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Alien: Isolation (video game, spoilers)

Started by akiratubo, October 07, 2014, 11:35:19 PM

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15 years after the events of the original Alien, Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda, has taken a job with The Company.  One day, she is surprised to hear that the flight recorder for the Nostromo has been found.  She accompanies two Weyland-Yutani execs to Sevastopol space station to claim the recorder from the salvage crew who found it.  Unfortunately, the salvage crew didn't tell anyone that they took the step of retracing the Nostromo's course to LV-426, and something bad happened to one of them while they were there ...

Most of Alien: Isolation is excellent.  You control Amanda while she sneaks around the ruins of Sevastopol, hiding from both the alien that's running loose and scared people who shoot strangers on sight.  It's like Amnesia: The Dark Descent taken up to 11.  If the alien spots you, you're dead.  Period.  You can't run from it and you have no way to fight it.  The design aesthetic is cribbed directly from the original Alien, so you're running around in a future that looks strangely outdated, which is just awesome.  You can stumble upon audio logs from Dallas, Ripley, Parker, and Ash which were all done by the original cast.  This game also expands on the Alien universe, giving us a look at Seegson, rival company to Weyland-Yutani.  Seegson apparently owns Sevastopol and, aside from it being a dock, relay station, and repair facility, it was apparently Seegson's working showroom.  The place is populated by Seegson's very much second-rate androids, who do most of the day-to-day work of running the place.  All of the software and hardware is also Seegson and is obviously cheap knock-offs of Wey-Yu tech.  Seegson execs would bring potential clients to Sevastopol in hopes of wooing them with a first-hand look at how their second-rate crap was good enough.  This is actually pretty interesting stuff if you're a fan of Alien.

Unfortunately, "most of" a game is not "all".  Spoilers ahead so turn back now if you want to play this yourself.

The game loses the plot for about the middle third.  After you remove the alien from the station and save the day (cough cough yeah right), Sevastopol's AI goes bonkers and the Seegson androids start killing everyone.  It turns out that there is actually a whole nest of aliens in the station's reactor core.  Well, darn.  You have to spend an inexcusably long time fighting the annoying androids to get the core, all the while without seeing any aliens.  Once you manage to blow up the nest, thus really p**sing off the dozens of aliens who were roaming around the station and not in it at the time, the game gets good again.  Although, there's still quite a lot of stuff that feels like it was just there to make the game longer.  Remove, or at least drastically shorten, the android part and this game would be my pick for Game of the Year.
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