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Star Trek XI news and rumors

Started by trekgeezer, August 23, 2007, 08:25:15 PM

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I've been holding back from posting everything I hear about this, but some of the news has me pretty excited about this project. It's nice to see the Star Trek world all abuzz since inept producers came close to running the franchise into the ground.

The only casting done so far is Zachary Quinto as young Spock (see link to pic below), Leonard Nimoy as elder Spock, and 18 year old Anton Yelchin as Chekov. None of the rest of the crew have been cast.

There are rumors going around that JJ Abrams has approached Russell Crowe to play the villian, although Crowe has been asked about it twice in interviews and has appeared clueless about it (check the two links below, both have video).

There is also a rumor that Tom Cruise would make a brief appearance as Captain Christopher Pike (played by Jeffery Hunter in the first TOS pilot) captain of the Enterprise before Kirk. I don't think anyone has asked Cruise about it.

The movie starts filming in November with an 85 day shoot scheduled, two weeks of which will be in Iceland. They have also reserved 11 sound stages at Paramount and I think at  Universal.

Quinto as Spock

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


 :smile: That's good news Trek, it has been too long a wait for this South African Trekkier since Nemesis was released.  :smile:

I am still reeling at getting stiffed when I blind bought what I thought were two mint VHS copies of Star Trek V1 and Nemesis a few months back, Nemesis was OK, but some idiot had taped over V1 with a TV broadcast of Godzilla  :buggedout:

Don't get me wrong, I liked Godzilla but V1 was what I wanted.  :tongueout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.