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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Rev. Powell

MEDIUM COOL (1969): A TV journalist becomes disenchanted with his bosses in the mainstream media while romancing an Appalachian mother whose husband was killed in Vietnam. Thanks to a powerful performance by Robert Forster and a lucky accident (when riots broke out at the 1968 Democratic Convention, director Haskell Wexler was able to shoot his actors mingling with real life protestors and National Guardsmen, and the crew was even tear-gassed), this became one of the great anti-authoritarian/agitprop movies of the hippie era. 4.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Diamonds Are Forever (1971) - Bond (Sean Connery) is on the trail of some diamond smugglers, which leads him from South Africa to Las Vegas. His old nemesis Blofeld has taken over the top floor of a Vegas casino and has plans to launch a satellite to shoot laser beams and hold the world hostage until his demands are met. This was quite enjoyable. Connery's as good as always and the barely dressed Jill St. John makes for some nice viewing as well.  Most of the action stuff is just plain silly, but hey it's good cheesy fun :teddyr: 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

THE GREAT BEAUTY (2013): On his 65th birthday, a novelist (who only wrote one novel) turned socialite reflects on the emptiness of his life and his search for beauty. A little too self-consciously Fellini-esque and (separate issue) unfocused, but with breathtaking Roman camerawork and imaginative staging, there are many scenes that live up to the title. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Girly (1970) - If you like stuff like Sleepaway Camp and The Baby don't miss this one. It's basically a British version of the latter. rated R but basically PG but again so was The Baby. The girl was actually 22 at the time but she acts younger, it's plenty disturbing. The company's other releases are a bunch of "Harold and Maude" type dramas and stuff like "Black Rodeo" and some surfer travel movie. Pretty much straddling the line between that looks interesting and random/ why would I want to watch that. I hadn't seen any of them before though. 4.5 /5

Rev. Powell

FOR EVER MOZART (1996): In the confusingly fractured narrative, actors plan to stage a play in Sarajevo and a director tries to finish filming a movie, but as Jean Luc-Godard confesses it's all really just "signs bathing in the light of absent explanation." Everyone talks like a philosophy professor trying to seduce a grad student; it's brainy, but mostly a bore. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Egypt Exposed: The True Origins of Civilization (2010): Basically this is just an extended sit-down interview with Robert Bauval where he discusses his theories and beliefs with regards to the building of the pyramids and a possible correlation with the position of Orion in the night sky. Also he discusses his belief that man may have been advanced long before we think and the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids might well date back far more than is thought. In the end though, this stuff is theory. I have to say though that Bauval is a surprisingly charismatic speaker which makes sitting through this not seem so bad as it might have otherwise and his theories certainly do sound intriguing even if they certainly cannot all be proven. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

Secrets of the Serpent: In Search of the Sacred Past (2006): This documentary written and directed by Philip Gardiner, who also directed Egypt Exposed, explores a the common serpent cults which were found all over the world in the past and which even influenced many dominant religions today even if not directly evident on the surface. There's some interesting historical information offered here with regards to the similarities across cultures of different religious figures and how arguably the Christ story is just another reinterpretation of the same ancient story just with different religious figures playing similar parts depending on the culture in which said story originated. We know Christianity borrowed many elements from the pagan religions but in some cases here, the argument does seem rather stretched to apply to certain figures.  Gardiner goes on to suggest how the authority figures behind Christianity have tried to bury these connections with ancient pagan traditions particularly in this case as it relates to the pagan worship of serpents. Also pointed out though interestingly is how the serpent is often portrayed as a symbol of healing and how its symbol is found throughout the world in ancient and even in some cases modern places. This documentary though has a very bizarre vibe with inappropriate music from no-name metal bands appearing throughout and a rather sad choice of visuals and poor sound making this quite fitting to be found in a cheap movie bin somewhere. **!/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Snow on tha Bluff (2012) - I haven 't bothered to discover if this is actually real or not but if You liked Menace II Society and Do The Right Thing this is right up there with those. The gimmick (or whatever) is in the beginning of the movie a bunch of college students are filming themselves buying drugs in the hood in Atlanta. A guy robs them, takes their camera, and begins filming his life as a drug dealer.

All he and his friends do is drive around all day drinking and smoking and planning robberies of drug dealers. Why don't they get their own drug connection? Who knows. Snow is fascinating but his baby mama is really the only likeable person in the whole thing unless you like real "ratchet" types. The main conflict is a growing rivalry between him and some dude in a white kangol that escalates throughout the movie. At it's best moments you really feel like you are in this depressing violent aimless life with him and his crew.

I set a record for not watching a movie with this one. it sat for 2 months because the idea of a Blair Witch style gangsta movie sounded so potentialy bad I just couldn't  pull the trigger. When I finally did I watched the whole thing in one sitting without pausing, something I rarely do. 


I could take points off because it wasn't absolutely perfect but why bother.

edit: I just did a search. As I'd guessed it was largely fake. However, it's effective enough to have become the go to song for rappers to mention as well as winning a bunch of the usual awards.


