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Started by cyberschizoid, January 15, 2013, 06:17:08 AM

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Cyberschizoid, Filmbar70 and Shock Horror Magazine celebrate Women In Horror Month with a special FEMALE PSYCHOS double bill at the Roxy Bar and Screen near London Bridge.

* Sunday 17th February @2pm
* Roxy Bar & Screen, Borough High Street, London Bridge
* Only £6 admission!
* FREE copies of SHOCK HORROR Magazine!
* Bar opens 1pm - food available!

The BBC2 horror double bills of the 1970s and 1980s are a distant, happy memory. Many classic horror films are now deemed suitable for family viewing, most are ripping yarns and have inspired other film-makers, artists, authors and generally enriched our lives.

Now you can recapture those halcyon days of the old BBC2 Saturday night horror double bills in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere at one of London's premiere boutique cinema venues.

Buy tickets from -

STRAIT-JACKET (1964) - a tour-de-force of high camp horror from William Castle starring Hollywood legend Joan Crawford.

FRIGHTMARE (1974) - A true British classic shocker from Pete Walker featuring Sheila Keith in one of her best performances.

Umaril Has Returned

I never got to see Frightmare, but Strait-Jacket is a great movie, done by William Castle nonetheless!  And in true William Castle form, the ending of the movie has a nice little sight gag that you have to be quick to catch, and it'll give ya' a good laugh!


Ya gotta love William Castle films - he was the master showman!