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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: FatFreddysCat on March 24, 2013, 08:57:12 AM
"Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2" (2012)

Yeah, I "took one for the team" and watched this one w/my wife last night...

In the fifth (and thankfully final) installment of the Twilight Saga, Bella finally becomes a vamp and hubby Edward has to raise a vampire/werewolf army to protect their hybrid child from the villainous Volturi. Or something like that. There may be more to it but honestly, I was nodding off by the three quarter mark of this lengthy, talky, boring flick so I may have missed some sh*t.
As usual, my advice when it comes to "Twilight" is this: if you have a penis, there is no reason for you to watch these movies.

is there any nudity in the twilight films? I'm just asking for academic curiosity.  Seriously ;-)


I think most people here would be glad to see the "Twilight" series come to an end, but I do wonder, if the people who are making money from the films and books will give up such a cash cow. As there are two ways we'll see more films.

(1) The authoress writes more books in the series, and these are turned into more films.

(2) They skip the books and create more films from original scripts.

Even if we never see a new film, there may be an upcoming way that anyone who is interested will be able to get their daily dose of "Twilight" fever. For Universal theme parks is asking its current guests whether they want to see attractions based on the "Twilight" series of films. The only problem I see, besides no demand, is where is Universal going to put the attractions. They have the room at their Florida theme park, but not their California theme park.

As a further note, they are also asking their guests whether they want to see attractions based on "The Hobbit" series of films. Which seems to be a better bet, as we know two more "Hobbit" films are coming, and we don't know if any more "Twilight" films are coming.

And just across and down the street, Disney is asking its current guests whether they want to see any new attractions based on the "Star Wars" films, but I see they have the same problem as Universal, which is a lack of space.

We shall see, what we shall see.


Spellcaster (1992) - various people from around the world win a contest to take part in an MTV style get-together at an old castle, where they'll have the opportunity to win a million dollars. The first half of this is played like a light comedy, where we get to know the characters and a few funny things happen, like the cool Italian dude arrives in his Ferrari and then a minute later the cops show up saying the car is stolen. And the big pop star that everyone is supposed to be excited to meet turns out to be a total lush. Eventually the "horror" part finally begins, as our characters start searching the castle for the check for one million, and a mysterious beast starts appearing and killing them. It lacked any horror atmosphere whatsoever and wasn't the least bit scary. It was mildly entertaining though, and the characters were actually pretty well developed and fun. Very '80s, which gave it an extra bit of charm. 3/5.

Petrified (2006) - repeat viewing. A cop chases an alien mummy into a suburban home clinic for nymphomaniacs. No really, that's the plot  :smile:  We see plenty of girls in their undies acting all nympho. The mummy shows up with his red laser beam eyes and turns them to stone. Or at least they put some dark makeup on them. Pretty weak even by Full Moon standards, the main guy, the cop, is just a terrible actor and there's absolutely no plot to speak of. But it's got girls in their undies acting all nympho. 2.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on March 26, 2013, 07:27:50 PM
I think most people here would be glad to see the "Twilight" series come to an end, but I do wonder, if the people who are making money from the films and books will give up such a cash cow. As there are two ways we'll see more films.

(1) The authoress writes more books in the series, and these are turned into more films.

(2) They skip the books and create more films from original scripts.

Even if we never see a new film, there may be an upcoming way that anyone who is interested will be able to get their daily dose of "Twilight" fever. For Universal theme parks is asking its current guests whether they want to see attractions based on the "Twilight" series of films. The only problem I see, besides no demand, is where is Universal going to put the attractions. They have the room at their Florida theme park, but not their California theme park.

As a further note, they are also asking their guests whether they want to see attractions based on "The Hobbit" series of films. Which seems to be a better bet, as we know two more "Hobbit" films are coming, and we don't know if any more "Twilight" films are coming.

And just across and down the street, Disney is asking its current guests whether they want to see any new attractions based on the "Star Wars" films, but I see they have the same problem as Universal, which is a lack of space.

We shall see, what we shall see.

