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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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"Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero" (1998)

In the second feature length spinoff from "Batman: The Animated Series," Mr. Freeze returns to Gotham and kidnaps Barbara (Batgirl) Gordon, whose rare blood type may the the key to a cure for Freeze's terminally ill wife. Of course, Batman and Robin race to the rescue.

As usual with this series, "Sub-Zero" features great animation, a well written and action packed story, and an excellent voice cast. I wish the animated series crew had been in charge of the Batman live-action films at the time, rather than Joel Schumacher.
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The Take (2004)-documentary.  workers take over factories in post sovereign debt default Argentina. horrible ex President resembles Nixon 4.5/5


2-Headed Shark Attack (2012) - some college kids are doing a semester-at-sea but their boat breaks down so they hang out on an island while repairs are attempted. Problem is there's a two headed shark attacking them and the island is sinking for some reason. It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect - a bunch of girls running around in bikinis and stuff. Funniest part was one of the wide-angle shots where you could see quite a few other islands nearby; if the one you're on is sinking and you've got three small boats, um...well they didn't think of that anyway. The ending was ridiculous but other than that it was pretty fun. 3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

MST3K: MASTER NINJA II: Two more episodes of the Master Ninja series see Lee van Cleef and Timothy van Patten involved with a hot union organizer and rescuing some hostages with the help of secret agent George Lazenby. Many of the jokes are recycled from MASTER NINJA I, and it';s a pleasant enough episode but nothing special in the series. 3/5.

THE FOURTH DIMENSION (2012): Three arty, low-budget films each mentioning "the fourth dimension." Harmony Korine directs Val Kilmer as a low-rent motivational speaker in the first installment; unfortunately, it's the worst of an uninspiring bunch of tales that never really get off the ground. 1.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


     TERROR (1978)

     I've a certain affection for this film I don't really understand; it's not a great film, nor is it reminds me of something Amicus might've made between omnibus features.

     The story's familiar, a group of handsome young folks sets out to make a horror movie at a manor house (owned by the director), only to have horrific things happening for real. The house has one of those "Until-the-last-descendant-dies"-type curses on it, and bad stuff starts happening to the cast and crew.

     I didn't see this theatrically, but first caught it about 1981 on MOVIE 5 about one am. I've seen it on tv three times, and I've watched it three times since I bought it in this set....

     Maybe it's nostalgia for the days when I was young, generally high as a dog, and spent many a post-closing time night watching such flicks on all-night tv.
     One could do worse.
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


Terror (1978) is a pretty cool "supernatural slasher". SPOILER WARNING

The floating car scene is amazing. Love it.


Dead Season (2012) - post-zombie apocalypse, two people flee the mainland and go to an island where they hope to find safety. Instead they find that it's run by a very strict paramilitary organization, there are zombies o'plenty, and there's a severe shortage of food. They eventually decide to leave, but the leader of the place isn't too likely to let them have his only boat and wish them a fond farewell. This was a somewhat bleak and depressing thing (and not fun and exciting the way we all know the zombie apocalypse is going to be). They decided to make the characters tough and unemotional, and considering it's very much a character based drama, it would have been a hell of a lot better if they'd made them normal people we could have gotten to know and care about. Wasn't too bad overall though. 3/5.

Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption (2011) - this begins with a guy escaping from a group of raiders - baddies who kill everyone they meet and take their stuff. He was allied with them, but I guess he didn't fit in so they wanted to execute him but he managed to get away. He meets up with a group of normal people who are just trying to survive, but of course he's got all those bad guys chasing after him so it's just one battle after another. I could have sworn this was made in the '80s but it's just a year old. Lots of cheesiness to it, some of it a bit charming. Starts out real slow but gets more fun as it goes. 3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


I dunno if this counts as a viewing but over the weekend I was watching my underpants stack up in the laundry basket, waiting for a wash (yeah, right) and I was also watching my grass grow, hoping someone would come along and cut it.  :wink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


"The Rookie" (1990)

Clint Eastwood returns to old school "Dirty Harry" territory as a veteran L.A. cop breaking in a new partner (Charlie Sheen) while investigating a particularly brutal gang of international car thieves. As you might expect, many bullets fly and lotsa stuff blows up in the process. This flick was notorious in its day for the scene in which Clint, who's been taken hostage by the bad guys, is raped (!) by a coked-out Sonia ("Kiss of the Spider Woman") Braga. Lots of cool automotive mayhem too.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


     INVASION USA (1985)


    If one were to pick a movie that best exemplifies the simple, homespun pleasures of American cinecheese, one couldn't do better than INVASION USA.