Deadly Prey (1987) - so there's this band of evil mercenaries who have this camp where they train. They go around abducting people off the streets and take them out in the woods and hunt them - that's their training. Unfortunately for them their latest abductee happens to be an ex-soldier who of course is really macho and all that stuff. He hunts them instead of them hunting him. Kind of a mix of Rambo and Commando I suppose, this is so bad it's pretty funny. All the action scenes are positively direct-to-video junk. The main guy looks like some pretty boy who goes to the gym a lot and his attempts at acting Rambo-like are rather cringe inducing. And the mercenaries are complete morons of course. Fairly entertaining I suppose, I give it 3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


 "Ghost Shark" (2013) - the angry spirit of a wrongly murdered great white shark (yes, really!) terrorizes a small Louisiana bayou town and it's up to a gang of local beach bunnies (led by an all grown up Mackenzie Rosman of "7th Heaven" fame) and a grizzled lighthouse keeper (Richard "Night Court" Moll) in this enjoyably cheesy slice of SyFy schlock. It's no "Sharknado" but it's good dumb fun.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Silver Linings Playbook (2012) (Blu-ray)

Young man with a more or less cured case of mental problems is being released to his parents after staying at some clinic for eight months. The mental breakdown was caused when he caught is beloved wife cheating on him, and now he is obsessed in getting back together, even though he is not allowed to come close to his ex-wife. While he is trying to adjust he meets a young woman with problems of her own, but there's an instant attraction both can't deny...

At times hilarious feel good romantic drama-comedy with top notch acting. Sympathetic movie highly recommended 5/5

Elvira's Haunted Hills (2001)

Elvira and her maid are stranded at some dark castle deep in Carpathian mountains where she encounters old family curses, murder, sex and torture...

This turned out to be much better than its reputation. Sure, its not on par with Mistress of the Dark, but the movie is self aware while poking fun at the genre. Enjoyable 4/5


Midnight Run-(1988) Robert De Niro plays a bounty hunter assigned to bring in a crooked accountant (Charles Grodin). Things get difficult when it turns out the FBI and the Mafia get on the trail of this guy. These days when we hear that De Niro is in another comedy the instinct is to groan but this is 1988 and he is still at the top of his game. Really nice comedy gets a lot of mileage out of the chemistry between the two main guys. As a big film score fan I had actually heard Danny Elfmans score to this one years prior and was a big fan already. Watching the film I grew to love the score even more as it perfectly encapsulates the light tone of the film, probably my favorite Elfman score.

Heres the main theme. 
End Titles (from Midnight Run) - Danny Elfman


Notes on a Scandal (2006)
Cate Blanchett plays a new teacher over her head who is befriended by an older more experienced Judi Dench. As their friendship intensifies Dench finds out that Blanchett has begun a sexual affair with a 15 year old student. Rather than rat her out she uses the information to her advantage as a tool to manipulate and control Blanchett.

Screenwriter Patrick Marber was behind 2004s Closer a film that while well acted struck me as pretentious. Here working based on a novel the writing is up to the caliber of the actors. In Closer every character was pretty much rotten to the core here we get nuance and moral complexity. And unlike just about every single other thriller I have seen this one doesn't fall apart in the third act. Philip Glass contributes a great score here.


Pacific Rim (2013): An inter-dimensional portal is used by giant monster aliens named kaiju (giant beasts) to unleash an onslaught against mankind. The only hope for mankind might be the troubled Jaegar (giant robots designed to battle these beasts and piloted by humans using a mind connection called "the Drift") program.

Of course, I couldn't help but enjoy a lot of this one. It's like a mishmash of Japanese anime mecha combined with their kaiju films with a bit of war strategy film thrown in for good measure. Directed by Guillermo Del Toro, one gets a sense that he's clearly a fan of the genre. There's loads of action here and some of the epic variety. That said, there are a few flaws particularly the ending which I know I've seen before in other films (one in particular I cannot seem to pinpoint in my memory right now). Technically though, it goes way back to the 50s classics on some levels (Godzilla, Beast From 20000 Fathoms, It Came From Beneath the Sea). And yes, also in terms of FX mattering more than star actors. Also on some levels the monster fights feel slightly anticlimactic and there's too much talked about after the fact and not enough shown. In fact, they probably could have made 3 films out of this had they just started with the monster attack on San Francisco and then moved on to other elements. Of course, on many levels this is a popcorn movie but a surprisingly enjoyable one at that with some gross out imagery, lots of action and robots battling giant monsters and oh yeah, Ron Pearlman too.  ***1/2 out ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Cheerleader Massacre II (2009) - some cheerleaders go to camp and as luck would have it, there are some miniature military robots that have gotten loose and are killing everybody. This was decent for a cheesy direct-to-video cheapie.  Not much in the way of character development and it did get a trifle boring at times, but there was plenty of noodity, that's for sure. 3/5.

Devil's Pass (The Dyatlov Pass Incident) (2013) - 50 years ago some Russians went hiking in the Urals and were later found dead. Nobody knows what happened. In the present, some American college students decide to retrace their steps to try to get to the bottom of the mystery. This is one of those found footage films so you can kind of guess that things don't go to well for them. I really liked this. It takes a while to get going but it kept me interested nonetheless. The main girl is quite nice and sympathetic but everyone else is pretty expendable. It does a really good job of building tension once they arrive in the Urals and start hiking. When we find out what's going on out there, well it's not exactly believable but it's quite interesting and has a neat little twist at the end. Very good overall. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

BAD CHICKEN (2013): A manipulative chicken (played by a hand puppet) seduces a beautiful woman by promising to make her a TV reality star; her boyfriend is suspicious. Lovely and talented Isabelle Gardo makes a great B-move bimbo (that's a compliment), but the movi'es chicken gimmick wears thin quickly, and doesn't push the bad behavior to truly outrageous levels---another MEET THE FEEBLES this ain't. 2/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...