Isn't that the idea behind 'Beautiful Creatures' and 'The Host': Twilight-esque teeny love clones?
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


American Mary (2012)

Student Mary (Katharine Isabelle) wants to be a surgeon, but financial troubles are forcing her to apply for a job at some strip joint. During the job interview she is asked if she wants to earn a quick $5000 by performing an emergency operation on one of the strip club's shady employees. Happy about the money, and with the offer to earn even more she agrees to operate on yet another client with a rather bizarre plastic surgery request. Soon enough business is booming and Mary finds herself at some fancy party where she is drugged and raped. Using her surgical skills she has her sadistic revenge on the rapist without realizing that she's already drawn into a spiral of violence, obsession and madness.

Award winning Canadian Indie Horror inspired by Asian horror (especially "Audition"), encouraged by Eli Roth and picked up for distribution by Universal. Bloody, brilliant and absurd. Loved it. Watch out for "Beatress", one of the creepiest movie characters in a long time. 4.5/5


girls in their undies acting all nympho


Quote from: lester1/2jr on March 27, 2013, 05:26:02 PM
girls in their undies acting all nympho

That is what I was hoping for from the twilight saga.  I have a feeling i will be disappointed.


I finally watched ZERO DARK THIRTY tonight.  It was good, but not as good as I hoped it would be.  But, most likely, I think that what it portrays is closer to how things went down than a more Hollywooded version of events would normally be.  Great performances though.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: claws on March 27, 2013, 10:52:22 AM
American Mary (2012)

Student Mary (Katharine Isabelle) wants to be a surgeon, but financial troubles are forcing her to apply for a job at some strip joint. During the job interview she is asked if she wants to earn a quick $5000 by performing an emergency operation on one of the strip club's shady employees. Happy about the money, and with the offer to earn even more she agrees to operate on yet another client with a rather bizarre plastic surgery request. Soon enough business is booming and Mary finds herself at some fancy party where she is drugged and raped. Using her surgical skills she has her sadistic revenge on the rapist without realizing that she's already drawn into a spiral of violence, obsession and madness.

Award winning Canadian Indie Horror inspired by Asian horror (especially "Audition"), encouraged by Eli Roth and picked up for distribution by Universal. Bloody, brilliant and absurd. Loved it. Watch out for "Beatress", one of the creepiest movie characters in a long time. 4.5/5

I was lucky enough to see this at a film fest last year which had a Q and A with the directors [the twins in the film] and they were hilarous.   They sat right in front of me during the screening and as it is a 'classy' cinema you could drink, so every time someone had a glass of wine in the film they clinked glasses.  The after party was pretty wild as well.  Great gals.

[The movie was one of my favourites from last year, and probably was my 'random movie I knew nothing about that I really enjoyed' of the year]   
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


Attack of the Giant Leeches (1959) - in a backwoods hick town, the glorious Yvette Vickers is married to a rather, ahem...rotund gentleman who's very much in love with her. She on the other hand hates him and makes every minute of his life hell. She happily takes up with some other guy first chance she gets, and her husband finds them and chases them around a nearby swamp with his shotgun. The double-barreled variety, that fires six shots between reloads. Anyhow, Yvette and her boyfriend get attacked by some guys in black garbage bags with rubber octopus tentacles attached to them. The movie kind of goes downhill from there. The local game warden and his girlfriend and her scientist father eventually have a big showdown with the leeches. This was pretty boring really, and not ridiculous enough to provide much bad movie fun. I'll give it a half point less than Jase, just a 2/5.

