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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Coming to America (1988) I haven't seen this since the early 90's.

Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


AE: Apocalypse Earth (2013) - Some aliens attack earth so we launch some large ships to take the survivors to another planet. One of the ships crashes on an alien world and they're immediately attacked by these cheesy invisible aliens. Our folks meet up with a native girl who, after an hour of traipsing through the woods, introduces them to her tribe and together they try to overthrow the baddies. Not one of the Asylum's better ones. The characters were pretty uninteresting / unlikable and the various battles were just stupid. In fact everything about it was stupid. And they had to throw in a Mr. Data from Star Trek character just to dumb it down even more.  Meh. 2.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


"Savage Beach" (1989)

More funbag-filled action from Andy Sidaris "Babes, Bullets N Bombs" assembly line. In this installment, our heroic (and spectacularly busty) government agents "Donna" and "Taryn" are sent on a rescue mission, but their plane crashes on a seemingly deserted South Pacific island. After some gratuitious (but oh so welcome) skinny dipping in the surf, they learn they're not alone. Soon they're tangling with a group of Communist revolutionaries who are searching the island for buried treasure (which they plan to use to fund an overthrow of the Philippine government...???) and meet a lone Japanese soldier who's been guarding the island Samurai style since World War II. Yes, seriously. Y'know what, just ignore the plot and enjoy the fabulous eye candy.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

GALLINO: THE CHICKEN SYSTEM (2012): A man travels to Antarctica and seeks refuge from the cold at  a chicken shack, where he engages in philosophical discussions about pornography with the proprietor. Lots of scenes of women deep-throating drumsticks in between discussions of Bertrand Russel's "barber paradox"; it should go without saying that this is not for everyone. 2/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Twixt(2011) Had heard mostly negative things about this film but as a huge Francis Ford Coppola fan I had to check this one out. Val Kilmer plays a down on his luck horror writer who gets embroiled in a small town mystery involving child murders, ghosts and Edgar Allan Poe! Far more surreal than anything I've seen from Coppola this one straddles the edge between gothic mystery, comedy and a fever dream. I wasn't crazy about some of the places the plot went but as a whole this is a truly unique and at times incredible movie. Some of the best use of a digital camera I have ever seen brings us some truly incredible visuals. Not really an outright horror this reminded me of some of the best of David Lynch at parts and there is a ton to enjoy here as long as you don't expect everything to make sense.

Brainscan-(1994) I remember watching this one years ago on tv and enjoying it quite a bit. On rewatch it's a cheesy but fun techno thriller that explores the implications of technology in it's infancy at that point. Fun cheese worth watching for the nostalgia factor alone even if I wouldn't call it a great movie.

The Canyons (2013) Been looking forward to this ever since I read the truly incredible article about its making many months ago; Beyond the article the talent behind it also had my instantly intrigued. Bret Easton Ellis has written some fantastic books in his time (Lunar Park, Glamorama, American Psycho) and director Paul Schrader is no slouch behind the camera (Hardcore, Light Sleeper, Auto Focus.....) Unfortunately this ended up being just as much a disaster as the article would indicate. Porn star James Deen looks the part of an Ellis character but unfortunately his clothed acting is pretty poor. A dissipated Lindsay Lohan is fine but like everyone else here is not given much to work with. Ultimately I feel that the blame lies with Ellis's shoddy script that is just plain bad most of the time. It wants to be a trashy takedown of shallow LA types but never goes far enough to truly register on any level. On the positive side it's never boring and me and my friend did have a good time talking over some of its sillier twists so I certainly don't regret checking it out. But regardless of your awareness of the film I again say that the article is a must read and one of the best pieces of Hollywood journalism I have ever read.


Runaway Bride (1999):  A reporter named Ike Graham (Richard Gere) investigates and raises the ire of a woman named Maggie Carpenter (Julia Roberts) who has an history of leaving jilted fiancĂ©es at the wedding alter.

This rom-com reunites Gere and Roberts, better known for their pairing in Pretty Woman.  Honestly, I found this to be wholly predictable fare from beginning to end. There's just nothing here that truly surprised me.  Oh, it makes for passable enough entertainment but does not really present anything different from the rest of the predictable, by-the-numbers romantic comedy pack in terms of what it presents. **1/2 out of ***** stars.

