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Character Deaths That Made You Smile

Started by Mr. DS, April 14, 2008, 08:12:48 PM

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Joe the Destroyer

Hmm... Lessee...

*some spoilers*

The annoying emo girl in Minotaur.  Can't remember her name, but she gets a horn through the back of her head that sticks out her mouth.

The trio (can't remember their names, but the two chicks and a guy) in Hostel that sold the characters out.  Especially the last one, who gets royally owned by her own cohorts.

Bill Gates in South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut.


While on the subject of South Park characters...

All of the pedophiles that killed themselves on the tourrettes episode.

and of course Kenny.
Barbeque sauce tastes good on EVERYTHING, even salad.

Yes, salad.

Doc Daneeka

One of the few redeeming features in SCARECROW SLAYER was when characters died, seeing as they were all totally unlikeable, hell I wish all of them bit it, the main girl... ESPECIALLY the irresponsible bastard doctors.

When the "bully soldier cadet dude" is the human you cheered for the most you know you've got a cast of stinkers. I'm not saying people created to be "evil and nasty" to make the audience cringe, I'm talking about "mean and stupid" enough to make you want to kill them yourself. We have to settle for the dumbass-possessed scarecrow himself offing them in a painfully tedious, just-well-made-enough-to-not-be-happily-laughed-at-time-frame.

The blonde chick, I believe her name was "Sheila", was a MAJOR ditz-b***h who was by far the best (worst?) example of such a character to ever grace the screen, if Paris Hilton herself had made an appearence next to her, well, the latter could not have been much worse B(. With about 15 minutes left, most of the comparatively-likeable characters are dead, and the aforementioned cadet (Who I actually rooted for wildly as he fried the scarecrow) having just been offed by the a***ole monster, I was left an even-more ticked viewer, I was however, hopeful as the uber-witch Sheila(?) herself reappeared, reminding myself of her previous a***olery and left me eagerly awaiting her demise, hoping HARD that she would not escape like the doctors apparently did.

I was ready as she stood whining and moaning to the slightly-more-tolerable main-girl, expecting something slow, painful, and just bloody enough to be shown in it's entirety on cable TV. Needless to say the filmmakers (DAVID MICHAEL LATT of the ASSylum :hatred:) were not on my wavelength, but instead gave me something totally unexpected and strangely satisfactory. As miss Sheila stood out in the open grass, yelling like a moron, and I sulked nearly puking in anticipation on my bed, the Scarecrow dropped from a window, and, despite a scarecrow's average weight (perhaps offset by the cliche physique of such types :tongueout:), my nemesis was CRUSHED VERTICALLY FLAT :teddyr: :teddyr:
For the latest on the fifth installment in Don Coscarelli's Phantasm saga.


That one guy's girlfriend in Candy Stripers, b@#$%
Barbeque sauce tastes good on EVERYTHING, even salad.

Yes, salad.


I second the toilet death from Jurassic Park!

Sleepaway Camp 2 had one girl get forced down the hole of an outhouse and beaten into the crap at the bottom.  You had to laugh to avoid being disgusted!

Almost all of the deaths in Night of the Lepus

The computer nerd from Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2

That saluting guy from Alien Resurrection

The Mola Ram in The Temple of Doom


I can't pin it down to any one title but the character death that makes me grin the most would have to be the Arrogant Criminal. You watch them for two hours, grinding your teeth as they go about their sinister ways only to watch them get paid back in full plus change and interest.
Kleel's rule is harsh :-B


The second Star Destroyer commander after apologizing to Vader for losing the Millennium Falcon.   :teddyr:
He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature... and because of it, the greatest in the universe........
-Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves)

That gum you like is going to come back in style.
-The Man from Another Place


The two backwoods 'citified' brothers in MOTHERS'"S DAY. And Ma, of course. If any sick basterds needed to die was this trio!


One inbred s**thead  (Addly) gets a hatchet in the nuts,the other (Ike) gets draino poured in his mouth,a TV smashed over his head,and finally,carved up with an electric knife!!! YAY!  :drink:
Finally Ma gets smothered with a transparent,inflated boobie! Awright!  :cheers:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Dick Jones in Robocop would be another one. Bob Morton too for that matter, but only because Kurtwood Smith did it with so much style.

Has anybody mentioned the scimitar-swinging baddy in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
"Join me in the abyss of savings."


Lincoln Weinberg Jr's demise in Hardware.
"You won't be able to see Santa Claus."
"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.

Megalons Revenge

The b***h from Friday the 13th part 7. she looked like my home ec teacher in 7th grade.

she told us we all needed sowing more than math because all of us were gonna end up on a sowing gameshow someday. we were all pretty sure she was on shrooms or something.


Col.  Tavington in THE PATRIOT. 

"My sons were better men!"

Go Mel!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Mr. DS

I'm for Paris Hilton in the House Of Wax remake.   :thumbup:
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


The annoying mother in "troll 2":

(she's on the left)


Trinity in Matrix Revolutions-3 hour movie and 65% of it was her death scene.  Actually  when Neo died was pretty good, because that meant there would be no more sequels.

Rain in Mortal Kombat 2.  They just killed off one of my least favorite MK characters.  In fact that death scene was so good, the movie used it twice.

Any main X-Men charater from X-Men 3.  That movie just ruined so many of them.
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...