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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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The director
The director, a homosexual, is known for extolling the beauty of male nudity and love between males in his films, which is probably why we get to see more of Romeo than Juliet in the film, and why some say that the romance between Romeo and Juliet is nothing compared to the romance between Romeo and Mercutio.

Anyway . . .
(1) the director's homosexuality
(2) the actors' ages
(3) both
(4) neither

the director nails the bonds between the young bucks in the film like no other film version. He also nails the action scenes, which can be divided into three.

The street brawls
(1) the first between the adherents of the Capulets and the Montagues.
(2) the one between Mercutio and Tybalt which begins comically and ends tragically.
(3) the one between Romeo and Tybalt which is dead serious from the get go.

After spending the night at Juliet's house, Romeo's running down the hill to Friar Laurence's cell. No other scene in any version so well captures the exuberance of youth.

The mad dash, at the end, from Verona to Mantua and then back to Verona.

The down side is that excluding Romeo, Mercutio. and Tybalt, I have a hard time telling the young bucks apart. For example Benvolvio and Balthazar.

To be continued . . .


What I had forgotten.

(1) How young Juliet is in the film. She is still a fortnight, or two weeks, from her 14th birthday, so she is still 13, when the film opens.

(2) Romeo had a thing for older women. While we are not told how old he is, he is thought to be 3 to 5 years older than Juliet. Which would make him older than she, but younger than Rosaline who we see the party, and who Romeo goes to the party to see.

(3) Tybalt. How good Michael York is in the role. He has a nice line in glowers, when he is at the party.

(5) Murder. Lady Capulet endorses the idea that someone go to Mantua, where Romeo has been exiled, after killing Tybalt, to poison him.

(6) Goofs. The number of goofs in the film. Which though bothersome, as they should not have happened, they do not make the film unwatchable, as the director gets so much right.

(7) The score. How good the musical score is. Unlike the film scores of today, the score does not hit one wrong note thru out the film.

To be continued . . .


What I had not forgotten.

(1) Like most films, this film is a reflection of its time. Here the youth rebellion of the '60's.

(2) How Shakespeare hit all the bases. From the bawdy humor of the Nurse to the intellectual humor of Mercutio, Because he had to hit all the bases, as theatergoers of that time were such a diverse lot.

(3) How Shakespeare created characters with whom we still have some sympathy.

(4) How Shakespeare created character types which still exist to some extent today. Romeo the lover. Tybalt the aggressor. Mercutio the thinker. Benvolio the peacemaker. Balthazar the helper.

Which is why, though the source of the play is from the early 14th century, and the film supposedly takes place in  the late 15th century, a play which,  from the 16th century, is stilll staged almost continuously, and whose first film version dates from the late 19th century.

To be continued . . .



(1) Even if we are wrong, why do some of us think that even before Rosaline, there was a romance between Romeo and Mercutio? Is it because Tybalt accused Mercutio of consorting with Romeo? Now "consorting" means associating, but it can also be used in reference to one's spouse, and from the contemporary writers--Dante, Boccaccio, etc.--of the time the film supposedly takes place, it was a deadly insult to accuse someone of homosexuality. Like calling someone a 'fag" or a "queer" today.

(2) Is that why Mercutio took on Tybalt, knowing Tybalt's reputation as a deadly swordsman. Otherwise, that act seems out of character for Mercutio.

(3) Was there a male wing and a female wing to the House of Capulet? Taking into consideration, where the front door most likely was, most of the male activity seems to take place to the left of the screen, and the female activing to the right of the screen.

(4) Why weren't the horses, at the end of the film, sweating more heavily after their mad dash from Verona to Mantua then back to Verona?

To be continued . . .



There is another film version of "Romeo and Juliet" coming to the big screen this year. The most interesting thing I think about this version so far, is that Romeo and Benvolio swap ages. In the 1968 version, Romeo is about 17 or the age of the actor, while in the 2013 version, Romeo is about 21 or the age of the actor. While in the 1968 version, Benvolio is about 21 or the age of the actor, while in the 2013 version, Benvolio is about 17 or the age of the actor. Only a 4 year difference between the two Romeos, but already a strike against the latest version for me. As a 21-year-old actor is unlikely able to express effectively the callowness of youth that the role calls for.


Next month's film at the library is Hitchcock's "I, Confess." One of the few Hitchcock films I have never seen, so I'll most likely see it, and then report back on it.


Heebie Jeebies (2013) - watched this on SyFy last night. An old gold mine is re-opened and of course that awakens a monster that goes on a rampage. Kind of a cool looking monster, like a huge mouth with various heads hanging off it. It's CGI, but I'll at least give them credit for originality. The characters were fairly likable and the plot moved at a good enough pace. It's was very cheesy throughout, and overall managed to entertain. 3/5.