    I was having trouble sleeping, so I got up, made myself a peanut butter and cheese sangwich, some iced mocha, and put this puppy in the DVD player....

    Nirvana, Dollar Night style. Indeed, that's the first place I saw this, back in 1985, at the Lorain Twin Cinema, their Wednesday Dollar Night . Since then, I've seen it at least a dozen times, savoring it as one does a favorite recipe.

    Chuck "Fourteen Feet Thick" Norris,  a retired Fed, coming out of the swamp to finally put the kibosh on

      Richard "Cousin Creepy" Lynch, playing a Ruskie named Rostov, who Chuck gave a Pasadena to years before, under orders. This time, Ol' Baconface is leading a horde of Central Casting mercenaries to topple America by destroying national morale by blowing up malls and churches at Christmas.

    Needless to say, he's got that ass-whuppin' comin'.The picture just takes off from there.

    If you've never seen INVASION USA, go to Amazon, and buy a copy; well worth it.
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


Sand Sharks (2012) - some sharks have developed the ability to swim through sand just like it was water. The movie opens with a guy on a motocross bike being chased across the dunes by a huge CGI shark fin - I was hooked lol. It's utterly ridiculous. The story mostly has to do with some totally immoral concert promoter putting on a huge show on the beach; the sheriff and everybody else want it cancelled because the sand sharks will kill everyone, but the guy's father is the mayor so the show must go on. Hulk Hogan's daughter plays a scientist who's investigating the sharks, and there are plenty of other goofy characters mostly played for laughs. I thought the whole thing was quite entertaining. 4/5.

Also listened to the commentary track on Ewe Boll's House Of The Dead. Ewe would be a fun guy to watch movies with; at one point Ellie Cornell is trying to climb through a window but the zombies get her and tear her legs off. As she's laying there dying, Ewe says "Everybody liked Ellie and we would have loved to have kept her around, but we couldn't have her running around on her stubs for the rest of the movie."  :bouncegiggle: He seems generally satisfied that he made a fun and entertaining zombie movie, but he makes fun of it throughout, so he's under no illusion that it's a work of art.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: alandhopewell on November 26, 2012, 02:32:12 PM
     TERROR (1978)

     The story's familiar, a group of handsome young folks sets out to make a horror movie at a manor house (owned by the director), only to have horrific things happening for real. The house has one of those "Until-the-last-descendant-dies"-type curses on it, and bad stuff starts happening to the cast and crew.

     I didn't see this theatrically, but first caught it about 1981 on MOVIE 5 about one am. I've seen it on tv three times, and I've watched it three times since I bought it in this set....

     Maybe it's nostalgia for the days when I was young, generally high as a dog, and spent many a post-closing time night watching such flicks on all-night tv.
     One could do worse.

Huh.  I own that set but have not yet watched TERROR.  I'll have to rectify that. 


The boys return to track down a plutonium mine and seek revenge for one of their comrades (**MILD SPOILER - it's the Liam Hemsworth character END SPOILER**) and this time there's a girl Expendable and some  new cameos - which, if you haven't seen the trailers, I won't give away but they are very badass.
This was a total blast and it remedies a lot of the issues I had with the first movie.  9/10


It wasn't great but I was expecting worse.
The cast was very good.  Andrew Garfield is closer to the smart-mouth cartoon Spidey and was kind of a nice break from Tobey Maguire's Sullen Dick routine.  Emma Stone (Gwen) and Rhys Ifans (Dr. Conners/Lizard) and Martin Sheen & Sally Field (Uncle Ben & Aunt Bea) were also good.
The characters all had a little more dimension than in the Raimi flicks.
In this version, Peter builds  the web-slingers instead of secreting them.  Kind of a nitpicky thing, but that always bugged me.

The CGI was bad.  I think they were banking too much on the 3D.
The story was pretty thin and took too long to actually start.
This fellow was sadly absent:

(seriously, is that not one of the greatest comic-movie castings ever?)

I just want to know how many Spiderman movies I have to sit through before he gets the giant robot  :wink:  6/10
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me


Quote from: Jack on November 28, 2012, 07:30:55 AM
Also listened to the commentary track on Ewe Boll's House Of The Dead. Ewe would be a fun guy to watch movies with; at one point Ellie Cornell is trying to climb through a window but the zombies get her and tear her legs off. As she's laying there dying, Ewe says "Everybody liked Ellie and we would have loved to have kept her around, but we couldn't have her running around on her stubs for the rest of the movie."  :bouncegiggle: He seems generally satisfied that he made a fun and entertaining zombie movie, but he makes fun of it throughout, so he's under no illusion that it's a work of art.