3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain (1998): The 3 Ninjas are back. Well actually in this case, we have an entirely new cast aside from Grandpa still played by Victor Wong. Anyways the new Rocky, Colt, and Tum Tum along with new neighborhood friend Amanda nevertheless manage to get themselves into a heap of trouble with an invading army of ninjas lead by an evil Loni Anderson and Jim Varney take over the local Mega Mountain amusement park. Now it's up to the kids and their childhood television fighting hero Dave Dragon (Hulk Hogan) to stop Medusa (Loni)'s plot before it's too late.

There's no mistaking that this was truly a bad movie. It's painfully ridiculous many times over but you know, that doesn't stop this from being a fun disaster-fest to watch on some levels... i.e. Both Anderson and Varney are delightfully over the top as the movie's villains. Still this film never reaches the same level of fun the earlier 3 Ninjas films had as this one proves unbelievably silly and at other times surprisingly boring. The ending is ludicrous. **1/2 out of ***** stars.

Zombies: A Living History (2011): History channel documentary examining the history of the zombie genre in entertainment and possible influences upon it in fiction. This is fascinating when it delves into real history involving plagues, contagions, cannibalism, survival, and the history of how zombies factor into historical folklore and mythology. It proves much less interesting when it treats a zombie plague as a real potential event. The gory special effects may well turn off some viewers too. Had the focus stayed more on the real and less on the fantasy, I think this would have proved a superior documentary. Instead, it's fun and memorable but less than convincing. *** out of ***** stars.

For Love or Money (1993): Doug Ireland (Michael J. Fox), a hotel concierge with big dreams meets a man who might just be able to help him achieve those dreams in the wealthy and successful Christian Hanover (Anthony Higgins). However, in order to get a favor, he has to do a favor for Mr. Hanover which involves looking after Hanover's girlfriend Andy Hart (Gabrielle Anwar) and keeping her away from his wife's attention. Throwing a wrench into things though is that Doug starts to care about Andy and her feelings.

This was slightly better than I expected. I really think this was a case of the cast rising above the material just by making their characters so likable and believable as individuals. Anwar is just gorgeous and delightful in this one despite her questionable decisions. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964): Science fiction classic featuring a lone astronaut (Paul Mantee) who suddenly finds himself stranded and alone on Mars and his efforts to survive.

This movie, which is surprisingly scientifically accurate for its era, possesses a kind of surreal, almost dreamlike quality for a lot of its running time. It is filled with spectacular visuals and the startling, jittery flying saucers, no doubt inspired by real UFO reports from the time, leave a memorable impression. Mantee despite being alone for the majority of the film aside from the company of a little monkey manages to evoke sympathy in the viewer for his plight and admiration for his continued effort to survive. Non science fiction film fans will probably find this one a bit dry and for them it might prove tough slugging. Me, I loved every minute of it. **** out of ***** stars.

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012):  Basically a retelling of Spider-Man's origin story here tying him directly to the origin story of the Lizard.

While this has some exciting sequences and proves truer to its source material than I initially expected, this just never works as well for me as I'd like it too. Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker just seems a tad bit too angry even if Parker is supposed to be angst-ridden. Also I was disappointed somewhat by the look and design of the Lizard, which looks closer to the 1960s cartoon series than it does the nastier looking comics villain. Still this is entertaining enough and has some good moments so I'd still give it a solid ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

The Secret of My Success (1987):  Brantley Foster (Michael J. Fox) is a young man from a small town in Kansas with dreams of making it big in business in New York City. He finally gets in the front door with a going nowhere mailroom job. Discovering a vacant office in the building, he decides to pretend to be a new employee and uses his position in the mailroom to firmly entrench his new persona as a bright young businessman named Carlton Whitfield. Now can he just get the attention of potential love interest Christy Wills (Helen Slater)? [Who unbeknownst to Brantley is having an affair with his boss]

This proved much better upon re-watching than I recalled.  It's very much a bit of a 80s time capsule on some levels (and has a memorable 80s soundtrack). This film probably deserves more recognition than it has received for memorable dialogue, memorable and believable corporate atmosphere, and the dream of coming of age and achieving the American dream being a whole lot tougher than it sounds. This is a fun and funny film that kind of has something to say, even if it's not always entirely convincing. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

Johnny English (2003): A bumbling spy named Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson) becomes Britain's last hope to stop a scheme to replace the Queen of England with a foppish Frenchman named Pascal Sauvage (John Malkovich).

This spoof of James Bond style spy films has some fun moments here and there, the best of which feature Atkinson and his interactions with his main aide Bough (Ben Miller), potential love interest/fellow spy Lorna Campbell (Natalie Imbruglia) and Atkinson lip-syncing to Abba tunes. Less fun is the unnecessary and downright gross potty humor. All in all, while not particularly memorable this film proves a fun diversion for an hour and a half aside from the stuff involving poo. *** out of ***** stars.

"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Dracula (1931) - Bela Lugosi stars as the Transylvanian count who moves to London and takes a liking to a certain girl. Nice B&W photography provided some atmosphere and Lugosi is interesting enough in the part, but man is this thing ever slow moving. So many shots of Lugosi staring at people to put them under his power that I fell asleep three times. 3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Heatstroke (2008) - some bargain basement CGI raptor-aliens are loose on a tropical island, and it's up to D.B. Sweeney to save the day.  This is an old favorite of mine, pretty ridiculous but the characters are likeable, the babes are hot, and it's just a fun little bit of fluff.  4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

DEADBALL (2011): A boy with a literally deadly fastball grows up to become a vigilante, is imprisoned, and is blackmailed into playing on the jailhouse baseball squad despite the fact that he has sworn never to use the fatal pitch again. This grossout gore comedy has a rushed, "that's good enough" feel about it, and with the incoherent plot and jokes about puke-eating and body cavity searches, it seems to have been written by a team of particularly immature twelve-year-old boys during breaks on the playground. 1/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Yeah, Rev, that one was pretty awful.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"Some Kind of Monster" (2004)

In this absorbing (and sometimes unintentionally funny, in an eye-rolling sort of way) documentary, the members of Metallica deal with the defection of long time bassist Jason Newsted, plus lead vocalist James Hetfield's trip to rehab, then they try to repair their inter-personal relationships with the help of a therapist/"performance coach" and search for a new bass player -- all while struggling to create a new album. This movie won't make you forgive them for the godawful St. Anger" disc, but at least you'll understand why it turned out to be such a mess.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on August 05, 2013, 08:08:29 AM
"Savage Beach" (1989)

More funbag-filled action from Andy Sidaris "Babes, Bullets N Bombs" assembly line. In this installment, our heroic (and spectacularly busty) government agents "Donna" and "Taryn" are sent on a rescue mission, but their plane crashes on a seemingly deserted South Pacific island. After some gratuitious (but oh so welcome) skinny dipping in the surf, they learn they're not alone. Soon they're tangling with a group of Communist revolutionaries who are searching the island for buried treasure (which they plan to use to fund an overthrow of the Philippine government...???) and meet a lone Japanese soldier who's been guarding the island Samurai style since World War II. Yes, seriously. Y'know what, just ignore the plot and enjoy the fabulous eye candy.

Well, that's the reason for a Sidaris film, isn't it?  Guns, naked women, and explosions (often caused by remote control cars/trucks/tanks/boats being used as VBIEDs). 

The part of this one I remember is the ridiculous reason the Japanese soldier did not kill the one girl. 
Andrew Borntreger


     SUDDEN IMPACT (1983)

     Got the Deluxe Edition for $3.99 at Hastings the other day. This one was always a favorite of mine, particularly for the ending.

(NOTE: If you see the DIRTY HARRY SPECIAL EDITION (single disc) or the DIRTY HARRY / MAGNUM FORCE set (double discs) beware....the DH disc may be blank. I bought the double set recently, found that the DH disc was blank past the Warners opening, bought the single DH disc to replace it, found it in the same condition.)
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


The Gorgon (1964) I didn't like it that much.
Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!