We also watched some of Tasmanian Devils (2013). Missed the first half hour or so, but it's about some extreme base jumpers (or something) who go to a remote area of Tasmania and run into these comically stupid looking CGI Komodo Dragon type things. Comically stupid pretty much describes everything about this movie, though it was all unintentional. For instance they lure the devils into a cave to trap them, then cause the entrance to collapse by tossing a stick of dynamite 30 feet outside the cave. The actual cave-in is done with terrible CGI. The characters weren't really likable, most were semi-obnoxious. If you want something to laugh at this might fit the bill.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 10, 2013, 09:03:30 AM
re watched Repo Man 5/5

Criterion Collection is putting out a DVD of this April 16--I don't think the extra features have been announced yet.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Jennifer's Body" (2009)

Hipster high-school horror flick in which the school nerd (Amanda Seyfried) discovers that her lifelong best friend (Megan Fox) has been possessed by the demonic spirit of a Succubus and is feeding on their classmates. Hilarity, of course, ensues.
Very tongue-in cheek stuff ala "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," with very funny dialogue and of course, plenty of eye candy courtesy of Ms. Fox.  Worth a look.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"The Omega Man" (1971)

Second film adaptation of Richard Matheson's I Am Legend (It was previously filmed as Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price in the 60s, and again as I Am Legend with Will Smith in the '00s) stars Charlton Heston as Robert Neville, government scientist and survivor of a bacterial plague that has reduced much of humanity to a nightstalking horde of barbarians. Eventually he meets others who are immune to the plague and with their help, develops a cure for the condition, but the problem is that the "infected" may not want to be cured after all...

This flick was apparently a pretty big hit in its day (and it was also controversial at the time due to an interracial love scene between Heston and leading lady Rosalind Cash) but its '70s goofiness dates it pretty badly now. The over-the-top performances by Heston and Anthony Zerbe (as "Matthias," leader of the barbarian cult) in particular are pure ham. Stick with the Vincent Price or Will Smith versions.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Kong Island (1968) - some mad scientist is doing brain surgery on gorillas. He'd like to try his procedure on humans as well (so that he can enslave all of humanity and take over the world!), and he wants his first test subject to be a certain guy he tried to kill at the beginning of the movie. So he kidnaps a girl that the guy likes which of course lures him to his laboratory. This was pretty terrible. Boring as hell, with enough stock footage of jungle wildlife for a half-hour documentary. The same terrible "song" plays over and over throughout the entire movie. It's elevator music and completely inappropriate for every one of the numerous scenes it plays during. The girl who got kidnapped was pretty and easily the most developed character, though that's not saying much at all. The main guy refused to rescue her until he found out that she was kidnapped by the guy who tried to kill him, and he also demanded money from the girl's father. He's our hero :lookingup: This took some real willpower to sit through. 1.75/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on February 11, 2013, 12:20:13 AM
"The Omega Man" (1971)

Second film adaptation of Richard Matheson's I Am Legend (It was previously filmed as Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price in the 60s, and again as I Am Legend with Will Smith in the '00s) stars Charlton Heston as Robert Neville, government scientist and survivor of a bacterial plague that has reduced much of humanity to a nightstalking horde of barbarians. Eventually he meets others who are immune to the plague and with their help, develops a cure for the condition, but the problem is that the "infected" may not want to be cured after all...

This flick was apparently a pretty big hit in its day (and it was also controversial at the time due to an interracial love scene between Heston and leading lady Rosalind Cash) but its '70s goofiness dates it pretty badly now. The over-the-top performances by Heston and Anthony Zerbe (as "Matthias," leader of the barbarian cult) in particular are pure ham. Stick with the Vincent Price or Will Smith versions.

I agree-it is dated. And I agree the LAST MAN ON EARTH with Vinnie is great pre-NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD man against the dead horror-but the Will Smith version-with its cgi cookie cutter vampire/ way! I'll watch Moses vs. vampires anyday! This is classic Heston sci-fi-along with SOYLENT GREEN!
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


QuoteI agree-it is dated. And I agree the LAST MAN ON EARTH with Vinnie is great pre-NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD man against the dead horror-but the Will Smith version-with its cgi cookie cutter vampire/ way! I'll watch Moses vs. vampires anyday! This is classic Heston sci-fi-along with SOYLENT GREEN!

I haven't seen SOYLENT since I was a kid, but I may look into seeing it now as a companion piece to OMEGA. Charlton Heston was pure tough-guy hambone in OMEGA, he was totally cracking me up. If he chewed the scenery any harder he would've tore a hole right through the movie.

I love LAST MAN ON EARTH and I don't even mind the Will Smith I AM LEGEND. It's not great but it has its moments.

...shoot, I even kinda sorta like the Asylum's LEGEND ripoff, I AM OMEGA, starring the guy from "Iron Chef America."  :bouncegiggle:
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


 PRECIOUS (2009) An overweight pregnat black girl (pregnat by her own father,no less!) struggles against an abusive scumbag mother while trying to better herself in school. And she contracted AIDS by her own father! Oh-she has a kid named Mongo-cause the kids a mongoloid. Sounds real down beat,dont it? It Is...but the performance by Gabourey Sidibie make it a great it!

Heres the trailer!

(I cant post videos on this ancient computer-so ya gotta follow the link-sorry!)
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Quote from: RCMerchant on February 11, 2013, 07:48:50 AM
-but the Will Smith version-with its cgi cookie cutter vampire/ way! I'll watch Moses vs. vampires anyday! This is classic Heston sci-fi-along with SOYLENT GREEN!

The Will Smith version was lacking balls. I read they actually made hand-made f/x for the creatures but didn't use it for whatever reason. Lame.
Omega Man is cool by default because of the time it was made. It's a Tarantino fave, so you got your approval right there  :wink:
Count me in as another who will watch the Heston version over the Smith version any day.