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Plan 9 from Outer Space

Started by Andrew, January 25, 1999, 11:15:54 PM

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Ticonderoga 64

Quote from: Parralax view on May 20, 2016, 08:29:48 PM
Ya have to give Ed Wood credit, he made the most of no talent, no backing, no studio, no union, no money, no nothing.  That he could even get a full length feature made, no matter how bad, was pretty impressive. 

And his films are still more entertaining than anything Jerry Warren ever turned out.. :smile:


     If you loved PLAN 9, you must see this....


! No longer available

     This flick went unseen for around thirty years because of a lab bill Wood never paid; fans who'd heard of it from FAMOUS MONSTERS and other sources ponied up the seven hundred-some bucks, and here 'tis.
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.