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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Ticonderoga 64

The Raven(1935)
Batman vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice Ultimate Edition(2016)
Murder By the Clock(1931)
Shock Waves(1977)
Doctor Who: Heaven Sent/Hell Bent(2015)
Queen Of Outer Space(1958)
Cry Of the Banshee(1970)
Count Yorga, Vampire(1970)


As my fever rages unabated for the third straight day, my sickbed movie marathon continues!
This morning I watched THE DEMON (1979), a glacially paced slasher film that was shot, for the most part, in dim light or no light at all. Seriously, there were entire scenes where you had no idea what was going on because the lighting was just that bad!  Never has a film with that much nudity put me to sleep so many times.  Also - what is it with late 70's horror flicks that the final girl always winds up running away from the killer wearing nothing but a pair of granny panties?  I think I've seen that in 2 or 3 different films from 78 and 79.  Not that I'm complaining, just not very original.  Overall, this one's a snoozer.  I give it a 2.5/5 with a full point for the pretty girls.

After that I watched SNOWBEAST - I think it was made around 1982.  It's a made-for-TV, low budget bigfoot movie in which the great hairy one decided to start snacking on skier - almost entirely off camera, since they didn't have enough budget for good gore effects or good Bigfoot effects.  Lots of meaningless drama between the main characters in between the off-camera bigfoot attacks.  2/5, this one's a snoozer.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"The Secret Life of Pets" (2016)

A pampered urban-dwelling pooch's life turns upside down when his owner adopts another dog from the pound. The inevitable personality conflicts lead to serious animated mayhem that takes them on an adventure across the city, and prompts their fellow pets to mount a rescue mission. I took my soon-to-be-9-year-old son to see this today for his birthday (which is tomorrow)... he had a blast and so did I. Very funny stuff!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


My afternoon movie set included BLOOD TIDE (1982) with James Earl Jones playing an archeologist/treasure hunter on a small Greek island who accidentally unleashes an ancient monster from its prison, then goes all Captain Ahab on it after it eats his girlfriend, mistaking her for a virgin.  Several very pretty girls, lots of 80's big hair, and a golden quote from Darth Vader himself:
"Beaten paths are for beaten men."  Cheesy 80's fun!!! 4/5

LADY FRANKENSTEIN (1972)    SPOILERS This Italian reboot of the Frankenstein legend feature Dr. Frankenstein creating his monster using the brain of a condemned killer - so of course it kills him, then goes on a rampage.  Littered with corpses and gratuitous nudity, this 70's epic sees Victor Frankenstein's daughter, Tonya, picking up her father's torch and creating a second monster to take out the first one.  The second monster is made from the youthful, handsome, and very strong body of the village idiot, Thomas, and the mind of Frankenstein's middle-aged assistant, who loves Tonya but is "too old and crippled" for her to love in return.  So she kills Thomas, installs Robert's brain, gets jiggy with him a few times, and then together they destroy the monster as an angry mob of peasants burns down the castle around them.  In  the final scene, she and her creation are having sex on the lab floor when she calls him Thomas and he strangles her - roll credits!
This is a thoroughly enjoyable mess with lots of cute girls and snarling villains.  Lots of fun!  4.5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Witchboard (1986) - punk girls in my highschool used to watch this, probably because the main character is a ouija board. That was punk back then. Anyway, this was good. I'd guess a lot of people here who would see such things have already seen it but if not it's top quality 80's b movie action. Tawny Kitaen is the lead actress and she's really good, carries her scenes well and knows how to engage the camera/ audience. not bad looking either 

quite amateurish in places but fun to watch with a good story and some good performances and 80's color. what more do you need? 5/5


"Three the Hard Way" (1974)
Blaxploitation's three biggest stars - Fred "The Hammer" Williamson, "Gentleman" Jim Brown and Jim "Enter the Dragon" Kelly - team up to stop a white supremacist group who plan to commit nationwide black genocide. Many butts get kicked, lots of stuff blows up, bullets fly, and some hot girls take their tops off, too. This is a better than average blaxploitation epic, packed with lots of funky action. Outa-site, man!!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Today my sickbed movie marathon started with Stephen Spielberg 'S historical biopic LINCOLN. Love this movie but my fever has my emotions so screwed up that I was bawling uncontrollably at the end.  I am SO tired of being sick! 5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

MST3K: THE DEADLY MANTIS: Professor Bobo sends this week's experiment, a giant killer bug movie, to the Satellite while arming a thermonuclear device to destroy the Earth; Mike inadvertently helps, then is hunted by Pearl in her Winnebago rocketship. Season 8 is still getting on its feet but things are improving; Bill Corbett is growing into his role as the new Crow T. Robot, the riffing is getting back on track, and the overall plot arc is starting to take shape with the first big twist. The movie selection remains a problem in early season 8 as they're still stuck with Universal's back catalog titles; who wants to mock a mediocre giant bug movie when there are terrible giant bug movies out there begging for a skewering? 3/5.   
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


OK, today I broke out one of my 50 movie DVD packs and watched three of them . . .
CATHOLIC GHOULGIRLS was the story of three foulmouthed, hard-drinking Catholic schoolgirls wearing blouses about three sizes too small for them who try to survive the zombie apocalypse with their loser boyfriends.  Zero budget, zero talent, so bad that it was . . . almost brilliant!  1/5 regular movie scale, 4/5 bad movie scale.

Then I watched THE BEWITCHING, which turned out to be a softcore flick thinly disguised as a horror film.  Seriously, cut out all the sex and nudity and you'd have about a 12 minute runtime with this one. 2/5

Finally, I watched THE HIGH DESERT.  A psycho Vietnam vet named Frank kidnaps a waitress who beat him at pool, triggering a shootout at a remote mountain cabin.  As cheaply as this was done, it was somewhat entertaining.  3.5./5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


This morning I watched HEARTS IN ATLANTIS on HBO.  It's been a long time since I read the Stephen King story by this title, and honestly, if the movie follows the book, then I have forgotten the plot entirely.  That may be possible - not all of King's stuff is as memorable as the rest - but in any case, this was a sweet coming of age film about an elderly psychic, on the run from the FBI, who befriends a lonely boy living with his widowed mother and teaches him some valuable lessons about life.  Anthony Hopkins plays the strange neighbor and is, of course, marvelous in the role, and the child actors all did a great job as well.  This one was definitely worth watching.  4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


After being up most of the day, I finally wore out - I am a long way from full strength yet!
I went upstairs and watched HELL'S HIGHWAY, a movie I reviewed on here a long time ago.  It's one of those early releases from Brain Damage Films which had decent acting and a surprisingly complex plot.  A group of spring breakers, driving across Death Valley on a cross country trip to California, run afoul of an evil woman named Lucinda - if she is indeed a woman at all! - who terrorizes them clean across the desert, killing and committing mayhem along the way.  Lucinda is played by a lovely actress named Phoebe Dollar, and Ron Jeremy not only does a cameo role, but gets his legendary member sliced off by Lucinda in one of the film's more brutal scenes.  Loads of gore, nudity, and desert hijinks in this cheap production - the kind of thing bad movie fans live for! 4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: indianasmith on July 23, 2016, 02:58:44 PM
As my fever rages unabated for the third straight day, my sickbed movie marathon continues!
This morning I watched THE DEMON (1979), a glacially paced slasher film that was shot, for the most part, in dim light or no light at all. Seriously, there were entire scenes where you had no idea what was going on because the lighting was just that bad!  Never has a film with that much nudity put me to sleep so many times.  Also - what is it with late 70's horror flicks that the final girl always winds up running away from the killer wearing nothing but a pair of granny panties?  I think I've seen that in 2 or 3 different films from 78 and 79.  Not that I'm complaining, just not very original.  Overall, this one's a snoozer.  I give it a 2.5/5 with a full point for the pretty girls.

:buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout:

I can't believe that watching this terrible South Africa rip-off of Halloween didn't make you sicker! Just BTW: I know the producer, director, writer and the cinematographer and I wrote a review of it for this site.  :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


"Inside Metal: The L.A. Metal Scene Explodes" (2016)
Members of Dokken, W.A.S.P., Great White, Ratt, Armored Saint, Sound Barrier, Pandemonium, and many more share their memories of the early '80s "boom years" of the Sunset Strip heavy metal scene. There are some decent stories told in this documentary but overall it's kinda dry. 

"RoboCop: Crash and Burn" (2001)
OCP is ready to unveil a new artificial-intelligence computer program called "SAINT" which will fully automate Delta City... unfortunately a cyber-terrorist wants to infect it with a virus that will cause the deaths of millions. Naturally, RoboCop rides to the rescue! This fourth and final chapter in the "Prime Directives" saga is basically 90 minutes of bullets flying, people (and cyborgs) beating the crap out of each other, stuff blowing up, and glass breaking. Mindless fun.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (2015)

This is already my second viewing of this flick, which is something I rarely, if ever, do - usually by the time I sit for a repeat viewing of a movie, it's been years since I last saw it!
... and yet again, all I can say is "Thank you, J.J. Abrams. You've made this old fanboy very happy."
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Some call it Loving (1973) - very WTF movie I caught on TCM Undergound. A guy becomes transfixed with a woman who is the star of a ridiculous "Sleeping Beauty" carnival sideshow. He is somehow rich and lives a very eccentric life in a giant mansion where most of the movie takes place. He has several other hot babes who live with him and they are all involved in this erotic and odd stageplay that is this movie. richard Pryor has a small and very awkward and pointless role as his friend. when he talks he isn't funny and sounds lke Stepin Fetchit I can only imagine how utterly baffled his fans who went and saw this were.

The girl played by British actress Carol White is sweet and the other main girl played by Tisa Farrow is more sort of domineering and its a good counter thingy. They sometimes dress up as Nuns so it's a bit of nunsploitation too. Zalman King the male lead is like a rich man's Marjoe Gortner. Everyone who made and is involved in it is insane. 5/5