Yeah Uwe Boll actually does pretty entertaining commentaries. I remember enjoying the one he did for Rampage as well as House of the dead. Speaking of entertaining commentaries I watched King of New York with Abel Fererra's commentary.

This commentary is insane! Fererra starts off by saying the only reason he's doing this is because he is being paid 5000$. He openly calls his film "crap" as well as lambasting the actors for claiming to have improvised written lines. A drunken Fererra goes on to insult his critics as well as the distributors. The only people that get off without criticism is Christopher Walken, Stanley Kubrick, and the cinematographer. He ends the commentary by grabbing a guitar and singing an acoustic version of the rap title track!

Rev. Powell

WEEKEND (1967): A cruel bourgeois couple take a weekend to travel to see the wife's dying father in hopes of grabbing his inheritance, but traffic patterns, civilization, and reality all break down during their journey. Jean-Luc Godard's satire in the style of Luis Bunuel mixes exhilarating ideas (the unexplained car wrecks everywhere give a sense of society collapsing) with pedantic ones (dated Marxist lectures on colonialism); it's "all very Sixites." You could see it either as Godard's last accessible film, or his first inaccessible one. 3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: fulci420 on November 28, 2012, 06:55:16 PM
Quote from: Jack on November 28, 2012, 07:30:55 AM
Also listened to the commentary track on Ewe Boll's House Of The Dead. Ewe would be a fun guy to watch movies with; at one point Ellie Cornell is trying to climb through a window but the zombies get her and tear her legs off. As she's laying there dying, Ewe says "Everybody liked Ellie and we would have loved to have kept her around, but we couldn't have her running around on her stubs for the rest of the movie."  :bouncegiggle: He seems generally satisfied that he made a fun and entertaining zombie movie, but he makes fun of it throughout, so he's under no illusion that it's a work of art.

Yeah Uwe Boll actually does pretty entertaining commentaries. I remember enjoying the one he did for Rampage as well as House of the dead. Speaking of entertaining commentaries I watched King of New York with Abel Fererra's commentary.

This commentary is insane! Fererra starts off by saying the only reason he's doing this is because he is being paid 5000$. He openly calls his film "crap" as well as lambasting the actors for claiming to have improvised written lines. A drunken Fererra goes on to insult his critics as well as the distributors. The only people that get off without criticism is Christopher Walken, Stanley Kubrick, and the cinematographer. He ends the commentary by grabbing a guitar and singing an acoustic version of the rap title track!

Oh man that sounds fun! I think my favorite was for the first Resident Evil movie. Milla Jovovich is drinking throughout (and so was everybody else for all I know) and they're all quite silly by the end; everybody has a great time.

Birdemic is another good one.  You can switch back and forth between the director's commentary, where he's talking about what a great and important film he made, and the actor's commentary, where they're talking about what a screwball the director was and how unbelievably amateurish the whole production was  :bouncegiggle:

Midnight Matinee (1989) - a small town has a horror movie festival and someone is murdered by a mysterious killer. Flash forward two years and another festival is planned and sure enough, as soon as it starts so do the murders. The story focuses on a girl who's bored with the small town life; her boyfriend promises to take her away, but one could grow old and gray waiting for him. Her father (played by The Smoking Man from the X-Files, and twice as creepy here) is a Hollywood producer and also offers to take her away. Her mom, divorced from her father, is overprotective and just wants to keep her daughter safe at home. There are plenty of other off-kilter characters that we can consider as possible suspects. It has kind of a weird atmosphere to it, with aloof characters that are more interesting than sympathetic. I thought it worked pretty well. Kept me guessing about the killer's identity up until the end. 3.5/5.

The Dark Side of the Moon (1990) - some people are on a large spaceship in orbit around the moon. All their systems shut down, including life support, but luckily a space shuttle happens to be cruising by so they dock with it and access its oxygen supply. But it gets strange from there - the space shuttle supposedly crashed into the Atlantic years earlier and it's half filled with salt water and seaweed. They find a dead crew member onborad with a big triangular hole cut in his stomach. Next thing you know their own crew members start being taken over by some demonic force. Will anyone survive? This was okay. I love sci-fi / horror so I'm probably far more forgiving of its flaws than I should be. The plot was pretty darned cheesy and the characters were overly obnoxious, but it did manage to create a somewhat suspenseful atmosphere. 3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho