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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 07, 2014, 09:58:05 AM
IRON DOORS (2010): A man wakes up to find himself locked in a concrete vault sealed with iron doors; he hopes the key to his escape lies inside the padlocked locker that (besides a dead rat) is the room's only furnishing. Mysterious and engaging, this CUBE variation could have been a minor classic if the writer had been able to come up with an ending. 3/5.

I thought the implications that his alien ravings might be true and that it was a test to see if the species was worthy of inhabiting the planet? I see what you are saying though I wish it was 5 minutes longer or so. I'd watch a sequel there's a ton of ways you could keep the mystery going


Prison Planet (1992) - the king of some planet has been exiled to the prison planet (kind of looks like the deserts of Southern California), and a member of the resistance intentionally gets himself arrested so he can be sentenced to go there and hopefully rescue him. He soon runs into trouble with the bad guy who's sporting a mullet and a Fu Manchu mustache, and of course he rescues a damsel in distress who helps him find the king. Good ol' bit of early '90s cheese, silly but fun. 3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Josso on January 08, 2014, 12:55:59 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 07, 2014, 09:58:05 AM
IRON DOORS (2010): A man wakes up to find himself locked in a concrete vault sealed with iron doors; he hopes the key to his escape lies inside the padlocked locker that (besides a dead rat) is the room's only furnishing. Mysterious and engaging, this CUBE variation could have been a minor classic if the writer had been able to come up with an ending. 3/5.

I thought the implications that his alien ravings might be true and that it was a test to see if the species was worthy of inhabiting the planet? I see what you are saying though I wish it was 5 minutes longer or so. I'd watch a sequel there's a ton of ways you could keep the mystery going

I think that's likely what they were hinting at, though 1. that's not really a very satisfying explanation and 2. the "climax" came too suddenly and was over too fast. It was just a deus ex machina ending, really. I liked it but I wanted to love it.

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Rev. Powell

THE 5,000 FINGERS OF DR. T (1953): A boy dreams he and is mother are trapped in a dream world ruled by evil piano teacher Dr. Terwilliger, who plans to enslave 500 boys to play his giant piano. Despite writing the story and libretto, Theodor Geisel (the Philistine!) notoriously hated this Technicolor spectacle, but you'll love the fantabulously surreal Seussian set design with its curved keyboards, ladders to nowhere, and roller-skating Siamese twin guards linked by their beards. 4.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


The Appointment (1981)

Father must travel to a work-related appointment leaving behind his deeply disappointed daughter who was hoping he'd attend her school concert. The night before his appointment the father is plagued by rather strange nightmares, indicating a fatal car crash.

This could be the brainchild of David Lynch and Peter Weir. "Lost" British horror movie that gives a new meaning to the word "strange". The Appointment appears to be a metaphor of some sorts, but without the usual arthouse feel. It's not "dark", twisted or weird but it goes quite deep and I think it has a hidden or obvious meaning/message? The opening shows a girl "taken" by evil forces narrated by a police officer reading from police files, giving off a "based on true events" vibe. I guess the rest is up to the viewer to puzzle together. Certainly not a bad film (decent acting, production values and effects). 4/5


"Cleanflix" (2009) -   documentary about the strange saga of Clean Flicks, a Utah based company that struck gold in the early 00s by renting and selling "edited" versions of Hollywood blockbusters - with all the foul language and violent/sexual content removed - to placate their mostly Mormon clientele. Naturally, when Hollywood learns about these unauthorized edits, the law steps in, and the battle between the copyright holders and the self appointed censors is eventually settled in court.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Croc (2007) - a guy owns a crocodile farm in Thailand and a local developer is trying to put him out of business so he can purchase the land. His goons cut a hole in the fence to allow some crocs to escape, and meanwhile a 20' saltwater croc (not one of the croc guy's animals) shows up and starts munching on the locals. So croc guy, along with the help of some other guy (Michael Madsen) try to track it down and kill it. This was decent. Slow moving because of a myriad of subplots, but the characters were likable and well acted. Elizabeth Healey looks pretty hot as croc guy's sister. 3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW (2013): Shot guerrilla-style at Disney World, this surreal satire follows the midlife crisis of Jim, whose anxieties over his job and family problems turn into vivid theme park hallucinations involving him being imprisoned by a mad scientist in a secret room beneath Epcot center and encountering a real life wicked witch in her hotel room. In some ways this is one of those ideas that sounds better on paper, but it raises a host of fascinating issues, from its in-movie themes of imagination and escapism to external questions about filmmaking methods and ethics. 3.5/5.

NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR (1985): While riding a train housing an teenage band shooting a music video (!), God and Satan debate the fate of three individuals whose stories we then watch. Rather than anthology shorts shot specifically for this movie, however, these are full-length horror features that have been edited with a hacksaw to fit into twenty minute segments; needless to say, the results are incoherent. Jaw-dropping in its badness. 4/5 (or even higher) on a bad movie scale.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Search for the Beast (1997)

Wealthy businessman hires bigfoot-hunting anthropologist to search and capture the beast who killed his son. The doctor puts together a small team, but the businessman insists his guards (goons) join the search. Soon enough they stumble across bigfoot, but the creature is a fierce killer...

Instant trash-classic filmed on video. The badness is quite fun and charming. 5/5


Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 09, 2014, 10:09:44 AM
ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW (2013): Shot guerrilla-style at Disney World, this surreal satire follows the midlife crisis of Jim, whose anxieties over his job and family problems turn into vivid theme park hallucinations involving him being imprisoned by a mad scientist in a secret room beneath Epcot center and encountering a real life wicked witch in her hotel room. In some ways this is one of those ideas that sounds better on paper, but it raises a host of fascinating issues, from its in-movie themes of imagination and escapism to external questions about filmmaking methods and ethics. 3.5/5.

I saw this a few months back I thought it was some interesting work. At first when I started watching it I thought it was similar to a lot of coming of age art films I've seen, or perhaps a similar uneasy vibe to The Dreamers (2003) but then it evolved into a much more in depth film. One of those things that needs at least 2 watches to full appreciate I think, they were trying to say quite a lot using subtext and my brain was knackered by the end. A pleasant surprise of a watch this one I would give it 3.8/5


Fatfreddy's -

from another article " And according to the Salt Lake Tribune, the "booking documents state Thompson told the 14-year-olds that his film sanitizing business was a cover for a pornography studio.""


^^ yep, that dude's porn bust was mentioned in the documentary. That guy was a piece of work....

Speaking of porn, tonight's viewing was:
"After Porn Ends" (2010), an intriguing documentary that catches up with a number of retired porn stars (male and female) to see how things have gone for them since they left "the business." Let's just say that happy endings are few and far between. Interviewees include Nina Hartley, Randy West, Mary Carey, Amber Lynn, and the late John Leslie, just to name a few.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


This is pure speculation and I know nothing about it, but if you grew up in an ultra protected/sheltered environment and then it was your job to watch various sex, violence, etc - couldn't that mess you up a bit? There's probably an idiom for it that is lost to me right now


Alien 51 (2004) - when Hollywood madame Heidi Fleiss gets top billing in the credits, you know you're in for some quality entertainment lol. Anyhow some guy in a rubber suit is out attacking people in the Arizona desert, mostly finding its victims among the customers at a traveling circus show. The sheriff, along with the babe who was in charge of the project involving the creature before it escaped from Area 51, try to hunt it down. Fleiss is the girlfriend of the guy who owns the circus, and of course they think they can get rich if they can capture this thing and put it on display. This was pretty fun and silly, I enjoyed it. Very low budget and bad in all the good ways. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Freddy- I thought after porn ends was going to be about literally after the porn shoot ends, like "okay thanks guys!"  two recs if you haven't seen them "Pornstar Pets" and also the reissues of Al goldsteins show "Midnight Blue". Some amazing interviews of old school porn stars and weird stuff. there are funny info bars it's good