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Slasher Flick in Woods with Badass Final Girl with Axes!!

Started by Jmpstart, August 24, 2008, 08:47:04 PM

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I think I saw this on Joe Bob's Drive-In, but I'm not sure.  It's a slasher flick, I think with either a killer biker gang or hillbillies.  The last/final girl, is wimpy at the start, but in the end, being the only one left, goes into a cabin/shack and finds these rusty axes that she shines off with beer.  She then methodically hunts down her tormentors and it's cheesy fun!

It's almost like the transformation of Alice from Nightmare on Elm Street :  Dream Master.


Not sure myself what this one might be, however if it's anything slasher related you're looking for you should pay a visit to
Odds are there's a mention of it there


I guess it wasn't so much as a usual slasher flick, but it was teens or something in the woods and this gang keeps killing people.  It's been year, but thanks for the link!