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December 2008 DVD Giveaway

Started by Andrew, December 03, 2008, 09:31:41 PM

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Easy one again, just be a member of the Feedburner mailing list on the last day of the month.  The prize is the "Drive-In Discs:  Vol 1" DVD that has both "The Giant Leeches" and "The Screaming Skull" on it.
Andrew Borntreger


I'm in.

I think I'm in.

(checks mailing list thingy)

Yep, I'm in!   :teddyr:

TheDope: bringing the conversation to a grinding halt since 2002.

the Rev. J. Darkside

I bought a film (that I lost before I could watch it but it's got to be around here somewhere) called Attack of the Giant Leeches that has a similar cover. Could these films be the same?
Bruce Campbell is a lover and a fighter. If you want to find him, follow the trail of dead men and pregnant women.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: the Rev. J. Darkside on December 09, 2008, 07:21:21 PM
I bought a film (that I lost before I could watch it but it's got to be around here somewhere) called Attack of the Giant Leeches that has a similar cover. Could these films be the same?

Yep, it's the same Roger Corman movie (with yummy Yvette Vickers!)
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Im pretty sure i have screaming skull, but not leeches. Either way, im in.
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


I never received a reply from the first selected winner, so I hit again and ran the random number generator again.  Scott M. of CT is the winner.

I am probably going to run another contest for Jan 2009 with the same criteria:  a member of the feedburner mailing list.
Andrew Borntreger