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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: bob on July 06, 2011, 11:22:42 PM
Disaster Movie -  :hatred: :hatred: :hatred: :hatred: :hatred: 0/5 one of the worst of all time. there is nothing funny or original in this laugh free comedy

Basically, it's like every other movie that those two "directors" make.  On the plus, their movies spawn wonderfully hilarous reviews.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.


Easy A (2010): a teenage girl named Olive Pendegast (Emma Stone) makes the mistake of spreading a lie that she sleeps around to finally get some attention, notice and notoriety from her peers but finds the rumors and lies growing and spinning more out of control, and thus so is her life as well, as a result.

In a plot to brings to mind similar films such as Can't Buy Me Love, Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club throws in elements of The Scarlet Letter and references other romantic/comedy classics such as Say Anything... and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, this movie delivers surprisingly well and would probably fit right into someone's collection right alongside these 80s classics most of which were directed by John Hughes. It's helped a lot by Stone's performance as she makes Olive a quirky, instantly likable young teenage girl, smart and gifted with a terrific sense of humor. It is a little hard to buy into Olive going largely unnoticed early on however but overlooking that flaw and few others that really stretch the believability factor, this was a largely enjoyable chick flick likely to appeal to more than just chicks. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Mean Girls 2 (2011): A tomboy named Jo (Meaghan Martin) moves to town along with her race car mechanic father and finds herself inevitably drawn rather unwilling into dealing with her new school's most popular girl clique known as the Plastics who soon target her when she befriends someone they consider only worthy of their contempt.

This TV movie followup to the original Mean Girls features a whole new cast, pretty much a similar plot, a couple of likable leads with Meaghan Martin as Jo and Jennifer Stone as Abby but really little in the way of surprises. The Plastics here are so one-dimensional (a slutty girl, an hypochrondiac and a queen bee snobby rich girl b***h) that they don't seem at all like real people, as in they really don't seem to have any real personality, certainly nothing that would make them likable at least, at all. I see no logical reason for head Plastic Mandi (Maiara Walsh) having gained the status she seems to have here. Things here lack the humor and oomph the original had. They one pretty much just plays to audience expectation and is probably more inclined to make one yawn or sigh bemusedly that to make one laugh. Honestly only the likableness of Jennifer Stone's Abby and her friendship with Jo makes this the slightest bit interesting at all. **1/2 ot of ***** stars (and that's probably generous)
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


A fantastic visual achievement and nothing else but incredible special effects. It's like a videogame that has excellent graphics and nothing else. It's incredbily dull.

1.5 out of 5 stars.
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


Quote from: bob on July 09, 2011, 02:09:58 PM

A fantastic visual achievement and nothing else but incredible special effects. It's like a videogame that has excellent graphics and nothing else. It's incredbily dull.

1.5 out of 5 stars.

If by "incredibly dull" you mean "beautiful, enthralling, frightening, awe-inspiring" then yes.

A mess of things I've viewed recently:

Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001) - They left Baragon out of the title and, unfortunately, he's not in it very long even though he's probably the one that looks the the best and has the most character.  Anyways, this is a direct sequel to the original Godzilla in that it takes place 50 years later and ol' Godzilla returns to wreak havoc.  Guardian monsters are summoned to defend the world from him.  This is a mostly enjoyable G-flick but I think it's got a better reputation than it deserves.  7/10

Meatcleaver Massacre (1977) - First, there isn't a single meatcleaver in the film.  Some a-hole college student and his buddies who are part of some vague club decide to break in to the home of a professor they dislike.  Things go a little too far and they wind up killing the professor's family, including their dog Poopers!  The professor survives but is paralyzed and unable to speak.  He summons a demon named Morak (I think) to get revenge on the murderers (he was teaching the class about said demon early in the film).  

