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April 2008 DVD Giveaway

Started by Andrew, April 01, 2008, 04:12:36 PM

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I really dig this site. Its a place where I can find movies that I've never even heard of (a good chunk of my b-movie dvd library is a result of this site) and it lets me talk to other people who don't give me the rolly-eyed look when I say "dude, have you ever seen "Killer Klowns from Outer Space? It's AWSOME!" Also the people on the site are for the most part friendly and open to friendly arguement and feedback, so that rules. Its also awsome that you can submit your own reveiws for movies.

As of right now I can really think of any problems I've had with this site. It doesnt ever kick me of unexpectedly and its not full of pop-ups and viruses. Ive never really dug the karma thing, though. I dont really understand it. It's basicly just and oportunity to annoy people and stuff like that, but other folks seem to dig it, so thats cool.

I'm not really interested in getting a half of a full movie on dvd, so please dont put me in the drawing for Death Proof. I just thought this would be a good oportunity to give the site some praise.
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


The shade of green on this website is more ugly than filthy. And it should be more filthy. Like this color : #5B8A4C

No really, try it out. It looks really gross. It somewhat refers to the 40s, which is ofcourse the era of bad horror with dark forests cut out of cardboard and blood made of various groceries. Plus it reminds me of squishy, shiny, round olives.

I love this website. Broad collection, hilarious reviews (the sound -and videoclips are particularly a nice feature) and I like the system with the skulls. I stumbled upon this website when I was searching for some background information on the "Puppet master" movies. At that time I wasn't aware of films as featured on this website, because I was a 14 year old.. in Europe.. and thus only got to see mainstream horror and blockbuster comedies with Hugh Grant or Adam Sandler.

But this website has been a great source for expanding knowledge about the hidden cult pearls in the sea of film. So. Thank you very much and carry on this great work. But make the color a little more filthy. Oh and, a little more information on how and where certain films can be purchased or viewed, would be very much appreciated.



You review "bad films". Can't say more than that. Do I win the DVD?

Aaron Weagle

I like the following:
Ease of finding reviews.
Rating system
pics and movies with each review

Additions: More reader review access on home page
A weekly review of SCi Fi channel sat night moves, I understand this may not be possible every week. These movies always fall into the realm of Bad Movies.


Quote from: Sue on April 22, 2008, 08:06:15 PM
The shade of green on this website is more ugly than filthy. And it should be more filthy.

I think everyone can agree that I more than make up for the lack of filth in the color. :teddyr:

Quote from: Sue on April 22, 2008, 08:06:15 PMI love this website. Broad collection...

We all love the women on here too. :bouncegiggle:


Andrew, the community of contributors and your considerate stewardship are what make this site unique. 

Quote from: Menard on April 27, 2008, 01:55:13 PM
Quote from: Sue on April 22, 2008, 08:06:15 PM
The shade of green on this website is more ugly than filthy. And it should be more filthy.
I think everyone can agree that I more than make up for the lack of filth in the color. :teddyr:
I don't agree.  There are contributors far more offensive than you, Menard.   :tongueout: 

If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


Drawing done!  I need Kester Pelagius to get in touch with me.  I just sent an email to the email address you have registered for the forum.
Andrew Borntreger


Kester asked me to exclude him and run the random drawing again, so I did so and this time I came up with RCMerchant.  Sending you an email now.

Andrew Borntreger


(golf applause)

Good job Kester...I mean, RC.  Congratulations.

(clapping slows to  stop, looking around, glowers)

Someday, I will win this accursed contest...some day....

(evil chuckle, composes self)

Uh, yeah, congrats.

TheDope: bringing the conversation to a grinding halt since 2002.

Kester Pelagius

Congrats RC!

Feels awesome to be a winner doesn't it?

Cosmic Cinema - SF articles and reviews.

Mise-en-scene Crypt - Rants, reviews, & more! (10% NSFW)


Cripes! I won! Yippity skippty!  :thumbup:

I would like to thank Andrew-our Fearsome Leader, the Bad Movie Baddites, my Mom,my dog Ted,my wifey,my rotton kids,Sister Nina,President Eisenhower, 4SJ Ackermonster,Mr.Lammele...and every one else I can't think of.

Except the bastard Karloff! DAM that sonofab***h!!!

(kidding,Boris! :tongueout:)
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


So, is there a may movie givaway?
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


Quote from: KYGOTC on May 29, 2008, 02:04:17 PM
So, is there a may movie givaway?

Yes there is, you subscribe to the mailing list.  Seeing as how that doesn't require a thread Andrew apparently didn't put one up.
Barbeque sauce tastes good on EVERYTHING, even salad.

Yes, salad.