Critters 4 (1992) - some folks on a spaceship come across an old capsule floating through space. They bring it aboard and sure enough, there's Critters on it. They're contacted by some evil corporation who wants them to bring the capsule to their space station, where they'll be handsomely rewarded. Turns out the space station is abandoned and before long, it's just our spaceship crew vs. the Critters. This was okay. I guess it had a bit of a plot to it and the characters were marginally developed, though not really sympathetic. The cheesy special effects were probably the most entertaining part. I dunno, jsut couldn't get into it really. 2.75/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


rebel- It's what I hope most things are


Quote from: dean on March 28, 2013, 12:43:08 AM
Quote from: claws on March 27, 2013, 10:52:22 AM
American Mary (2012)

Student Mary (Katharine Isabelle) wants to be a surgeon, but financial troubles are forcing her to apply for a job at some strip joint. During the job interview she is asked if she wants to earn a quick $5000 by performing an emergency operation on one of the strip club's shady employees. Happy about the money, and with the offer to earn even more she agrees to operate on yet another client with a rather bizarre plastic surgery request. Soon enough business is booming and Mary finds herself at some fancy party where she is drugged and raped. Using her surgical skills she has her sadistic revenge on the rapist without realizing that she's already drawn into a spiral of violence, obsession and madness.

Award winning Canadian Indie Horror inspired by Asian horror (especially "Audition"), encouraged by Eli Roth and picked up for distribution by Universal. Bloody, brilliant and absurd. Loved it. Watch out for "Beatress", one of the creepiest movie characters in a long time. 4.5/5

I was lucky enough to see this at a film fest last year which had a Q and A with the directors [the twins in the film] and they were hilarous.   They sat right in front of me during the screening and as it is a 'classy' cinema you could drink, so every time someone had a glass of wine in the film they clinked glasses.  The after party was pretty wild as well.  Great gals.

[The movie was one of my favourites from last year, and probably was my 'random movie I knew nothing about that I really enjoyed' of the year]   

There's a special feature on the (German) Blu-ray showing the twins attending film festivals. They both seem funny and sympathetic and they actually know their horror movies. Not just a pair of hipster wannabes.

Dante's Peak (1997)

A volcano near a small town is threatening to erupt. A specialist (Pierce Brosnan) is brought in and teams up with the female mayor (Linda Hamilton), a single mother who also owns a coffee shop. After two dead bodies are found in a hot spring another team is brought in so the plot shifts into technical mumbo jumbo for a while. Meanwhile Brosnan and Hamilton get to know each other better and soon enough the volcano starts damaging its surroundings with flurries of ashes, turning lakes into acid and spilling lava all over the place. The town is evicted but Brosnan and Hamilton must return to find her two missing kids ...

Haven't seen since video days so it was a fun revisit on Blu-ray. Dante's Peak is not great but makes for an ok time waster. There's some cheesy dialogue but the effects are top notch and never look corny. 3.5/5


Quote from: lester1/2jr on March 28, 2013, 06:52:06 AM
rebel- It's what I hope most things are

That's why russ meyer had such a good career.


Quote from: indianasmith on March 27, 2013, 11:15:01 PM
I finally watched ZERO DARK THIRTY tonight.  It was good, but not as good as I hoped it would be.  But, most likely, I think that what it portrays is closer to how things went down than a more Hollywooded version of events would normally be.  Great performances though.

Did they give Osama cement shoes before they threw him in the ocean?  I'm wondering how realistically they could portray that.


The Brides of Dracula (1960) - good ol' Hammer Horror about a young schoolteacher traveling through Transylvania. Her stagecoach driver, being very skittish like all Transylvanian stagecoach drivers, takes off and leaves her at an inn. Luckily (not!) an old woman invites her to stay at her castle for the night. Soon the girl finds that the old lady keeps her son chained up in his room, and being the kindhearted and clueless type, she releases him. Yeah, he's a vampire you dimwit. By a lucky twist of fate, Dr. Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) just happens to be traveling through the area, and the task of stopping the vampire and saving the girl is placed in his capable hands. This stupid chick even agrees to marry the vampire after meeting him once - the night she released him and his mother rather suspiciously turned up dead 10 minutes later. Oh but he's so handsome and rich you know :lookingup: She makes your average "Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire" contestant seem rather thoughtful and discerning by comparison.

Pretty decent movie overall, with a fair bit of Gothic atmosphere. Cushing gives a good performance, the plot has some variety to it. Great ending, though it came on a bit too sudden. 3.75/5
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho