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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Brain Dead (2007) - a small meteorite falls from space - hitting a guy right in the forehead - and turning him into an alien killer creature. He goes prowling around and ends up chasing our collection of colorful characters into a cabin out in the woods. This is a horror comedy with entertaining characters (except for the man-hating lesbian who's borderline repulsive), plenty of silly action and a good sense of fun throughout. Boobies too :teddyr: 3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


SMASHED (2012) -
an alcoholic teacher joins AA but finds her codependent marriage may be the bigger obstacle.  Great cast, but I've seen this story a hundred times.  6/10


The Good: Really lush production values and the opening is superb. Samantha Barks, Sascha Cohen, Aaron Tveit, Amanda Seyfred were all great; Russel Crowe was better than I was expecting (he can't sing, but he has the right attitude/physicality and Javert's solos don't  really call for a "showstopper" voice)

The Bad: this movie badly needed a different director.  A musical shouldn't be 75% close-ups and Dutch tilts.  I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't care for Anne Hathaway and her "just give my Oscar already" mugging at all.  Also - and to be fair, the stage versions I've seen are guilty of this too -  Helena B. Carter and the kid playing Gavroche reaallllly needed to scale back the Cockney accents.  We're in France, people!

The Ugly: Hugh Jackman was all over the place.  His acting was good but his singing voice doesn't really have the resonance for Valjean's character.  Some of the numbers he's fine, others it feels like he's just struggling to hit the notes.

Overall, I liked it, but I won't be buying the soundtrack.  7.5/10
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me

Rev. Powell

FREAKY DEAKY (2012): A romance novel writer and a stunt man specializing in explosives develop a plan to extort millions from a perpetually stoned playboy. It sounded like a solid plan---oddball characters played by Crispin Glover and Christian Slater double-crossing each other in an adaptation of a Leonard Elmore novel---but the director bungled the the caper badly with unbelievable characterizations and jokes that fall flat. 1.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I finally watched DJANGO UNCHAINED this week.  I found it to be a very typical Tarentino shoot-em-up transplanted to the antebellum South - kinda fun in a gross, over-the-top way, but lacking any real substance.  To be honest, I am pretty stunned this was nominated for Best Picture and deeply relieved it did not win.

That being said, it is hands down a masterpiece compared to the awful piece of Japanese dreck I followed it up with:  ZOMBIE ASS: TOILET OF THE DEAD.  Holy cow, I know that the Japanese love total, over-the-top, grossout weirdness, but this thing was GROSS!!!!  First of all, you have a Japanese girl who wants to be a model and decides to ingest a tapeworm straight out of a trout her friends catch from a mountain stream because it will help her "stay skinny."  Then they find a deserted town and she has to run to the outhouse, where a poop-covered zombie (this guy is DISGUSTING!  As if Trevor's underpants were basted in raw sewage for a year!!!) reaches up from the cesspit and starts trying to grab her by the behind.  And all that is in the first few minutes!  This movie was AWFUL, yet I could not tear myself away from it!  And the final battle between the cute schoolgirl in the ripped up shirt and the queen parasite was all the proof you'll ever need that Japan is populated by filmmakers in serious need of therapy . . . .
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

TOYS IN THE ATTIC (2009): When mother-figure doll Buttercup is kidnapped by an evil head (!), the other toys go on a surreal journey through the old home to rescue her in this Czech stop-motion animated feature. It seems lazy and obvious to describe this as 50% TOY STORY, 50% Jan Svankmajer, but that's exactly how the movie plays out. Hard to believe the head who spies anywhere in the house with his eyeball on a slithering stalk wouldn't give Czech children nightmares, but maybe they're tougher minded than American kids. 3.5/5.

Weird fact about this one: the English dubbing is directed by Vivivan Schilling (who also played Buttercup). You might remember her from such films as SOULTAKER and FUTURE SHOCK.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Devil Fish (1984) - I knew I'd seen this before, I think it was the first in those Shark Attack movies - or at least some TV channel played it as the first one in a marathon once. Anyhow, some large shark/octopus thing shows up off the coast of Florida, where many people oddly speak with Italian accents. A marine biologist teams up with some other folks to track it down and put an end to its reign of terror. I knew right from the beginning when a Coast Guard helicopter showed up to retrieve a dead guy floating in the ocean, and divers jumped out and yelled "AAAAAHHHHH!!!" all the way down that this was going to be rather entertaining  :smile:  It's your usual Italian nonsense. The characters were fairly likable and the comical action moved along at a decent pace. 3.75/5.

The Nun (2005) - some girls in a Catholic boarding school are terrorized by a nasty old nun, and they eventually end up killing her. Twenty years later the nun is back in flying underwater ghost form to take her revenge. Yup, she's a flying underwater ghost. The movie isn't about the girls form the school so much as it centers around the boring daughter of one of the girls and her boring friends. It's weird because they were obviously trying to make a very serious horror movie, at least for the first two-thirds of this, but then you've got that CGI ghost nun that's straight out of a SyFy Channel Original. And towards the end everything gets pretty silly. I had a hard time staying awake through this one. Even the kill scenes manage to drag on and make you say "Oh just get on with it already." 2.75/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Devil Fish got the Quentin Tarantino Grindhouse approval  :thumbup: It's silly, trashy Italian cheese, but very over-the-top and entertaining.
I absolutely hated The Nun on my first viewing, but it kinda grew on me after repeated viewings (Interesting enough The Nun's IMDb rating started out with 5/10, but dropped down to 4/10 in the last few years). Decent budget Euro-Horror that steals from "Final Destination" and did the hand-held cam thing before it got popular again. I thought the floating Nun was quite effective. If anything, it managed to get a few shrieks out of my sister when we watched it together not too long ago. On a side note, I bought the German The Nun Blu-ray which presents the movie in its correct aspect ratio (2.35:1, gorgeous transfer). The U.S. DVD from Lionsgate is incorrectly zoomed to 1.85:1.


THE SESSIONS (2012) - Based on the life of Mark O'Brien (John Hawkes), a polio survivor who must rely on an iron lung.  At 38, he decides he wants to lose his virginity and seeks a sex therapist (Helen Hunt, and yeah apparently that is a thing that exists).  The movie divides itself between the therapy sessions and Mark confessing/discussing the situation with his priest (William H. Macy).  It's kind of a thin premise to carry a whole movie, but the acting is outstanding.  I'm surprised Hawkes didn't get an Oscar nomination.
On second thought, no I'm not; that would hinge on the Academy having half a clue.   

Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me


Quote from: indianasmith on June 12, 2013, 11:30:53 PM
Last night my family and I watched OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL.  Yes, there is a TON of CGI.  That being said, it doesn't get in the way of the story.  We all loved this one a lot!

Not much info on it, but if you enjoyed this one you might enjoy the upcoming sequel "Oz: the Great and Powerful 2." No release date given.

Rev. Powell

MST3K: SANTA CLAUS: The gang riff on the infamous bizarro Mexican version of Santa Claus, where Kris Kringle lives with Merlin on a cloud in outer space and fights the Devil. For me, this ranks just below the crew's other holiday feature, SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS; the movie is a lot more entertaining, but the host segments aren't quite as classic. Still a 4.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Vampire's Kiss.

Nic Cage plays an absolute mental case in this film about a guy who starts to turn into a vampire after an affair with a rather fetching Jennifer Beals.  He is completely nuts in this movie and the highlight reel is fantastic.  I enjoyed the hell out of this just purely based on how insane Cage's performance is.

Full movie here:

and the highlights reel here:
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


The Killing of America (1982)

Disturbing but well-made documentary about (gun) violence in America, though it also covers Serial Killers (Kemper, Bundy). From the assassination of John F. Kennedy to John Lennon, with grisly/shocking footage of murder, mayhem and racism, the mass suicide (Jonestown), robbery, hostage situations and sniper attacks. It doesn't just show death and violence for pure sensation, its thoughtfully narrated with background information. This documentary was shown throughout the world except for America. It never played theaters, aired on TV or was made available on home video in the States. One doesn't have to wonder why. 5/5


Night of the Seagulls (1975) - fourth movie in the Blind Dead franchise. A couple move to a small seaside town where all the residents seem to hate outsiders. Soon they notice weird ceremonies being performed on the beach in the middle of the night - maidens being sacrificed to the undead Knights Templars who ride through on their undead horses for 7 nights every 7 years. I liked this quite a bit, it's very atmospheric and downright Gothic. It's also extremely slow moving. You better be in the mood for some really slow paced Euro horror or you'll be sound asleep by the halfway point. I actually kind of nodded off - just for a moment - right in the middle of the thrilling climax :smile: The characters aren't bad, though they do get annoying towards the end. They're climbing out a window to get onto the roof of another part of their house, and one woman is like "It's too far down, I can't do it!" Oh for chrissakes it's like five feet you idiot. My wife had a good time MST3K'ing it all through the exciting conclusion lol. It kind of deserved it I have to admit. Still, I love eerie stuff like this. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: claws on June 22, 2013, 07:56:04 AM
I thought the floating Nun was quite effective. If anything, it managed to get a few shrieks out of my sister when we watched it together not too long ago.

I think it's just gotten to the point that I've seen soooooo many CGI ghosts and other assorted varmints that it's not even remotely effective any more.  They really need to start over from scratch and come up with something different, something that doesn't look exactly the same as what 150 other graphics artists have put in their movies.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


"Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan" (2013)

A group of "first offenders" serving time at a Pacific Northwest boot camp accidentally disturb the resting place of the legendary Babe, the Big Blue Ox... causing the mythical giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan (who looks like Shrek on steroids) to hunt them down one by one with a big honkin' axe.

Ridiculous plot, abysmally cheap CGI effects, terrible acting... yep, it's a SyFy Channel movie.
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