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It Really Annoys Me When...

Started by Ash, September 22, 2008, 02:35:32 PM

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It really annoys me when people aren't polite and have no manners. A simple "thank you" or "your welcome" shouldn't be so hard to say. I constantly use manners but it seems instead of the proper reply I get ignored or get rude looks.

Also really annoys me when people try and butt in line. If I see someone with fewer items, I will offer to let them go ahead of me in any case so such behaviour is very inappropriate in my opinion. I never ever butt in line and only move ahead if someone offered to let me do so. There seems to be a real lack of manners and proper social etiquette these days and I'm frequently annoyed by that.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


It really annoys me when people waiting for service at the Dunkin Donuts stand so far back from the counter that you can't tell where the line is, or if there is a line, and they're blocking the door. This is a weird thing I've only seen in the area where I live. If you're in line, then form a damned LINE, dammit! What, is the counter radioactive? Why are you standing 20 feet away if you're next?


I really annoys me when ANYBODY who likes rap music thinks that means they actually CAN rap.  Especially if they decide to do it in public areas, like a school.  DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they live in the freaking suburbs!  When your parents buy you your own car, you cannot say that you're life is that hard.  I'm fine with rap music, I don't like it, but it's an accepted musicall style that's not going away anytime soon, but in twenty years it'll be considered old people music .  HOWEVER, don't say that you, "snort yo' crack off o' dat bee hatches a$$ after poopin that mo-fo cuz he don't give you yo props," when you're supposed to be home before 11:30.  Stupids.
Barbeque sauce tastes good on EVERYTHING, even salad.

Yes, salad.

Mr. DS

It really annoys me when people who flock to donut boxes, order out from Burger King every other day and have a chocolate bar for dessert complain about how fat they've gotten and that their cholesterol is high. 
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


It really annoys me when I go to McDonald's and they skimp me on the french fries.
I'll order a large fry and it'll barely be half full.
It's even worse at the drive-thru when I pull away before checking my food.  Then I have to drive around, park, go inside with my bag of food in hand, wait in line and endure the employees' glares and looks when I complain (politely) that I didn't get enough fries with my meal.

C'mon McDonalds!  You're a multi-billion dollar corporation.  When I order fries, I want that container filled as far as it'll go!


People clog up the aisles in stores.  You know standing around having a conversation while oblivious to the fact that their cart (or their ass) is blocking the aisle.

I go out of my way not to do this kind of stuff. I really believe in acting the way you want to treated.

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


Quote from: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 03:58:48 PM
It Really Annoys Me When: Women act tough. I can understand it if the ARE tough, and I don't mean tough for a WOMAN, but rather a woman that is tough compared to most MEN.

Most women like that are about 4'11", 90 lbs, and also have a serious case of "Princess Syndrome".   :hatred:

The one woman I know who really is tough doesn't go around acting tough.  She'll just twist your arm behind your back and have you down with her foot on the back of your neck if you p**s her off.
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!


Most that I see are of the the typical Alaskan short, fat, ugly variety. There's one I see that has that attitude who is short, fat, ugly, and a drunken stoner. She walks around like she owns the world wearing a jacket that has "H.M.F.I.C." on it, she drives a cab part-time and on welfare the rest for pete's sake, she's in charge of NOTHING.
Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

Happiness is green text in the "Stuff To Watch For" section.

James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

"Aw man, this thong is chafing my balls" -Lloyd Kaufman in Poultrygeist.

"There's always time for lubricant" -Orlando Jones in Evolution

Mr. DS

It really annoys me when people assume I watch or give a sh*t about sports.  For example people come up to me and ask "Are the Patriots playing today" or "Who won the game last night".  I have no f'n clue because I don't watch/follow sports any more.

Granted I used to watch sports until I realized it didn't matter who won or lost.  Rather, who had the biggest contract. 
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


It really annoys me when people refuse to take responsibility for, or accept the consequences of their own actions and try to blame someone or something else for the problem or situation they caused. I get this type of thing a lot at work, mostly from customers, but you can find this behaviour just about anywhere and it drives me right up the wall.   

Reach for the heavens in hope for the future for all that we can be, not what we are. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.


Quote from: The DarkSider on September 27, 2008, 09:08:21 AM
It really annoys me when people assume I watch or give a sh*t about sports.  For example people come up to me and ask "Are the Patriots playing today" or "Who won the game last night".  I have no f'n clue because I don't watch/follow sports any more.

Granted I used to watch sports until I realized it didn't matter who won or lost.  Rather, who had the biggest contract. 

Same here, I watch Drag Racing and IRL, Formula one, and can't really stand Nascar, but people are always trying to get me to watch it. I have, and I'm not impressed. I have a relative that I see for a few weeks every few years, and I feel I spend half the time explaining that I don't watch football, then I have to explain I don't watch COLLEGE football, , then HIGHSCHOOL football, then NASCAR, then POKER. Then I get questions why THEIR local football teams (highschool, college, professional), aren't my FAVORITES, , teams in a sport I don't even watch. The worst part, which Darksider pretty much stated, is they DON'T BELIEVE me, as if there's no way I could have ever watched Nascar and NOT like it. Their mentality is that there are two kinds of people: People who love Nascar, and people that have never seen it. Then I get the people at work asking me to get on the football board. Like I'm going to put money into a bet, on a team I don't know from any other, on a game I don't care about. Heck, I could probably win the stupid thing and they could just lie to me and rip me off because I'd not bother to look up the score.

Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

Happiness is green text in the "Stuff To Watch For" section.

James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

"Aw man, this thong is chafing my balls" -Lloyd Kaufman in Poultrygeist.

"There's always time for lubricant" -Orlando Jones in Evolution


It really annoys me when none of my neighbors seem to know how to keep their dogs on leashes and all of the dogs seem to crap  only in my yard. They then somehow try to put the blame on me that this is somehow MY fault as I don't have a fenced in yard! Morons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


One of my neighbors has two greyhounds and they walk by my house every time they take them out.  So it really annoys me when they take forever to get past my house because my dog goes nucking futs every time they walk by.  :hatred:
Barbeque sauce tastes good on EVERYTHING, even salad.

Yes, salad.


A few weeks ago I heard a lady vigorously chewing out two kids because they were standing by her truck, and because they were, her dogs went ape$h!t and tore up the upholstery (the dogs were inside the truck, and I'm not sure of how legal that is). Now, I'm not so naive that I don't think it's possible the kids walked by and the dogs started going crazy, so the kids stood there and watched, , but, , if your dogs tear up the inside of your truck, , isn't THAT the root of the problem? When I said she was chewing them out, "trying to" chew them out would be more accurate. The kids were pretty entertained by her and didn't take much of it in. I laughed, which didn't help her cause.
Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

Happiness is green text in the "Stuff To Watch For" section.

James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

"Aw man, this thong is chafing my balls" -Lloyd Kaufman in Poultrygeist.

"There's always time for lubricant" -Orlando Jones in Evolution

Mr. DS

Speaking of dogs.  It annoys me my neighbors don't seem to realize how annoying a dog barking is at 1:30 in the morning. That and why its a generally bad idea to leave dogs outside tied up past 10 PM.   
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall