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What is your fave MST3K movie?

Started by ELOrocks17, February 02, 2008, 10:01:07 AM

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Just Plain Horse

Hmm... that's a toughie for me *ponders* I guess I'm have to go with The Brain That Wouldn't (Couldn't, Didn't, whatever...) Die. I remember the first time I saw it that I laughed so much by the time it was over, my sides hurt. The joke about the armchair literally had me rolling on the floor.

Other faves:
The Incredible Melting Man
Space Mutiny
The Giant Spider Invasion
The Amazing Colossal Man
The Mole People
Zombie Nightmare
Cave Dwellers
Pod People
Horror At Party Beach
Attack of the Giant Leeches
Devil Doll
Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster
War of the Colossal Beast
The Rebel Set
The Dead Talk Back
Hercules Against The Moonmen
The Amazing Transparent Man


Wild World of Batwoman, SkyDivers, and Jack Frost.
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...


Just recently saw "Prince of space". It was ok, not as good as "Track of the moonbeast" though.
\"This is where the fish live!-Touch of Satan