This is a really really weird movie, with opening and closing scenes of Christopher Lee rambling about spirits and Shamans that's pretty much irrelevant to anything in the film.  In fact those scenes weren't shot for the film but purchased from someone who shot them from an uncompleted film.  The music is terrible, there are scenes that have no purpose, some of the shots looks like they're from an art film, and it's just an overall mess of crap.  I enjoyed it quite a bit.  8/10

Games (1967) - A rich couple like to play weird pranks, or games with people.  A woman selling beauty products winds up staying with them for a while after she has a nervous breakdown or something in their home and they eventually befriend her.  After one of their games goes wrong and a man is shot and killed, they attempt to hide the body.  I don't really want to give anything away but it's a sadly predictable film, but it's very watchable.  I generally like Curtis Harrington films even if I don't love them, but they have a certain feel that appeals to me.  This one features a wonderfully gaudy home.  7/10

House of Harrington (2008) - A very short film about Curtis Harrington's film career.  There are a few nice anecdotes from Harrington but it mostly skims along in covering his work.  There are some nice clips from his very first 8mm film he made as a teenager and excerpts from his rare early experimental work.  6/10 only if you like the man's work

The Devil's Brother (1933) -  This is a very funny Laurel and Hardy flick (as Stanlio and Ollio) where they get mixed up with a bandit known as Fra Diavalo.  The scenes without Stan and Ollie are kind of blah, but it's good stuff overall.  8/10

Ogroff or Mad Mutilator (1983) - A backwoods cannibal type named Ogroff who randomly kills people, hacks em up, eat parts of them, and drops parts under the floor of his shack.  He likes to destroy their property, too.  Throughout the film he seems to struggle with some sort of inner turmoil.  This is a French film but even if you watched it without subtitles it wouldn't matter as there's practically no dialogue and the film as a whole doesn't make sense anyways.  It's a violent and tasteless film, featuring moments of child-dismemberment and Ogroff "masturbating" using his axe instead of his penis, but it's all so shoddy that it's inoffensive.  Really needs to be seen to be believed.  Bravo!  8/10 or maybe 0/10, or 20/10


bob- did you see that before and gave it a 0/5 ? and  :hatred: :hatred: :hatred: things

Cash On Demand- Jase sf reviews this a page or so back. It's a solid, well made thing with a master criminal guy pulling off a brazen robbery. He's got his plan down and Peter Cushing as Mr Fordice is helpless as a lamb as the head banker guy who was not expecting any of this. I thought the robber guy, colonel whatever, was calling him "four eyes".

Cushing is particularly good as the banker. The plot is the type of thing that's been done quite a bit since but it keeps you guessing. I generally prefer movies with more women though.



Quote from: lester1/2jr on July 09, 2011, 04:12:34 PM
bob- did you see that before and gave it a 0/5 ? and  :hatred: :hatred: :hatred: things

Yeah, I rewatched it today and found a few things I liked this time around.
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


Probably one of the movies I hate the most.


Zombie Town (2007) - some sort of parasitic slugs take over the residents of a small town, and it's up to a trio of young people to save the day.  This is a comedy that actually made me laugh a few times with its dry sense of humor.  Otherwise it was fairly average SyFy Original type stuff all the way.  3.25/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

TETSUO THE BULLET MAN (2009): A man with "android DNA" turns into a metal monster when he gets angry. Pointless b-movie styled remake of an underground classic that turns surrealism into silliness.  2/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Jack on July 10, 2011, 07:04:13 AM
Zombie Town (2007) - some sort of parasitic slugs take over the residents of a small town, and it's up to a trio of young people to save the day.  This is a comedy that actually made me laugh a few times with its dry sense of humor.  Otherwise it was fairly average SyFy Original type stuff all the way.  3.25/5.

This was released as Night of the Creeps 2 (!) in Germany. Not only that, the movie was also censored by 3 minutes. So, whoever watched this in Germany got f**ked twice  :teddyr:

Trilogy of Terror (1975)

Karen Black shines in three tales of horror. Classic TV shocker including the legendary Zuni Fetish Hunting doll sequence that still packs a punch. 4/5


I like Steve Carell a lot. I wanted to like this movie. Instead it's a steaming pile of cow dung. There is nothing funny in this movie. This is junk, pure junk.


:hatred: :hatred: :hatred:
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


Tron- Does this movie make more sense than the second one?  :wink: goofy FX, Visuals, and some Dialogue, but a solid 5/5.  :smile:
yeah no.


Daughter of the Tong (1939) - very very low budget and awful Fu Manchu wannna be. The Tong womans name is Carney (?) and she's just a white lady with black hair.  If this had been in better condition it would have been an easy pick for MST3K but it's an alpha product. If you've seen all the fu manchu serials, watch them again!
