to some music and makes himself dinner. That's pretty much it for the first 2/3 of the movie! It's utterly baffling. The wife is played by Anita Pallenberg who was a big time star at the time. She dated Brian Jones and THEN Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones, a shift that has always perplexed me. She's zonked out on pills, and  it's pretty clear he is already or is going to be horsing around with the maid. At any rate, he goes on making food and listening to music for damn near an hour. It's completely ridiculous but I couldn't turn it off. If you can make it to the last part stuff starts happening.

The print is great. The colors are very nice and thuogh most if it takes place in the guys apartment, that's pretty nice too! It's different, thats for sure. not a little Andy Kaufman -esque


Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 26, 2011, 01:42:42 PM
Dillinger is Dead (1969) -  If you want to see something that is really on the exact border between art and bulls**t check this out. I was infuriated at it at first but ended up liking it probably more than I would admit.

A guy comes home from work , talks to his wife and maid then listens to some music and makes himself dinner. That's pretty much it for the first 2/3 of the movie! It's utterly baffling.

I've seen a lot of art movies where nothing happens.  This is the best one. 

The soundtrack was actually pretty good.  That helps.  And the guy's apartment is pretty cool.  And you forgot to mention he finds a gun.   
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Alien Incursion (2006)

Monsters from outer space munch people hiking in a forest. Bad creature feature shot on high tech video with awful CGI aliens. Lots of guts and blood but no heart and soul. 2.5/5 Cheese


rev- I was mad at it but I kept watching it. It's unlike any movie I've ever seen.


CyberTracker (1994)

It's RoboCop, The Terminator and Total Recall all in one. Blatant PM Entertainment Group production, they pretty much went out of business ten years ago when DVD took over VHS. CyberTracker is a relic of 90s DTV action and can be fun at times. 3/5 Cheese


claws- have you seen Hologram Man?


Spider-Man: Mutant Agenda (1995): This DVD release from Morningstar combines/edits down three episodes of the 1990s Spider-Man into one long story. The episodes are "The Mutant Agenda", "Mutants' Revenge" and "Morbius". Here Spider-Man seeks help from Professor Charles Xavier hoping to counteract potential mutating changes within his own body and runs across the X-Men. Spider-Man is disappointed when he learns Professor X isn't in fact focused on curing mutants but Beast pursues Spider-Man hoping to help him only to fall into a trap set by Harold Landon, a man determined to wipe out mutants. In the end, Spider-Man and Wolverine must team up to try and save Hank but making matters even more complicated is the arrival of Hobgoblin on the scene. Following these events, Spider-Man runs across a mutant vampire named Morbius.

There were some fun moments with Spider-Man interacting with the X-Men, mainly Wolverine, Beast and Rogue but well the story comes across as rather dumb and predictable when it's not being confusing with too many characters involved. It also feels too much like a Wolverine-Spider-Man team up with all the rest of the X-Men being ineffectually involved in the background for most of its running time. The story with Morbius is also disappointing because of how defanged literally Morbius is here from his comic book form. Here he's not a frightening vampire/anti-hero but a victim of unexpected mutation. Not bad for a largely censored kids cartoon with lots of action, tons of characters and dumb jokes. Fun but nowhere near as good as it might have been if there'd been more freedom allowed. ** out of ***** stars.

This DVD also includes two bonus episodes from the 1990s Iron Man animated series - the 2 part "Iron Man To the Second Power" where Modok creates a robot Iron Man double to do the Mandarin's evil bidding while Iron Man is away searching for rare minerals. Mandarin hopes to both give Iron Man a bad name and use the robot to help him control the world. This story is arguably even dumber than the Spider-Man episodes and frequently seemed more concerned with soap interest style love triangles with most of the villains especially Blacklash and Dreadknight trying to impress and win the affections of Hypnotia while the Scarlet Witch and Spider-Woman also vye for Tony Stark's affections. Will, can Iron Man defeat a robot identical to himself? Yes we do finally get the battle in the end not that it proves all that thrilling really. *1/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 27, 2011, 04:37:05 PM
claws- have you seen Hologram Man?

Yep, I own the DVD. Love those PM movies.